East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 20, 1903, Image 3

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Annual Sale of
representing the
exclusive line
nobby styles.
Alexander Dept. Store
a.....--..-.-. ............ 4(t vrrTT'iTTTI'
Consider Your Wife i
these hot days. Relieve her of standing over a
roasting, hot cook stove by getting one of our .j.
blue flame cil stoves. The finest, most economical t
oil stove ever put on the market. We have them ?
from the little hand kind up to the big three bur- J
ner with oven they're fine bakers. No dirt, no ?
heat, no odor and 0 handy, economical and
quick cookers.
621 Main St. Headquarters for fishing supplies J
. m . a a a a a
a . , -4-1-4- -.--- a-
Its McHt
Has the large demand for
Byers' Best Flour
o)crs oest r lour, it s periection in flour. Made ay the
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
Visitors From California Returning
From Heppner With Bodies of Ex.
Milton People Nurse From Walla
Walla Hospital Visiting here Re
turned From a Visit to Portland.
Milton. Juno IS. Mrs. J. M p
Snyder and daughter. Miss Elaine,
are here today from thoir home at
alla Walla, and are pues.s of Mrs.
J. U Williamson.
Clayton I.nna. of Athena, was In
town yesterday.
Mr. and, Mrs. D. C. Sanderson and
daughter. Miss Nellie, and .Miss Kpsa
Pierce went to Waltsburs this morn
ing to attend the Enworth league
Mrs. Carrie Kussell arrived here
yesterday from her home at San Fran
o.sco and will spend the summer
with her sister, Mrs. J. K. MoQuarv.
Miss Hnttle Davis, of l'endleton." is
here visiting her grand parents. Mr
and Mrs. 11. Hunlston.
Milton People Drowned at Heppner.
J. E. Nichols Is expected to nrrlvo
here this evening with the bodies of
Mr. and Mrs. L. u. Hanks, who were
drowned In the Heppner clon.iburst.
Miss Estella Chapman, of near
Walla Walla, is here visiting friends.
Miss Evn King, who is cmploved
as nurse in the Walla Walla hospital,
was In town yesterday.
Mrs. n. E. Frarlor Is exported
home this evening from Portland,
where she has been the past six
weeks visiting friends and relatives.
Colonel O. n. Dallou. of the State
line, was in town today trading with
the merchants.
Jack Turner Slashed With a Raior
From Shoulder to Knee.
Wood was shed nt Prairie City last
night, says the Daker City Herald of
r riunj.
Scott Ilydo took the star part In a
serious cutting affray at that place,
which occurred In n barber shop, nnd
which resulted In Jack Tucker being
slashed on the rlRht side from his
shoulder down to his kneo.
Hyde took to the hills to cscapo ar
rest and at last reports Is still n
fugitive front Justice.
The details of the affair havo not
been received.
Hyde has relatives In this city.
Tucker Is said to bo a man of quar
relsome temper.
The two men camo together In n
barber shop and after a wordy war
over some matter, Hyde drew n knife
and slashed Tucker, escaping to the,
Tucker Is serlouslv. but not fntnllv
June :
IS and 20 Eastern
Association, Pendle-
ypewnters for Everybody, $35, $50 and $95
One of the Largest In the World Is at
Yale University.
New Haven. Conn., June 20. In
Woolsey Hall, of Yale University, one
of the greatest pipe organs In the
world was dedicated today to th
memory of John S. Newborn-, late of
Detroit. Mich. The organ, which
cost upward of $30.00(1. Is the gift of
Mrs, Helen H. Newberry, who gives
it in memory of her husband.
Set In the frame work of the grand
ly proportioned proscenium arch of
the big memorial hall, with a frieze
of superb beauty, and relieved by the
beautiful white ornamentation of the
walls and gallery, the organ stands
out in splendid beauty. The Instru
ment is 110 feet wide. 25 feet deep
and 40 feet high. It Is composed of a
great organ, swell organ, ehoirorgan.
solo organ, pedal organ (augmented),
besides having couplers, adjustable
combinations and pedals, all of which
are decided Improvements upon in
struments which up to a few years
ago were considered the acme and the
wonder of the organ builders' art.
