East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 20, 1903, Image 1

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1 Eastern Oregon Weather
. iuoiI it lour reiiura
t5cA WEEK.
NO. 'I77fi.
itw '
Cleveland Declares He
it in Any Sense a Can
Bt Let Alone In Peace With
Lily About Him Has No
I Nor Prospective Associa-
i Politics Except as a Prl-sn.
. June 2i The World
ihe3 a dispatch from
;.J, quoting former Pres-
rnd as saying1
frfectlj- absurd to suppose
cl that I have any desire
fcubiic lite Nor have I re-
TU'.wd the thought since
rton, more than six years
titter is as far from my
t as In 1S9G, when, all
H was not within niy
fcr tight. I have no high-
than to iass my days
i my fatally a round me,
part In politics which
citizen cannot take with
' Bn Proposed.
I JDoken to anybody on
If a fourth candidacy, ij
initcn to a single' pollti-
iy or the other, nor
ritten to or spoken to
Is not a nnlitlcal
f prominence endeavor-
p aay movement to nora-
BT state, so far as I
I. nor do I anticlnate
I effort will he made by
pmraent or ohscure, In
I the country
rWal occasions within
pen to perform the
fiuiiy (alls to tho prl-
F". hut there has tint
m the tlnnr nf nnr
llhe consciousness of
ra enort to assist In
alutary conditions in
New Methods Employed to Ferret
Out Postoffice Frauds.
Washington, June 20. By direction
of Postmaster General Payne letters
are being sent out today to corpora
tions and firms having contracts with
the government for supplies, notify
ing them that all contracts extending
beyond June 30. the end nf hn fl.,i
year would likely be held up.
it is understood this course is made
necessary by tho discover- of Irregu
larities in the division salary allow
ances. . The department thus paves the way
for the cancellation of all supply con
tracts uptll tho methods of their
nwards are innulreil lntn it lc m.
dorstood tho charges against Machen
win uc sustained through this agen
cv. Inspectors salil in t I n nnocoo.
slon of evidence In the shape of let
ters, checks and affidavits.
Below Appears a List, Revised to Date, of the Victims Phila
delphia Sends One Thousand Dollars.
Alleged Bribery for Permission to Use
Slot Machine.
Indianapolis nil, .Ti::v; a..-Fo'ir
Indictments for illi'ge.l conspiracy to
corrupt tho commissioner of imKir
works were returned by tho grr.ud
Jury today against Detective Stahl,
of St. Louis, who worked for Prose
cutor Folk; Hilton Brown, general
mnnagcr of tho Indianapolis News,
and Attorney Moel of the council, are
an investigating committee nnd with
the secretary of the Citizens" League,
it Is alleged Stahl tried to gain per
mission to operate 150 slot machines,
offering the commissioner a bribe of
me Bodies of Agent Kernan and His (Wife Have Passed Through Pendle
ton, and Their Funeral Will Be Held at La Grande Fourteen More
Bodies Have Been Found Up Till This Afternoon Heppner Is In Great
Danger of an Awful Epidemic.
Heppner, Juno 20. Fourteen additional bodies have been recover
ed. The weather Is extremely hot, but tons on tons ot massed
hail still remain. Dr. Smith, of the state board of health, arrived
today. He states: "Unless herculean work .Is done quickly typhoid
or other diseases will kill as many as the Hqod, if not more."
The Chinese of Portland offered a big regard for the recovery
of bodies of their countrymen. "
Volunteer women are needed badly to take the places ot the ex
hausted women of Heppner. '
Mrs. Joe Potter, whose body was supposed to have been found,
identified and burled, has come to town. Her daughter, almost dy
ing from grief, fainted when her mother came In.
' Authorized Any An-
1( of Himself.
