East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 20, 1903, Image 2

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H il I
. I.uJS!
Boys Wash Suits
t- New shipment jest in, new patterns
t 50c, 75c, $1.00 aad $1.25
Straw hats
10c, 2oc, 50c, $1 to $2.50
I 25c, 50c? 75c and
a We also have
I Belfast Mesh Iliem Uiderweair 5
Simmer Neckwear
Belts and Sispeite
One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Ha ters
It is prophesied that the Western ,
i'assenger Association win coiiapse
this season.
In a short time there will he a con
tinuous line of trolleys hetween New
York City and Boston.
Earthquake shocks of considerable
force were felt in AVales, coincident
with a violent storm upon its coast.
The state of Nevada has appropri
ated $125,000 for Its World's Fair ex
hibit. The population of the state is
The British minister has been in
structed to quit Servia, and the Brit
ish government will not recognize the
new king.
Three Russians sat on three kegs
of powder at Charleori. Pa., and
smoked. There are three funerals at
Charleroi today.
The first American child born on
the Island of Guam, first saw the light
June 1. It is a girl and the daughter
of Paymaster Ryan.
The Tuneral of Paul Du Chaillu, the
explorer and author, who died of par
alysis in Russia, will he heid in New
York next Tuesday.
The Russian government has final
ly granted concessions to the Jews
under which they can reside any
where In the empire.
George Durham and Fred Under
wood were hanged at Clarksvllle.
Ark., for killing SherifT John H. Pow
ers, who attempted to prevent them
robbing a bank a year and a half ago.
"Opposition to the canal" in Colom
bia is considered by many to be a
bluff preceding a blackmailing de
mand. It Is further believed that
when it comes to an absolute show
down the treaty will be ratified.
1 The Woodmen of the World are
now holding a midsummer carnival ut
Grant's Pass.
Mrs. Iartigue, of Pomeroy, Wash.,
is now on trial for the murder of her
husband last February.
The town of Edgewood, a few miles
east of Ashland, Or., was destroyed
by fire Friday; loss J15.000.
Albert Meyer, formerly of San Ra
fael, Cal., has fallen heir to $230,000,
but cannot now be found.
The Tillamook Dairymen's Associ
ation has sold 100,000 pounds of
cheese to a San Francisco firm. j
Harmon Snider, of Roseburg, has j
been lost in the mountains for the j
past It! days, and it is feared be has
August H. Wagner, of Portland, has
sued the Southern Pacific lor $10,000
damages for injuries sustained In a
train wreck.
A portion of the Plus fund, recover-j
ed by the American uatnoucs irom
Mexico, will be given to the Portlanu
diocese. The fund amounts to .Jl,-
or, ego
7 UDuboi, of Portland, has sued
U Dulioib, of Portland, has sued
Eastern & Western Lumber Com-
y of that city, for 23,ono damages
ini ,riB ...ki.,,i Vhii.. unrklnir
r !..! nl I ...1.11., .....-1 - ( .
iur lUjUI.CB n.iniu.iuru .... .v.ufc
in a sawmill. all the time without being
Frank Ilea was serious y injured In ,,anoflte(i, Then j ueBan taking Dr.
the Friday mine near Baker City last King.B New Discovery, and a few bot
Thursday night. An ore bucket drop-, tle8 who cuml me .. Equally ef
ped on nlm nud hurled hlra against fective In curing all lung and throat
tne wan 01 tne snail.
The mutilated body of Joseph Con -
roy, of Seattle, was found floating In
the .hay llrlday. Tne verdict of tne
coroner's jury was that the mnn had
been robbed and murdered and
thrown Into the bay.
Sick Headache absolutely and per-
manently cured by using Mokl Tea.
A pleasant herb drink. Cures Const!-. story to the Hotel St. George, accord
pation and Indigestion, makes you , Ing to plans for the same by T. F.
eat, sleep, -work and happy. Satlsfac-, Howard, architect,
tlon guaranteed or money back. 25 - The right is reserved to reject any
pla.ntirf Kn.tfl WrltA tn W TT TTnnk- ' nn,1 nit Mria fnr thn u-nrt-
"-suaonaBukalo,N:jr., for a freej7 June JtCth,,lfl0S.
