East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 22, 1903, Image 8

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the ideal Summer Shoe
for $1.
Our entire line of Ladies'
Tan O-tfords, $2.00 to $4.00
values for One Dollar.
Oxfords are essentially a sum
mer shoe. If we don't get
rid of our stock at the begin
ning of the season we will
have to carry them over until
next season and rather than
do tins we will sacrifice our
complc e line at cost and
even less. They are all new
goods, latest shaped toes and
stylish heels in all the popu
lar shades of tan and com
plete sizes. They are not
old, shelf worn goods, but
are new, bright and fresh
goods, such as you seldom
see on sale.
Remember, your choi:e cf
of many pretty shapes and
styles for ONE DOLLAR
Process of Making Ice Is Very Inter
estlng Twenty-eight Thousand
Pounds of Ice Made at One Charg
ing of the Vats Most of This
Year's Output Will Be Sent to
Walla Walla.
There Is one plnec In the city that
Is as cold as the fnbled Icy mountains
of Oreenlnnil even when the sun Is
' smiling his warmest summer smile,
! and that jilace Is the new Itoss Ice
fc Cold Storage Plant near the depot,
i The engines in ilie uir plant were
started the llrst lime about 4 o'clock
1 on last Friday and have been running
! most of the time since. The temper
' ature of the various rooms and of the
! IiIr freezing tank has been gradually
1 reduced until It is winter around the
biggest part of the structure.
1 One of the Largest Plants in State.
The new Institution is one of the
largest In the state, and when it is
running to Its full capacity will turn
; out ns much Ice or more than any
one plant in the city of Portland. The
Ire room will have a normal capacity
of 1-1 tons a day when it Is running
Its usual rate anil time, but this
, amount could be almost doubled
under pressure.
It has nine refrigerator rooms, four
of which are ready now to receive
their load of goods. In fact, there is
r. f. r..n Mr. Ari I11"? a consignment of everything
Mrs. C. C. Van Orsdall and Mrs. Ada frf)m an(J buUer w moat and
C. Ross Will Supervise Woodcraft , frut ln tnfl n0Ilse al present time. It
Relief There. ! seems like another world to step ln
out of the sun and the heat into the
dark and cold, where all of the pipes
fine line of musical instruments nnd
music The new firm will handle the )
pianos or the Eiler piano house of , 4
Portland, and perhaps will also have '
the agency for other makes not han-;
died by that house. .1 T nonovan of l.n Grande, Is In the
Messrs. Scott nnd Stewart are both T. Dono?"'
young men of fine business records. ; city on a short islt.
and It Is expected that they will make J. F. Kreps, of Moacham. was a
a success In this new venture, ns , visitor in the city Sunday,
they have a thorough knowledge of ! j, F Wilson, of Weston, wns a
the business. ; Pendleton visitor yesicrnnj
Mrs. J. R. Stnfford, of Boise City, is
1 in the city the guest or irienus..
Mr. and Mrs. l.ee Hale, of Heppner.
aie registered at the Golden Rule.
! T n. Swearlngen wont to Athena
ner. It was decided to send laborers and' Helix today on a short business
to meet what appeared to the meet-1 trip.
ing to le the most urgent present j)lss Burns, of Spokane, Is the
need and volunteers were called for. ; Rllcst 0f jisg Maude Crawford, at her
A large unmoor rcsponueu. 11m. umj , nomt. in this city.
40 were accepted by the committee. . , w ll;s,on, of
SSK Kernel! iSS S
The mavor appointed n committee his home this morning, after a short
to take charge of the present nnd 1 business visit nt this city,
prospective measures originating in s .Mrs. H. M. French, of Oaksdalo,
Freewnter for the alleviation of the J Wash.. Is the guest of Pendleton
conditions at Heppner. The com-1 friends here for a short time.
mlttee is as follows: J. W. Arnold. ; Hnrrv Conner or the legnl depart
F. R. Fuller. F. P. Miller. Henry Sta-, ment 0f tlu, 0 R & j;. wns in the
ley and Jeff Kerry. ctJ. ll0tween trains last night.
Dtir. rnrt Affairs 1 A. I- Waffle, of the furnishing goods
Octave" Pi'cforFnchman. was j Went of the nosto,, store. Is in
fined sx this morninc in the city 1 Heppner with the relief party from
court for drunkenness, and in default ' tn,s clt-v'
Toilet Sets
C C. Van Orsdall. grand guardian
of the Women of Woodcraft, and Mrs.
