East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 13, 1903, Image 5

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    lite Grand trunk Uold nine
Sumpicr cjtgwi., uui iiiiiuiy ijistnct.
Is, located upon the GREAT MOTHER
LODE system of veins and has for neigh
bors on that vein such well known
mines as the NORTH POLE valued at
Sio 000,000. The COLUM HI A valued at
$5 ooo.ooo. GOLCONDA valued at $3,
ooo. THE M0NM01 H Q. M. CO'S
BELLE RAKER mine valued at $5oo,
o00. THE BALD MOUNTAIN valued at
$5oo,ooo. THE IBEX valued at $400,
000, and many others.
Ike Grand Trunk Gold Mining and Milling Go, I
o.gi Its Property Consisting of loo Acres of Rich flold Bearing Veins
It has no indebtedness of any chai icter.
It lias a conservative mining and 1 usiness management.
It is offering 50,000 shares of stock at 15: per share.
1. ,i.;n become a dividend paver in a short time..
It will pay you to write us for full particulars and to make
-f..l .Rtrjir'tifV'itinii nf ,c tnfirit t J
careun iuau,u .... 11n.u1 .
It has the indorsement of mining men, business men and t
bankers of Eastern Oregon. .
Write u today and let us post yoi
H. S. McCalltim & Company,
Minors, Brokorsand Flnanolal Agents,
Or R. S. BRYSON, Local Agent, Pendleton, Oregon.
Our Weekly Mining Letters on Sumpir, Oregon, Gold Mining t
District Free on Application.
Pendleton's only exclusive Frnit Home.
Fruits of all kinds at wholesale and relail.
Hood River and Milton Strawberries.
California and Freewater cherries.
Oranges, Lemons, Bananas and oilier frnits.
i Main St.
Win. MILNE, Proprietor
Methodist Episcopal Church 10
a. m., Sunday school, A. J. Owen,
superintendent; 11 a. nu preaching;
1-;15 p. m class meeting, new G. V.
f, Ji' Iea,lcr: S P- ra., a program
will he rendered by the Sunday
school. This being children's day,
tho exercises will ho accordingly ap
propriate, a cordial Invitation Is ex
tended to all those services, llobert
arncr. pastor.
vices as follows: 10 a. 111., Sunday
school, 1. K, Earl, superintendent; 11
a. m., preaching by pastor and class
service. 7 p, m., Epworm League,
subject. "Gold or God"; S p. m.,
preaching by pastor. Some recita
tions and special music In connection
with Epworth Icaguo service. All
are Invited. Prayer mooting on
Thursday night at 7:30. B. R Jones,
Chun h of the Redeemer Divine
service tomorrow at hours as fol
lows: Uarly celebration of tho holy
commit ilon at 7::!0 .1. m. Sunday
school at 10 a. 111.; morning prayer,
litany and sermon at 11 a. in.: oven
nig pn ycr and address at S p. m.
The or.erings at the morning service
are asU-d for missionary work In the
diocese of Oregon.
First Presbyterian Church 10 a.
111.. Sunday school; 11 a. m.. sermon;
7 p. 111 Christian Endeavor; S p. in.,
sermon, rtov. Levi Johnson will
preach for the pastor both morning
and oenlng. All are welcome and
strangers arc especially Invited to
all the services. Itoberl .1. Dlveu.
First Baptist Church All the reg
ular services tomorrow. Sunday
school at 10 o'clock Preaching at
11. subject. "Tho llroad Wall;" Young
People's service at 7 o'clock; preach
ing at K. On Tuesday evening .Mr.
.lames Edmunds, of Portland, Ore.,
the Sunday school missionary for the
Pacific coast north of California, will
be at tills church and give an ad
dress on "Tho Moral and Keligions
Training of the Child." Everyono is
most cordially invited to attend this
service, ft. W. King, pastor.
Con? regational Church No preach
ing service on account of tho ab
sence of pastor from tho city. Sun
day school at 11 o'clock instead of
10. on account of the funeral of Mrs.
Hampton. Y. P. S. C. E. at 7:30;
prayer meeting on Thursday evening
at S ( clock. Ladies' Aid at Mrs.
j Daniel Kemler's on Thursday after
noon at 2 o'clock. Sunday school at
West End chapel at 2:30.
'One Hundred Years Ago Today
Hampden Was Founded.
lhingor. Me., Juno 12. -Tho cen
tennlal anniversary of the- founding
of Hampden Academy was celebrated
today with Interesting ceremonies. In
which a number or distinguished men
took part. An oratton was delivered
hy Justice Luclltus A. Emery of tho
Maine supremo court, and a history
of the academy was reail by Chap
lain David Trlbou, of tho United
Slates navy.
Hampden Academy was Instituted
March 7, 1S03, and was oponod Juno
12 of that year. Tho first building,
a small woden structuro, was burned
in 1S40. when tho present substan
tial brick buildings were erected.
Many men who afterward became
prominent In the affairs of the state
and nation wero students at tho
Institution Was Founded One Hun
dred and Forty Years Ago.