I .... urn, IU
fOllOWlni- Elr,no,l
Grant. .Ir
wncement of myself
. ue vicc-presiden-
"u i nave known
ienas have entor-
the position
" COast nnd thai
callable a eandl
lUr Citizen nf tho
wit can carry the
w assistance of
i t think he will
Cause or Import of the Disturbance
In Constantinople Not Known,
Berlin, June 20. The Cologne Ga
zette today prints a letter from a re
liable source in Constantinople which
says as a result of a fight recently
40 wounded men were removed from
the sultan's palace. The cause Is not
Disturbances have taken place in
the schools lately. The troops sup
pressed them. A number were kill
ed and wounded.
Labor Leader to. Cancel His Engage
ments. Indianapolis, June 20. President
Mitchell is 111 from overwork and woi
ry, and is forced to cancel his imme
diate engagements. In mo liil lu
days he has traveled 5,000 miles,
made scores of speeches, held a dozen
Important conferences nnd slept unly
when traveling.
1 Wish
to Consult
English Physic-
pie none w
wnsuit Ann Tinan
? "warding the
ie 18 nibject
"J encourntrort
twe of Lord Sal-
ft?" an Hour
t ,sht train
tta7. morn'ng.
th I..
to? ".Mb-
The Number of Horses Entertrf and
Sums Booked Exceed Anything in
Derby Records on This Continent.
Inn vn tuna on Tlll inv I cold
and threatening. Irish I-a:l wan not
entered. This promises to lit the
greatest racing event in the West,
notwithstanding the gloomy day.
There will probably be 17 starters,
worth $31,800, of which the winner
gets $20,800. More than J I onn.oon is
already plnced on Waivable. The pool
room has already booked half a mil
lion. The bookmakers expei t tl 'M'O.
000 will bo placed at -he trni k. Chi
cago has gone betting mad.
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis
sion Company R. L. Boulter, Local
Manager, 120 Court Street.
Minneapolis, June 20. Wheat
Notwithstanding the fact that Liver
pool came a quarter lower lor wheat,
our market opened unchanged from
last night's close. The situation In
tins Northwest Is hourly growing more
and more critical and if wo do not get
good general rains within a very few
dayH the crop will be seriously dam
aged. The future course of the mar
ket depends almost entirely on the
weather conditions. Should wo get
good general rains, the market would
probably sell off a little. Should it
do this, we believe wheat should bo
bought as the situation Is a very
strong one at all points,
Chicago, June 20.
Opening. Close.
July 76 7C
Sept 74 74
July 49 49i
July 39 40
Minneapolis, June 20.
Opening. Close.
July 80 82
Sept 73 73
Superintendent J. P. O'Brien, of the
O. It. & N. wired Agent F. F. Warns
ley at noon, that the track Is now
open Into the city of Heppner and
thnt the relief party, consisting of "3
men and 13 women, which left here
this morning, would be taken Into
Heppner by rail. The entire track
force available on the O. It. & N. sys
tem has been concentrated at the
Heppner branch and the opening of
the road wtthtr a week; In the face
of such great obstacles, is a most re
markable feat in railroad building.
Help From Philadelphia.
Philadelphia. Pa.. June 20. In re
sponse to a telegram from Mayor Gil
liam, of Heppner, Ore., asking for re
lief for the flood sufferers of that city,
a special meeting of the citizens' per
manent relief committee was held to
day. A dispatch was sent to Mayor
Gilliam, directing him to draw upon
the treasurer for $1000. It was llso
decided to contribute $2000 additional
to aid tile Kansas sufferers.
Revised List of Dead.
The following Is the list ot the dead
as compiled at the morgue by M. A.
Rader of this city who had charge of
the morgue at Heppner from the
time of the disaster until Thursday.
The list is authentic as it was made
as the bodies were Identified by the
friends of tho dead:
Ayers, William, boy.
Andrews, Yashta.
Ashbaugh, Moses. Infant.
Ashbaugh, Mrs. Ed.
Ashbaugh, Gladys.
Ashbaugh, Erma.
Ashbaugh. Cecil.
Ayers, William, little girl.
