East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 20, 1903, Image 7

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Made of felt, thor
oughly saturated with
P&B compound. Not
impaired by varying
temperatures. Does
not evaporate, crack,
expand or contract.
A low priced roofing that can
not be equaled. tfi booklet-
The Paraffine Paint Co.
c San Francbco. Seattle,
JgsSSV Portland, Loi Angtltt
EiSfCA n t I-
T. C. TAYLOR, Agent
The Aristocrat Among the
Whiskies of the old School.
Without a peer.
Tor Bale by
Is always received when you
place your order with us.
Fir. Tamarack and
Why buy poor coal when you
can get the best for the same
Laatz Bros.
Telephone Main 5t
B't'gy and Hack Wheels at Cost.
See us for Wheat racks before
ordering elsewhere
WANTED-First-class Horseshoer
$3.00 per day steady.
Missouri Blacksmith
Shop. West Webb St.
The East Ofgoaian I Ematern Or
Bon1 M.MAu..&.iiia ..... I laada
- jftmHarf vw. -
. tha paopa-pprcUU It nd "how
' by their llfearai patron. RU
wnising maMllum of il ection-
Campaign Against Tvohold and Dlt-
- eased Meat Hygiene of Public
Schools By-Laws Adopted.
Thn Gtnln rr.n,..t itu,ith
day laid plans for thorough enre of
tkA .. 1. 1 1 . , . . t.
we puuuc ii ran n nnu proviuea us
which Insures that their positions will
kv iiu .Mui-iute:. jjyiaws ana mies
to llinmtlPrl InenAiflnn a ntntn lntl
tutions anil schools. When bubonic
pinsue was considered me mono,
"Death to the rats," was adopted, and
It was decided that Orientals need a
ttroiM trial Inecnn tti rnnl il.iti a1 nt.i.
Hness. The meelng was held in the
office of the secretary. Dr. Woods
nmcninson, in xne .Marquam imumnp
Smith the president. Dr. Alfred Kin
ney, or Astoria, wok tne cnair. ah
the other members were present. In
cluding Drs, C J. Smith. Pendleton;
i. ti. ricKei, .ienioro; ii. a. fierce
balem, Harry Lane, Portland.
Campaign Against Typhoid.
A greater part of the afternoon was
taken up In a lengthy and somewhat
heateri rilsrussinn nf thp nroner moas-
- ures to be adopted for a campaign
naiuM l, iiivjiu n-'n in mu n ni.wu-
ette valley, and particularly in col
lege towns, urs. narry i.ane ami r.
A Plprrp woro nimntntPM n r-nmm...
tnp tn InvpRtlratn the snnitnrv condi
tion of the state Institutions at Sa-
Inm anH Inctrnrtp,! tn lnnV tin rt Irtllnf
iy Into the water supply at the asy-
' lum anu penitentiary, urs. t;. a.
i Pierce and Woods Hutchinson were
nppointed a committee to investigate
and report on the state unherslty at
Eugene anil me state agricultural coi
Ipcp nt Pnrvallls. These investiga
Hons are to be made at some early
,lat nr Ulltl-Mnenn war nitthoriz'
ed to make a tour of all the college
towns In the valley and make a full
roiinrt nt thn earliest date nosslhle.
and he will leave Wednesday morniug
for Eugene to begin tnis tour.
Hygiene in the Schools.
Thp Bprrptnrr was Instructed to is
sue a circular to teachers In the state
relative to "Hygiene of the bcnooi
room," which will be placed in the
hands of every educator in the state.
Among other things to be Incorporat
ed in this circular will be direction
fnr the teacher iii testlnc sight and
hearing of the pupil: a method of
recognizing contagious uiseases;
nf aiitriv: nroner moth.
od of fumigating the schoolroom, and
u ion fnr nnim- it and a soecial chan
ter on playgrounds for the school
buildings, instead of the basement
rooms provided at the present time
In the city sclioois.
Approves Meat Ordinance
There was a warm dlscusion of the
need of meat inspection m tne i-uy.
Everything so far done by the sec
thlK connection was Indors
ed and the proposed meat and milk
ordinances were approve".
The Portland members were In
their eves on China
town and inaugurate a campaign for
Its thorough cleaning aim lor me up
rtl., it all tnp ra ts In Portland
in conjunction with the city board of
health and the Inspector or tne ma
Ino hnunltnhlp KPrVlCC
Dr C J Smith was appointed a
committee of one to visit Heppner
and report his findings an at -ari
Dr. E I). Pickel was also appointed
a committee of one to keep liis eye
open for any delects m tne muhij
iot...,c in Cnnthprn Orecoil.
