Yoa Want Both When you try on a pair of shoes look for two things "Comfort" and "Style." You must have them both; either one by itself is not enough. Our whole stock is pnrchased with these two things in view and it is the largest and most complete in Pendleton from a heavy brogan to the finest French kid boot and they all have that wearing quality found only in a care fully selected stock. Shoes for the whole family DINDINQER WILSON & CO" Phone MaId 11S1. Good Shoes Cheap CASE WAS DISMISSED. Judge Fltz Gerald Had No Doubt of the Guilt, But It Was Not Proven. Tho case of tlio city vs. Jnnies Fee, Joe Whttlock nnd John Don was tried before tho city recorder's court yes terday afternoon and from lack of le gal evidence was dismissed. Tho complaining witness In tho case was a Chinaman, and the charge was as sault and annoyance. It seems that the boys were sitting In a group when the plaintiff came along, and the crowd, or some of them, hit and other wise assaulted him. The guilt of the defendants, in the opinion of the court, was conclusive, but owing to tho stupidity of the complaining witness, nothing could be proven. In reviewing the case the court scored the witnesses who had, In his estimation, perjured them selves to save their friend. He held that tho defendants were guilty, but that tho matter was not proven by tho evidence offered, and for that reason he would have to dismiss the case, but he refused to allow any witness fees, and Instructed the city attorney to confer with the prosecuting attor ney of tho district and ascertain whether or not those perjuring them selves could not bo brought to Jus tice, TWO PROPERTY SALES, Delta Candy Factory and Store Changes Hands. Tho real estate firm of Wade, Dry son & Wado made two good sales to day. They have sold lot 0, In block H, tho property of Mrs. Martin, to Ilobert Lalng, for $1,200. The other sale was In the business district and was of moro moment. They effected the transfer of the Del-' ta candy store from the present own er, C. W. Irvln, to W. L. Mathews, for the sum or ?3,ooo. "William Hatfield, a Seattle lineman, fell across a live wire yesterday and was electrocuted. Powdered Daintiness You never saw a foot powder like ours. It is taking the town by storm. There la just one word In the dictionary to describe It. That word is "dainty." Talliiinn'.s Foot Powder is unequalled for sore, blistered, aching and sweaty feet. It keeps the shoes dry, sweet and whole some these hot, sultry (lays. The harvest man needs It, the uu9iness man needs it, you need It and everyone needs It. Be sure you get Talluian's. Accept no other. Prepared bjr TALLM AN & C2: Leading Druggists MISSOURI BLACKSMITH ON THE BOOM Buggy and Hack Wheels at Cost. See us for Wheat racks before ordering elsewhere WANTED-First-class Horseshoer $3,00 per day steady. Missouri Blacksmith Shop. West Webb St. COURT DECISIONS FOUR CASES APPEALED AND TWO WERE REVERSED. Cases All Attracted Considerable At. tentlon During Their Trial in ..e Lower Court One Was A Umatll. la County Case, One From Baker County and Two From Union Coun ty. Clerk I.ee Moorhouse has received from tho supreme court at Salem tho decisions on four moro cases argued here at the last session of the court. The case of the Ia Grande Invest ment Company, appellant, vs. P. J Shaw, Is an appeal from Maker coun ty where tho case was tried before Judge Eakln. V. M. Ramsey Is tho at torney for the appellant and M. 1j. Olmstead for the respondent. It Is an appeal by tho plaintiff In a case to recover $500 on a mining transfer, which case was decided In favor of tho defendant by tho lower court. The opinion was given by Justice C. E. Wolvorton, nnd the Judgment of the lower court was affirmed. Tho case of Una II. Sturgls, appel lant, vs. William Ilaker, respondont, is an appeal from Umntilla county of a suit to recover on a promissory note of $139, which was decided In favor of the defendant In the trial court. Justice Wolverton In his opin ion affirms the lower court. J. II. Haley represented the appellant aud T. G. Halloy tho respondent. The case of Henry V. Sterling, re spondent, vs. George W. Sterling ot nl.. Is an appeal from Union county, and the decision of the lower court was reversed and tho case remanded for a new trial. It is a suit for tho partition of real property, and the opinion was written by Justice JJean. J. H. I.awrey represented the appel lants and Itamsey and Oliver tho re spondents. The case of E. risher, appellant, vs. Union county, respondent, Is an ap