Ayers. Winnie.
Andrews. Mrs. Mabel.
Heard. Wilbur,
Beard, Mrs. Robert L.
Barks, Mrs. Len W.
Banks. Mr. Len W.
Curtis, Mrs, Ada.
Chinaman Little Charlie.
Chinaman Louie.
Chinamen Five, names unknown.
Dawson, Perry.
Dawson, Habo.
Dawson, Mrs. Percy.
Dawson, Mrs., Fair store.
Dawson, Mr. Fair s4ore.
Dennis, J. H. E.
Dennis. Carl, son of above.
Estes, I.ole, girl of 7.
Estes, Blanche.
Estes, Mrs. William.
Elliot, Maude.
Florin, Nora. '
Farmer. Mr.
French, Florence,
Frlstol, Bertha.
Gelger. A. C.
Gunn, A. M.
Guim MrsA-M...
Hockett, two girls.
Howard, Mrs. T. R.
Harryman, Mr., Long Creek,
Howard. Mary,
llHrry, Frank.
Howard, Mabel,
Howard. T. R.
Hynd. Mrs. Robert K.
Hynd, little daughter of Robert H.
Hynd, Bert, little son of Robert H
Howard, Nellie.
Hart. .Mrs. Ransom,
Haines, Hazel, 10 years old.
Hockett. J. I
Hanly, Harry.
Hamilton. Mrs. Lillie.
Haines, Mrs. M. B,
Han lK. J. .1.
Hamilton. Clara,
Jones, Mandy,
Jones, Mrs, James.
Jones, h. P.
.Jones, Mrs, L, P.
Jones, two children of L. P.
Jones. Zelma.
Jones, James.
Jenkins, Zella.
Kernan. Mr. J. M. 1
Kernan, Mrs. J. N.
Kritg, two little girls. '
Krug, Mrs. Fred.
Krug, Fred's boy.
Krug, Mr. ' .
Krug, Genrsc. . j.-ffti..s-w
Kirk. Mrs. Jessie.
K'elthly, Mrs. Mnude,
Klntzley, Mrs. Hnttle.
King. Em in a.
Llpsctt. W W.
l.lpcett. Mrs. W. W.
l.efflcr, Manila
Long. Mrs. James.
Long, Mr. James.
Long, Clan.
Uing. t-year-old girl of James.
I.ooney, Preston.
I Matlock. James.
i Matlock, Mrs. Thomas.
I McHride, Anna.
Mrllrldo, SamueJ.
Mcllride, Wllford.
i MoBrlde, Alma.
McSwords, Dr. P. B.
McDowell. Zedda.
Morgan, Mrs. L. M.
Morgan. Robert.
Mallory. Mabel.
Oxley, Frank.
Padlierg, Mrs. Henry,
Itedfield. Mrs. C. E.
Roberts, Ora.
Roberts. James.
Roberts, .Mrs. James,
Rood. Mrs. Ed.
Rood, little girl of Mrs. Ed.
Rhea. Mrs. Leonora.
Stalter. Leah.
Stalter, Fern.
Stalter, Robert.
Stalter, Lonle.
Stalter, Annie
Stalter, baby.
Sullivan 30 years at Heppner.
Sallng. L.
Sallng, .Mrs. Mattle.
Thornton, George.
Thornton, Ava Doris.
Thornton, Ava. mother of above.
Vaughn, Dr. B. F.
Vaughn. Mrs. B. F.
Walton, William.
Walton, Mrs. William.
Willis, James.
Willis, Freddie.
Willis, .Mrs. Eliza.
Wells, Mrs. A. S.
Wells. Mr. A. S.
Wells, George W.
WellH, Harry. . .
Wyland. boy of ?.
Wright, Grover.
Woodward, Mrs. Clark;
Man 30 or 35 years, perhaps E,
Heal, of San Francisco,
Baby, about 4 years, bracelet and
light hair.
