DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNE 20. 1903 Why Pay as Much for sn inferior beer ? ScWitz beer costs mice what common beer cosa in the brewing. One-half pays for the product; the. other half for its purity. One-half is spent in cleanliness, in filtering even the air that touches it, in filtering the beer, in ster ilizing every bottle. And it pays the cost of aging the beer for months before we deliver it. If you ask for Schlitz you get purity and age, you pay no more than beer costs without them. Ait .Tiki Brcxtrj BMling. Phone 51 Main, H. Kopittke, 507 Main St., Pendleton I baby bonnets and protect not only the tt't.i.11- the rnmnlexlnn. as the ruf- i WtLKL. HUN LUItU wired to flare beyond the Cos are face. in th mount Imp summer towns Sot house and street wear snow a nnu Xew York, June 20. The girl, who t adherence to the bolero In one form a-swlnimlng goes this summer, will ' or another An effective Illustration find one distinctive denarture In her 1 of this idea Is shown In a frock of bathing suit: It will have a hlsb neck, mauve linen, or at least the skirt and With transparent lace collars for afternoon wear and the dccolette JO gown for receptions, the fashionable woman finds that a perfunctory dab of cream and powder Is powerless to counteract the tan spots of old bol s rays during her morning dip. Greater extravagance Is shown In bathing suits than ever before. Many are silk lined: others are made entire ly of silk, while the elegant non clinging fabrics are bound with satin or otherwise trimmed with ft. For the sand-bath taken by the young woman who "doesn't go near the wa ter." though her clothes are left in a luxurious bath house rather than hung on a hickory limb there are shunning suits of etamtno. silk-lined, voile, briiliantlne and elastic cloth. The fashionable length for the bath ing skirt is four inches below the knees The bloomer worn beneath Is a trltie shorter and narrower than 'ormcrly While a perfect fit is as essential as though the outfit were 'utended for street wear, there is ab solve freedom and comfort added o the infinite chic of these suits. One pretty mode in very dark creen had a hip yoke cut in points, w .h the skirt plaited into the inden atlons. Around the bottom of the skirt are bands of dark blue taffeta lantlngly arranged in groups of four t ach with earh end held in place with a tiny blue silk button. Embroidered Blouse and Neckband. The blouse has 'a broad sailor collar und this with the little neckband vhirb well covers the throat, are ac- ualiy embroidered in tiny aquatic u cures. Another model In black Is effectlve- sc off with pipings of white. The slur' is stitched with bands of the same material headed with white a'ln The bodice is semi-tight fitting nd has a round yoke of black and hi'e saUn ribbon. The sleeves are 'uere'y ebow puffs, but the bands into v, hich they arc gathered carry out he Idea shown In the yok-. bolero are in this fabric. The under bodice Is composed of white broderie nnglaise. the skirt being worked to match with white embroider- and in sertion. Completing the toilette Is a flat plateau hat, the brim ruched with roses. New Style Summer Gown. A youthful, but vrry smart looking gown Is shown In silk muslin embrol-' tiered In pink silk spots. It is arrang ed in a series of soft puffs: the bodice is crossed by broad soft satin ribbons J in two shndes of rose pink that tic in a most clrllsh fashion over the shoulders, cross the bust, encircle the waist and form a bow at the back There the long ends are brought, around the skirt, knotted at the sides and tied In another bow at the foot In the center. The fullness of the skirt is confined by gaugings at In tervals and the sleeves and hem again show tho soft puffings. Though early predictions were to the contrary the sunburst skirts are extremely fashionable and one sees many of them worn on the streets. They are specially effective in pongee. One striking model in pearl grey has the plaiting coming into the waist line and gradually flowing outward quite, long and full over the feet with ; somewhat of a dip In the back. ; The bodice U cut low round the i throat, being finished simply with a ' i i . i . i .. ii u.i n vi ui lut e uuii iiutjjij