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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1903)
DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATUnDAY, JUNE 20, 1903. DTIQT MrCTINC f-TERN OREGON ASSO- . CIATION HhKL KtAi WtttV. Days' Program Arranged and ny Delegates Expected eastern "S.-egon Churches Will All Be Rep' i'sentcd. Sie following program hns been Kiccd for the Eastern Oregon ist Association, -which meets In fjclty next Tuesday, June 23. and Ttnucs In session each day and Pjlng until the 26th. 01 me tasiern uregun khui vin-s send delegates to the meeting pit promises to be a most proBta ponvention. Some good speakers jt'n limbered among the ministers especial song services have been 3lgcd for the occasion Following rgw program' 2 Tuesday Evening. &-Prnlse Service .... It V. King Annual sermon Thos. Spight. Jr. o".inruilntlnnnl nf rnmmltt prayer. I'hll C It. J-amar reading of church . i i.xnosmon ami K-Uusiness, Mere. S?, "An Rfliflent Association.". A . . c;eoree w n acK TT. ... Efficient Sunday School. -Exiosltion Phil. 1:11 j. v. uitvor -Ilnslness and election of offi- Some Improvements in Our sent Methods of S. S. Aork. M. O. Perry Evangelization. .Mrs. G. W. Black "Efflclen-y in S. S. Mission- Work." L. W. Riley General Discussion. Wednesday Evening. "Efficiency In Missions." Seine and praise service m. o. i-erry 'Efficiency in Foreign Mis s." A. . wuer Thursday Morning. lency in .Moral anil taucanonai Training." Exposition of Phil. Thomas splgnt Rfflplpnpv In Temnerance Mrs. Jennie Richmond Kniciency in uur scnuois. W. H. Latourette Efficiency in Our Publico 1 1, W. Gowen cneral Discussion. -Business. Thursday Afternoon. Inner in Woman s and Young M people s orK. T?..nlflnn In Thll " 2. J. Howard -Woman's hour. "Unseized Opportunities of Toung People." . . R. P Buker "Spiritual Use of the Social Toung People and Junior ;rk." Mrs. Bowers 5rj Thursday Evening. Efficlency in State Mislons." !-Praise Service. "ifficiency In State Missions." L. W. Riley :mciency in Home ..issions ."-ExposlUon in Phil. 3:S-16.. . .George T. Ellis BeportH of committees. Busl- "Efficiency in Mis ' Riley Home . I- W Friday Afternoon. lency In Reaching the Masses." Exposition in Phil. 4:13 G. AV. Black 'Our Present Inefficiency'" W. H. Latourette i ; P'Stumbllng Blocks to Eflic- ;y" ... C. R. Lamar Some Definite Plan for Aching the Masses. . . G. T. Ellis IK-Conferenco on the aliove sub- Friday Evening. Song service. Evangelistic sermon. G. T. Ellis jcrience and testimony. iournment. t SUNDAY AT f THF HHIIRHHFS " ..W.. ( First Christian Church Sunday school. 10 a. ra.: preaching. 11 a. m. and 8 p m. Evening subject, "Honor All Men." At both of these services .ollectlous will be taken for the Hennner flood sufferers. If you can not attend, send on offering. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening Chris tian Ecdavor and choir practice Fri day even'ng. N. H. Brooks, pastor First Presbyterian Church 10 a m.. Sunday school: 11 a. m.. sermon. T p. m.. Christian Endeavor; 8 p. tn 3ermon. Rev. V. H. Bleakney. of El gin, will preach both morning and evening. Strangers are especially in vited to all the meetings. Robert J. Dlven. pastor. M. E. Church, South Sunday ser vices as follows: 10 a. ra.. Sunday school. I. E Earl, siiiierlntendent: 11 a. m.. preaching. Memorial service In honor nf those who perished in the Hepnner Hood: 7 p. ni.. Kiiworth League, subject: "How we may learn to use our sword"; S p. m.. preaching I by j asior. Prayer meeting on Thurs- j day night at S p. m. Everylmdy in , ritei':. Interesting Bible study In eon 1 E. B. Join, pastor. I Congregational Church Siinuay services will l:e held according to the t following order: Sunday scnool. 