Ada C. Ross, left on the morning's
train for Heppner to supervise the
distribution of the relief fund con
tributed by the grand circle, and to
finish np the death proofs of the de-
"The Portland Oregonian is mis- sun can,- tl,e PJ of so much
takJn about the Longg children gong "? ' tfs-
tlon - said Mrs. Van Orsdall. "Our d .J502 ,k.(',M ?wa" ull
order will pay to their guardian 5500.
that line the room are covered with
an inch or Ice and the thermometer
registers only 10 above the zero
mark. But there are four of those
rooms now ready, and anyone over
come with the heat of the summer
and the Woodmen of the World will
pay $1,000. Their uncle, who lives at
Touchet. Wash., took the children to
his home Friday, and with the insur
ance, they will be taken care of. Most
of the heat of the outer world.
These rooms are rented bv the
month to the patrons of the place,
who then have the privilege to store
as much as the room will uold. but
If they have not enough to warrant
. .. ...,.. I e . l.
nf thn snnon irhinh will 1ir nnlrt In- """H "i " uum mrj run rair
our order, will go to tne surviving ''V 8 stored at so much a
children, and hence none of them will ! p
be objects of public or private char- Twenty Tons of Salt to Make Brine,
ity." I The ice room has a capacity of 14
I tons to the day. and will begin to
LOST 70 TONS OF HAY. freeze tomorrow. The tank is a large,
bers and is double lined and packed
between the layers. Tnis is filled
with brine, and for the first charge
It takes 20 tons of salt at J22.50 a
ton to make sufficient amount of salt
Flood on Lower McKay Plays Havoc
With Crops.
Last Monday night the same heavy
rain which drove to shelter the Pen-
aieion rescue parties en rouie 10 water to cover the freezing tins In
Heppner and caught Mark Cargill in j this brine are set 11)0 cans of distilled
Coombs canyon, overflowed the farms 1 water, each holding 300 pounds, and
on Lower McKay creek, doing much ! from this water the ice is made
damage to hay crops and improve- "When the water is frozen the cans
ln??tB' , j . , 1 are lifted out by means or a traveling
Dave Ingram had 0 tons down In 1 crane and put on an automatic dump,
the meadow and what was not wash- This is a carriage made to just hold
ed away completely, is covered with , one of the freezing cans and when
mud and slime and totally ruined. ; the can is put in It the steam is turn
Mr. Ingram thought at first ho could . ed on around the outside of the froz
save some of it and put a force of en can and the mass or ice is thawed
men at work turning it over and air-1 loose from the sides of tne recepta
Ing it, but the mud is so deep on most cle and allowed to slide out into the
of the shocks that it Is impossible to , chute that leads to the storehouse
do anjthmg with it except to haul it This storeroom has a capacuv of son
off the ground. , tons of ice.
A well 30 feet deep at his kitchen , it is the intention of the firm not
door was filled with mud and piled : to en fntn thtt Ire ratninnr. Imelnoci!
up about three feet above the surface here to , anv great extent this year
with drift. Great heaps of mud and j most of the' output of the plant being
.....1 0.0 u u.ci me lum uuu snipiiea to wal a Wal a That p.ltv
of the amount was sent to the city
Jail for three days.
James Spellman and H. Hulkland
were arrested last night for sleeping
at the depot and raising a disturb
ance there, and were tried before the
city court this morning nnd fined $i
each, which they paid and left the
Thomas G. Hailey has returned
from Heppner. whore he went with
the funds raised here by the city and
several fraternal orders.
Fred I.ockley and wi.e left Sunday
morning for Snlcm, where they will
attend the wedding or Mrs. Lockley's
sister, which occurs Wednesday.
Mrs. Frank Pike and daughter, Ger
trude, formerly of this city, passed
through last night en route to their
home at Telocaset, from n visit in
Charles Cockburn and Fred Evans,
or Milton, passed through Pendietou
Saturday night en route home from
Heppner. where they hod been work
ing In the relier party.
1 Jack Vincent, the young son or Dr.
F. W. Vincent, started for Yaquina
this morning, where he will visit rel
atives for the summer. The young
man took a lunch along and started
out with all the confidence of a sea
soned traveler.
Miss Eva Froome left this morning
for Portland, where she will attend
the meetings of the Eastern division
ri- r-ji., c....u.j 1 of the State Teachers' Association.
Boise. June 22. The most disas-! anii wi" visit friends for a time. B-
iore returning 10 ner nome mss
Row in Chinatown.
Ah Soon, a Chinaman, wns fined
$30 for disorderly conduct, in police
court this morning, ns a result of
the disturbance in Chinatown yester
day afternoon. Goey. the other party
to" the affair, wns dismissed. The
trouble arose over n Chinese woman
v bom each man claimet' ns his wife.
Horses to Canada.
Tracy & Kimball shipped two car
loads of horses from here this morn
ing over the O. R. & X. The final des
tination of the stock is Lcthbridge.