Drs. A C. Smith. Harry Lane and
Woods Hutchinson were appointed a
committee to secure offices for the
board In Portland.
Bv-Laws Aoopted,
Uy-laws were adopted providing for
i i !.. nn tlm third Wed-
an auuuoi mi'"t " - . , .
i rppmiipr and for uuarterli
meetings on the third Wednesday in
March, June and bepiemner. oua.
,o.. iu pailpd iiv the nresl-
dent or secretary or by a majority of
the members In writing, aix buU...b
committees are provided each to con
sist of one member and tho secretary.
as follows: .
Epidemic, endemic and communlca
t I I l,..,M-nf
v, ..'otnr Bimnlw including
contaminated water and disposal of
jX?-re.f. .i,inbu Bml their adulters
ruuue, i. . . ....
, tions, poisons, etc.; climate and drain
ar w . . . i ltn l.n uon
itary Insiiectlon In cities and villages.
' cL ...w. nf .nnrtalltv and sickness,
public health legislation and finances
f nn,Pt.n animals dan
gerous to man and quarantine on the
Oregon state uoraere.
Grant County Stockmen Active In De
fense of the Range.
The verdict rendered by the Jury
. 1..e ' if i ho Pnclfic livestock
Company vV Kenneth Murray In
wnich the plaintiffs were given a. judg.
"n,LU. vr a nf the. action.
ment lor w , . razing
tirobabh- means much to tho grazing
Ceres ts. Whether the verdict was
unified by the evidence the Illue
fnumUJur reln favor of
larger damages, not. ior .-
tually dono, but moro as a flue, for
trespassing upon the lands of others.
This verdict Is significant, since it
means that a wilful trespasser must
atono to tne onctmea law.
rnis verdict is a drain blow to ont
Sido stockmen since It takes a large
territory from tho heretofore public
chance for summer rango for their
tttin.le In thte ...itt-
to tne local stocKmon it means
that tlm- tnn.t I... n,rp r.mril In
the future, and avoid infringing Upon
.1. l'lirniK ni 11111.TK
1. to Ipamnil thiit It la tlin intotitlnn
of the livestock company to vigorous,
ly prosecute all who trespass on their
lands whether fenced or unfonced.
Canyon City Eagle.
Hobo at Lewlston is Given Heavy
Sentence by Mock Court.
Thnt-.i .ns nnnclilnrnhlil flm tirntiml
tioUpp lipnHnnnrtors 11 few llllVR aco.
when an tinolliclal court took charge
of a hobo and gavo him a sentence oi
CO days on the rock pile, says
tm 1 mvlclnl Trlhniio Thl fpllnw
pleaded guilty to the charge preferred
and tnrew inmseir on tno mercy in
tne court, nut wnen tne juuki-
t.rvn lilnt "H.T.I I nil t .1 lpptlim lltlll fill
tlllll .I" ...... I,'.' . . . . . ...... ....
Ished tip with n tiO-day senteuce there
was a wall or despair, rue mocic mu
nnr Y-i.tllrnpil hint tn thp tall but ac
cldenluUy left the door open and the
way tne tramp went up mi in nun
i -t.t,l hnv itnnp nrpdU to .1 ltflll r-
sloiia'. loot racer. A pcliccmau It tno
vi nily gave chase but was soot. n
In ;'v i, Mnnced that he gavo v.i
St.ortly alter a meser.gvr irom i
lov.is.'on Lumber coniri-.iv. r nun if
fmr ml Mnrshnl Mns.'iMM that a Innl
t-.ml i.i,spi1 thpre on 'lis t'oail r.in and
wniild nc stop when inc mill li.u.-'s
H.-d hrlUc. him. It is supposed u
thp mill that the mall l.nd committed
c n..- -.mp ami thp tnPAsrnctT was
Il..-.:it htd to Inform the polh-e mo
route tne tngiuvo nun ihkoh.
