East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 20, 1903, Image 10

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; L
the ideal Summer Shoe
for $1.
Our entire line of Ladies'
Tan O.tfords, $2.00 to $4.00
values for One Dollar.
Oxfords arc essentially a sum
mer sboe. If we don't get
rid of our stock at the begin
ning of the season we will
have to carry them over until
next season and rather than
do this we will sacrifice our
complete line at cost and
even less. They are all new
goos, latest shaped toes and
stylish heels in all the popu
lar shades of tan and com
plete sizes. The' a-e not
old, shelf worn goods, but
arc new, bright and fresh
goods, such as you seldom
see on sale.
Remember, your choice of
of many pretty shapes and
styles for ONE DOLLAR
V.. H. Bleakney, of Elgin, In the City
to Prepare for School Year.
John Selfert 5.00
Joe H. Parkes 5.00
C. Sklles 5.00
V. Stroble 5.00
P. C. Peterson 5.00
C. H. Hammond 5.00
V. W. Scott. Helix 2.50
1 W R. Wllhee 2.50
1 Sillier Grocerv Co 2.50
1 J. A Smith 2.50
Received at T. C. Taylor's.
The following sums were taken
over the counter at T. C. Taylor's
store, and is aside from the subscrip
tion paper circulated by Sir. Taylor
and the committee;
Ed Johnson, 50c: J. A. Nelson.
$2.50. Earl D. Borle, $5; J. S. Mc
Leod. J20: Charles White. $1; Bis-
j senger Bros. S-: Frank O'Hara, $5;
I Olaf Hendricson, $1; M. Konovan,
'50c, Charles Pell. 50c; C. J. Mark,
I 50c: A. M. Erb. $5: G. W. Planning.
! : Paul Paulson, fl: H. It. Neil. $1;
! Manuel Freeuiey. $1. Peter Christo
' pher. $1. Andrew Jacobson, $1; J. T.
(Brown, $1; H. B. Cotton. $1; George
H. Snell. SI. F. E. Sherman. $1; J.
S. Beckwith. J10: C P. Patterson, Jl;
J G. Recharson, $1; John Stockmnn.
; E. J. Meiners. S20. M. E. Shutrun,
$5: Mate Raines, Jl: A. C. Friedley.
51: Fred Webber, $1, Gid Brown, $1;
1 M. J. Keating. ?1: R. W. Beeman, SI;
J S. Kees. S5; T. P. Lund, SI; J. C.
Miers. $1: W. E. Haynel. $1; Art
Haynie. $1; H E. Clark, $5.
In addition to the above list, the
following totals have been received
up to the time of .going to press. On
main list circulated by committee.
5o90: at Tallman's store. SS0; at
I matilla Implement house. $10.
Concerning; tie People of Pendleton and "Vicinity Notes
Personal and Otherwise By Oar Regular Correspondent
Baker County Man Who Knew Joa
quin Miller In Early Days.
A. J. Smith, of Eagle valley. Is in
Besides being a momber of the
lnrcest famllv on earth the renown.
Smith. Sherman Kunkle. Homer 1 oi 'nni multitudinous tribe of Smiths
- t nnv MnPo A A 1
On Wednesday evening at 9 o'clock Eddie 4 fart that he is a pioneer of Eastern
William Bol-
, ,r.t,ii r ,- f tn. uonam uauer
-.-.... E,. Fmncu Jackson.
?,5?"wIuo..""n,. Inns Madeline Bollons Andrew Bol
The Interior 01 the Church of the. w'" , " viV.iii. Vnrai
tedeemer was lavishly decorated In Bdw worle Rae oga IE mice opiI.
r.m, nml srrinrfa the color Lucelle Rader. Hazel Rader. Joseph-
ine Cameron, Mable Cameron. Edith
sword ferns and syringia. the colo:
While the audience was gathering Johnson Nona Johnson Lotta Lher.