The organ has some of the largest
scaled and heaviest weighted diapa
sons of any Instrument constructed,
and It also contains the first double
tongued reed stop ever built In this
3. 24. 25 State Federation of
"omen's Clubs. Astoria.
July 2 Eastern Oregon G, A. U. en
ampment. Union
July 6-10 Forty-second annual
meeting National Educational Asso
ciation, Poston, Mass.
July 7 Improved Order of nedmon
great council. Portland.
Julv H-2C Tenth annual session
of Willamette Valley Chautauqun, at
Oregon City.
All Week Specials
Ladies Wrappers, all grades and styles. 10 per cent off
Children's Dresses, nit grades, 10 por cent reduction
Ladies black hose, Rood quality. 3 prs for 25o
Ladies sleeveless vests, 4o each
Misses lace hose, pood grade, only 150
Misses sleeveless vests, 4o onch
Men's fine summer underwear, 50c a suit
Men's cotton socks, good grade, 50 a pr
Men's straw hats, all grades, from 25c up
Summer dress goods, nil grades reduced in price
Zephcr gingham, best grade, reduced to 10o a yard
Special reduction of
JO pet cent
on all Shoes this week
Agonts for McCall's Pnttorna
Home from vacation, feeling good
strong and healthy, would be the enso
after an outing nt the most beautiful
of Blue mountain resorts Lehman
Springs. There Isn't a place in nil
the West whero you can find a more
convenient and delightful spot to
spend a few days or n long time
away from the heat, noise and worry
or city life. Tho 15 natural hot
sprincs are wonderful for their me
dicinal properties. Hotel accommo
dations are first-class, 'phone connec
tions, free camping ground. 2." pri
vate cotthges. large swimming pool,
baths, golf, tennis, hunting and flail
ing For further particulars, address
C. R. Dtitton, Ijhman Springs, Or,
Driven to Desperation.
Living at an out of the way place,
remote from civilization, n family Is
often driven to desperation In case
of accident, resulting In burns, cuts,
wounds, ulcers, etc. Lay In a supply
of Durklen'H Arnica Salve. It's tho
Dost on earth. 23c, at Tallmnn & Co,
drug ktore.
P REEBOOTERS do not nowadays go around
A armed to the teeth, but their methods are just as
effective as of old and even more so as the papers
dally testify.
Prudent people k,ep their
valuables beyond the reach of
thieves mid llres No lietter
way, no cheaper way Hum to
place n sife box In yourlioiiiu
oillce or store.
I am agout for tho Nat
ional Lock & Safo Compa
ny's safes and furnish any
sized safo from a 1 i til n ono
for private uso to a bank
vault - all fire proof,
V if
Stock Farm for Sale.
The Oslo stock farm, consisting of
auuu ncres, about 250 head of cattlo
plenty of vater, grass and tlmbor.
Range has never been shceped off.
All under fence. Will grow nil hay re
quired. Call on or write to Bontley
fc iiartmnn, renuieton. Oregon.
If you are troubled with ImDure
blood. Indicated by soros, pimples.
neauacne. etc., wo would recommend
Acker's Blood Elixir, which wo sell
under a positive guarantee. It will
always euro Scrofulous or Syphilitic
poisons and all blood diseases. CO cts
and $1.00. F. W. Schmidt & Co..
I druggists.
"d Visible Typewriter is
stand the racket. Cannot
Ihf f,.r,a HF?.f
--- writing in
ine speediest machine on
wme and see our test!.
The Chicago
Typewriter received the
Gold Medal at the Paris Ex
position over an otners.
Will do the work of any
Typewriter Supplies and
Rubber Stamp goods.