Irate Owner of Cherry Tree Fires at
Young Culprits in Eugene.
nonrirp i urilpv nml Martin Miller.
sons of Martin .Miller, tne rcigmii
street shoemaker, of Eugene, and the
two Muthersbaugh boys, sous of the
proprietor of the Troy laundry, were
eating cherries from a tree In the
Huddleston addition wlien two snois
were fired at them and they were
pretty well peppered with fine mm
hnt 'Enmp nf them striklne tho boys
on the fate and hands, says me Eu
gene Guard. One boy was hit direct
ly between me eyes, nnuim-r on
cheek and neck and another on the
arm. Two of them escaped without
being hit. The shot did not penetrate
the skin, only in one instance, uui
had the boys boon hit in tho eyes u
wnnlil havp resulted seriously.
Thoro Is no enclosure around tho
cherry trees, the plate recently liav
Ing been thrown open anu uivnicu mi
intn intu liptipp tnp III1VK Ullt lull
think they wore trespassing, anil wore
not looking for tno reception uuv 10
Farmers and Stockmen Suffer Great
Losses by Couaara and Bea
Sheep, Calves and Pigs Carried
Away by the Doxen.
Illllnn Mnnl Inlip 1!V lllir cailtU
of all kinds is'bocomlng so plentiful
In llilc epptlnn thnl It Is a nillSltllCO.
This applies mainly to boars and
mountain Hons, whoso nuns on uio
rnnphpo npnl hiro nm nlwnVS follow
ed by heavy losses of shoop, chives
and other livestock. During the win
ter tho heavy snow In tho mountains
drove tho animals in closer to civili
sation and, onoo hero, they soom ti
like It, especially ns they have boon
living on the rat or tno inim evor
sinco nt tho o.vponso of tho ranchers.
"Hlaok Jack" Smith, whoso ranch
U. on Willow crook, a few nillos north,
stood tho raids of the itnimais until
patlenco ceased to lo virtue. Thou
no buckled on his cartridge bolt and
started out on tho trail. Ho has re
turned, brining with him thteo gm-
vli. l.pfira nml n mnlintnill Hon. nil of
which he shot within half u nillo of
one another.
Ho found the brutes feasting on tho
carcass of a cow they had killed. As
mlth pntprpil n ilppll rlltlVlin lip Was
greeted with a series of angry growls
and three bonrs maito a rusn ior nun
fnllnvvpil n mnmptlt Intel- llV tho lllOUII
tain lion. Annnrontlr the anlmnls
liml IiiItiimI rurrna to destroy tilt
ranchman. Jumping on u tall rock.
Smith begun tiring nt tho brutes. One
or tho bonrs was instantly killed,
while tho othors ran nonrly half a
mile beforo dropping.
The mountain lion was the only
ono that showed ilgnt utter being
wounded, and ho was not killed until
sevpii rlllo bullets had passed throngn
his body. Ho measured nearly seven
feet from tip to tip. and was tho
largest lion ever seen In this nolgli-
TTi n J T 1. rlA M.ra
i ne iirann iriiiiH uum i line
Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining District.
Is located upon the GREAT AlOTHER
LODE system of veins and tins for neigh
bors on that vein such well known
mines as the NORTH POUE valued nt
$10,000,000. MieCOLUM HA valued tvt
$5,ooo,ooo. GOLCONDA valued at $3.
ooo.ooo. THE iWONMOTH G. M. GO'S
BELLE BAKER mine valued at $5oo,
ooo. THE BALD MOUNTAIN valued at
$5oo,ooo. THE IBEX valued at $400,
ooo, and many others.
.mii an I al'lll rt
Kn i-rann rimu i.niii miiiiiiii mini minimi mi
1 11 u :iitiiii ilium iiiiiii iKiniiiiy nun iiiniiitr uh
JIUIIU liuiin whim Q O
Owns Its Property Cuimlstlnj of 100 Acres of Ulclilloiu uearinu vei
It has no indebteilness of any character
It has a conservative miniiiK and business management.
It is ofterinn 50,000 shares of stock at 15c per share
t. ...:n I...,,,.. .!..,,!. n.iopr in a short tilllO.
It Will l1") yon IVJ Vll.u in t -
careful investigation of its merits.
It litis llic liiiiuinuiiiuii "r
bankers ol basturn uregon.
Write us today and let us post you.
H. S. McCalltfm & Company,
Minors, Brokor3nntl Flrmnolnl Agonta,
Or R. S. HIIYSON, Lomil Agout, Pendleton, Oregon.
Alabama State Bar.
Montgomery. Ala., Juno 10.-Tho
Alabama State liar Association began
In'thlH city todny the largest mooting
In Its history. A two days' program
lins been arranged, tho chief feature
to be tho annual address by Edward
M. Shepard of Now York and tlto ad
dress of the president of tho associa
tion, Lawrence CooMr of Huntsvllle.