In the church Miss Cosbie Raley play- ore. Albert. . a Grande,
ed the "Angels' Serenade" and the Bessie Marsh. Ruth Gibson Fa Gib-
in.nrm.- from thp -On valler TJns son 1-araene anuey, ucrmiac jui-
ticana." and "O. Promise Me." dan Jsvlnce Stanficld. Westbrook
The bridal party came Into the Dickson.
church to the strains of the Lohen-' "
grin "Wedding March." and were led : Qu'et Home Party,
down the aisle by the ushers. John T. . A pleasant evening was spent at the
Lnmhirth and Elmer Perry I)odd. home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pen-
The ushers were followed by the maid j land Inst Thursday evening, when a
of honor. Miss Georgia Folsom. who i few of their intimate friends gathered
was beautifully gowned in pale blue to pass a few enjoyable hours. Those
silk organdie and carried white carna-1 present were Mr. and Mrs. c. i..
tions. ; Troutman. Mr. and Mrs. Van Wilson,
The maid of honor was followed j Misses Gay and Bess Campbell. Miss
by the bride. Miss Elsie Folsom, on ' Flo and lizzie Walker. Maude Craw
the arm of her brother Mr. Harry ( ford. Blanche Guilllford, Myrtle
Folsom. The bride wore a gown of Hawks and Messrs. Dr. Ringo. Reed
white silk mull over taffeta, with a J and Funk.
tulle veil to match, and carried an
1 Oregon.
Today he Is one of the sheep kings
of Baker county.
Thirty odd years ago he wns n con
temporary f Joaquin Miller In Can
yon City, when that great poet was
county judge and dispensed even
handed justice with a braco of six
shooters, to uphold the dignity and
majesty of the law. Baker City Herald.
Play Ball for Relief.
The Squadron and Walla
Rev. W. H. Bleaknev. who has been I baseball teams are playing this after-
elected president of Pendleton Acad-. noon and will play Sunday afternoon,
emy to succeed Rev. F. L. Forbes, ar-' also, at Walla Walla, for the benefit
rived In the city this morning and i of the Heppner relief fund.
will remain here principally all sum-, Wou,d Give Exhibtion for
mer. preparing for the opening of the , ,. - .,
.Academy Tom Scott Ccolored) of this city.
Mr. Bleaknev Is not a stranger in and, And-r KiDS; have signified their
this city, and comes here to assume ' w",lnBnfs ,0 a Physical culture
control of the Academv npon the ani "xlng exhibition, the entire pro
earnsst solicitation of friends. He I fs RO to .th? Heppner relief
-will take up the work where Mr. I funQ- 'f5, ano , Preliminaries win
Forbes left it. niirsnlntr in th mnln f ,)e arranged later If the exhibition is
tne same successful policy which has , "ecided "Pn-
placed the Academy where it now pilot Rock Contributes.
stands in Oregon educational circles, j The mUe town of pot R k h
There will be six or seven teachers j contributed $400 to the Heppner suf
ai tne opening or tne scnooi year but ferers, divided as follows: Bv the
the only two employed now are Miss 1 ciu2ens, $250, Redmen, $75. and the
"i2t?Aw!.ei:.of?,,!?e!!!OaiI Fellows. S75. The amount was
XZiJl V.i. brought to Pendleton this afternoon
arm bouquet of white carnations,
The party was met at the chancel
rail by the groom and his best man.
G. A. Hartman. Jr.. and the ceremony
was performed by the Rev. W. E.
Potwine, of the Church of the Re
deemer, assisted by the Rev. Andreas
Bard, of St. Paul's church, of Walln
After the ceremouy the intimate
friends of the bride and groom repair
No Functions This Week.
Owing to the calamity at Heppner.
all of the social functions scheduled
to have taken place for this week
were canceled and the week has been
. ...... .... ,n , V. 1- f nllni'ln.
f,..T-f ,1 lUf U . fl Ul .Ul- utli itu- f
tlon of the cond;:!on. a: the cer.iur J 4.
of the catastrophe.
All of the societv ladies who are
! also members of the various frater
nai lodges of the city, and the clubs
Well Pleased With Pendleton.
Mrs. J. W. Becker and daughter.