peal from Union county on the decis ion of tho lower court, dismissing a writ of review. In the matter of va cating a county road. The opinion was written by Chief Justice Moore and the Judgment of the lower court was reversed and tho cause remanded with directions to set aside the pro ceedings ot the county court in the matter of vacating the road. EXCITING RUNAWAY. A Load of Fresh Fruit Scattered In Every Direction. Elmer Walden, a berry man from Milton, had an exciting and to some extent a disastrous runaway this morning about half past 9 o'clock. He left his team at tho foot of College street for a few minutes, and they took, fright at something and started up College street at breakneck speed. At each crossing they would bounce strawberries and cherries in every directions, and by tho time they were stopped at the court house tho most of the load was strewn along tho street from the place of starting to the stopping point. Tho rig was not daamged to any oxtont and the horses were not hurt, but tho entire load went to feed tho Indians who quickly gathered to feast on what they could pick out of tho dirt. BASEBALL TEAM DISBANDS. Several of the. Boys Have Offers to Go to Sedro-Wooley, The members of the baseball team nro all making preparations to leave tho city. Some of them have already gone nnd some of them will leavo In a few days. Wllklus, the manager of the Sedro-Wooloy team, about 28 miles from Everett, Wash., has writ ten to several of the boys from here and made them propositions to go there for tho rest of tho season, and in all probability several of them will accept tho offer. Gass, Speldell, Tay lor, Bradbury and Neaglo will leavo In a few days. It Is not known what will bo done In tho way of a game for tho celebra tion hero tho Fourth, but some ar rangement will probably bo mado whereby the games will bo played; porhaps by two nines either Imported or mado up for tho occasion. ACCUSED OF LARCENY. Employe of Rugg Bros. Believed to Have 8tolen Money and Checks. Tho preliminary examination of l,p Hoy Easom for tho larceny of a chick nnd $5 from the sheep camp of Rugg llros., was held this arternoou at 2 o'clock. On Saturday last the young defendant took a check from tho camp nnd $5 and boarded tho stago for Pendleton. The check was for fai.Ofi and was drawn on a local bank. Shortly after tho defendant had left GRAIN-O V J THE PURE V J GRAIN COFFEE The coffee hablt'ls quickly over come by thoso who let Grain. O tako Its placo. If properly mado it tastes like the best of coffco. No grain coffco compares with it in flavor or hjaltli fulness. TRY IT TO-DAY. itgroctri eTerywhsie ; Uc. ami SJc. per pickaxe EQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, JUNE 16, DAILY EAST OR mis sad nnd the sheriff was wired to hold tho culprit on his arrival norc. nctuiu Ingly when the stago reached Pendle ton It was met by Sheriff Taylor and tho young man. taken to tlio county Jail. Ho had spent part of tho money for tho stago faro, but tho check was found on him and returned to tho owner. Was Held for Trial In November. Upon tho convening of tho case tho defendant wnlved examination and was bound over to appear before the circuit court at Its next session In November, and In default of the amount of tho ball $300 was re manded to tho county Jail. The prosecuting witness, Henry Tippler, was allowed to go upon his own rec ognizance but was warned to bo on hand to appear nt tho time tho case was called by the circuit court. HEPPiTft HEAPJF RUINS (Concluded.) ud women and children, while the llery fluid played tattoo on tho high peaks of basalt to tno north, south and cast. Every gully was a rushing torrent In a few seconds. Tho streets of the town are covered wlui water, and within fow inches of tlio marks of tho Hood of Sunday night. Relief Coming In. Heppner, via lone, Juno 16. The entire state of Oregon, and many cit ies of other parts of the Northwest are rushing supplies to stricken Hepp ner. Hallway tracks and bridges are gone, and ravines are Hooded, making entrance to the district difficult. Estimate 300 Dead. Tho number of dead hns now been placed at 300. Hellof work centers at lone, rrom which point undertakers are leaving for the scene. The bodies so far recovered num ber 188. Desperate Situation. Heppner is almost entirely demol ished. Portions of houses, brusn, logs and dead bodies encumbered the creeks nnd streets. No loss of life at Lexington, al though tho property damago Is heavy. Tools for burying tlio dear are scarce, henco willing