Thirteen now theaters to cost $S,-
DOU.OOO. nro building in Now York
district free on sippiicaiiuu-
Have Your Water Pipes Examtned and Repaired at
Delay will lead to serious breaks.
First-class work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Plumber.
Court street, opposite the (lolden Unlo Hotel
Officers and Employes of Ohio State
Hospitals Confer.
Tntoiin n .tune ill. The Hiiiierln-
ipn.lnnlc stpu-anlK and trustees of t Ill-
Ohio state hospitals held their bi'inl-
I nf,.rnnn, tllllnv at tlllt Stall-
hospital In this city. i'h attendance
was large and the proceedings of an
interesting nature. Among the topics
discussed were the following: lioia-
tion of physical defects to mental ui
velopmimt; scientific work in the
com imotiltalsi thp rare and treat
ment of Inebriates, legal status of pa
roled patients belore uiscimrKe, mm
some reformatory methods, wise and
Antl.nlnarette Law.
t t mils Mo . .lime 111. The anti-
cigarette law which becomes effective
In Missouri this week will make it
exceedingly difficult for tne sniau iw
to get his coveted 'pipe-siicK. inu
to.,- i.rnhihitii the sellinir or giving
away to minors under 1G years of ago
any cigarettes, cigarette paji.nn n
wrappers under a penalty of a fine of
$100 for each onense.
Trib Notice Trie
rn.p n,ii,, nf Pendleton are re
spectfully asked to fully investigate
Trib, tho world's greatest euro for tho
one iu ncod of a cure wo say truth-
tully, Trib Is an honest, posuivo cum.
You do not use. inu iu juur tuuco,
you can't give it that way; but be
sensible and tako it for either of
these habits tho same as you would
a remedy for any other disease Hero
Is a reference irom a man w
in Pendleton. Jtcad It. Wo have
many more.
j. W. Daugherty writes on Jiay n,
-i. Tn urhnm it Disv concern:
wvu. - ' . .
I wish to say I completed a cure with
Trib in February, anu navu u
desire to drink since. It will also cure
the tobacco habit. I had a harder
time to learn to smoke after taking
Trib than when I first learned to
smoke. I am quite wen Known in
iini,. fliv T a flrntntn. Hnmtiter and
Pendleton and anyone wishing to stop
using either liquor or wuacco, i wuuiu
recommend them to tako Trib,
Price $12.00. For sale by all drug
...lu-rirn vntTtj mtni'.HH iron EN
a. mi In. Hall, ma. etc.!
Wt engraved Tlaltln eard with Plata,
ll.Wl: additional cards lu (Viture. ft lr
bveaita. ai w
............. .-.-t- --r- -i-l--r'-r--r--r--r--r--r-T-. TT . - .
tvery having Louni
r mi ... l l,.n..Mv in innln a inn ilirniltfll II
tTlll Jiliu ii u jawMijM.w -" "
furniture store, the stock of which is like none other, whet
you have an entire house to lit out, or just a single piece
in rnmp hpre as nowhere else do
v. w in 1 1 im v t iiu l j wviiiv
" J 7 I J
" . 1 a r a a l av niiiii n m w m - . . v v k
i -r Inrlnorl vnilf MirniTllre IIU
CI II U OUVH UHUIll ! , " f ' "
ing will be done most pleasingly ana economically ai i
BAKER & FOLSOM store. No furniutre too elaborate for
,i. i ... . . . r min nfottv n prpc f it iiiriiii
ana tnen we nave su inunv met, uiwuj P.
a 4 i 1
hnn nnt iUorf find nan milCn 10 tne
llllll Will III 111 lltIL UIIU IIIXI V -
"" " " .
i r a iun nnr v itmikitH I-1 1
pearance ana comiori 01 .uunit nut vawi.o.w
you would be surprised.
Our enrnets are our oride and we do not brag when
i . ....
sav it is the best assorted and most up-to-aaie in iu
. : f O ,v- 7 rtUr ttrrfnin tn tllft lieflVV WlllOnS
r :i 1 1 u 1 1 1 u iiiiiii l. iii i v iiiiLi uin w .. -j
. . n i- a . mo it art cnnnmc rncrs. itihie
' DOOy DrUSbeib. JTItlll ucaino wi -.-o-'
and linoleum-all fresh and new-at unmatcnea price
matchless goods.
I Baker & Folsom