Lulu, arrived last night from Cha
nute. Kan, to join Mr. Becker, who
has been In the employ of 1. E. Ther
kolsen's piano house for the past
three months. Mr. Becker is well
pleased with Umatilla county and
will reside hero permanently."
5ee Sharp for paper hanging
If yoti know
Ice Cream Free;
Villi UTII C
m w a.
' LI
ed to the home of the bride, where a ; have liet,n bllsv Wuh"the work of re
lief and have held no social gather
incs in that time, out of respect to
the dead of their friends of this city
reception was held in their honor. At
the conclusion of the reception Mr.
and Mrs. Wade were driven to the
have charge of the preparatory de
partment Miss Craig is a graduate
of Bryn i,awr College, Pennsylvania,
and Miss Olds is a Monmouth Normal
graduate and is now teaching in the
Elgin public school.
In addition to the present clrrlcn
lum French, elocution and higher lit
erary studies will be made part of
the permanent branches of the Acad
emy course.
Mrs. Bleakney will not come to
Pendleton until the beginning of the
scnooi year, but will remain at El
: gin, where Mr. Bleakney has occupied
the Presbyterian pulpit for the past
' three years.
by F. L. Morse and will be sent at
once to the relief committee.
Matinee for Heppner Relief.
The Pendleton Driving Association
will hold a meet at tne Simpson-Per-
nnger track on next Friday after-
home Prepared on Locust Hill, where j anU in meaior. , tne offering In the
tnex- will roctfto In tn-n ti-bo Mr 1 , .
and Mrs. Wade wlli go to the Wade j ' (.
country home at Dixie, on Camas 1 c,.ii n. , .,,
Pmiri wh ,hv ,w Social and Personal Notes,
I -miss .fccnin Kppie nas returned to
I Her borne in this city, after a year
I spent at Ellensburg, where she at
tended the Normal school.
Birthday Party.
Master Audrew Bollons was given
a pleasant party on the occasion of
his 14th birthday, which occurred last
Thursday by his parents. Mr. and
Mrs W. Bollons. The evening was
pleasantly sent in playing games and
before the jolly crowd dispersed light
refreshments were served The fol
lowing friends of the young man
were present:
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Skiles have re
turned from Siokane. where Mrs.
Sklles has been visiting for some
time. They were accompanied by
their daughter and niece. Miss Mazie
Mrs. W. F. Boothby. of Salem, who
has been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
John McCourt. of this city, left for j
her home this morning. Bccomnanled 1
by Mrs. McCourt and little son. John.
, -atf M t)r.
m m m m . ..
Tin- klml of clot lies tlint are sunraiiteed
For a visit to our store ne ii reward you by showing ,
fine a line of SUMMER SDITS as eve? was made T
in price from $6.35 to $20, and include blue eree fWr!
worsteds, poplar stnpts and plaids in fact all of the r,"
new, chic patterns. "
'Tr on soirecf Knppenheimer's new stvles and note th.
smartest effect ever produced by these, 'ihe preatest of j.
ready to-wear tailors. They're from Sifi.SF; tn ion nn
--4.. .4
' Clever Swindler Secures Check from
Hawley Bros, and Passes it in Bak
' er City.
Last week an unknown man came
WHIard Bond. Clarence. Boiierman
Ralph Bollerman. Sheppard Cameron, ' where they were called bv the' death
rruli T.'.,.H' t Tim-. Paninlinll X'nt.n -. . . ......
' - . . uvu vaw 'ucii, ..atuau I Ul .Mrs Hfinrnnv c hrnlhar o I).,.-.
" T - T" I Will. rM., r-i.i.n t-j ' . - -"-
noon ior ine ucnent or tee Heppner -'n1 uuu cu-, muu.
sunerers. xne meet will be open to
all the members of the association
and will be an informal affair, but
will put up an exceptionally good pro
gram. An admission of 50 cents will
be charged to go to the Heppner
relief fund.
personal rani, j
Workmen Contribute .