Canada, but five cars more will be
plrked up at Kennewlck anu the shlji
ment will be unloaded in Montana for
grazing before going to Canada.
troiis fire in the history of Boise vis
ited this city Sunday morning at 3
o'clock. One-half a block in the cen
ter of the wholesale district was com
pletely destroyed, nnd the loss is es
timated at $160,000.
During the past Co years over 10;i.-
000 colporteurs have distributed lit
erature for the American Tract Society.
Froome will also visit at the seaside
for a few weeks.
Child Ate Glass.
The infant child of Mr and Mrs.
Lowe, who live on Thompson street,
ate a quantity or broken glass Satur
day evening. Dr. Rlngo was called
Immediately and the child is appar
ently as well as usual this afternoon.
the damage to bis farm will
fully $1,000.
reach has endeavored to cet the new mm,
pany to contract to furnish them Ice
for two years, but the management
wishes to cater to the local trade
more than to the outside market, and
they refused the contract. Next year
Will Celebrate the Fourth.
C. R. Dutton is making arrange
ments to celebrate the Fourth of Julv
at the Lehman Springs resort, in or- the firm expects to sell about their
aer to turniBn diversion for the large mil capacity to the home trade.
number of guests stopping with him. Mr. Ross has sent East for an up-
Thlrd Rank Tonight.
The Knights of Pythias will work
in ttlfl tMrri rant. Innlnli, All
.,. m.w v.. . . 1 . u iv buutbv. 'v 1 1 uicur 1 . . . , - , ,
bers of the order are requested to l"c wue" 11 comes, ueing a
4 IhlniT nf liofttit.. anil ..n.tL nr.r.
to-date Ice wagon, and it will be here
the middle of the week. It is an ice
wagon as they are understood by the
ice man, and will be something new
be present.
1 thing or beauty and worth $300.
To Remove
back up against it before it Is
dry. To remove corns from
your feet, hard or soft, the real
sore kind or other kind, use
F. Sc. S. Corn Cure
The corn comes out or the
money comes back. Price 25c.
Leading- I)rii(rt;itx
Railroads Engage in Rate Cutting and
Fares Take a Downward Turn.
On account ot a rate war now be
ing waged between the through lines.
the fares from Pendleton to Chicago
over tne o. K. & K. have been re
duced $3.50. The first-class fare from
Pendleton to Chicago is now $50.50
and the second-class $43. taking ef
fect June 20.
It is not known how lone thi. reduc
tion will remain in force nor whether
further reductions will he made. It
seems to he part of a scran between
the lake steamer lines and the roads
and win probably not result in any
serious rut in passenger fares.
Be Opened In a Few Days
Failing's Stand.
H. F. Scott and Henry Stewart, of
this city, have decided to open a new
piano house In the rooms now occu
pied by the Jesse Falling furniture
stock, and the goods will bo here in
a few days. For the past lu days the
two men have been In Portlami.
where they have bought a large stock
of pianos, organs and stringed instru
ments and when they ojien the new
house they will have on display a
THE CIGAR that's proud
of its name, because its
quality is always the same.
The only smoke that
never changes in
aroma or in price.
The Largest Selling
Brand of Cigars
In the World
The Sand
it the Smoker'
Is the m st practical Type
writer for School or Business
The writing is "before your eyes" all the the time. It has the
tabulator lor which others charge $25 extra. Marginal stops
are in front. Type are cleaned in an instant without soiling
the hands. Don't buy a machine until you have seen and tried
THE UNDERWOOD. None superior. Call, phow or write
Pendleton, Oregon
We havo just r-ceived a ninBn.
Toi et Sets, both plainand decorated
Cheapest place in Oregon
Tin kind oCrloUuvs tlint are guaranteed
TTr 1 ieit tn ftiir cfrt,n f.'!t A . .. I... ,
fine a line of SUMMER S17ITS as ever uac 4 ' 1
in price fiom $6.35 to $20, and include blue seret. y
worsteds, popular stripes ana plaids in fact all ofttst
new, chic patterns.
ITrv on some of Knrraenheimer's newstxlec amt .,.,
smartest effect ever produced by these, the greatest ef i
ready-to-wear tailors. 1 tie 're from $6,35 to $20.00
Summer Comfi
Is what our ice frtezcrt J
For lovers of frozen
there is nothing like an ic
freezer. They are iter
clean and economical, a?
work and will freeze jobs
in two minutes, The nSl
ligbtfnl desserts of frczad
tards. ices ana Efieroeu c
made in a short time rial
have a freezer.
W. J. CLARKE & Co. ancourtstj
The Big
50 Pieces, 50 yards to the pies
2,500 Yards
Japanese, Fine
Black, White and all Colo