DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, JUNE 22. 1903, E - . The disgraceful Imbroqllo which flow of streams, but nothlns like the CCQ QQ Given AwaV 4faXSV liMTOWVXBXJ en'1"1 n he murder of the Servian ! recent catastrophes In Toeka. Kan- Ujvv'wy sas city and St Louis, ami no ap- Tn the first one handing us d.V. Ung and queen should not disturb proach tnp floods whIch af. . tJt solution Published cTprj- afternoon (except Sunday) at Pendleton, Oregon,- by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. the self-respecting powers of Europe , flct tle people of the Middle AVest , t fniwlnc rebuses. uui ii win. a uirone is a inrone. v.yciuuei auu iuiuauu, ucn as i-ai-ig gye J.'a.UU worm ui the wnrlrt nvr nml hnrr muse ! ry prairie towns through the air and llrni.,iro or other coods ot shakes the most Insignificant one on !x;!e"d JaLl.",h "S SfIT ' your choice from our Immense earth, sends a tremor through every one of them. I'lionc Main 11. StT.SCKUTION KATKS. Dally, one year b.r mall J.VO0 Dally, til months b.v mall 2.30 Dally, three months by malt 1.23 Dally, one month by mall AO Daily, per month by carrier C5 Weekly, one year by mall 1.50 Berol Weekly, one year by mall .... 51.00 The East Orejonlan Is on sale at It It. itlrh'x News Slauils at Hotel Portland and Hotel IVtLIds. Portland, Oregon. Member tlon. Scrlpiw McKae News Assocta- an Kranci-co P.ureaii, 4US t'onrth St. Cntrago liureau. 1HI9 Security Untitling. Washington. D. C. l'.ureau, .01 Hth St., Enters! at Pendleton pwtoffice as setcond' clas matter. Life's summer sun is shining. The hay is ripe and tall And must be garnered quickly. Or gathered not at all: Sil strike while youth Is ready. While strength and power are true. And win the way to favor " It's up to you." Hope, hand In hand with effort. Will win the hardest fight. As nature's dawn will scatter The darkest kind of night; Strife holds the lower ladder, The top Is for the few. So fight your way to favor "It's up to you." Arthur G. Lewis. One isolated case of a Montgomery negro being forced to work out a fine he could not pay In money, has caus ed the Sunday Oregonlan to go into hysterics over slavery in the South. It could serve a better purpose for humanity hy bringing to light the abuses of white women and children In the factories of Northern capital ists, than by expostulating on the pe nal system that Is made necessary by the trilling, lower class negroes in the South. I Governor Chamberlain, In his an J nuai address to the graduating class I of the Orecon State Agricultural col lege, eomplimented the class on its opportunity to learn living subjects in modern colleges. He called attention to the fact that many of the dead languages had been removed from tho list of studies and the current issues and the study of live branches had been substituted. There is yet anoth er imiiortant change to be made in nil modern schools. In order to insure more thorough education, and that is i i a reduction of the number of studies. I At present, there Is too much variety ! and not enough thoroughness. Young 1 1 scholars are bewildered with the i maie of studies they are forced to i , hurry through never experienced on the racltlt -,-,. .15 on worth to the coast. Extremes or heat or cold, such 1 second and $10.00 worth to as prostrate the east and congeal the I lne tnj'r(j Middle West, are not experienced and Tne questIon is, how many oer some unfortunate commonwealth east of the Rockies are here unknown. In the half century of history of the coast there are but few stories of calamity through Illtempered nature. and, despite the Heppner disaster, the fact remains that we are in the most favored section of the land. Spokesman-Review. Our exports Into Cuba during the fiscal year just closed, were $2,S35.00O less than the year before. During the same eriod the Imports into Cuba from Germany France and Spain in creased J2G0.000 dl'Terent ways can the word "Furniture," and how many the word "Rader" be spelled in the following squares by spelling to the right, or down ward, or any combination of down and right, or right and down, but always using con tiguous letters but no two times, using exactly the same numerical letters, yet all spell the words "Rader" aud "Furniture" correctly. For illustration, the word "Rader" may be spelled by using letters numbered 1. 2, 11. 12. 