East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 16, 1903, Image 2

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Boys Wash Suits
New shipment fast in, new patterns
50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25
Straw hats
10c, 25c, 50c, $1 to $2.50
SaniiBnuHiieir Omideirwear
25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 per garment
We also liave
I Belfast Wasi Linen Diderwear
t Simmer Neckwear
Belts aid Sispeiders
One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Halters
All crop prospects in Manitoba aro
Twenty thousand striking Inhorers
In Now York City have Klven up anil
will return to work.
Work on what will be the largest
distillery In the world will begin July
1 at I'eorla, 111., by Woollier Dros.
The population of Loudon Is now
C,5S1,372, with a preponderance of fe
males over males of three per cent,
The owners of the redwood industry
of California, are In a movement to
establish an International lumber
The explosion of an oil stove en
veloped Josephine and Alphonse At
omic in blazing oil in their apartments
in New York City, lioth were burned
to death.
Armotirdale, a Kansas City suburb,
is said to lie since the Hood, the worst
picture of desolation in the history of
tho country, not excepting Johnstown
or Oalveston.
There are Indications that tho strik
ing hotel and restaurant employes in
Chicago have exhausted their resour
ces and that they will lose the strike
on nearly all points of contention.
The three-story hotel belonging to
Captain Huron tit Jackson. Ky., was
burned to the ground. It was not
insured. Ewen was a witness against
Jett and White, the alleged murderers
of Mareum.
A dozen or more llres and the death
of scores of dogs from poisoning in
Mount Kiseo and Newcastlo, N. Y
nre attributed to an insane resident
of the neighborhood, but who Is not
yet Identified.
Fred Mink, aged 21, Is besieged In
a barn at Plttsfieid. 111. Ho killed a I
neighbor and afterward his stepmoth
er. It Is a contest between the auth
orities and the populace aB to which
will get him. If the latter, he will bo
It is said that Ilev. Thomas Hen
dricks, of Ilochester, N. Y., will lie
tho new Catholic bishop at Cebu, P.
I. This indicates the complete aban
donment by the Vatican of all loyalty
to the Spanish influence in the church
in the Philippines.
James A. Gallogly. of Oregon, has
qualified for admission to the West
Point Military Academy.
Charles Clorke was yesterday sen
tenced at Olympla to hang for tho
murder of his mistress, Leila Pngo.
Major George Killlams, of Portland,
is said to be the only living man who
took part In the battlo of Gettysburg,
who wentInto the service from Ore
gon. Mrs. Ida Stunrt Edgar, of Chicago,
is canvassing Portland for funds with
which to build a Florence Crlttonton
home, and Is meeting with great suc
cess. About $22,000 Is now delinquent on
subscribed stock to tho Lewis and
Clark Exposition, if the subscribers
do not at once pay up they will be
The Indebtedness of the Salem
school district has beun reduced $10,
000 within the past year. Tho dis
trict carries $52,200 Insurance on its
The body of a man supposed to be
Charles .McCartney, lately front Kan
sas, was found In tho mountains near
Ashland, Sunday. It Is believed he
was demented and died from expos
ure. Miss Harriett Yodcr won the prize
last Friday at Pacific University for
the best Hpoech entirely extempora
neous, on u topic given off-hand. Miss
Yoder was tho only lady among six
Lieutenant L. N. Busbflcld, of the
17th United States Infantry, who has
been prosecuted on several criminal
charges, la to be soon court-martialed
on a charge of forgory. He Is sta
tioned at Fort Lawton.
Canvass shoes
GOo, 65c, 90c, $1 to $1.50
Hotel Pendleton.
Kd Ulackburn, linker City.
I). F. Fox, Spokane;
A. S. Cottroll, Salt Lake .
J. C. Monahan, Colfax.
A. P. Day, Medicine Hat.
Illanche Canilold, Weston.
Ella Thatcher, Weston.
E. C. Sidles, city.
It. Alexander and daughters, city.
Thomas A. Purely. Portland.