uu tuuui . with a lace yoke coming down over the shoulders quite long. The vest Is accordion plaited, as also are the sleeves, which come to a little below the elbow, caught at the wrist by lace cuffs. Encircling the waist is a circle of the pongee, which catches the plaiting into the figure, coming to a point in the front and tied in a tiny bow In the back with ends fall ing over the skirt. A material which lends itself charmingly to the soft flowing lines of the season's fashions is variously Dark red promises to be popular j called foulard de chine and china - 1 Miss Nettie Blackmore, Minneapolis, tells how any young woman may be per manently cured of monthly pains by taking Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, "Yorsx, Women: I had frequent headache of a severe nature, dark spots before my eyes, and at my menstrual ieriods I suflered untold aconv. A inemlier of the lodge advised me to try I.yiliii 1,. IMnklmnY- Vcsetal.le Compound, but I only scorned good advice and felt that mr case was hopeless, but sne Kept at me luuu i uuuruv bottle and started takimr it. I soon had the Itest reason in the world to 4At I 1 1 11 1 M Si i TiX I 1 I 1 II 41111 $ Thnnn 4nA t Many Things we would like to suggest this week and one of the most im portant is Diamond W. Of course you've tasted canned fruits and vegetables but did you ever try "Diamond W"? You can't find better, that is sure. It all has that natural flavor so seldom found in canned goods. "Diamond W" is sn a big variety at F.S. YOUNGER . . & SON . . tTeare Heudti tmtn-r-. for all kind oflrtli trulls In --ami t Jiitnlnf it T t I I ' TTTTTrrTTTTTT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE OLD DUTCH HENRY FEED YARD Cor W. Aha and Lillith Sts. L. Neff, formerly of the Hotei Uta, has chatge of the Old Dutch ieriryFced Yard, and would be i pleased to care for j our horses. I Plenty of stalls, large corrals for loose horses and cattle. Hay and ;rain for sale. Chop mill in con- section. silk with foulard finish clilrh nftpr ' all. amounts to the same thing. The fabric Is delightfully soft and easy to manage. It is shown to good advantage in a calling gown of cornflower blue, deli cately sprinkled with white figures ehantre rar opinion of the medicine, as cacti clay my neaitn impiweu.niui finallv I was entirely without pain at my menstruation periods. I am most teiUL" -NETTIE JiLACKJIor.K, 1" central .-vt, .HUiuuiijAJus, .uiuu. Painful Periods lor bathing suits, but it must be very subdued and trimmed only in black ' ) ecive the approval of the woman ho avoids the conspicuous. Xavy luc of course, holds its own and the stout sisterhood adheres strictly to black The water nymph's headgear also ; The skin has a craduated vakp which boasts a novelty. This is an extend-; is shirred in five rows, the front he ed crown which fits closely down ing quite deep, while the back tapers over the ears so that the hair will not off inm a mp.rp- iinml f I get wet. The brim Is composed of There ,s h d t ! ,,! , , T lnat .wne? I bottom, held In place with a band of snrelv help vou. for no person in America has such a wide experience in treat , (lonnen llli lint 1k nnitp n nrr f it nf. 1 . . ... (. .- . 1 . i . - i ' , .1 i . " , r : -- - r-- , lagomng auove wnicn are two ap- f . u Mhleniea 'S outl Ped tucks. The skirt hangs quite 1 1 .Inma FVbber m.er Pre,"J' Ehl?eS ; f ar"l the figure and has a decid- 1 look like large editions of sunshine j etl train nre rjuieklr and iieriimnentl.v overcome b Iydia K. Pinl;lirim s Vcjretnlile t'ompound. The above letter is only one of hundreds of thousands which prove this statement to he a fact. Menstruation is a severe strain on a woman' vitality, if it is painful something is wronjr. Don't take narcotics to deaden the pain, hut remove the cnue perhaps it is caused hy irregularity or womh displace ments, or the development of a tumor. "Whatever it is, -Lydia E. IMnkhamV Vegetable Compound is guaranteed to cure it. If thnrp is .inrthinir atxiut vour case about w'tich vou would like special adviee. write freelv to Mrs. Pink-ham. Xo man will see your letter. She can Economy Brand Evaporated Cream , roes farthest txkks the salate. pieasme m atpannce. itcwi smeathlr from the can. most ap