East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 20, 1903, Image 5

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It pays to trade at The Peoples Warehouse
Immediately After Over $1,000 Wat
Subscribed to the Relief Fund
Ladles Volunteer to Go to Heppner
i . rHnujintr nrices
Nurses, and a Large Number of
Men Go as Laborers All Leave
Town This Morning by Special
$3.50 Waists, at $2.50
3.00 2.25
2-75 ., , 2.15
2 50 , x.90
2.25 , i 75
2-00 , 1.48
: J.35
1-50 J.J5
1-25 , 95
I-?? , 75
.mimnniDO DTA rtUDI DmifHlTm nmnnn
BUIauflU DIM JJflrAIUfflDfll DlUKUi I
Comer of Main and Alta
City Brevities
... M u
.J9 iu sight.
...e meats at Houser a.
- .bee work at Teutsch's.
. n nrlettn wntl no nop
ling tables $5 and up. Rader's.
r.rlniT etilfc at Inprwr'n
rnni- shnpfi renalred at
t -
.SI It
scrs supplies.
us; received a new line of Jap
..... Jlffarfint ctrlllo rf OvtOflctntl
es from (5 to $30. Rader's.
a Sidelo," the best cigar made, at
. .gar store. Court street.
n l-'nrts nf Imnnrted and domestic
its asd clam chowder at Gratz's.
or item ouue 01 rooms, uiceiy
Main street Inquire SOS Alta.
n-ispr a ivnvs fnrnlfitiPR pnnn
Send In your order. Market
sum, opposite savings uuuk.
vie re.siaenee close in : one or
semiemen reasoname terms;
East Bluff.
fart Tt- In "itntc" w1 .ollo .in-
OJ.' smem is verv nrntltp il We
"put" and "call" trading sent free '
application. References, Brad-1
Booge & Co.. members of
Umber of Commerce, 37 Corn Ex
pise, Minneapolis.
lli nnmBP
.. " . . .Hat ja tr uuu a ii u
tl- ....
- D
" 1IIUMAS Clocks tnr
v-tie ana et one.
Poise of your Watch
1 If it A . .
- vi.j uul near mi rn a 'mm.
- "g u to us. No feature
uui UUS ness if. rpri. . nn
MCliiinn .no .!
JU3i llow lnan our
Never out of sight.
It's before your eyes.
Castle's for fresh fiBh.
$50 given away. See page 4.
Try The Delta's Iced drinks.
Delicious Ice cream. The Delta.
Smokers' supplies at Neuman's.
Best building lots In Pendleton.
Store for rent, Inqulie of Chris
For Rent Three-room house on
Main street.
Nice furnished rooms to rent at
309 Court street.
Wanted Salesman and collector.
Call at this office.
For Sale Household furniture; en
quire at this office.
Try the Palm. 221 Court street.
for nuts, candles and fruits.
U C Rader about that $50 worth of
furniture he Is giving away.
For Rent Four-room house on Clay
street. Inquire at this office.
Received dally, fresh tamales,
crabs and crawfish at Gratz's.
Best stock ranches In Camas Pra
irie. 1C0 to 1.000 acres. Wade.
See page -I about the $50 worth of
furniture Rader Is giving away.
We are making special prices on
fireworks for home displays. Nolf's.
One business opening sold yester
day; two left on Main street. Wade.
Blacksmith shop In Pendleton for
sale. See Earn hart, Association
Don't let cigars get the best of
you get the best of cigars. Han
Woman wanted to do general house'
work; pay good wages If competent
Call E. O. office.
Sewing and dressmaking. Miss Jes
ale Jones, 1015 Franklin street, cor
ner East Railroad.
Work on the Underwood typewriter
stands up before you all the time.
John S. Kees, agent.
For Rent Two cottages, good lo
cation, suitable for small family. In
quire at 100 Bluff street.
Wade & Bryson have sold the resi
dence property of Lottie D. Hover
male, lot 5, block C7, reservation ad
dition, to Arthur E. Lambert and
wife, who will make their home there.
Notice to whom It may concern. I
have sold The Delta Candy Store and
am going to leave the city. All par
ties knowing themselves to be In
debted to me will call and settle at
once. C. W. Irwin.
Grand opening Saturday night,
June 20, at Gratz's on the Rainier
beer. Free concert, grand free luncu.
Twenty per cent of the receipts will
go to the Heppner relief fund. Help
the good cause along.
A German scientist who has spent
eight years In Patagonia says that
Patagonians will soon be extinct.