10 a i m.: morning worship and preaching, at 11 o'clock. This service will 1m memorial In its chief characteristics and there will lie an opportunity to contribute toward the Heppuer relief fund. Christian Endeavor service at 7:80. followed by an address on "The Problems of the Modern City." A 'ordial welcome tn nil. J. Edwards minister. Church of the Redeemer Diviiu service tomorrow at hours ujt follow aiuulny M'liiwil at 10 a m.: rarmon .led celebration of the holy commun ion at 11 a. in.; evening prayer aim aiUluss at s o'clock. V. E 1'orwlne. rector. o First Baptist Cnurch The paslor of church will hold a special ser vice tomorrow at 11 o'clock. It ig well understood that a great many people who would like to give something lor the help of those In distress at Hepn ner. end to asslBt in the work of cleaiing away the debris, cannot give as they would like, nor in very large sums. Because of this it might be that many would not go where regu lar subscriptions are being made, be- ause the sum they could give woulu seem Insignificant beside other larger ' sums. These people ought to have the opportunity to give and that op portunity will be given them at this church tomorrow. Also, this Is a time ) when our hearts are all saddened. . and we need to seek comfort and . teaching from a higher source than , any on earth. Every church in the i city ought to be filled tomorrow by those who come to worship before I God and to meditate on the recent ; calamity. R. W. King, pastor. Methodist Episcopal Church Sun day school, lo a. m.. A. J. Owen, su perintendent. At 11 o'clock will be held a memorial service for those whose lives were lost in the Heppner disaster. At the close of this service there will be an opportunity given for any who wish to contribute to the relief of the sufferers. Class meeting. 12:15 p. m.. Rev. G. W. Rig by. leader. Epworth League. 7 p. m. Preaching. S p. m. All are cordially Invited to these services. Robert Warner, pastor. BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. Fifty Delegates and a Large Number of Laymen Will Attend. There will be a large delegation of me members of the Baptist denomi nation of the Eastern Oregon dis trict In the city this week to attend the sessions of the Eastern Oregon Baptist Association, which convenes in this city the first of the week. There will be about 50 delegates from outside of the city and in addi tion to this number will be a large number of members who have come to visit the convention, but who are not delegates. It will be a very In teresting iwx'tlng. as can be seen by the program printed in another part of the paper. The Bugle Call for All Smokers CRUIT 5c CIGAR There's an army of Smokers now re sponding to its captivating goodness. H ave you answered the call? Save the Bands. THE VISIBLE TYPEWRITER Is the mist practical Type writer for School or Business purposes BECAUSE The writing is "before your eyes" all the the time. It has the tabulator for w.iich others charge $2$ extra. Marginal stops are in front. i pe are cleaned in an instant without soiling the hands. D.n't buy a machine until vim have st en and tried THE UNDERWOOD, None superior. Casl, pnuue or write JOHN S. KEES, Agent Pendleton, Oregon Ha IK- Wnurnment. of the paper. I T Hit Juhnson Was you vah In u fight. Miatal Jackson? . Mr. Jaiksun To" stems to.Claremember dat i'm widower. Miss JumuUvc. It, ' ,,. .... it&tftifoksk. . ,, ltllliilll,I..i;.i.l.i..;.,iii,.ii..;..,;.;..ww. Pleases the Taste" Ask for Lff Brand of They are THE BEST Once Used ALWAYS USED COSTA RICO COFFEE in one pound Packages JAVA & MOCHA COFFEE in ono pound packages Spices, Teas, Extracts and Baking Powder I PORTLAND COFFEE & SPICE Co., W- Himnilllliillii H-H-H-M-H H I 1 1 i t I I i'H-I'H i tut Babbit Metal Price $1.00 p g per bar at the Wmmu M Best in the Worid in Bars DR. C. J. WHITAKER, Dentist; Pendleton, Or. Makes a specialty of Seamless Gold Crowns and Bridge WoU. Extracting 50c, Silver Filling $t, Gold Filling U up, Best aet Teeth, Vulcanite or Celiuoid, $8 All work guaranteed. Bring Us Your Second Hand Goods We will pay you what is right for them. Bargains in new and second hand goods. GURDANE & McBROOM 312 East Court Street LEGAL BLANKS S.t foe of them. A fell mpmtv always fct Im Office I i