Detizuiff. most nouruhm?. The asoTe cap label on all our brands Is an Insurance poker for as mteenar, pumy ana siuuiui creDaxauon. Insist ucon rcur dealer ffrrmg you Economy tarana ana see inai our lacei is on the can. Take no sua-sctau. HELVETIA MILK CONDENSIHG CO. Highland, Illinois. $ The bodice blouses over a girdle of darker blue satin, graduated, but with the greatest width at the back and a mere lmml nt thp frrmt Tho rnnn.1 yoke is composed of iace with deep i lointed scallops which fall unconfin 1 1 to the bust line. Beneath these seal , lops are two bias frills or chiffon, one white the other blue, and below i these is another applique of lace Tnder the yoke there Is an interlining pf rreara net between the lace and s."k foundations and veiled in the ncf are embroidered figures of blue 1 s"k to match the girdle. The collar is a simple affair in lace with blue' and white bands of chiffon top and bottom, but it makes an effective fin ish to the yoke. A Hint as to Prevailing Color. Remembei International Stock 'and Poultry Food at C. F. Colesworthy 127-129 East Aha St. Agent for Lee's Lice Killer That we give special attention to orders for fancy ICE CREAM and CANDIES. C. R. DUTTON'S ( The tussor color, which far more j nearly defines the new tint than champagne, pervades most materials. , In the meteor crepe de chine it is . particularly pretty and oCers an ef-fectiv- background either for silk rat ings or old lace. A chic design has touches of red here and there round the neck, over the shoulders and down the front. There are tiny canes over Uhe shoulders, the vest of the bodice I being tucked, blouslng In front over I a high girdle. The sleeves are tuck-1 j ed above, becoming very full at the ' ! wrist with cuffs touched with red The , wnole skirt is tucked to a little below the knees, from whence it falls very full and long over tho feet No wardrobe is complete without a white lawn shirt waist suit. The, sheerer the daintier, and if the en- ie uuuir is maoe uy nanu it goes the machine-made garment one bettor In point of elegance. No lace is used, but there are myriad groups of tucks, either hemstitched or run in with silk thread. A white kid belt with white enam elled buckle is the correct falst trim ming tor such a dress. MAUDE GRIFFIN. ing female ills as .she has had. She has helped hundreds of thousands of women back to health. Her address is Lynn. Mass.. and her advice is free. You are very foolish if you do not accept her kind invitation. Details of Another Case. "Deak 3Is. Pixkiiam: Ignorance and carelessness is the cause of most of the suffer ings of women. I believe that if Ave properly understood the laws of health we would all lie well, but if the sick women only knew tiie truth about Lydia K. IMiifcham'.s VcgctaMe Compound, they woidd be saved much suffer ing and would soon be cured. UI used it for five months for a local di'Ti culty which had troubled me for years, and for which I hnd spent uuudreos of dollars in the a am endeavor to rec tify. Iy life forces were being sarped, and I was daily losing mv vitality. " Lydia K. IMiikhnm's Vegetable Comiioiiiid I'lirpd me cnmnletelv. and I I am now er joving the best of hculth, and am most grateful, and only , too pleased to endorse such a great remedv." Itss Jk.vxie L. Eiwakps, CCM Ii St, X. u ., "Washington, 1). C. i I Jlrs. Pinkham, whose address is Lynn, 3Ia.ss will answer checr- iLuiy iiuu ivmioiii cost ail letters addressed t to her hy sick women. MISS MAY MARKELL, V Society Belle of London, Canada. "1 ; Sally East Oregonlan by Hy .is cents a ween. carrier, INDIGESTION is the cause of more discomfort than any other ailment If you eat the things that you want and that are good for you, you are distressed. Ack er's Dyspepsia Tablets will make your digestion perfect and prevent Dyspepsia and Its attendant disagree able symptoms. Vou can safely eat anything, at any time. If you take one of these tablets afterward. Sold by all druggists under a positive guar antee. 