Canvass shoes
60c, 65c, 90c, $1 to $1.50
$1.00 per garment
Hotel Pendleton.
F. Everts. Portland.
C. M. Creevaseu. Chicago.
R. W. Henneman, Snu Francisco.
C. E. Dickey. Portland.
J. E. Blazler and wife, Portland.
J. II. Wright, Portland.
J. W. Wright. Portland.
C. G. Hansen, Portland.
F. S. Rodgers. Portlan...
B. K. Taylor, Portland.
Isaac Grub, Chicago.
D. H. Fry. The Dalles.
F. G. Mcintosh, city.
George M. Coover, Seattle.
H. N. Dryer. Tacoma.
C. F. Royse. Waltsburg.
H. B. Cotton and wife, Walla Walla.
I. . C. Robinson, Denver.
A. F. Rhodes. Boston.
A. Steltzroff, Helena.
W. J. Williams, San Francisco.
J. B. Crossfield. Portland.
A. S. Heathfield, Spokane.
D. Shults, Spokane.
Nat Goldsmith, St. Joe.
E. C. Skiles nnd family, city.
A. Steinnietz. San Francisco.
Frank S. Braddy, San Francisco.
John F. Downing, Danville.
F. S. McMahon, Portland.
F. N. Jones, Heppner.
Ralph Jones. Heppner.
G. Abbott, city.
A. Kelsy. Pendleton.
Golden Rule Hotel.
Jack Ellis, Athena.
Mrs. C. Baird, Boise.
Pearl Halleck, Monument.
Emma Halleck, Monument.
R. T. Black and wife. Welser.
L. Cummings. city.
H. Thomas, city.
T. Warren, Weston.
H. Tlpler. city.
W. E. Dodd, Washburn.
J. W. Burgess, Indianapolis.
William Craig, Botterman.
J. R. Kimball, Magrath.
W. L. Davis, Portland.
Mrs. A. L. Dahlman, Adams
Mrs. J. Carlson, Adams.
Mrs. O. A. Pederren. Adams
T. H. Beathe, Weston.
A. H. Richards, Kennewick.
W. D. .Marks. Spokane.
G. O. Caldwell. Walla Walla.
A. R. George, Elk River.
F. Benge. Starbuck.
L. Cunningham, Portland.
S. F. Jason, Walla Walla.
C. W. Mane. Walla Walla.
J. Snyder. Walla Walla.
W. A. McRoberts, Spokane.
F. Cisuel, Florence.
D. C Crawe. city.
Mrs. M. A. Woods, city.
J. A. Howard. McKay.
John Southwell, city.
Mr. Robinson, city.
George Stovall, city.
Mrs. Burner. lone.
S. B. Tabor. Denton.
A W. Scott, Seattle.
Startling Evidence,
Fresh testimony in great quantity
is constantly coming in, declaring
1 Dr. IClng's New Discovery for Con-
fPtlon Coughs and Colds to be
Bumpuon. i-oubiib auo uoius. uj ue
al SJj"
T- - McFarland. Bentorvllle a..
serves as example. He writes: "I had
K.,,, f,.- nn,t ,ln.
troubles, consumption, pneumonia
1 nnd grip. Guaranteed by Tallman &
1 Co., druggists. Trial bottles free,
1 regular size, 50c and ?l.
1 Notice to Contractors,
j Sealed proposals will be received
I at the ofllce of T. P. Howard, archl
tect, until three o'clock p. m., June
27th, 1903, for the building of a third
Iowa Capitalists Looking for Good In
vestments In Irrigation Lands
Question of Whether to Celebrate
or Divert the Money to Heppner Is
a Live One Here.
Echo, June IS. A subscription list
was circulated here yesterday to pay
Tor the batch of telegrams received
from the griefstricken survivors of the
Ill-fated Heppner These telegrams
were the first to reach the wires, as
they were borne by the first messen
ger out from the scene of the disas
ter. They Hashed the sad tidings to
friends of the lost In many different
portions of the world, some of them
nmounting to more than $6. Operator
Han of Heppner. requested operator
Mudgc of this place to send each one
nnd personally guaranteed the pay
ment of each. This leaked out yes
terday and a subscription list was
promptly started which readily netted
the amount.
Celebrate or Help Heppner.