Poison Fly Paper
A fresh shipment of that powerful "Sure Death" fly
"per. This is the paper that was so satisfactory to
everyone last season. -
J"5' a reminder to get some now, as you probably
nought some last year and if you did we know you
want some this year.
5c package
of ten sheets
""KMrmniValn .Aivunl III. flaiirt IIOUSO
ihl t3??' 10 the ,el8ram from
V1?,Pr0Bress c'Pb cael a meet
.8 at . counc" chamber yesterday
? ..oc,0,clj for th0 Purpose of call-
nf tfc eurauon off. The purpose
?h; MenRwas stated by the pros
dent of the club, R. Alexanderand
the action of the club was requested,
t.. M Lyons moved that the celebra
thV".. ,,ulfin'tely postponed, and
Uio motion was carried by an unanl
mous vote.
It was moved that th0 money which
was subscribed liv h ni '
city be returned pro rata after the
expenses already Incurred had been
paid, and the motion was carried
T. C. Taylor moved that a commit
tee be appointed fnr
raising money for the sufferers and
the chair appointed T. C. Taylor. Ed
Marshall and Joe TBllnmt,
committee. They immediately repair
ed to the office of the recorder and
wrote the head for the subscription
list, and Inside of 10 minutes $525
had been subscribed for the fund
I lie HSI Wild ML'an it-.......l
- - .....v.. iMuiiim illllUU;
tne business men of lim Mt- m.,i u.
fore night over $1,0UU had been added
io xne list.
Before the adjournment nf thp Pro.
firesa Club a telegram from the men
"I iieppner was read by Mr. Cohen,
asking for volunteers tn tn Hint
place for the purpose of relieving the
..u.nii. mciu uii aumiay ami .Mon
day. In answer to this a meeting
was called for the evenlnn- n s nVWL-
nnd at that time the council chamber
was jammed to the doors by the men
who wanted to respond to the call.
The list of the names was taken bv
tne committee and was afterward
cnecKed over and only those who
were physically able to do the hard
work required, and those who were
the right kind of men were kent on It
This morning transportation was pro
wueu tor tnp crowd and a special car
was set aside for their use by the
railroad company. The crowd was
early at the depot, where each name
was checked off and a ticket given.
There were 50 more men than wore
on the list who were anxious to go,
but only those whose names were on
the list In the hands of the commit
tee were allowed Iu the car.
In response to the call for nurses
a large number of the ladles of the
.city volunteered to go, and from this
list was chosen enough to fill the
number asked by the relief commit
tee at Heppner. The list of those go
ing, both men and women, Is printed
below: s"j.C's
Mrs. Bowman, Mrs. Stlllman, Mrs.
Lowe, Mrs. Mlscka, Mrs. Sloan, Mrs.
McBrlan, Mrs. LInebaugh, Mrs. Bol
lerman, Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Jordan,
Miss Georgle Shull, W. Dupuls, C. M.
Depuy, J. U Drake. CHIT Dupuls. Ed
Doyle, W. Goodman, J. Green, John
Caseman, C. H. Harrington, George
Houser. Lester Hicks, Ralph How
land, H. Hibbard, C. A. Hall, R. I..
Henry, II. H, Hicks, Joe Halman, C.
Anderson, C. C. Berkeley, S. Brown,
E. Bronson, P. G. Burton, C. S. Blum
quest, Walter Bartholomew, Frank
Cook, Dick Casey, A. Coleman, Frank
Lewis, E. L. Leland, A. D. Morrll,
James More, M. J. McDermott, P.
Mattsou. G. T. McLane, A. C. Hascal,
A. L. Hoover, T. L. Hackett. H. C.
Hoskins, Frank Harward; A. Jenkins,
Stewart Jamleson, Gus Underman,
Joe LeBow, J. W. Moore, R. McGee,
M. McLeran, W. Nelson, A. A. Nelson,
Chris Nelleon, George Otis, Dallas
O'Hara, Charles Kellog, T J. Oleson,
R. C, Painter, J. O. Price, D, (i, Piper,
John Peters, O. G. Reeves, W. S.
Snow, John Thorp, A. Thompson, J.
T. Van Orsdal, L. Vaughn, Walter
Wells, O. M. Wlckersham. C. Reedel,
Carl Reaber, G. W. Rish, Joe Ray,
George Reynoldson, C. G. Sliver, A.
Smith. G. A. Wlttock, F. West. C. H.
Walker. Eldridge Waffle.
Sporting Magazine.