25 els. Money rofunded If you are not satisfied. Send to us for a free sample. W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. T.' Raise Funds for Pythian Home. Dallas, Texas. Juno 20. -Throughout Texas entertainments were given today by the Ratblione Sisters In re sponse to the roquest of the Knights of Pythias' grand officers that tho day bo observed as "Pythian Widows' r.nd Orphans' Day." The object is to raise funds for the proposed home of the ordor. It is hoped that a total or 1100.000 will be raised when eon structlon of the home will commence Senators Going to. Alaska. Indianapolis, Ind Juno 20. The sub-committee of the United States senate committee on territories will meet here early in the coming week preparatory to starting on the trip to Alaska. The start from Seattle will be made on June 28. l.MxVTMUSIvLLL of London, Oiitarir, I'unada. it a Imiut,- ful girl who knows what suffering is and Wine cf Cardui cajbroueht hcrbacK to health. She is une of trie social favorites of her home and her recovery to ln-altli has jermittel her to enjoy the company of hr-r mam- friends instead of lying on Hum Hun iUrktll. i nat- J For f 'V : u iifalthv and .1 1 ..inner. Mirutruation 'artw r gbr is wry easy to k rp rejralar thronph the fars of ma' ure womanhood, lliei. the i.hanpe of life" nl not i feared. Thus Wine uf Cardui is woman's ix-st relief from youth to old ape. A million women !iave secured blessed relief from tlii'irufferincs by tak ing tu:s treatment. It relieves men- a bed of sickness and suffering credit tnfvi'rT Tio'fhe pivM 1 stn,al troublOT w incredil.lv short credit to me of Cardui. She writes tune. In a simple ease of dJra,,CeU "I hive found Vine of Cardui an exrtl- menses Wine of Tardui neor fails. To lent renudy for female trouble. I suffered ' relieve disordered menses is to remove 1 or tnree years with terrible bearing-down 'he caute of oth'-r female troubles. A ny pains at the mtmtrual eriai I hardly stand on my feet and uu never realwelL Vine of Cardui w-a the only medicine that I could depend on to do me any good, as I tried several with no suc cess. Wine of Cardui cured me and I have now enjoyed perfect health for two years, and give you all the credit for I know you deserve it," Forayounirpir Wine of Cardui is the best remedy to guide her through womanhood by starting the menrtrual physician will tell you that to remove the cause of a disease renders the cure easy, in fact seldom fails to complete the cure. If you would have the same relief which .Miss Markell secured try Wine of Cardui. You can take it with out an examination and without any publicity whatever. You can take it in the privacy of your home and secure just as much benefit as if a doctor had prescribed it for you. Thousands of wo men are fet-ling the vigor of returning health by taking Wine of Cardui. WINE of CARD VI A million suffering women hae found relief in Wine of Cardui, BABBIT METAL KlSSMr?!?':" Gray's HarW Wc Don't Kcqi ETerjtiju : But we do keep , 'k of nice Pdry Ceiling, Rustic ?ni ; ,n a ardes. Alto s,u ' f Dimension LuX c."d.ng Utn - lows, Moulding, Boxes Is complete, one In need of Lumber not be wrena , their order w, Gray's Harbor Com.rj, OPP. W: & c. R. r, ' East Oregonlan office. Any Time Is a Good Tin Now Is the accepted tin;. -have your house painted or pered. A little painting htrt there will help its looks wj, fully. Some nice, bright, it, wall paper will lend a frethrin to any room. Our stock cf j' paper was never more compltts patterns In endless variety a every one new and up-tc-cY- n color design. Better ccme lifasj let us show them to you ini te you what It will cost for yar whole house or one room. E. J. Murphy, 111 Court Street. l Send Yoor t Siibscrfotion Honv T 1 -I 4. to i B. B. RICH J03 Thitd Street Portland, Ore. Agent for t AU Pablicatlons To test this "ad" J I will give a Ten Per Cent Redut' tion on all Subscription sent m: during the month of June 1 THE R AC YCLE The genuine, the bicycle which is the undisputed leader, is handled in Pen dleton only by us. Come in and see the Racycle. Witfaee, 3Usf A Cool Place Is Robison's Amusement Jfe lore, under the W. & 0. Depot Just the place to while away leisure time. Hrsi class bowling alley; splen did pool and billard ta bles; up to-date shooting gallery. Tetnperence 1 : Ireshments and ga- Free Musical EntertainoeiJ Every Evening iinii iiiimH1 Conrad Platzoederi All k.nds of Fresh Meats always on hand. Bacon, Hams and Sausage. tT f Prices as lowtsthe; 1 4