A. P. Bradbury, Portland.
W. I). Half, Portland.
W. II. Casey, San Francisco.
Max J. Wender, San Francisco.
H. 11, Parkland, St. i.onls.
A. S. Heathfleld, Spokane.
S. 1,. Darwin, St. Louis.
C. II. Williamson, Weston.
Miss Ilcrtha Adkius, Heppner.
.Mrs. W. C. Howard, Milton.
E. S. llnrke, Portland.
James J. Kelly, Portland.
Golden Rule Hotel.
.Mrs. C. Smith, city.
L. Cunningham, Portland,
J. C. Mondnn, Colfax.
W. A. Stark, Itockford.
G. A. Stuart, Itockford.
F, Anlonrlett, Itockford.
A. W. Scott. Seattle.
Mrs. AV. C. Howard. Milton.
A. S. Mnrlow, Portland.
Asa Smith, Portland.
T. F. Estop, Mllford.
E. Williams, Nina.
II. Tlpler, city.
li. Cumnilngs, city.
C. L. Downer, Spokane.
W. D. Marks, Spokane.
J. G. Helfrlch, Spokane.
M. Jack, Havnna. '
F. Henge. Stnrbticlc.
Mrs. i Kinney, Heppner.
C, J. Carr, Wooloy.
C. F. Wlss, Freowater.
Mrs. J. H. Chapman, Spokane.
C. H. Chapman, Spokane.
S. E. Chapman, Spokane.
Mrs. II. Mansfield, Joseph.
C. U Mansfield, Joseph.
Mabel Dodson, Joseph.
O. W. Sperling. Joseph.
Baldness Cured by Destroying the
Parasite Germ That Causes It.
13aldnes3 follows falling hair, foil
ing hair follows dandruff; and dan
druff Is tho result of a germ digging
Its way Into tho ccalp to tho root of
tho hair, whore it saps the vitality or
tho hair. To destroy that gorm Is to
provent as well as cure dandruff,
falling half, and, lastly, baldness.
There Is only one preparation known
to do that, Newbro's Herplcldo, an en
tirely now, scientific discovery.
Wherever It has beon tried It has
proven wonderfully successful. It
can't be otherwise, because it de
stroys tho dandruff germ. "You de
stroy the cause, you renin vo luo ef
fect." Vacation Dreams.
Away up in the heights of the lllue
mountains, far from tho heat, dust
and noise of the city, Lehman
Springs Is n most chnrmlng place to
spend a short or oxtended vacation.
Its numerous hot springs ore a pos
itive cure for all forms of rheuma
tism, stomach, blood and nervous dis
orders. Everj- convenience Is at
hand a large, comodlous hotol under
nblo management, lots of pretty lit
tlo cottages, ample free camping
ground, abundance of shade, swim
ming pool, golf links, shooting gal
lorg, tine hunting, lots of fish. For
rates and particulars, address C. It.
Dutton, Lehman Springs, Or.
If you are troubled with Impure
blood, Indicated by sores, pimples,
headache, etc,, we would recommend
Acker's Blood Elixir, which we sell
undor a positive guarantee. It will
always cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic
poisons and all blood diseases. 50 cts
and $1.00. F. W. Schmidt & Co.,
Best shoe work at Teutsch'a.
The Ridge Country Needs Rain Seat
tie People Here on a Visit The
Stock Range is Badly Crowded A
Fluctuating Thermometer.
Rhino Juno 13. J. C. Lonoruall
purchased beef of J. Borne, Uklnli,
Hust Bros., H. W. Whlttakor and Kopp
Bros. They were ilolivereu in reiiine
ton. Fair prices were paid.
William Futter, of Uklah, made a
trip to Pendleton this week to meet
his brother ami inmiiy, jur. ami .rs.
Antono Futter, of Seattle, Wash.
William Fhnrnwnld returned from
his sheep camp yesterday mid reports
grass as being badly bllgiued from
hot winds and not so plentitul either,
nnnges aro badly crowded.
