East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 13, 1903, Image 10

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Want Both
When you try on a pair of
shoes look for two things
"Comfort" and "Style." You
must have them both; either
one by itself is not enough.
Our whole stock is pnrchascd
with these two things in view
and it is the largest and
most complete in Pendleton
from a heavy brogan to the
finest French kid boot and
they all have that wearing
quality found only in a care
fully selected stock.
Shoes for the whole family
Phone Mnln 1181. Good Shoes Cheap
T. G. Hnlley will go to Union Mon
day to attoml circuit court.
William Iloldman, of Adams, was a
business visitor in tho city today.
W. L. Knight, of Helix, waB a visi
tor In the city on burlnoss yesterday.
Miss Grace Ray, of Weston, Is In
the city tho guest of triends for a
few days.
AJIss Myrtlo Stott, of La Grande,
is visiting friends In the city for
short time.
C. E. McClellan. of tho Tutuilla
"Bpent the day In the city and reports
goou rains m that locality,
Engineer Joe Frates, of tho O. It,
a: in., wno uas Deen taking a vaca
tlon, has returned to work.
Thomas Qahagan was a visitor in
Athena today, to which place ho
went thiB morning on business.
W. T. Fanshler, -William Yohnka,
B. Hopper and Wick Walker, of Yoa
Kum station, are in the city today,
MIbs Stott, of Baker City, left this
morning for Walla Walla, where she
goes to rest ror a time with friends.
It. E. Parker, a former resident of
this city, but now located at Port'
juuu, is visiuug menus nere ror a
lew days.
Henry L. Staler, general agent of
tho Northwostorn Hallway with head
quarters in Portland, spent last night
in tno city.
O. C Wright, a mining man of tho
Sumptcr valloy, Is in tne city on a
brief business visit In tho Interest
of his property.
W. T. SollorB and William Mat
thows, of Pilot Hock, passod through
tho city this morning, en routo to the
Pioneers' reunion at Weston,
Slyde Fitch, ono of tho employes
of tho postofflco. Is taking hU vnen'
tlon, part of which ho will spoiid In
tho city and part rusticntli.? In the
Hnrold F. Warner, ono of the lor:al
mall carriors, who has been away on
his nnnual vacation, has returned
from tho mountains and Is again at
his post.
E. J. Coupor, a prominent stock
man of Union, was In tho city yes
tcrday evening. He has been at
AValla Walla for sovoral days with
stock horses for sole.
Joe Hallnck, of Baker City, who Is
woll known In Pondleton, has ocon
stricken with smallpox and is, quite
ill with the disease nt his homo. As
n result tho family Is quarantined at
tho resldonco.
Ernest Younger, of the firm of
Younger & Sou. loft for Portland this
morning for a vacation trip. Ho will
uo gone several weeks and while
away will visit the coast and the
mountains of tho western part of the
Miss Eva U'llon. who lias been
teaching the school at district 52
near Athena, Is in Pcnuioton to
spend part of her vacation at tho
residence of Ilev. Warner. Part of
the summer she will spond In Seat
tle with friends.
Mrs. P. G. McBroom, of West Webb
street, who went to Weston last
Wednesday to visit friends and
attend tho Pioneers' picnic, was
taken suddenly 111 yesterday and will
not return home until next week.
Mr. aicHroom Is with her.
Concerning the People of Pendleton and Vicinity Notes
Personal and Otherwise By Our Regular Correspondent
Progressive Crokonole With Prizes,
Was the Evening' Feature.
Mrs. J. H. Ferguson, assisted by
her daughtor. Miss Dessle Krebs, en
tertained at her homo on South Mnln
Btreot, last evening. Light refresh
ments woro served. Progressive cro
konole was the amusomont. The first
prize was awardod Omor Stephens
and MIsb Dcsslo McBride recolved
tho booby prize. Those present wero
tho Misses Mnud Ilothrock, Helen
Kimball, Hazel, Arnold, Bessie Mc
Bride, Ethel Kimball, Bortha Alexan
der, Laura Wyrlck, Iva Younger, Nel
lie McMutlon, Gertrude Sheridan,
Ivy Klmbroll nnd the Messrs. Fred
Hartmnn, Tom Mllnrkey, Omor
Stophans. Ed Dupuls, Joo Konnody,
Jim Wyrlck and Tom Vaughan.
nio of the city last Thursday ovoa
Jng In honor of Miss Anna Rlnohart,
of Olvmnla. who is their guest. Tho
evening was passed with music and
ilnnclnir. anti aunng mo iniormis
slons Ices woro served
Social and Personal Notes.