Man, small; light coniplexloned
Boy, 4 years; light complexion.
Woman, dark. 38 or 40.
Boy, small, light complexion,
Boy, small.
Boy, small,
Girl, about 13.
In addition to tho above list the
followlngbodles were recovered yes
terday and today:
George Klntzley,
Carl Klntzley.
Margaret Abrahamslck
Unknown man. .
Daughter of Davo Hamilton.
Martin Messlnger
Mrs. Jeanetto Hodgln.
I'nknown baby. .
J. N. Kernan and Wife Burled.
The bodies of J. N. Kernan nnd wife
were on No. 2 yesterday evening rn
lunto to Ln Grande, whom they will
be buried this afternoon. The bodlta
were accompanied by W. It. Scollard,
a brother of Mrs. Kernan. and tho
three orphan children of tho Koru.nis.
Tho bodies were taken to tha home
of Thomas WnUh, chief dispatcher
of tho O. R. & N. at La Grondo, and
the entire city nttended tho funeral
this morning, Mr. and Mrs. Kernan
lived for two years In La Grande, and
had n host of friends there. A sis
ter of Mm. Kernan, from NoithtleM,
Minn., will arrive tonight at La
Grande and the little children will lie
taken care of by her and Mr. Scol
lard, her brother.
Bodies Going Home,
The bodies of Mr. nnd Mrs, Plant
were sent to their home at Milton,
this morning. Miss Elliott's rorpso
went to Walla Walla and Dr. Mc
Sword's romnlns are now en route to
his old home In Ohio,
Shocked by the Disaster,
O. W. Harris, of this city, who has
been In the employ of Moutcrastelll
Bros., at Heppner. was an eye-witness
to the terrible disaster last Sunday
night. Mr. Harris arrived home at
midnight Wednesday night and has
been confined at his mime with nerv
ous prostration since arriving.
Up To Date Pendleton Has
Subscribed Over Four Thou
sand Dollars.
Pilot Rock Gets Into the Procession
With a Subscription of Four Hund
red Dollars There Will Be a Bene
fit by Baseball Players Boxers'
Pennsylvania Railway Lose
Attempted Bank Robbery.
Strothers, 0- Juno 20. - -The safe
nf the Peniv.vlvanla Ratlvn, at till?
place was Mown early Oils morning.
" Is not kn-i'vu lion mm-li .iuty was
secured. Five men wero arrested.
They nit? supposed to be the gang who
attempted the robbery ot the bank at
Poland, which failed because tho
operators- accidentally established n
"telephone circuit with some wire they
hud cut, nud set every telephone In
a radius of four blocks ringing.
Later Tho police raptured the
right men, who only got $50 for their
trouble, which has been recovered.
Following Is tho list of town con
tributing to the relief of Heppner up
to and Including today:
Portland $ 9000
The Dalles 1S20
Antelope , 3C5
Baker City 2000
Pilot Rock I0O
Pendleton 4050
i Hlllsboro , 180
Astoria s 20011
Ln Grande 1400
: Inland City 133
I Athena 425
iCorvnllls 200
Kugenu 500
Roseburg 300
McMlnnvlIlu 380
Spokane 1000
Wallii.Viilla-r 5G0
Sllverton ..160
A1I Producers of Steel Allowed to
Cut Prices, But Not at Home.
New York, Juno 20. The United
States Steel Corporation nnd the In
dependent manufacturers have decid
ed to permit all parties who offer
produce for tho foreign niaiket to
deal therein without regard to tho
domestic schedules of prices agreed
upon. t puts them In n position to
compete Independently for trade In
But the Civil Officers Have the War
Vessel Tied Up, Awaiting the Set
tlement of Claims.
