East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 13, 1903, Image 3

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    bins WEEK
Alexander's Annual Sale of
representing the
I !..- i- J
Efltire, exclusive iiue anu
bobby styles.
ilexander Dept. Store
f .H-H-H I 1
igkttul anticipation. iivery lawn nas a snaay
ce and at tnc prices wu cue uhcj.i um new aiuiit
limmocks you can't afford to be without one.
I (jB't've got all kinds from Si. 50 up.
ompson Hardware Co., 62 Main St.
Headquarters ior risning supplies.
Milium i i
Its Merit
Has the large demand for
Bycrs' Best Flour
t m
ribofciit up. Onlv the choicest wheat that crows enters in-
:s Best Hour. It s perfection in frlour. Made by the
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
pnters for Everybody, $35, $50 and $95
I Visible Tvoewriter is
oi the racket. Cannot
taement. Impossible
'VPe. Writinc in
e speediest machine on
w and see our testi-
Columbia College Must Find Another
Teacher of Music for Next Year
Professor R. W. Jones Will Be at
Newberg Next Year One Case of
Heart Disease and Another of Ty.
phold Fever.
Milton. June 12. The rain of ves
tcrday and today Is gladly welcomed.
There has been a steady downpour
since a o'clock this morning, and In
dications are It will last several
hours longer. Tho farmers have
broad smiles on their faces and seem
The Misses Ida and Hena Troyer
went to walla Walla today to attend
the Christian camp meeting.
Mrs. Stansell HolTman arrived hero
Monday from hor home at Pendleton
and Is visiting her daughter, Mrs.
F. J. llenlo.
Miss Mabel Overman lias accepted
a position in Rohrmau's bakery and
began her duties Tuesday.
Mrs. C. G. Andrews, of Dayton,
Wash., Is visiting friends' here. Mrs.
Andrews was formerly Miss Pearl
Broxson, and at one time lived here.
She has many friends who are pleas
ed at her return.
Miss .Marguerite Irons has gone to
Weston, where for several days she
will be the guest of her sister, Mrs.
E. I. Sallng.
Marshall Wilkinson, who has been
attending Whitman this last year,
was here Tuesday and Wednesday
visiting Thomas Frazler,
C. W. I.undell, representing the
Equitable Life Insurance Company of
New York, Is in town.
F. S. Stokes, of Walla Walla, was
here Tuesday and Wednesday visit
ing W. S. Mayberry.
George Williams, representing Al
len & Lewis, of Portland, is in town
today Interviewing the merchants.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Collins win
leave the first of the week for a
week's visit in Portland.
Charles D. Williamson has recov
ered from his attack of typhoid fe
ver and has returned to Weston,
where he Is engaged In tho drug bus
iness. Gone to Eugene to Remain.
Mrs. E. F. Wall, who has been
teacher of music in Columbia Col
lege for the past two years, took her
departure yesterday for Eugene,
where she will join her husband.
Mrs. Wall will not return next year.
Prof. Jones at Newberg Next Year.
Professor It. W. Jones, who was
teacher of mathematics in Columbia
College last year, leaves for a short
visit tomorrow at Newberc. Mr.
Jones has secured a position in the
University of Newberg for next year.
and will take a special course in
mathematics this summer at Derke-
Ill With Heart Trouble.
Mrs. J. W. Dykes is quite 111 at her
home of heart trouble, but at this
writing is slightly improved.
End of
The Chicago
Typewriter received the
Gold Medal at tne rans ex
position over all others.
Will do the work oi any
Typewriter Supplies and
Kubbej Stamp goods.
Electrical Supply House
3i7 Court qt.
OUT 7 Tr?iT ww- r.iin
I W"6 0Lt dllrortl,'.. .t. nur CPWIflf
oak7f Pnces we are offering have never been equaled
" "wore anH cr..-., r : . i.omoln.
neml a w dav? left- Every t,,ine n,ust g 11 vou
wney come early as the stock wont last long at
iINQ, Store near the Bridge
Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once
?ky Will lead to Gprinne Ill-pake
"'"class ,... . ."j 7"
vm (juaraniccu uy
-., pposite the Golden Rule Hotel
Another Most
School Year.
Weston, June 12. The graduating
exercises of tho Weston Normal
cMinnl tvnr hpM Wednesday nisht
I and the most successful school year
in the history 3f tho Institn.ion wns
brought to a closo wiui appropriate
Rev. M. H. Marvin, of Walla Walla,
delivered tho annual address and
Miss Stella Anderson of Athena,
eave the class valedlrtorv
The class now gr:iluating set a
very commendable precedent by the
presentation to the school of Watts'
I "Sir Galahad." through tho class
president, Miss Clarissa O'Harra.
! The picture Ih an excellent reproduc
tlon of tho great painting, and bears
upon its irame a snver pmie uihhi
which are Inscribed tho names of the
graduates, who are: Stella E. Ander
son, Dertha E. Long, Ernest E. Wnl
den, Lillian A. Winn, Clarissa O'Har
la George W. Winn, uraco V. Kay,
i:' Hlancho Canfleld. Charles U Hoi
way, Ida I. Marsh, Edna A. Hlder.
Walter E. Ely.
Tho diplomas weie piesented by
Dmiiiinnt iinlKr f!. French, who In
his address to the class referred to
ha ronlitu- rlmtiL'ln? conditions of
i the state and tho Increasing demands
that are being made upon me jiuunc
school system. Tho function of tho
normal school is to open to the young
teacher the vast fields of possibilities
In the teaching profession, and to
stimulate him to a realizing sense of
the responsibilities of his work. The
class now graduating Is one of the
most piomislng that has been sent
nut of the school for many years,
Tho attendanco afforded gratifying
evidence of the interest taken In tho
school's work. Tho large chapel hall,
which seats 500 people, was crowded
and many beautiful floral gifts wcro
received by tho class member from
admiring relatives and friends.