Miss Blancho Horno, of McKay, is
visiting friends In town
Miss Florence Hallock, of Bakor
City, who was to have vlsltod friends
In the city during tho wook, is sick
at her homo,
Miss Grace Redman, who has boon
visiting frionds In tho city, left for
her homo nt Tocoma on tho morning
of Friday last.
Thi rroom nnd his support were iuiss Kntnryn u. uorry, wno nas
iiiTOHPii in tlm usual full evening spent the last six montns visiting rol
dress ntives in tins city, win icavo next
The home of the bride s parents week for nor homo in aeattlo.
was lavishly decorated in honor or Miss Anna mnonart, or oiympla,
tume of white organdie ovor whlto
taffeta silk, with veil to match, and
rnrrieil nn nrm bonnet of bride's
Miss Switzler was gowned In white
mull over pale blue silk nnd tuo
bridesmaids, Misses Cameron nnd
Thompson, wore exquisite costumes
ot pale blue organdlo with white pic
ture hats.
the event and to this bower of flow.
ers, the friends of the bride and her
Intimate fnmlly repaired after the
The reception room was decorated
n iilnl; nnd green, while In the uln
Ing room tho walls wero festooned
Blstor of William Jllnehart, ot tho
First National Bank, is visiting in
Pendleton at tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Bird Wade, on Locust
Miss Alberta Hopper, of La Grande.
returned to her homo this morning.
with garlands and streamers of red Sho was accompanied by Miss Faye
Powdered Daintiness
lou never Baw a foot powder
hub oura. ii is taking tue town
by storm. There is just one
word in the dictionary to describe
it. That Mord is "dainty."
Talliniin's Foot Powder
Is unequalled for sore, blistered,
aching and Bweatyfeet. It keeps
the shoes dry, sweet and whole
some these hot, sultry days.
The harvest mau needs it, the
business man needs it, you need
it and everyone needs it.
Be sure you get Tallniuu's.
Accept no other.
C. P. Strain, tho county assessor,
went to Milton this morning on bus
iness connected with his orflce and
took along his fishing tackle, as an
incidental, ho expects to catch a
fow beauties whilo waiting for the
trains on the way back.
Fred Wiggins, one of Salem's prom
Inent merchants, stopped off In the
city today for a few minutes to shake
hands with friends here. Mr. Wig
gins Is just returning from a seven
weeks' trip In the East, and hns had
all kinds of adventures with the
floods of the Middle States.
Mrs. Sturgis Entertains In Honor of
a Tacoma Friend.
Mrs. Linn B. Sturgis entertained n
purty of frionds at her home on
Water stroot, Tuesday evening, in
honor of her friend, Miss Grace Bed
man, of Tacoma.
Anograms nnd various other games
wore played during tho evening, and
several selections were rendered on
the plnnola by Mr. William Sturgis,
The evening's entertainment was
concluded with tho Virginia reel.
Those Attending Were Members of
a Social Club That Met During the
On Tuesday evening Miss Edna
Thompson gave a dinner in honor of
Miss Mabel Nye. Tho tables were
very prettily decorated with carna
tions and smilax, and tho evening
passed quickly with toasts and merry
tales to help the hours along.
Those present were the members
of a club which met during tho win
ter months at the homes of those belonging.
Keminiscence of Career of Bishop
Barkley In the Legislature.
Henry L. Barkley. tho silver-
Congregational Christian Endeavor
Spends a Pleasant Evening.
Miss Florence Davis- entertained
the mombcrs of the Christian En
deavor society of tho Congregational
church nt tho home of her mother,
Mrs. W. C. Davis, on Williams street,
on tho evening of Thursday last.