21 aaaaa 1 I 2 I 3 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 RADERAPER "10 j U 1 12 j 13 I 14 I 16 I 16 1 17 I 18 ADERADERA 1 , 2U , 21 I 22 I 23 I 24 26 26 27 d)E;rADERAD j 2t j 3U 1 31 j 32 I 33 I 34 I 35 I 36 ERAD1ERADE "S7 , 3b , 3S I 40 I 41 I 42 I 43 j 44 J 46 R ADERADER 46 , 47 , 18 j 4a I 50 I 51 52 63 64 ADERADERA 65 , 06 j 57 , 6b 1 5y j to ) 61 j 62 63 DERADERAD 64 , 65 I 66 , 67 , 6t 1 6y 1 70 ( 71 j 72 ERADER1ADE 73 74 , 75 , 76 j 77 I 78 I 70 I &0 I SI R , A I D 1 E j R I A j O j E j R : The Sunday Oregonian hopes to Vmatilla county warehouses are no ' 'leatl off an-v effort the state federa sooner emptied or wool than they are I tlon of women's clubs may make to filled with wheat. It Is the perpetual ' war1 tne establishment or a distinct motion of industry. , woman's department for the Lewis , , 1 and Clark Fair, by an editorial note ",e 1,u,an Ppuecy r oisaster al-,ruH of q,IesUon markg. a-ntl covert ln. Trajs .oiious in tne waKe of the I sim,ations against the practicability orm' i of such a department. Ten years ago It is hardly necessary for Mr. ' the same 0,i grandmother hooted at j Cleveland to say that he is not a can-' ,lle refert,aduni. fiat salaries and pop-! didate. j nlar election or United States sena- ' tors and today Oregon stands pledged U Leslie Matlock had known what ' to all these reforms. Just as surelv an awful deluge of poetry his ride will the prejudice against the moth-1 was going to inspire, he would have i ers of the state taking part in its I hesitated before taking it. j management, pass awav. despite the Seattl.. is rlnKln n ,ii ,-i.h , ! acK process of tlie out moss- WAshlnmon af.h,u,i i,rt - I I'afkism. The women of the state No Dessert More Attractive Why u-e gelatine and spend Iiitois stuxmg, sweeteninc, flavoring and coloring when Jcll-O produces better rt"nlt in two minutes? Everything in the package. Simply add hot 1 wateranu settle cool. 1:' perfection. A sur prise to the h me wife. No trouble, less ex pense. Try it t wlay. lu Four Fruit Fla vors: Lemon. Or.iuge, Strawberry, Rasp berry. At grocers. 10c or 13. 22. 23, 24, etc The solution to be handed in sealed, giving only the number of combinations that can be made of each word, with no name attached, in order that the committee awarding the prizes will not know who Is In the contest But If requested, each winner must be able to write, numer ically, each ot the various ways the number of times they claim. In order to iden tify all solutions we simply (number each envelope con taining an answer and keep la memorandum of each. No lone will be allowed more than one answer. Prizes lawarded July 25, 1903. There lis no sure thing that the first solutions will be correct. So if you decide you want to (change your solution after handing It in you can do so )y placing your second In the lumerlcal order we receive he latter. No one connected Kith the establishment will e nllowed to contest. W We the Bat 111 Rfinl nice homes ue sold. Ck,,:.. Lot8- Alfalfa Li lfi Xtn ' from 160 acre to tracts 12,000. 4 r "uum :o over T, 1,2 3;45iG!7jS910 F , U I R Nj I T UjR EF U 12 13 , 14 i 15 j 16 , 17 , IS j 10 1 20 U I r'; N , i;TUREFU 21 , 22 ,23 ; 24 ; 25 j 20 27 j 2S j 29 30 R I N 1 I ' T ' U j R I E I F I U I R 31 , 32 ; 33 I 34 I 35 j 36 I 37 I 3S I 39 I 40 N , I ' T UJREFUR,N "U 4l 44 , 45 I 46 I 47 I 48 I 49 I 50 I T U.REFURNI 51 52 53 54 ; 55 56 57 j 5S j 59 CO T U R1EFURNI:T "TJI 63 oT 65 , 66 . 67 , 6b ( 69 i 7U U,R E j F I U j R I N I I I T ; U 7 - 72 73 74 75 ; 76 1 77 78 , 79 I 80 R EjFjUjRNjlTjUR Ti ill S3 84 85 j 86 I 87 j 88 j 89 , 90 E F U R N , I T ; U , R I E 91 9l 93 9l 95 1 9G j 97 , 9S 99 F U R N I j T j U j R I E I M. A. RADER Main and Webb Streets Water in We malr a C. 1. J Mi O or Sqoirt IIIITPH iun 11 11 1 111 "flicn iah 4 UAllililliillimiAllllAlllllitliillilltlltliiiiili ,14 i The Grand Trunk Gold Mine i loan or SfiiMi.iMiO school funds, municipal bonds in return. giving I should be given an opportunity to make a distinct, individual showing at the fair. In addition to aildinc The strange freaks of the Heppner j 'heir labor and brains to its general cloudburst and the miraculous es-1 features. capo of survivors, will be themes for innumerable thrilling narratives for years to come. IN A FAVORED REGION. i The Heppner cloudburst was all tt,..ii . T . . I the more startling because it occur- Umatilla county should go to the red in a section or the country that state fair this fail prepared to bring 1 bas been remarkably free from phe home her share of the $12.U(i(i preml-' noniena working havoc with life and urn money. She has the goods. All C'fJ'v,; " h" ,eD e , , . , . , . , boasts of the Pacific coast that the that is required is the hustle It takes j ,tt0pe here enjoy immunity from the 10 deliver them. disasters that regularly afflict other j sections of the land. Several years It always requires an emergency to ago certain parts of California were bring out the hero. There arc Paul j occasionally shaken up by light earth Reveres and Hobsons meandering lukes- a" n' and then the same .,.