Washington, Juno 20. Attorney
General Knox has presented mi opin
ion In which he bulloves tho bcerc
tiny of tho treasury will liu uhln to
enter Into a stipulation tliut will re
mit In tho discharge of tlin crutsur
from tho custody of tho Virginia
courts, arrango for a continuance of
the work and payment of all contrac
tors' and laborers' claims. It closes
with the proposition to seize the ship
by federal force, saying lie Is loutti
to bellevo there Is occasion for such
an exertion of federal power. Ho
Is confident any claim to Interfere
with national rights under the Judi
cial authority of tho stuto of Vir
ginia will bo promptly disposed of,
and denied by tho chancery court.
For this reason he shall defer an
swering that question, It is emphat
ically denied at tho navy department
that them Is any Intention of sending
a gunboat up James river to selzu tho
Galveston and prevent work being
Utter Failure of Attempts to Crush
the Rebellion,
London, Juno 20. A dispatch from
Tauglers today reports a battlo be
tween Moorish troops and tribesmen
at Alnniedlnna, tho Moorish general
and six thousand men reported aH
buying been lost,
Present Bishop of Southwark Will
Probably 8ucceed Him.
London, Juno 20, Tho body of
Cardinal Vaughan, who died at mid
night, will lie In state In the now ca
thedral at Westminster. Rev, Fran
ces Bourne, bishop of Southwirk, l
irnlntinH a a til nriimni
Albany 100
Ontnrlo 300
Harrlxhurg t 40
Salem ' 100
Freewater 408
Milton 385
Prlnovllle 450
The above list Is complete so far
as returns at Heppner show, and yet
It does not contain tho names ot
hundreds of private citizens who lmvo
sent peronul ehcckH for varying
sums, nud whose nniues will never bo
I publlHhi'd, by their request.
I Tho disposition of funds Is iirrang
j ed In a biislneNH.lIke manner, with
, experienced men ln charge. Books
. havo been opened In regular manner,
. and tlmekrepors employed. All mon
helping are compelled to list as cm
ployed and under orders, mibject to
command ns to manner ln which they
dispose of their time. Those who do
sire to do so will return wages to
committees as donations. Cometoiit
men are secured to care fur details.
All contributions will go Into general
relief fund, to bo disbursed through
onu channel,
Pendleton Relief Fund.
The following HiibscrlplloiiH to tho
Heppner relief fund have been Hindu
nil to tho (lino ot going to press,
T. C. Taylor $ 25.00
E, Y, Judd 25.1)0
Pendleton Scouring Mills .... 25.00
Pendleton Woolen Mills 25.00
Ed Marshall 26,00
Umatilla Implement Co 25,00
Tollman & Co 25.00
R. Alexander 25,00
Van Bran Bros 25.00
Temple & Wilcox 25,00.
Ed Ilesthorn 25,00
Thomus (lahugau 10.00
E, M Lyous 10.00
Ed Murphy 10.00
(1. A. Ilartnmn 25,00
I (1. Frazler 10.00
John llulley, Jr. 10.00
Oliver & Co 15.00
M. A. Rader 1U.0O
Leo Teutsch 25.00
L. Cohen 25.00
W. J, Clark , 25.00
Thompson Hardware Co 25.00
Robert Ulng 25.00
T. J. Morrl 25.00
East Oregonlan 50.00
Employes Peoples Warehouse. 36 00
Oeorgo Darveau 26 Oil
Joe Basler 25 00
Lonergan & Ball 16.00
F, X. Hchompp 26.00
J. J, Bulleray 10.. v
MoorhouKo & Hamilton 10.00
C. C, Berkeley , 10.00
Dcspaln & Clark 1600
L. Hunzlkor 10.00
C. II. Wad , 25.00
F. B. Curl 10.00
John Damln 15.00
Foster & Mcintosh 15.00
J, F. Robinson lO.tj
O. 15. Pcrlngor , 20.00
Al Vogol 10.00
Gray's Harbor Com, Co 26.00
J. E. Smith 25.00
J. T. Lamblrth ,,,, 6.00
William Krassig , 6.00
R, Martin ,..,,.,.,,.(,. 6.00
P, P. Collier
r. fin -j