hands are idle. There Is no way of getting Into town except by wagon or on horseback. Railroad rails are twisted like rope. Every available horse Is pressed In to servlco to carry tools and supplier Into tho stricken district from Hepp ner Junction, 45 miles away. One Building Lett in Heppner. Everybody Is homeless at Lexing ton as a result of tho flood, and the school houte has been crowded sinco Sunday night. Homes, orchards and tarms were swept away In a twink ling. Almost the only building that es caped destruction In Heppner was the Palace hotel, on high ground. Here a number of people went to escape the avalanche of water. Tho debris is piled nine feet high In the streets of Lexington. The work ers at 3 o'clock this morning uncov ered 12 bodies. Water Force Terrific. Tho forco of tho flood is shrown by the fact tho body of a woman was carried down tho gulch from Heppner to Lexington, 12 miles. When the pile of water struck tho Congrega tional church, tho building was thrown three blocks away, lodging against the .Methodist church, A courier from Heppner says it wilt take 1,000 men two weeks to clear away tho wreckage and recover all the bodies Men and Tools Needed to Bury Dead. Hov. C. H. Lake will stand as ho stood all day and all night saying burial services over tho dead as thoy aro laid away in crude coffins Tho survivors havo been working since tho disaster uncovering bodies nnd bad begun to faint irom ex haustioii when tho II rat outsido relief party arrived. The local relief committee Issue a statement that "wo need men nnd tools, to bury tho dead. Must bo luir ried here fast as possible It will bo months beforo tho town resumes a HombluncH of Its normal condition,' LATEST FROM HEPPNER. Need Laborers and Caretakers for Children. Leon Cohen has telephoned over from Heppner saying that the great need tlu-ro nt tlio present time Is not money, hut labor. The condition of things there demands moro labor ers than aro avallablo at tho present time, and tho people of the city aro asking for help In that direction aud that thoy have money to pay for tho help rendered, Tho pltlablo feature of the sltua tlon is the largo number of the or phaned children who need help nnd comfort. Thero is a report that pro visions aro Jn demand, but this is thought to bo of small moment, as many loads are on tho, wr.y thero. Thomas Recovering. Portland, Juno 16. O. M. Thomas, the telegraph operator who was stab bed at Huntington by another operat or, is recovering not rapidly but sure ly, In tho opinion of tho attending phy sicians. Ho was stabbed In the right lung. -- ..... t n ttiioctin lu vtHltlnc In Walla Walla, tho guest of her sister, Mrs. Henry Harper. ... , ,if Pnndloton. was registered nt tho Elkhorn botul Tues day. Grant uouniy iu. John Henn and wlfo and her Bister, Miss Anna Ash. havo gone to Tool Springs to spend tho summor. "I ofty" Nengle went to EUonslmrg ,u.',nmlm. n-l.nro hn will remall' tor a tlmo tile guest of frlonds. Mrs M A. Sheridan has returned ',,, n trln to Portland, whore she visited friends for several days last week. i-u rnri llrnnillos the wife of tllO county nuilltor of Portland, Is the guest of Mrs. w. J, aoweii, i homo In this city. Frank Hammond has gone to Mil ton on a short business trip In the in terests of tlio Insurance company which ho represents. E. C Sklles left this morning for a trip to Spokane, whore lie will meet Mrs. Skilos, who will accompany him homo on Friday noxt. Harry Spledel, accompanied by his wife, loft this morning tor North Yak ima, where tney will visit for a tlmo with relatives and friends. Mrs A. C. McDonald and children, of South St. .Too, Mo., Is visiting at tho homo of her brother, W. J. Sowoll, of tho Orny's Harbor Lumber Com mercial Company. Mrs K. C. Perkins, nnd her niece, Miss Mabel Harris, will leave this evening for Durango, Col., after a visit at tho homo of Mrs. A. Kunkle, who Is the daughter of Mrs. Perkins. Miss Desslo Swltzler loft this jnorn-Inn- rn. Pnrtliinil where bIio will visit friends for a few days ond from thero she will leavo tor nouinern uaiuurmu, whore she will spend tlio summer. Clifford Helllngor wont to Freownter this morning, whore he will meet nis sister, .Miss Wlnnlfred Helllngor, of Salem, who has been visiting frlonds thero for some time and she will ac company her brother homo to this city for a visit with him beforo re turning to her home at the capital city. Mr. and .Mrs. John Vert have re turned from attending tlio week's sos- TORTURING DISFIGURING Skin, Scalp and