DAILY EAST ORE GONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, JUNE. 19, 1903. T COST 1000 Pairs of ilippers and Oxfords In Patent Leather and Vici Kid, Welts and Turns. Every pair must be sold before July 4th. See display in Dry Goods window. lOTSCH'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE Corner of Main and Alta 6 City Brevities can see it. its In eight. U meats at Houser a. ,hpe work at Teutsch's. I Sharp's artistic wall paper. Ids tables J5 and up. Rader's. jour spring stilts at Joerger's. lf your shoes repairea ui ' cigar store, headquarters for Irs supplies. rappi ipd a new lino of Jap Inn. at Campbell's. Ij different styles of extension k from 15 to 130. liaaer s. ISidelo," the best cigar made, at irar store. Court street Itimic nf Imnnrtpil nnd domestic 3 and clam chowder at Gratz's. . Rnt Suits of rooms, nicely Ihed, one block and a half west bin street Inquire 208 Alta. .ser always furnishes good Send In vnnr order. Market Itreet, opposite Savings Bank. f Rent Large front bedroom in e residence, close in; one or ceotiemen, reiisoname terms; last Itlutr, I ding in "puts" and "calls" un ir arctam fc vorv nrnfltp il Wa e grain and stock accounts on f sin o as low as 20 Our book lut" and "call" trading sent free rppiicauon. iieierences, uraa- ber of Commerce, 37 Corn Ex e, Minneapolis. i Thomas lands (or all that is eoaA and luble in clocks has for forty Is. we are lc mi Si.cn p Thomas clocks for $2.75. Pis of patterns. peand get one. Ptflse of your Watch l it does nm hpat an o in I, . - -. uw w a uiiu t bring it to us. No feature our buSiness is receiving more 'Mtion just now than nnr P'ch repairs. RJNZIKER Two 'WELER and OPTICIAN Never out of sight. It's before your eyes. Castle's lor fresh fish. See Sharp for paper hanging. 50 given away. See page 4. Try The Delta's Iced drinks. Delicious Ice cream, The Delta. Smokers' supplies at Neuman's. Ladles' half soles 40c. Teutsch. Best building lots In Pendleton. Wade. Store for rent, Inquire of Chris Ranley. Nice furnished rooms to rent at 309 Court street. Wanted Salesman and collector. Call at this office. Try the Palm, 221 Court street for nuts, candies and fruits. U C Itader about that $50 worth of furniture ho Is giving away. For Rent Four-room house on Clay street. Inquiro at this office. Received dally, fresh tamales, crabs and crawfish at Gratz's. nest stock ranches In Camas Pra irie, IGO to 1,000 acres. Wade. 5c a dozen for Roman candles; 10c a dozen for skyrockets. Nolf's. See page 4 about the 50 worth of furniture Rader Is giving away. One business opening sold yester day; two left on Main street. Wade. Blacksmith shop In Pendleton for sale. See Earnhart, Association block. Don't let cigars get the best of you get the best of clgar3. Han Ion's. Woman wanted to do general house work; pay good wages If competent Call E. O. office. Sewing and dressmaking, Miss Jes sie Jones, 1015 Franklin street, cor ner East Railroad. For Rent Two cottages, good lo cation, suitable for small family. In quire at 100 III u IT street. Furniture of a five-room cottage for sale at a sacrifice; enquire at this office or address P. O. Box 5C2. Grand opening Saturday night, June 20, at Gratz's on the Rainier beer. Free concert, grand free luucn. Twenty per cent of the receipts will go to the Heppner relief fund. Help the good cause along. Real Estate Transfers. K. D Boyd has sold to Minnie S. Rose lot 6, in block 130, reservation addition, for $900, and to W. H. Por ter, lots 10, U, 12. 