Pendleton Lxdge A. O. U. W do-
hfsV ni ht l thC Heipner reIief fund Delegates from all the Eastern Ore ton, last night
" 1 enn niiHK nnm iirnn . n, tn nr.
ine .Misses Jensen, of Grand Island
Women of Pendleton Organize
Heppner Relief.
into the store of Hawley Bros of Tue women of Pendleton have or
,thls city and aBked for a blank check. aalzeA 'r the relief of the Heppner
.xrane Hawiey gave him one with the., auu uu "'onaay morn-
."firm name stamped across the end ! n" from 9 tin 12 and on Monday
afternoon from 2 till r n rnmrnlttno
. nilt nf fho ctnro Tn n Aov m n i Of Women will be At thp Pal pntinnil !
ised to Pendleton delegates, but if a trin to Milton in ihe inior.Ci
check for JC5 came back from Baker ' moms to receive women's, children's j Jhese ar hought. we are advised by New York Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Mrs. C. B. Wade left on the morn- A girl baby was bom to the wife
u(i limn iur ruruauu aaa rtsiona. or ur. House, at their home ni V.C.
I gon clubs have been elected to at-
i Tut 2 Federat'n ffiWtlnB- .Ca7e the7ue7ts'of' Mr "and 'm'
June -o. .4. 0. I p p Pnlpnnn
Convention tickets on the certlfi- , , ' ,
cate plan, will entitle holders to buv i ,Brt Louend. the captain of the
return tickets at one-third rat. This 1 , aI!a " a,Ia uaseball team. Is In the
eDlegates from all the Eastern Ore-1 c,tr for a B,lort vlslt
land, not to Astoria. From Portland E. B. Conklin and children are
to Astoria delegates buy a separate j 'n Cove from Pendleton on a visit to
ticket. I relatives. La Grande Observer.
The summer rate ticket was prom- Frank Hammond has returned from
117. a ns t?rssES. imjn f'
Summer Comforts
Is what onr ice freezers in,
For lovers of frozen daintiii
there isnothingllkeanicecreu
freezer. They are Ineipetsin, J
clean and economical, easy to J
work and will freeze yonrcreia
in two minutes. The most it- J
light fo.1 desserts of frozen cm- J
tards, ices and sherbets can bt
made in a short time Then 701 !
have a freezer.
M -d'm''J?City. to the Pendleton Savings Bank, I and men 8 clothing of every kind and
a&'tMAWand was promptly dishonored. description.
StffM I The Baker City Democrat says a I rne. committee in charge of the
r.'&fl mau namet tving passed the check ' " lureuuu win consist or
5 The swindler jumped a board bill
?.At thp fipfnpr P.rnnrl hntol nft h
Clerk refiiRPd tn rnefi thn nhoni- rn.
' ,1. kHW l-UVLIV 1UI
tiffitfjilm. The authorities at Baker are
SH1 :p10w '""king for Mr, King.
igt-it $22.50 In jewelry and the balance
Sir hundred men are recularlr em.
ifcloyed on the new stenmshin Wnism.
frWilhelm, i
To Remove
back up against it before It is
dry. To remove corns from
your feet, hard or soft, the real
sore kind or other kind, use
F. & S. Corn Core
The corn comes out or the
money comes back. Price 25c.
Leading Jni;irit
iur aecui nere uim uuiuers cannot ue TS i. rn.nr.i.n v, .
counted as attending, the convention, her Wn,Ci?tt..b"ne.i?
ir this is true, the buying of other . wiii snpnd mn im in'f.,iiii .i.
other places to pay full" fare. The Cuanes Kinzey and J. C. Henry
difference to the Pendleton ladles is 1 "nae"ai:ers or La Grande passed
very little, and delegates are asked to fnroueh en route to Heppner to assist
buy the convention rate ticket. Club ' ln carinE for the bodies as they are
women going can obtain credential ,c""eu.
cards at Astoria, if they are not al-1 Walter Adams, the local agent of
ready supplied. Club presidents and tne Washington & Columbia River
committees are earnestly requested j railway, nas gone to the mountains
to see tnat their reports are in As-1 'r a trip on business connected with
Mrs. C. J. Smith. Mrs. T. W. Arms.
