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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1903)
AILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1903. THIS WEEK Alexander's Annual Sale of BdDys rastn Waste SmiDltS representing the entire, exclusive line and nobby styles. Alexander Dept Store COOL and SHADY Places to liang a hammock these hot days is a most delightful anticipation. Every lawn has a shady place and at the prices we are offering our new stock of hammocks you can't afford to be without one. We've got all kinds from 1.50 up. fhompson Hatdwate Co., 62 Main St. Headquarters for Fishing Supplies. .-.. --t, ,f, iTiifiiliif iiTiiTi luf ... t rTT 4 T I I V " TTTTT T I "I T i l l I 4 4 i r I I I T ! 'I I I i TTl T I )a Its Merit Has the large demand for Byers' Best Flour leen built up. Only the choicest wheat that grows enters in- Byers Best Flour. It's perfection in Flour. Made by the IDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. liypewriters for Everybody, $35, $50 and $95 Oliver Nard Visible Typewriter is island the racket. Cannot F ol alinement. F the type. Writing in The speediest machine on Come and ip rnr foot;. bis. The Chicago Typewriter received the Gold Medal at the Paris Ex position over all others Will do the work of any machine. Typewriter Supplies and Rubbea Stamp goods. MAPLE BROS, Agents Electrical Supply House 217 Court gt. OPPOS E JUNKETS LEWIS AND CLARK COMMIS SION AGAINST PLEASURE TRIPS Will Not Spend Money to Visit St Louis to Investigate Plans Distrib ution of Funds Now Made for St. Louis Fair Salary of Assistants. Portland, June If.. The state com mission fn !!t J Prj, arc f inr. pnr 'ma ui-ciuea against a proposal to send a special committee to St. Louis 10 investigate fair conditions and rec ommend the plan that should be adopted In preparing the Oregon ex hibit, lnferentlally the commission a so went on record against the Imme diate employment of a superintendent of the exhibit, for a proposition to se cure the services of such an official was opposed In the commission's meeting and the suggestion was not pushed, Commissioners Albeit and Flanders are to make a trip to the Eastern cities within a lew days and both will visit St. Louis, a week ago the two men were authorized to represent tho commission In full whatever the state of Oroacr. Ic'.lt e.MVl-t lr !-.- v.nv nf favors and what could be done by t...s state in completing an exhibit for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. These commissioners will not be paid for their services and the commission de cided yesterday that their Inspection and Investigation, coupled with tho correspondence of tho secrelary, would provide sufficient data for the commission. The proposal for an Investigation nt St, Louis came from Commissioner Q. Y. Harry. He offered a resolution em powering the president of the com mission to name a special committee to accompany him to the exposition at St. Louis, and followed up this pro posal with a speech wherein he de clared that tho committees of tho commission did not understand what was expected of them and the com mission itself was in the dark regard ing the scopo of Its work. Commis sioner Harry Insisted that the business-like method was to send a com mittee to St. Louis to Investigate and ascertain what other states would do; the space that could be secured for Oregon, and tho best methods of In stalling an Oregon exhibit. Harry's Resolution Opposed, The Harry resolution was opposed by the commissioners present. Com missioner Thomas Insisted that the exposition buildings were In courso of erection and arrangements for the Installation of exhibits incomplete. He held that correspondence would show as thoroughly as a personal visit what could be accomplished. Commissioner Albert held that the visit lie and Commissioner Flanders would pay to St. Louis would result In giving the commission the Informa tion that was sought. Ho believed that tracings of building plans could be obtained and the commission would understand what space might bo al lotted to Oregon without sending a special commission to learn. Distribution of Funds. The state commission yesterday approved the following distribution of funds In connection wuh the b. Louis exhibit: Salaries and expenses. T)00; press and publicity. $50(1(1: freight and transportation, $10,000; minerals and mining exhibit. $4000. agriculture and livestock, $4000; fish eries, $2500; manufactures, $2500; fine arts, $500: education and history. $2500; forestry, Irrigation and water Mipnly. $2500. It was also decided that no salaries should be paid at taches In charge of exhibits or the work of collecting them In excess of $100 per month, George CJoodall was elected assist ant secretary. Mr. Goodall Is expect ed to perform tho duties of stenogra pher and bookkeeper of ine commls- Ion. COMING EVENTS. Juno 17 Oregon Pioneer Associa tion, Portland. June IS. 19 Wool sales. Elgin. June 23, 24, 25 and 26 Eastern Oregon llaptiet Association, Pendle ton. June 23. 24. 25 State Federation of Women's Clubs, Astoria. July 2 Eastern Oregon G. A. U. en campment, Union July 6-10 Forty-second annual meeting National Educational Asso ciation. Boston, Mass. July 7 Improved Order of Rodmen great council. Portland. ifli li .--Tv:,,".. auttuU seailoa of Willamette Valley Chautauqua, at Oregon Cltv. Startling Evidence. Fresh testimony In great quantity Is constantly coming In. declaring Dr. Kings New Discovery for Con sumption. Coughs and Colds, to bo uncqualed. A recent expression from T. J. McFnrland, Bontorvlllo. Vn serves as example Ho writes: "I had bronchitis for three years and doc tored alt tho time without being benefited. Then I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery, and a fow bot tles wholly cured me." Equally ef fective in curing all lung and throat troubles, consumption, pneumonia nml frriti. Guaranteed by Tnllman & Co.. druggists. Trial bottles free, regular size, 50c and $1. Driven to Desperation. Living at an out of tho way place, remote from civilization, a family is often driven to desperation in enso of accident, resulting in burns, cuts, wounds, ulcers, etc. lay in a supply of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's tho best on earth. 