13, 14, 15 and K, In block 28fi, reservation addition, for ' 75. Notice to Creditors. The undersigned, successor to Giasson & Royer, Is authorized to ' collect all accounts and moneys due said firm. . W. M. GLASSON, 1 Pilot Rock. Ore. Poison Fly Paper A fresh shipment of that powerful "Sure Death" fly P'Per. This is the paper that was so satisfactory to cv)one last season. j reminder to get some now, as you probably "ght some last year and if you did we know you want some this year. 5c package of ten sheets KOEPPEN'S DRUG STORE CALL OF CHARITY COUNTY COURT CONTrtlB- UTES $1,000 TO HEPPNER Fraternal Orders Respond Nobly to the Request for Relief Funds Money Pouring In From Every Quarter and Assessments Being Cheerfully Paid, Relief Is pouring Into the city of neppner irom all sides and from all quarters. All of the lodges of this city have subscribed or will do so at the first opportunity, and not only have orders responded locally, but some o fthem have helped from out side of the state. The county court met this morning and at once provided for the sum of 1,000 to go towards the relief of the conditions at the scene of the disas ter. Five hundred dollars were sent this morning, and the otner 500 will be held to pay for the things In the way of provisions and sunnllcs that have been sent by the people in this piace and the vicinity. If there is anything left after these bills have been settled, it will be sent to bo added to the amount sent this morning. Tho Knights of Pythias have levied a tax equal to 50 cents per capita and will send $100 from tho local lodge. James Maloney, the grand chancellor of the state, has Issued a general call to the subordinate lodges In tho stnte tor a 60 cent levy, and tho state will In this way send to the lodge at Hepp ner at least 2,000. This money will be forwarded to W. W. Smeed, of Heppner. the K. of R. and S. of that lodge. Before the call for the tax was Issued about 500 had been sent In by the lodges of the state for the relief, and this will be In addition to the amount of the call. In response to the call 200 has come In this morning already by telegraph. .Mr. Maloney Is In receipt of a let ter from Grand Chancellor J. R. Ste venson of the state of Washington, who has Issued a call throughout that state for voluntary subscriptions from the lodges, and it Is expected that they will send in at least 1000. Both together will net over 30n0 Francis I. McKennn, the supreme master Artisan, has directed tho secretary of the general assembly to forward a general call to the lodges tl rotighotit the ooui'ivy levying a tav of 25 cents per ca;ilta on each lodge. anl to forward the amounts lo A. r. McMillan, secretary of the Lexington lodge, who will distribute them among the lodges of Heppner and lo:i-, The Alpha Assembly No. u. met last night and voted the sum of $30 to the lodge at Heppner, and the Har mony Assembly In Accordance with the orders of the master artisan. voted $15.75. The aggregate of the sum given by the Artisans will be large, as they have a large member ship throughout the country The Eagles will meet on Tuesday evening when It Is tho present plan to vote 100. Daphne Circle, of the Women of Woodcraft has given 100, and uu Pendleton Circle will meet tonight, when It will give its quota. The Modern Woodmen will meet on Saturday, when they will send a con tribution. The Maccabees will refer the mat ter to tho state officer and he wm send Instructions to the various lodges of the state, and In this way the donations of that order will amount to quite a sum. Will Hold Memorial Services. The First Baptist church will hold memorial services next Sunday morn ing at 11 a. m. and an opportunity will be given all to contribute to tho relief fund. The Workmen will meet tonlglit and take some measures for the re lief of the members of the order at Heppner. It is not known exactly what amount the lodgo will raise, but It is thought that It will not be less than 50, nnd may be as high ns "5. Real Estate Transfers. 