A meeting is called here tonight of
the various committees on arrange
ments for celebrating the Fourth or
July for the purpose of ascertaining
wnether we will proceeil further with
the celebration, or abandon It and
contribute the fund to the relief of
suffering Heppner.
Among the mnny who have passed
through here on their way to assist
heppner It Is to lie noted tnnt Helix
and Athena are well represented.
All night long a string of men were
passing to the scene from those
Iowa Speculator Abroad,
A. S. Funk nnd wife, of Atlantic.
Iowa, are registered at the Arlington
Hotel. .Mr. Funk Is a real estate
speculator and capitalist of thai
place, and an extensive owner of real
property In Cauada. He is interest
ing himself now In lands that can be
Irrigated. He has been looking over
the country coiu.guoits to Welser.
and intends going into Crook county.
He expressed himself as well pleased
with this country, saying it certaluly
yields vlelds remarkably. He said he
thought he would return to this place,
ns It suited him better thnn anything
ne had seen so far.
Echo Has Decided to Celebrate.
Echo. Ore.. June IS. At a meeting
of the various committees on arrange
ments for the Fourth of July, it was
decided to go ahead with the celebra
tion and raise an additional sum for
the relief of Heppner. Everyone in
attendance expressed himself as
willing to give an amount equal to
that he had subscribed to the celebra
tion fund, and to double It If deemed
A subscription list was Immediately
started for Heppner. and from the
ready response given we are safe In
saying three or four hundred dollars
will be raised by individual subscrip
tion. James H. Koontz heads the
list with S4C, and cash, $54. making
J. C. Wattenburg passed through
early this morning on his way to the
scene of the Heppner disaster. Mr.
Wattenburg was In the northern part
of Montana when It occurred. He re
ceived a telegram announcing the en
tire destruction of IiIf property in
Heppner. but that his family were all
Sells Five Carloads of Fat Steers.
T. C. Benson, the cattle buyer, is
here from Portland today. He pur
chased five carloads of fat steers of
G. W. Hunt, which he will ship to
morrow. Accidentally Shot,
Halley, June 20. William Early, a
prominent fheepmr.n. v,is accident
ally shot near Carney, 30 miles from
Halley, last evening by one of his
herderB. The shot entered the brick,
inflicting a terrible wound. The doc
tors say the Injured man cannot re
cover According lo the Informutiou
reaching here, the herder shot at
what be thought was a coyote, but
which was Eurly's- dog, following Ills
master. Early is AS years old.
Chase & Sanborn's delicious cof
fees, always fresh at C. Itohrman's,
Court street.
THERE is a big
Canned fruits and vegetables
that taste like mother's
has all the fresh ripe flavor of
the fruit or vegetable noth
ing but the moBt select stock
goes into a MONOPOLE can,
Every bit is packed fresh,
sweet and delicious, 'with
painstaking care and yon can
not find an equal anywhere to
Standard! Gracary
Monopole Grocent Court Btree.
Sheepmen Must Not Range on Wyom
ing Mountains.
Battle. Wyo.. June 20,-As the re-,
suit of the recent announcement on
hon county mat un
keep their flocks out of the mountains
bitter feeling exists between the two
factions, which may result In a san
guinary struggle.
The sheepmen intend to Ignore the
warning given by miners and say they
will bring their flocks Into the moun
tains to graze them during the sum
mer' as they have In the past. iJtst
year one man was kh.cu and three
minded as the result of a conflict
between the sheepmen nnd miners
.1.1. .. nnrl llip fecliHC Is CVCtl
ueui una . . .1 1
stronger now wiu n -
Pioneer Editor Dead.
Portland, June 20.-R!chnrd Clin
ton, editor of Town Topics, a Port
land publication, and well known
newspaper man. died at fi o clock
this morning after a lingering illness.
Deceased was 4S years of age nnd
leaves a widow. The funeral will oc
cur at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon,
from the family resid-nre. at Thirty
sixth and Morrison streets. Mr.
Clinton had long been a resident of
Portland nnd wns well known
throughout the Northwest. For some
time berore death he was unable to
attend to his business duties owing
to a complication of diseases.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Ixillnrs reward
fur liny raw of cutnrrli that run nut if
inretl by Hull's Catarrh Cure.
F J CIIII.NKV & CO.. Toledo. O.