Blood Humours Speedily Cured by Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Pills When the Best Physicians and All Else Fail. The agonizing Itching anil burning of tho skin, as iu eczema; tho frightful scaling, as In psoriasis ; the loss of hair and crusting of tho scalp, as in sculled head; tlio facial disfigurements, as In pimples and ringworm ; tlio awful suf fering of infants, and anxiety of worn out parents, as in milk crust, tetter and salt rheum, nil demand a remedy of almost superhuman virtues to success fully copo with them. That Cuticura Soap. Ointment and Pills aro such stands proven beyond all doubt. No statement is mado regarding them that Is not justified by tlio strongest evi dence. The purity and sweetness, tho power to nllbrd immediate relief, tho certainty of speedy and permanent cine, tlio absolute safety and great economy havo made them tlio ttandnrd skin cures, blood purifiers and humour remedies of tho civilized world. Jlatho tlio affected parts with hot water and Cuticura Soap, tocleano tlio surfaco of crusts and scales, aud soften tho thickened cuticle. Dry, without hard rubbing, and apply Cuticura Oint ment freely, to allay Itching, Irritation nnd Inflammation, and soothe and heal, and, lastly, tako tho Cuticura Resolvent Pills, to cool and cleanse tho blood. This complete treatment, costing but one dollar, affords lustant relluf, per mits rust And sleep lu tlio severest forms of eczema and other itching, burning aud scaly humours of the skin, scalp aud blood, and points to a speedy, permanent and economical cure when all other remedies and tho best physi cians fail, Indigesiion Is tho cause of moro discomfort than any other nllment. If you eat the things that you want nnd that are gooa tor you, you are distressed. Ack er's Dyspepsia Tablets will mako your digestion perfect and prevent Dyspepsia nnd Its attendant disagree able symptoms. You can safely eat anything, at any time, If you take one of these tablets afterward. Sold by all druggists under a positive guar antee 25 cts. Money refunded if you aro not satisfied. Send to us for a free sample. W. II. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. PERSONAL MENTION. : L 1903. slon at Portland of tho grand lodges' of the A. F. & a. m., qtnr Thev woro nccompanled by ?.tnr' uim nt Wallowa AITS. JiUBu,lu. """V, L Vr.- City, who wfll bo tho guest ot Mrs. Vert for some time. Catalogue Now Out. mi., mno'n'j mtiilnmip of the Ore gon Agricultural College of Corvallls, Is now before tho public and Is a mag. nlllcont little volume. It contains 156 pages, Is nently uoiinii ami gives uu !.. i.,rn.iniilnn unnHlbln to crnun in so small a space, about this growing Oregon Institution, u win uu Bum nn m, nnnllrntlon to the Agricultural College, Corvallls, Ore. FELL OFF FOOT LOG. Little Boy Lost His Footing and Was Drowned In Rook Creek. nninr nitv June 16. Joe. the 7- year-old son of Joseph Southwlck, an employe of the Chase Mills, was cross ing tho creek on n foot log, when the bark loosened by the rains, snppeu under his feet nnd ho was preclpltat n.l lutn dm Htrenm. Tho child was on his way to seo IiIb father. Tho accident occurred in tno even ing and the body was found today close by the spot whoro tho lad foil Into the creek. ST. JOE STflRF Cutting Cutting Cutting AW day long from mom til night, Snnnnnnnner Dress Soodl" C4-1 giwukvt iiJi ALU UvVT&UQ beaututfl patterns. Come and get some of these seasonable goods and keep cool. 250 pieces to select from Lyons Mercantile Company rt-tt l&ij (fe JLi W. J. CLARKE & Co 2ii Court Street Since this sale has commenced our store has been fil with eager buyers. As this is still the beginning, e pect this sale to.be a .wonderful success. V ly stioui it be?- . Look at these prices 25c Red Fancy Dimity - 12Jc3G-in Percale 16c Colored Lawns ... 35c Ladies Colored Hose G5c Ladio3 Colored Hose. FOR SALE One a tral i-'uui a:. . it. w cam iiuczers U If you know anything about Ice Cream Freezers vrAM w. iff I O Lll prices. wwl TEA HOUSE vy.ieare-ii P'ace In QKm Tlio I.omlotx In Pendleton The Best OH Cooking Stove Ever Made is the automatic blue flame oil cooker. It is a boon to tit housekeeper in hot weather, ai will boil, hake or roast like i oharm. It burns only a ga of oil in from sixteen to twenty hours, and is the safest, sin plest, cleanest and most econom ical stove rnaue. WATCH The Big RED LETTER SALE 6c 12JC 3SC "$3.5? $4 Ladies Walking Skirts, 3 styles, g- $2.25 Ladies tan shirt-waist suits Ask to see these goods BIG BOSTON STORE