Commencement cloned this evening
with the exercises and banQiirt fcf tho
Alumni Association. Ex-President M.
a. Itoyal. of Olympla, Wash., gave
the address.
Henovolent Old Lady (outsldo of
candy shop) Don't cry, little boy:
como in here, and I'll buy you a stick
of candy. Small Urchin Tanks;
d'at's what mo madder made mo cry
for. She keeps de store, Harvard
Beauty Doctors Endorse Herplclde.
Women who make n business of
beautifying other women como pretty
near knowing what will bring about
tho best results. Here are letters
from two, concerning Hcrptcldo:
"I can recommend Newbro's Homi
cide, as It stopped my hair from fall
ing out; and, as a dressing It has no
"Signed.) Dertha A. Trulllnger.
"Complexion Specialist,
"291i Morrison St., Portland, Ore."
".r:cr ur'ag or- t ?!!-.- c? 'He-?!,
cide' my hair has stopped tailing out,
nnd my scalp is entirely frco from
"(Signed.) Graco Dodge,
"Dennty Doctor,
"l'.i5 Sixth St.. Portland, Ore."
Sold by leading druggists. Send
10c In stamps for sample to Tho
Herptcldo Co., Detroit, Mich. Sold
by F. W. Schmidt & Co.
Pendletonlans Abroad.
The Washington. (D. O.) Times of
Juno i, contains the following locnl
Item concerning Mr. nnd Mrs. George
Halsey. who formerly lived In this
city: Mr. and Mrs. George F. Halsey
left town for New York this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Halsey will sail Satur
day on the steamer Coamo for San
Juan, Porto Hlco. Defore returning
she will make an extended tour of
the Island and remain for a month in
Worst of All Experience.
Can anything be worse than to feel
that every minute will be your last?
Such was the experience of Mrs. S.
i. Nowson, Decatur. Ala. "For three
years," sho writes, "I endured insuf
ferable pain from indigestion, stom
ach and bowel trouble. Death seem
ed inevitable when doctors nnd nil
remedies failed. At length 1 wns in
duced to try Electric Hitters and the
result was miraculous. I improved
at once and now I'm completely re
covered." For liver, kidney, stom
ach and bowel troubles Electric Bit
ters is tho only medicine. Only 5v,c.
It's guaranteed by Tnllman & Co.
Stock Farm for Sale.
The Oglo stock farm, consisting of
3000 acres, about 250 head of cattle,
plenty of rater, grasi and timber.
Range has never been shecped off.
All under fence. Will grow all hay re
quired. Call on or write to Bentley
fc Hartman, Pendleton, Oregon.
Acker's Blood Elixir positively
cures chronic blood poisoning and all
scrofulous affections. At all times a
matchless system tonic nnd puriflor.
Money refunded if you are not satis
fled. 50c and $1.
Stock Cattle for Sale.
Have for sale 50 head of cows, 25
calves by side; 10 2-year-old heifers,
and 15 yearling heifers,
Best shoo work at Teutsch's.
No Cheap Gloss on Tonr
Shirt Bosom
If We Launder It
A woman of refinement
always guages a man's
well bred instinct by the
condition of his linen
we make you safe here.
Special machinery for
Shirts, collars and cuffs.
Send for one of our
Court-aiid Thomson HtreetB.
Is always received when you
place your order with us.
Fir. Tamarack and
Why buy poor coal when you
can get the best for the same
Laatz Bros.
Telephone Main 5i
Children's dresses, beautiful patterns, 25c up.
Ladles' and Misses' Parasols, fancy designs,
$2.50, $t.75, $J.OO, 50c and 35c.
Ladles' and Misses' fancy lace hose, all grades.
Fine summer dress goods of all grades.
Friday and
Saturday Specials
Bed Spreads, largest sizo, $2.75 grade, special .... $2 25
Bed Sproads, largest size, $2 grade, special SI 60
Lace Curtains, large size, $3.50 grade, special $3,00
Lace Curtainp, large size, $4 25 grado, special $3.75
Zepher Ginghams, lOo grade, special 8lso
Calico, all colors, 10 yards to ono person, per yd.. .. 4o
All fanoy colored Lawns, 25o grade, special per yd . 20o
Agents for McCnll's Patterns
DR. C. J. WHITAKER, Dentist; Pendleton, Or
Makes a specialty of Seamless Gold Crowns and Dridgc Work.
Extracting 50c, Silver Filling Si, Gold Filling ti up, Best Set
Teeth, Vulcanite or Cclluoid, 8 All work guaranteed.
17 REEBOOTERS do not nowadays go around
armed to the teeth, but their methods are Just as
effective as of old and even more so as the papers
daily testify.
Prudent people kaep their
valuables beyond the reach of
thieves and Urea So butler
way, no cheaper way than to
place a safe hox In your home
ufllce or store.
I am agent for tho Nat
ional Lock & Safo Compa
ny's safes and furnish any
sized safe from a little one
for private use to a bank
vault - all Are proof.
Come and see our samples
T, C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man I
741 Main Street
YOU WILL probably need some camp supplies
and we have anticipated your wants by laying
in a big stock of Camp Stove; Fold Cluiis
Cots Tables Tents - Wagon Covers
Dutch Ovens Tin Reflectors for baking bread in
fact everything you might need in camp at
406-412 MAIN ST.
Local agent for the North German Lloyd Steamship
1 Company, Tickets sold to all parts of the worl
IbU ilgnature U on every box of the genuine
I aratlvA Rrnmsi.rtiiInlnTvi...l .
y?WTyil rnwd thai ewfwt cold tu use anj.