We. (he unilerslKiieil. have known 1". J.
Chenev for the lnt K. yearn, nnil lielleve
him o'ertei'tlv honorable In all Inwliie-M
trnniar!lon"nnil flniwvlnlly nMe to earry
out nnv obligations niaile by their firm.
WMST A TISI Aa. " nolexaie Krui.-j.iKi...
Toletto O '
ale llrucsNt". Toleilo. I
llall'ii Catarih Cure I taken Internally.
artlug direct Ir upou the Mood awl mm-oiis ,
urraii of the avnteni Testimonial" neat
free I'rii-e T.'.r per bottle Soil! by nil
Half" family I'M- are the l-t.
Stock Cattle for Sale.
Have for sale 50 head of cows, 25
calves by side; 10 2-year-old heifers,
and 15 yearling belfers,
ELMER SPIKE, Echo, Ore. 1
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned. successor to
G.nsson & Rover. Is authorized to
collect all nccounts and moneys due
said firm.
Pilot Rock. Ore.
If You Contract
to buy $ 1 0,000 in
5 Gold Bonds from
The Mutual Life Insurance
Company of New York,
Richard A McCurdy, President,
Payment to be made during I
20 years in annual instalments, I
and you die after you have !
made one payment, your estate ,
will receive
$500 a year lor 20 years
Then cash
Total guaranteed In gold
11 you wisn 10 Know terms ra which these
bond are offered address, stating rotir aae and
the amuunt of income ou would like ta be-in
dxawing twenty years tence. "
Richard A. McCurdy, president.
Alma D. Katz, manager, Boise, Idaho.
Frank L. Hammond, District Manager,
Pendleton, Oregon.
These Hot Days
Our meats ure all kept on ice
Nothing old or tainted in this
shop, and when you get your
order it will be nice and fresh
right from the ice box.
316 K. Court Phone Ked 211
Insurance in force $13,456,960.00
M. H. RICE, Freewater
A font for Umatilla County.
J.P. Walkar, City Af ant for fendleloa
In carriages, pleasure vehicles and business
wugona ouc may po a erct deal further, (are a
great deal worse. If he overlook our e'tabllsu
i mem, for here are to be found the belt makes
' In the market VT Invite Inflection, criticism :
I! need be, trial uurchaae. Only dont fiut u
1 br without a look In ut our Winona wagons ,
loey run easy, cary ,3 more Iban any other ,
make and as durable, We have buccicn from ,
chine No burning or defacing J ur wheels.,
TM machine was Installed lu our plant at a
great cost and Is the only one on me racing
coat It does the best ol work and hat been
adopted by the the I' s. government Give u
a fall.
Storer'i Gasoline Engines
Bargains in
Real Estate
j I have a larger and better
j list of Farms, Stock Ranches
and City pr0perty to sell
I than ever before. Also a big
, f r 1 J : .
I lot OI lailU in the COllllHg
. .. e- fT .
wheat EeCtlOIl of EaStem
N. Berkeley
Photo Supplies
If you are thinking about
buying a Camera don't make
the mistake of buying one be
fore you have gotten our price.
We handle the best makes of
Cameras and can certainly
make it to your advantage to
trade here.
Fresh Films
and Plates
No bad ones here. If you
want the bett success In your
picture taking, you want the
best Plates. You get them here.
F. W. Schmidt's
The Reliable Druggist
roatoflice Block. rlione Main Sj!
The Coleatfa
Lodging Homt
Newly FUrmsH
Bar" connect,
Bet. Alu& Webb s&
a a, ocnempp
LOSSES always!
By the Fire InsuriJla j
panies we renrt
companies stand first It
Hartford Fire Iusura(
Alliance Assurance Co.
London A Lancashire
insurance Co
North British 4 Mocutik
Royal Insurance Co...,
R estatmul
Dinner Twenty-fife I
From 11.30 a, m, to '
Short orders a spedJ
Quick, Courteous 5a
Open all Day and
T. A.01dfatBef,I
u buil:
We can supply FJ
Building waici
descriptions aw 1
you money
Fd v,c,
Building P1!
stand tu.
cement, mi" -i
: the
Wood gutto
and dwellings
I Lrae an
Alta St,0.'
coe com
Bond ;
're is a
1U. a""
Stock i
Floor, "it