Electrical Supply House
217 Court sl-
aw 1 I VII
lh're,is 3 lot of satisfaction in having a refrigerator
Oust Lays ke?ps everyrt"ng 50 c0?1 and 'res
. 1:. exceptionally complete--aii sizes auu
REpn nnnpfi
ve"nlAdjustable Window Screens are not only a con
ini?ue ut a necessity and we have anticipated your
... " bV Duttinfr tr. o e,.t, n oil iltc elve US VOUr
watt.t.. 0 " " "
M CMa XEVfc MW v ww-
Muct Have Luxuriant and Glossy
Hair, No Matter What Color.
The finest contour of a female face.
the sweetest smile of a femaio mouth, 1
loses something If the head Is crown-1
eel witn srnnt nair. scam ana iainng
hair. It is now known, Is caused by
a parasite that burrows Into the seal))
to the root of tho hair, where It saps
the vitality. Tho little white scales
the germ throws up in burrowing are
called dandruff. To cure dandruff per
manently, then, and to stop falling
nair. mat germ must no kihpu. mw-
TIn.,.nl,ln on r,,, t f -.il n.
suit of the chemical laboratory, de
stroys the dandruff germ, and, of
course, stops tho falling hair, and
lues baldness. Sold by leading drug
gists. Send 10c In stamps for sam
ple to The Herplcido Co.. Detroit.
Midi. Sold by F. W. Schmidt & Co.
IViore Foreigners Came to America to
Live During Past Year Than In Any
One Year Previous.
Washington, Juno 20. The immi
gration to the United States, Includ
ing I'orto Hlco. for the year ending
today. Is Jiifct a little above the vol
ume or immigration In 1852 which was
the "top year" in the history of this
country. Although the exact figures
will not be forthcoming for several
days, it Is lellably estimated that tho
total number of Immigrants arriving
at the 17 entry ports of this country
during the 12 months amounts to
nearly "&5.000. or about 5,000 more
than in 1882 In the month of May
there lauded In New York alone near
ly IOU.000 aliens.
Bowdoln Commencement.
Uruiiswlck. M011., June 20 Th
commencement exercises at Ilowdoln
college, which commence tomonow
and continue five days, will Include
tho dedication of Hubbard Hall, tho
new college libiary building, given
by General Thomas II Huuoard, 'C7.
Tomorrow the baccalaureate sermon
will bo delivered by President Hyde,
The library will bo dedicated Wednes
day afternoon, when Oen, Hubbard
will make tho presentation address.
Tho building will be accepted by Chief
Justice Melville W. Fuller, who was
graduated Iroru Bowdoin In 1853.
Dont Woy
Because your washerwoman
failed to come you dont have
to do youi own washing. We
are ready with our great facil
ities to do better washing
and ironing than you get at
home. We do it for whole
families, large and small and
the price is surprisingly low.
'Just phone down and our
wagon will be there soon.
Court and Thompson Streets.
Five Porcelain Tubs
Are now to be found at
Privett's Barber Shop and
Datli Rooms. We also have
five hydraulic chairs. Every
thing is neat and clean. We
employ none but first-class
workmen. Our equipment is
not excelled in Eastern Ore.
Privett's Barher Sijop t
723 Main Btrart T
Come and see our samples
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man
7,(t Main Street
A cat load of Ranter
beei, the best that ever
struck Pendleton, is
now in the new Cold
Storage, Can be had
at Grate's or Ross the
manager of the Cold
Storage, either in kegs
or bottles.
If you want
the nicest, freshest fruit of all kinds, call or phone your order to
Pendleton's only exclusive Fralt House
Hie choicest strawberries from Milton. Large, ripe cherries
from Freewater. New crop of oranges, lemons and bananas.
Fruit retailed at wholesale prices
007 Main St. Wm. MILNE, Proprietor
I can save you
IOO Dollars
Iftyou ar? looking for a piano
1 have a 300 piano which lias been used less than (our
months, perfect in every respect beautiful case, one of
the latest designs; deep rich tone, nothing whatever the
matter with it, but it has been used a shoit while aud 1
will sell it for $200. Octter come in and look at it.
Sewing Machines
Ni:w Homk, one of the finest and lightest running ma
chines you ever saw and not a high priced machine
either. Lots cf other kindp, both new and second-hand,
at all prices
407-412 Main Street