Charles Cunningham, who has been
looking after his Interests near Pilot
Hock, returned to Pendleton yester
day. We had a nice rnln here yesterday,
which was gladly welcomed by nil.
The thermometer has registered from
BO to 100 above; It is cloudy and
about 70 now, with appearances for
more rnln. It Is fine growing weather
If we Just had enough moisture.
Crops are blighted some yet, if our
present weather continues, wo will
have a fair turnout yet. Most of the
alfalfa between Pilot Bock and Pen
dleton Is shocked and getting soaked.
Old Veterans Complain of Constant
Mistreatment of G. O. P.
Washington, June 10. Tho profes
sional old soldiers aro grumbling in
the public prints about their Ill-treat
ment at the hands of tho government.
One of the most Indefatigable of these
men Is Dyrenforth. at tho head of
what Is known in Washington as the
union Veterans Legion. Ho breaks
out into print every llttlo whllo with
the declaration that the soldiers arc
going to organize so ns to get olllces.
very little attention is paid to him,
because he seems to make that a
iart of his stock In trnde.
Another who has como forward
with complaints Is "Private" Dalzoll
This man has kept himself before tho
public tor -10 years by writing to the
papers from time to time, and signing
his communications "Private"" Dal-
zell. He has written entertainingly
oo, or else the papers would not have
irlnted what he had to say.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward
for any case of catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
i'. J. ciu;.Mia ic lu Toledo, o.
We. the under8imed. have known I J.
Cheney for the last 1! years, anil believe
hint perfectly honorable In nil business
tl'HIlsnpllnns nnil flnnnnlnllw nhlrt tn enrrn
out any obligations made by their Arm.
iuua., wnoiesnie uruggists,
Toledo, O.
sale uruggisis, xoieuo, u.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internallv.
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surface of the system. Testimonials sent
irec. rrice Tac per Dottle. Hold liy nil
iiairs ramlly nils are the best.
Train Dispatchers Meet.
Mnsilivlllo Tnnn Inn., tfi Tli
. ....... . ...u, u.K.i; ,u. ..u .
eirntes In the nnnunT rnnvenHnn nf
the Train Dispatchers' Association of
America gathered here today. They
came from nil parts of the United
States and many of them wore ac
companied by their wives. At tho
opening session the delegates wen)
welcomed on behalf of the city anil
tho local railroad men, and after thesti
formalities had been disposed of the1
annual reports of the officers wore
taken up for discussion. The sessions
will continue until Friday,
Stock Cattle for Sale.
Have for sale 60 head of cows. 25
calves by side; 10 2-year-old heifers,
and ID yearling heifers.
Can You Answer?
On what basis are the best
5 per cent, gold bonds selling
What will a 5 per cent. 20
year gold bond be worth twenty
years hence when interest rates
are much lower?
On what terms can you buy
a 5 per cent. 20 year gold bond
deliverable to you in ten,
fifteen or twenty years or to
your estate at once in case of
your death ?
Address, iUUni your te nd the amount ol
Richard A. McCurdy, president.
Alma D. Katz, manager, Bolso, Idaho.
Frank L. Hammond, District Manager,
Pendleton, Oregon.
There Are Fat Cows Over Here for
Sale Fishing Is Good and the Camp
ers Are Moving in Spokane Par
ties Are Looking Over the Timber
Alba, Juno 1C For tho past week
tho weather has been warm, with fre
quent thunder showers which did an
immense lot of good to growing crops.
.Mr. Medskor was here last week
buying horses for tho government:
but he did not slay long enough to get
tho horses up off tho range so n only
got a few.
l.onergaii, tho Seattle ijuvtr. was
here a few days ago and bought 69
head of steers of Born nnd Ixjaslnku.
The price paid was 4.3G per 100.
There aro quite a lot of fat cows
ready for tho market here now.
The Alba orchestra met nt the Dixie
ranch yesterday and rendered many
pieces of vocal and Instrumental
Fishing Is good and the anglers are
Ramncrs are nulling Into the springs
at a lively rate.
Miss Edith Perry has accopteil a
position to tench the school In District
No. 9.