Uoston. Mass., June 12. At New
bury today an Interesting celebration
was held of the 140th anniversary of
the opening of Dumnier Academy, the
oldest institution of its kind In the
United States. Tho academy was
founded by Lieut. Governor William
Hummer. In 1702, when n small school
house was erected, and on March 1,
17f3. the academy formally opened,
having 2S pupils In attendance at tho
time, ami the Institution has been
ever since In continuous service.
Hungry Beast Attacks a Team and
is Driven Off With Buggy Whip.
James ('onrchnu. who recently came
out here from Ohio to take charge
of s-oni.' mining properly in the John
Day country., was the participant In
a decidedly unpleasant situation yes
terday while driving from John Day
to Maker City, says the Similiter lle
porler lie hnd been driving rapidly
all the morning and after raising tho
divide between hero and Granlto ho
drove his team into the shade nnd
stopped to rest them.
Suddenly from almost beneath tho
horses feet a largo animal, supposed
to have been a cougar, sprang with
a loud cry upon tho Hank of tho off
horse and began to tear and bito In a
furious manner. Mr. Conrchan leap
ed from tho buggy and attacked tho
brute with his whip, with such ener
gy that It fell to the ground nnd then
sprang toward him.
Ho kept pressing closo up to tho
The best of barley, hops
and yeast, selected by one
of our partners.
Pure water, from six AMW Lwifif
wells driven down to rock.
Pure air, which has first
passed through an airfiltcr.
Every drop of Schlttz Beer filtered by machin
ery through masses of white wood pulp. Every
bottle sterilized, so that it contains no germs.
Thus we double the necessary cost of our brew
ing to make purity certain to make Schlitz Beer
Will you drink common beer, and pay just as
much for it, when Schlitz Beer can be had for
the asking.
Atkfir tht Brewtry Battling.
Phone 61 Main, H. Kopittke, 507 Main St.,
animal and lashing It with all his
might until finally losing courage It
turned with a snarl and dashod
away Mr. Conrelinn then dlscoverou
that his team had decamped.
He found tho team about a inllo
further 011, badly mixed up and tnu
horse that received tho attention of
the animal badly lacerated about tho
hips. Ho drove on to this city and
hired a man to take tho rig back and
finished his trip hy rail. Ho says
that hereafter ho intends to carry a
(latllng gun.
Stockmen Organizing.
The stockmen of the Hardmnu
country are getting considerably
worked up over the recent depreda
tions and lawless shooting of stock.
Heccnt threats which have been
mado have caused tho stnejemon to
lorm a local organization for their
protection, mid they propose to pro
tect their Interests at nil hazards.
A united effort will bo madn to
bring the guilty parties to Justice.
Tho stockmen recently hold n mot
lug nnd plans wero formulated which
have not been mndo public. Hopp
ner Gazette.
"What Is that car coupled behind
tho presidential train!" ashed tho tall
reporter. "That Is tho photograph
car," said tho train hanu. "rhoto
graph car?" "Yes, it contains tho
pictures of all the htg families in tho
West." Chicago Dally News.
Cor V. Aita and Lillith Sts.
L. Ncff, formerly of the Hotel
Alta, has clinige of the Old Dutch
Henry Feed Yard, and would be
pleased to care for your horses.
Plenty ol stalls, large corrals for
loose horses and cattle. Hay and
grain for sale. Chop mill in con
tho most dreaded and deadly ot all
diseases, as well as pnoumonla. and
all Lung Troubles aro relieved at
onco and cured by Ackor'a English
Itomcdy "tho king of all Cough Curci
Curos coughs and colds la a day, 15
cents. Your money back it dliU
fled. Write for free sample. W. H.
looker ft Co., Buffalo, N. T. F. W.
Schmidt ft Co.
( . ( (I ((((((((((( III I I III ( ((((((((((!(((((((( (II
1 , , j ' 1 T Cl I J
Mil M bbilj wv inc. Lr uuijiwtji l w i v T T m j w m m -r m w m m v m. -k m av mm m m m tta mrmmm wnwm
a r j a
3 I
The writing is "right before your eyes" all the time, which has never been accomplished by a standard, high grade
Typewriter until now It is accomplished in the Uadetwood absolutely and practically without the sacrifice of a single z
existing advantage, but with the addition of many others never before obtainable. 5
It has a tabulator which is part of the machine. Otliers charge $25 extra for Huh.
Its marginal stops are all in front. Its type are cleaned in an instant without soiling tne hands. z
T. , . ., , , . wivi, normits the tmtform adjustment of all keys. Tho carriage is fall Ball Bearing. -
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The UndLToodTs-the only typewriter that ever received the official endorsement of the Private Commercial jj
School Manager's Association. :
( The above school is composed of the most prominent owners of tho leading Business Colleges of the country ) :
Tf nnlv iimtice to yourself to investigate and become conversant with the merits ot the Under- :
1S wood typewriter before buying. Put on trial against any machine. None superior. :
fiTO IDCC Agent fof Umatilla county
.lllniN O. rvCCO Box f 24. Pendleton. Ofe.