Jr. and Mrs. It. G. Thompson.
The committee in charge in the
afternoon will consist of Mrs. It. Alex
ander, Mrs. G. A. Hartman and Mrs.
L. H. Sturgis.
The committees Invite the people
of Pendleton to bring in every arti
cle of clothing possible which will be
sent to the neonle nf Hennnnr ah
kinds of wearing apparel are in de-' torIa ln tlme 'or thp opening of the lle road.
W. J. CLARKE & Co 211 Court Street;
mand there. Men. women and child.
ren all need common clothes to wear
ngnt now until some arrangements
for the future are made. Bring in
your contributions early on Monday
from 9 to 12 and from 2 to 5 at the
city council chamber.
convention, at 10
morning, June 23.
Pres. Or. F W. C.
Rigby.Clove Blacksmith Gets White
Hot Metal In the Member.
Yesterday afternoon Joseph Bailey,
one of the men employed at the Rig-by-Clove
Machine Shops, met with a
most painful and unfortunate acci
dent, as ti;e result of which he will
lose the use of his left eve. Mr nni.
ley is a blacksmith and was, at the'
mue 01 me accment, engaged ln the
task of welding a large piece of steel.
While he was at work a iscale of
the white-hot metal, driven from the
bar by the force of the blows from the
hammer, flew Into Bailey's left eye.
I The unfortunate man was taken to
l "io onice 01 Dr. cole, where the eye
" uicauea auu ne was made as
Comfortable as possible. This morn
ing the eye wns examined and it is
the opinion of the doctor that the
member cannot be saved. It will be
some time before Mr. Bailey will bo
able to porform his work again.
The head instructor of the naval
college of China is to be an American.
o'clock Tuesday Mr. Friex. of the Portland Western
, Union office, is in the city for a few
j days to assist the local office owing
1 to the rush of business r-onsitniient nn
1 ne neppner nootl.
ueorge w. Sutherland of Wuiio
alia, has returned lo his home aftor
1 a short visit in thin i.hw.. u-hur
Man In P. 1 1 t n H 1 AJ ant.ri In r,an ' line l.ann 1 1 -1 .. .
-i ... - Iten luumug oier ine construe-
county. "on 01 me new sewer.
Marshal Stone, of Pilot Rock. Is on
Marshal Stone, of Pilot Rock, Has a j
his way to this city with a man want
ed in Grant county from Susanville,
where he is accused of the larceny of
a horse and also of another man's
wife. The news of his presence In
fliot llock was 'phoned in from
Opened June First.
The Newton, Newton Station, Long
Beach, Wash., was opened June 1,
under new management. The New
ton has been much Improved. Rates
$2 per day. Reasonable family rates.
Ladies' and gents' bathing suits for
rent. J. O. Wickham, proprietor.
Mrs. W. H. Kensit, hostess. Long
Beach, Wash.
Daughter Born.
There was this afternoon born in
John Greaves and wile, of Huron, a
caugnier, curing their temporary res
idence in Pendleton.
There are 202.471 miles nf miirr,,i
In the United States.
E. C. Pentland, the traveling cor
respondent of the Oreeonlan wnn n
visitor In the city for a short time
wnue ne snook hands with old friends
Hcv. R. j. Divcn Is In Elgin, where
he will preach tomorrow In the pul
pit of Rev. W. H. Bleakney. who Is
now in mm city and who will occupy
the pulpit In the Presbyterian church
nere tomorrow.
F. N. and Ralph Jones were at the
Pendleton last night on their way to
ncpnuur. ine noys nave been visit
ing in Idaho, and are called home by
the drowning of their sisters in the
Heppner flood.
Removed to Walla Walla.
I. N. Davis, a Milton pioneer, has
purchased property in Walla Walla
and moved to that city to reside permanently.
The world Is to have a new Intoxi
cant made from ti root, which is
abundant In the Hawaiian Islands.
The Big
50 Pieces, 50 yards to the piece,
2,500 Yards
Japanese, Fine
Black, White and all Colors
' "Vi. f1 .