There aro many people here from
Spokane looking over tho tlmlier
Yotinp; women may avoid
much sickness and pain, says
Aliss Alma Pratt, if they will
only have faith in Lydin B.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
" I feel It my duty to tell all younpr
women how much Lydia K. JMiik
litini'H woudurful Vegetable Com
pound lias done for me. I was com
pletely run down, unable to attend
school, and did not care for any klml
of society, but now I feel like a new
person, and have gained seven pouuda
of ilesh in three months.
" I recommend it to all young-women
who suffer from female weakness."
Miss Ai.sia Pii.vtt, Holly, Mich. tsooo
forfeit If original of about tetter proving genulnenus
iannot be produce J,
All yiuuig trirls at this perinil of
life aro oimtustly-itivitoil to wrilo
to Mrs. Piiiklium lor atlvit-o : slm
Ims L'uiilod In a motherly wuv
hundred:! nf younjr womeitr Iter
iwlvieo 1h tntoly mid ilieerfullr
Riven; her nddiesK is Iiyim.MasS.
Judging from the letters she is re
ceiving from so many voimg girls Mis.
Piukham is inclined to the belief that
our girls are pushed altogether too
near the limit of their endurance now
adays in our public hohools and M-iuiu-aries
; less learning- and. mure health
needed. 1
Telephone Mnln 4
Monopole, Rock Candy,
Red Star and White Rose
in half gallons, gallons,
jackets and pails.
Standard Grocery
Court Street
Low Sellers of Groceries
" Just Try a
Cigar "
5 cents
The Parrot Cigar
is a superior 5 cent cigar.
Thoy might have made other
brands us good, but they did nt
At Your Dealer's
I'nr Comfort ittul Mlj-le
In carriage, pleusuro volilclcs niul limine!
wngous uuc limy go 11 great ileal further, fare a
grunt ileal wurfcu. if lie ovorlouks our I'stutiliili
meiit, f ir here are to bo found the best make
Id the neirket We Invito luiiecttin, criticism
II neeil bo, trial imrclmie. Only dont pass us
bv without a look lu at our Winona wagons
Tlicy run easy, carr 1 mure than any other
make nnil as durable. We have buggies from
J 10 up. (let your tires set 011 our hydraulic ma
chine No burning or defacing your wheels.
This machine was Installed In our plant at a
great cost and Is tho only one 011 thu-I'aclflc
count It di the best of work and lias been
minuted by the the V S. government, (lire us
a call.
Storer'j Qasollue Engines
Bargains in
Real Estate
I have a larger and better
list of Farms, Stock Ranches
and City Property to sell
than ever before. Also a hig
lot of land in the coming
wheat section of Eastern
N. Berkeley
Is now doing a rushing bust
ness In
Cold Drinks
And they are delicious. Per
haps you've had the word "de
licious" spoiled for you some
where, by a bad glass of Soda.
Then be sure and come here at
once and recover the relish of
it. Come and learn where the
Good Soda, the Best Soda ever
served, is to be had this season.
F. W. Schmidt's
The Reliable Druggist
Postoftice niock. IMioue Main 8ji
In n.i 31
Newlu b. .
Bet. Alt,,,,.
in Lent..
F. X.!
By the Fir. 1...
- - - - .w IH
names ...
companies stand
Lnnrimi jl t .... .r
Insurance (in
Tl V"
wai insurance Co.
it. lH
"D r. 1 ...
Dinner TwenMti
From 11.30 a. n, to
n 1 a 1
Quick, Courteous
Open all Day and
i . A. UdtathH.
MfllJ 111
Building Material
descriptions sl
you money
Building pap
cement, brick "4
Wood gutters if
mil dwr iinesas
Oregon I
Alta St.,Opp.
Minneapolis, WW
Grain and
gklntt 11 in ,
l0CB' "Collated
Itltrtil i
Yff. cbsrie n
" $2 a Shared
... .M .itlOWl
7ladlni! tow." "".M
oflicei,B' 0! "-"
11. Minn.
Capacity lMi'