1.7 nluhnmn nnd Jennie Dlsliman. his wife, have sold to F. J. Baldfield for $9,350 tlie soutu nan ot mo northwest quarter; the north half of the southwest quarter, and north half of the southeast quarter of section -. township 4, north of range J5 east, comprising land near "Weston. Mrs Nancy E. Despain, Edith Berk eley and C. C. Berkeley, her husband, Louis B. Despain, Kieanor m ukb in rwi Mnnr-v v. l)('Hnaln. cuardian of Constance A. Despalu, have sold for 2,000 to E. J. Murpiiy, an u im in block 1. town oi reuuiuiuii. Fine Horse Sold. i i u,.if,.r n horse dealer of Pen dleton.' arrived In this city last Fri day with "Teaay," a niw muuu;u stallion which he traded to William Carter for a team and two liundrou dollars. This horse Is five years oiu, weight 1,000 pounds, seven-eignuib Clydesdale and one-eight Messenger, ,,! Im nnn nf the finest looking stal- lima Hint has ever come to Ujiik Creek. Long Creek Ugm. Remembered the Printers. The East Oregonlan force Is under i.ii..nna tix Mlk riralz fur a iilKIHr appropriate present for a hot day. mrc tirlrkrow It does a body good , imvH Dr. Grlnn when one is sick. u i always so Jolly. Mr. Brickrow .vnuM Im o r too. it you were gci .ino- s for a 10-mlnute call. New York Weekly. to Dimities Latest colorings and de signs. 15c goods reduced to 80 Granadines Patterns guaranteed to be the newest. 75c goods reduced to 380 Embroirdered Swiss Small and large dots'wido or nar row stripes. 35c goods f reduced to w Organdies Genuine Scotch makes with silk stripes. 50c goods ro- 25c duccd to AtKf Big Girls Patent Leather,fow heel slippers $1.50 Fancy Ribbons Now arrivals Shirt Waist Sets T Novo 1 ties, 25c to 75c IT PAYS TO TRADE at THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE 50 per cent discount on Summer Dress Goods Belts No newer " lino shown .anywhoro Summer" Corsets New lino just received Imported Dimities in pink, blue, white, black and Nilo green. Striped and (lowered de signs. 30c goods reduced t 7c to Small Boys Canvas Shoes Tool, comfort- at1 !(1!!!!!p$t and $J.J5 Fancy Hose Ladies, Missus and f T i. H Ohildrons, al TO Misses Slippers Low heeled, 1-st nip sandals patent vamps, fancy bows Q 50 A second shipment of MUu9 dDSltt M(dl YIt Suife for warm weather wear Sies, 33 to 46 - PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Must Stand Trial. Walla Walla. Juno 19. Alexander Kaebant. the Frenchman who was ar rested in Walla Walla several weeks ago on a charge of Importing French women Into the country lor iminm.u purposes and who forfeited a $2,mn bond for his appearance In the United States court at Seattle, was arrested In- a secret service man Tuesday evening and taken to Seattlo to stand trial. Faehant was under tho Impres sion that the forfeiture or Ills $2,000 would end the case and was very much surprised when the detective nlared lilm under arrest again. Two other charges will be placed against Faehant seduction and bringing a pauper Into tho country. Eighty-five per cent of the children of Japan nre now In school. OXFORDS rr yp ST. r Letter Writing Will be found a pleasure if you use our stationary; it is the most up-to date line in the city, In all the popular shades ana suapes, from 15c to 75o. You get a nice large bunch of paper with envelopes tc match, and our price is from 5c to 15c less that others will charge for the same quality. Yoa can save all yoor Postage Money by buying stationary of us THE NOLF STORE Hottest place in town for fireworks 0 u o a o MALTHOID 11 ) Boston Store Custom Made Shoes $2.50 to:t$4.00 Best Dollar in town km EKLUND Judil Mock, Court ad;Mlo It, Made of felt, thor oughly saturated with P&B compound. Not impaired by varying temperatures. Docs not evaporate, crack, expand or contract. A low priced roofing thit can not be equaled, uu M WolUi- The Parafline Paint Co. mm 5 inn rrsncluo, Maius, PorlMnd, lot Anjtiel and Denver. Colorado. T. C. TAYLOR, Agent GOOD SOUND WOOD Is always received when you plnCc your order vttu us. Fir. Tamarack and ..Pine.. Why buy poor coal when you can get the best for the same price? Laatz Bros. Telephone Mafa 5 J