25c, at Tallman & Co., drug store. Ladles' half soles 40c. Teutsch. All Week Specials Ladies Wrappers, all grades and styles. 10 per oent off Children's Dresses, all grades, 10 per cent reduction Ladies black hose, good quality. 3 prs for 25o Ladies sleeveless vests, 4o each Misrrs lace hose, good grade, only 15c Misses sleeveless vests, 4o each Men's fine summer underwear, 50o a suit Men's cotton socks, good grade, 5c a pr Men's straw hats, all grades, from 25c up Summer dress goods, all grades teduced in price Zcphcr gingham, best grade, reduced to 10c a yard Special reduction of JO per cent on all Shoes this week THE FAIR Agonts for MoCnll's Pnttoma JLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA around Just as effective as of old and even more so as the papers daily testify. r? REEBOOTERS do not nowadays go armed to the teeth, but their methods are Dont Woy Because your washerwoman failed to come you dont have to do your own washing. We are ready with our great facil ities to do better washing and ironing than you get at home. We do it for whole families, large and small and the price is surprisingly low. Just phone down and our wagon will be there soon. DOMESTIC LAUNDRY Court and Thompson Streets. F lu c'0Se out our ontlro cfnr-L- cvrpnt np our sewing ruoes. ti,- r -o ,5 rendu puces we are offering have never Deen equaicu Tht,ear n , e a"d every article is a genuine bargain. iwtotov y a few days left Every thins must g0' If you PticM. ",u"ey come early as the stock wont last long i FAILING, Store near the Bridge Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once Delay win iead to serious breaks, nrst-class work guaranteed by CK. the ToUUU PfmW Com " street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel A Union Labeled Church. A union labor church is to be es tablished in Chicago. At least W. B. Cook, of .'114 West Monroe street, who Is self-styled "labor pieacher." de clares so. First of all, "Kov." Mr. Cook will secure union headquarters, The building must be erected by union tradesmen and furnished by union elerks and union furnishers. The pas tor must be union-labeled and the con gregation will be compelled to show the union card at tho door of the edifice. From union-labeled prayer books and hymn books the supplica tions and chants of union tongues will arise, and union buttons will be the symbol of the church. The choir will be paid the union musicians' wage scale mid the contribution basket collectors will wear tho card. Detroit Journal. Notice to Contractors, Sealed proposals will be received at the office of T. F. Howard, archi tect, until three o'clock p. m., June 27th. 1903. for tho building of a third story to the Hotel St. George, accord ing to plans for the same by T. V Howard, architect. The right 1b reserved to reject any and all bids for the work. June ICth, 1903. Sick Headache absolutely and per manently cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures Consti pation and Indigestion, makes you eat. sleep, work and happy, Satisfac tion guaranteed or money back. 25 cts and 60 cts. Write to W. H. Hook er & Co.. Buffalo, N. Y for a free sample. F. W Schmidt & Co., druggists. For really fine, choice Steaks-Chops Cutlets Roasts of Beef, Mut ton and Veal drop in to our shop or phone 310 K. Court Phone Hed "11 . . .a. j ...t- r l III I I I T IT" TTT J I I TTl I Tf I T Five Porcelain Tubs Are now to be found at Privett's Barber Shop and Bath Rooms. We also have five hydraulic chairs. Every thing is neat and clean. We employ none but first-class workmen. Our equipment is not excelled in Eastern Ore. t Privett's Barber Shop f J 723 Mala Street T TTTTTTTTT TTTtTTTTT Insurance 1b force $13,466,060.00 H. H, RICE, Freewater Agent for Umatilla County. J P. Walker, City Af eot for Pendleton 5 Prudent people kwp their 4 valuable beyond lliu reach of 2 thieves ami tires o better 2 way, 110 cheaper way than to 4 place 11 safe box In your home oillce or store. 4 2 I am agent for tho Nat- 2 lonitl Lock & Safo Compa- 3 ny's safes and furnish any 2 sized safo from a little ono '"mS' 2 for privato uso to a bank I vault an lire prooi, ,, own,." Come and see our samples 1 T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man 7.1 1 Main Street tVTTTTVTTTVTVTVTVTTTTTTTTVWTVTTTVTVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTr Fresh Ftuit Pendleton's only exclusive Fruit Home. Fruits of all kinds at wholesale and rolail. Hood River and Milton Strawberries, California and Freewater oherrleB, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas and other fruits, G07 Main St. Wm. MILNE, Proprietor GOING CAMPING? YOU WILL probably need some camp supplies and we have anticipated your wants by laying in a big stock of Camp StovesFold Chairs Cots Tables Tents Wagon Covers Dutch Ovens Tin Reflectors for baking bread in fact everything you might need in camp at - 406-412 MAIN ST. ..- JOS. BASLER, Local agent or the North German Lloyd Steamship Company. Tickets sold to all parts of the world. I Conrad Platzoeder All kinds of Fresh Meats always on hand. Fine Bacon, Hams and Sausage. Z Prices as low as the lowest z Gray's Harbor SINGER Sewing Machines Sold on the installment plan Old machines taken as part payment J. E. COLEMAN, Agent Office, 30'i Kant Court Struct 10 Commercial Co. Wc Don't Keep Everything Out we do keep a good big atock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic and Finish, In all grades. Alto all kinds of Dimension Lumber, In eluding Lath and Shingles, Our stock of Doors, Win dowe, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper and Apple Boxes Is complete, and any one In need of Lumber will not be wrong In placing their order with tht s : Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. Wi & C, R. Depot Tbo Oregon Dolly Journal can b found on salo at Trailer's book &tora t t 4- f t t llllllHaBaBB