A. Stelnmetz, of San Francisco, la
at the Pendleton. Mr. Stelumetz Is
the representative of the Western
Feld, a magazine published at San
Francisco In the Interest of the nport
of the Northwest. It is the official
organ of the Olympic Club of that city
and has run through one year with a
circulation of 250,000. It la a neat
little magazine and Is printed pri
marily for the betterment of the sport
of the West, though It deals with
the whole field, north and outli.
Echo Cannery Plant
R. D. Fletcher Is In receipt of a
i... viin In u-MMi litt receives
the information that the people of
Echo have donated one acre oi gruuuu
in thu uniur nf the town to the Echo
Cold Storage and Cannery Company,
If it would ouiid us piam int-re.
Returned From Portland.
ru r i Smith hnK returned from
a visit to Portland, where she accom
panied Dr. Smith, when he went to
attend the meeting of the state board
of health. Dr. Smith haB stopped off
at Heppner and will not return to
this city as long as uis eruce arc
urgently needed at that place.
Pendleton will celebrate the
4th of July
and as an inducement to people who will
come to Pendleton, travel or go somewhere
we will offer from now till the 4th of July
One lot of Ladies' Tailor-made suits in
Serge, Eta mine and wool mixture that
always sold for, and were good values, at
$20.00, $16.00 and $10.00, now selling for
$15.39, $12.50 aod $10.00.
Children Colored Wool Dresses
Sizes from 4 to 6 years, at ... . 39 cents
Pedestrian and Wash Skirts
now selling for, from ... 49 cents and up
Peoples Warehouse
Outfitter for M.n mltl Women.
OiilflttsrM for Mun xml Women
It pays to trade at The Peoples Warehouse
murk an epoch In the educutloiml clr
I cles of the city,
I The transfer of the property was
! made through I lie agenry of Wadu &
' I try hoii.
L. W. Damon and E. Ray Jones, of La
Grande, Buy Out H. N. Robinson
Will Add New Department and
Change Its Name Mr, Robinson
Goes to Montana,
The Pendleton Huslnebs College,
which has been conducted In thin
city by II. N. Robinson for the past
two years, was sold today lo L. W.
Damon and E. Ray Jones, proprietors
of the Modern School of Commerce
of La Grande.
The name of the Institution will
bo changed to the Modern School of
Commerce, and the La Grande school
will be the actual headquarterx for
the two schools at first.
Mr. Jones will arrive In Pendleton
about July 1 to arrange for the open
ing of the Hchool on September 7,
and will remain In charge of the
scholl here, while Mr. Damon will
continue In charge of the i.a urauuo
The present (inarteiH will be occu
pied and a preparatory and English
department will be added lo the
school for the benefit of those who
are not ready to enter the busltieHH
department ami the original courses
In bookkeeping, shorthand, typewrit
ing, penmanship and the fundamental
commercial branches taught by Mr,
Robinson, will be continued,
Messm. Damon and JoneH have
been engaged In school work In I-Ji
Grande for the past year and feel
highly pleased with the opportunity
to engage In that business In Pendle
ton and with the foundation already
established by Mr, Rohlnbon, their
new enterprise hure bids fair to con
tinue to be the leading Institution or
Its kind In Eastern Oregon,
Mr, Robinson will remain In Pen
dleton until July I, when he goes to
Montana to engage In the coal min
ing business. He has made many
warm friends In this city during his
stay here, and his departure will
Sheep to Seattle.
W. F. Courtney will ship huven cur
loads ol Hlii'cp to I lie Healtle market
over the W. & C. It. tomorrow, whore
they will be sold to the retnll trade.
Men's Resort The regulur iiieu'r,
uu'ctliig at the Ali'iib Kusori will be
helil lomoirow al I o'clock at that
place. Rev (5. W Itlgby will speak.
All men urn cordially Invited to at
tend. E, (1, EslnhrooliH, uiipeiinlend-enl.
as g fcpj
e So
J s in
Boston Storo
Letter Writing
Will be found a pleasure if you
use our stationary; it is the most
up-to date line in the city. In alt
the popular shades and shapes,
from 15o to 76o,
You get a nice large bunch of
paper with envelopes tc match,
and our price is from jC to 15c
less that others will charge for the
same quality.
You can save all your
Postage Money by
buying stationary of us
Hottest pluoo In town for fireworks
Outturn Maria fthaaa
$2.50 ;to:i$4.00
Best Dollar
in town
J mid Mock, Court aa;Mto II,
offlct, line bundle o( MWSfapers. cm
talulng brer 100 bl mm csn In -tilocd
for S3 ejnli a bundle.