-o i. . . u , 1 state would suffer from a short lteriod mer the country everywhere, await-, of drouth; nut of the ,0Dg taIoEUe lng some sharp crisis on which to or disturbances doing damage to other exhibit their true selves. sections the coast people have known little or nothing by experience. The automobile record was broken ! at Indianapolis Sunday, when Harney , Oldfield. of Dayton, Ohio, went a mile in 59 3-5 seconds. Since the auto has come inlo use. however, it has broken more necks than records. There has been an occasional over- O SPICES, o COFFEE,TEA, BAKING POWDER, FUVORffK EXTRACTS AfcMhrftftriry. Firusr Flavor, 0rtrr5rrwh.PeisoIikfrices.l CL0SSET ft DEVERS PORTLAND, OKCON. Sumpter, Oregon, Gold .Mining District. Is located upon the GREAT MOTHER LODE system of veins and has for neigh bors on that vein such well known mines as the NORTH POLE valued at Sio.ooo.ooo. The COLUMBIA valued at S5, 000,000. GOLCONDA valued at $3, 000,000. THE MONMOTH G. M. CO'S BELLE BAKER mine valued at $5oo, 000. THE BALD MOUNTAIN valued at S5oo,ooo. THE IBEX valued at $400, 000, and many others. The Grand Trunk Gold Mining and Milling Go, vwa, ,1. rrupercy ionsisilnE ot 160 Acres of Rich Qold Bearing Veins These are days of -dark horses." The American Derby was won Sat urday by a horse that was not eon tiidered among the possible winners. It gives the "under dog" hope, to see the unknown taking place lu the lead. Spokane gamblers are going to test the antl-gambllng law of Washington. In order to do this In a practical manner, one or their number had to consent to martyrdom, am, is now in jail 011 a j ear's setitence. awaiting results of the test. F 1 here Four years ago Hood River Issued , the first saloon license and is now . evidently tired or the liquor traffic, . as she has absolutely refused to re new licenses for any of her four sa-' loons. The Idea of having a saloon for each hundred population seems ' to lie losing ground there is no beverage more healthful thai? the right kind of beer. Barley malt and hops a food and a tonic. Only 2 per cent of alcohol just enough to aid digestion. But get the right beer, for some beer is not health fuL Schhtz is the pure beer, the clean beer, the filtered and tteriSzed beer. No bacilli in it nothing bat health. And Schlitz is the aged beer that never causes biliousness. Call fir the Brcwcrj Bitting, Tttu Bmr that matrf MUmamkm fmw, Phone 51 Main, H. Kopittke, 507 Main St., Pendleton 4 It has no indebtedness of any character. It has a conservative mininR and business management. It is offering 50,000 shares of stock at 15c per share. It wi become a dividend payer in a short time. It will pay you to write us for full particulars and to make careful investigation of its merits. It has the indorsement of mining men, business men and bankers of Eastern Oregon, Write us today and let us post you. H. S. McCallum & Company, Miners, Brokers and Flnanolal Agents, BAKER CITY, OREGON. Or R. S. BRYS0N, Local Agent, Pendleton. Oregon. J Our Weekly Mining Letters on Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining " on application. I "HUIIMM Illlllllllinillll Pleases the Taste" Ask for (SdDfldl Brand of Mrs. Eva Emery Dye. in 'McLough Jlu and Old Oregon," tells the story of the first Immigrant train into Ore-' gon, traveling for beveral miles in the bed of Burnt River, owing to the nar row canyon that could not be passed otherwise. This historic spot should I lie marked by suitable monuments. In memory of that undaunted little group that brought the first wagons across the Blue Mountains. Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once Delay will lead to serious breaks. First-class work guaranteed bj BECK, the Reliable Plumber. Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel They are THE BEST Once Used ALWAYS USED COSTA RICO COPPER In Ana rvrtn n A Dnnl.. JAVA & MOCHA COFFEE in one poMdpackages Spices, Teas, Extracts and Baking Powder PORTLAND COFFEE A SPICE Gm., Sffi5& e make them rifto always give satisfictict. unrk ic ncvAr . 1 . . aiitiUCUCr Pendleton Planing Tl T UUCKKT t IR5TI1, CITY PROPERTY it vou want to nuv a ncs: dleton, I have some tarji $C50 Will buy clceS rooat lot. fruit trees, rood & nearly new ecr.n Titii i... Mw im and three lots. Jloist m and fruit trees: fine ea: the price of all hnncp finp hnth Tita m water stone louacia porch house nearly garden, shade and Have -je shor you tia home. N.T. Office at Poatoffice. 'Phone LOOK AT b-room aneuius, ""; ral and 2 Iots-l.iw. c ,i-oiilnr and two' . ... tr.A tan flneiT iniiii Kiiauru - - r.nn . . . j i lone tac 14-room uoaruius uu"!vr f..ntraiu- located-JW 5-room dwelling wltn i - side-l,250. . . A number of lots some!. $125 to 1150 4ca- . . n.t Are bloclu ' t ,wU w.. - . .. street SW. u' each. Much other very. ty for sale All sola oo Come and buy ' - . ..... too To nna ju' - right price, see n n ROVD. Ill ft1 aW Riffbv-Clove ICS TTTr A ira f ui r RenaiTS fof .i" Farm Pendleton, " Illl... Mil