If DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OHEQON. SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1M3. The PEOPLES WAREHOI The PEOPLES WAREHOUSE IT PATS TO TRADE AT HI J n "riUJr. EVERY ONE IS COMING AU fkC Iti, TO PENDLETON'S t l" vI JUL, We propose to do oaf part to make tfce day pleasurable as well as profit if many friends and patrons and so are going to tare a big CELEBRATION SALE Daring this sale we shall offer only Standard Makes of High Grade CLOTHING AND SHOES At Prices that will make yogi CELEBRATION SAL "Every one knows the wide world over, That good luck comes with a four leaf clover' Buj a pair of our Four Laf CloTer Braai Shoes and you will have Good Luck CANVAS SHOES Give the feet a chance to breathe and bring ease and comfort in hot -weather. MENS CANVAS LACE SHOES Good shape?, easy fitting $.35 HENS LACE CANVAS SHOES Light colore, folded vamps and edges J .50 MENS Checked Canvas Shoes, fair stitched edges, extra well made 2.00 BOYS Lace Canvas Shoes t.i5 YOUTHS and LITTLE MENS- Canvas Shoes $1.00 to J.J5 MENS Colt Skin ShoeE, genuine Eisen- dratli Stock, won t scuff or peal up 2.50 HENSBox Calf Shoes, Pebble goat tops 2.50 MENS Plow Shoes, grain buckle or con gress, no seams, tap soles J. 50 MENS Creedmore or Congress Styles ivroo Can bhoes, doubled fastened ... . 2.UO MENS "Cant Rip" Shoes, out -wear any thing made at the price, lace or cong. 2.50 Swell dressed men and others who follow the fashions and want all the pleasure and comfort there is to be had in Summer footwear are buying OXFORD TIES MENS Patent Colt, Lace Oxford, new century last, very swell $3.50 MENS Blucher Oxford, Pat. Colt ramps Matt Kid quarters, a dressy shoe 3.50 NENS Vici Kid Oxford, good shapes, fine fitters 3.00 MENS Velour Calf Oxford, Blucher pattern, fancy tops 3 50 MENS Satin Calf Bals, tip or plain toe, solid J. 50 MENS Goodyear welt Shoes, Vici Kid Box or Cadet calp, n'l new shapes 3.00 MENS Vici kid bals, made on the new Po-ta-toe last, all the go in the East ... 3.50 MENS Extra fine kid ShoeB, selected oak back soles, stitched aloft, has all the qualities and appearance of custom work MEN'S CLOTHING We need make no long talk about tbe make and value of the clothing wei Many satisfied customers throughout Umatilla county can tell you about it if you i know and care to ask. Many of you want a suit for yourself; many want suits fori and boy. To all we say, "Come and see the bargains we offer until July 4th." Lot 2778 Three suits, sizes 37, 40 and 42, worth $18. Celebration price $10. Lot 7729 Four suits, sizes 3S, 36, 37 and 4o, worth $15. Celebration price $9. Lot 4570 Two suits, sizes 37 and 38, worth $15. Celebration price $8.50 Lot 1 707 Six suits, sizes 36, 37,38, 39 and 42, worth $15. Celebration price $9.90 Lot 2816 Four suits, sizes 36, 37, 38 and 39, worth $15. Celebration price $9.50 These are samples of the prices we are making on some 200 men's suits. Bring thiB list with you for compiJ There is not one portion of our Men's and boys' Clothing and Furnishinc Department that doeg not control share to this Celebration Sale HENS DrcsB Shoes, Booths Ideal or Corona, patent Colt Stocks, the very best 4.00 5.00 JPs cxanEr MTs roKBoicrf-i M BOY'S CLOTHING Have all We claim preeminence in this as in the Men's clothing. me styles tor boys from 3 years to 20 years Lot 2521 Four suits, ages 4, 5 and 6, worth U 50. Celebration price $1.75 Lot 523 Ages 9 to 15 years, long pants, worth $7.50. Celebration price $5.00 Lot 104 Ages g, 10, 12, i3 and 14, long pants, worth (4. Celebration price $2.00 Lot 6177 Ages 10, 12 and 13, long pants, wotrh $7. Celebration price $4.50 Bring this list for comparison. It repesents but a few of a great many bargains in the line. Lold type cannot give you a correct idea cf these values. You must see them to fully realize their value. . ' When you see it in our ad, it's so Good clothes for Boys. Thafs the kind we carry and the kind we are talking abort in this d r MEN'S FURNISHING! We've told you about Suits for men and boy you've nicked out votir unit vnn'vn onlv 20t fitarlCu 8 you want some underwear first of all, we have it for Suit ofUndershirt and Drawers worth 50e CefeWtioa P Suit of Undershirt and Drawers worth $ J .25 Celebration P And then we have them all along the line as nice aByou want them. SHIRTS for men and boys any price you want, in exactly the kind of a shirt Jj are lookinir for. And then w l,nva hatc i Mnrfin all colon shapes and prices frem 25c to the Stetson kind, known as the best. NEKWEAR-Nothing to it at all, we've just got loads of them for 25 and We each that are nrfont. Iwnnimo ' mi I ADC - cncnriir. .. iwlitl well kept Furnishing Qotf. Store. 3 6 " THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE THE PEOPLES M