Luncheon was served at 11 o'clock,
and the evening was passed with
One of the Very Pleasant Affairs of
tne Season,
A merry picnic party spent Sunday
in a shady grovo somo miles up the
river. It was a farewell gathering
I'repored by
Leading Druggists
I mi. j. . II
m Auojumiuurui .Among me
WlthoHt a poer. II
I For Sal by I
-, -nil '!,.- l . , I
l'' a 'AfiJfcff .l;,J- ci.'"- - ; i -t.f.u. . .'.i
tongued orator of the x illametto slneing, games and recitations
vnney, passed throuch the ritv thin
morning on his way home to Port
land. Mr. Barklev Is tho hinhnn nf
mo uuuuu uroinron denomination,
and Is at present living in Portland,
though his home is in Woodburn. In
1895 the roverend gentleman turned
uie legisiaturo to McBriue from
Dolph In the senatorial flirht nn.i in
conjunction with "brother Hofer" of too swiftly to the hour of return
.c ouium juurnai. leu tne lmmnrtnl Tliose rommmlnr thn nnrtv wr.
ou umi leu victory into the arms of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Therkelsen, Mrs,
tho free silver wing of the renubll- William Shultz. Misses Mabel Nye.
can party. In that campaign Mr. Eva Switzler and Grace Itedmnn, ot
".ii; luruiHiiuu mo eloquence and xacomn; Messrs. Jerry Clark, Lach
mo euitor. as usual. fnrnlHhnil tho loan Mnplpnv Wllllnm RIiii-pIc nn,l
uuu-wiuuuu arguments that held uiark Shultz,
nack votes and won tho fight.
1110 U18110I) SaVS hn hns innn m.f Uu.Mfirl.sii
lono "" .;n :arnM ? Wednesday evening of this
time hit L intiZin. V . 1 u , H weok' tno mo8t beautiful nnd impres-
thero corL mi L VlBt Bht;um slvo churcn wedding ever solemnized
inero come a tlmo when his sorvlrns in ii.ni .l. t
nr npnrln.i tnr i ----- ... j vuuiuiuu uuueu ut mo uuurcu
flf tho noi.on i. .
u"u Huviug 01 me
roses banked on crecn.
The friends of Mr. nnd Mrs. Nyo,
the parents of the bride, gathered in
the homo until half past ten, to offer
their congratulations and well wishes
nnd following them the young frionds
of tho bride nnd groom, camo to take
possession of the house until tho
train should bear Mr. and Mrs. Mac
leay from them on their wedding
A large number of very beautiful
and costly present wero received by
Mr. and Mrs. Mncleny, and hosts of
friends and well wishers sent nics
sages of good will.
Mrs. E. L. Lowell, of Portland, and
Miss Knto Elmer, of Spokane, pre
sided nt the punch bowl, while Mrs.
Frnnk Slinrpsteln, of Walla Walla,
nnd Mrs. W. C. Shults served tho
Ices. The servers wero nsslsted by
uiKses iiiancne snuiis, of spounne,
Fanchon Iiorie, BInclio Horn, Bess
Duncan. Lavelle Moorhousc, Esma
Snwtelle nnd Dena Hendley. of this
Mr. and Mrs. Maclenv left on the
eany morning tram for an extended
wedding journey. They wero met at
the trntn by a numerous crowd of
their friends, who showered them
with the customary rlco and rose
leaves. Mr. and Mrs. Mncleny will
travel several weeks before return
lng to the city.
Among their numerous friends In
attendance from out of town wnro
Mrs. Edwin Lowell, Mrs. Jacob Proeb-
stel, and Mrs. John Rowland, of Port
land; Mrs. Daniel Shults. Miss
iiiancne Shults, Mrs. William P.
faiiuits, Clark Shults, Mrs. W. W. El
mer, Miss Kate Elmer, of Spokane;
.Mrs. Arthur J. Dillon, of Meadows;
Mrs. Mack Gase. of Pomoroy; Mrs.
jonn bwltzler, Mrs. Frank Sharp-
mem, hubs rivn awnzier, Mr George
Williams, of Walla Walla; Mr. Proel
and Jerry Clark, of Portland; W. H.
Switzler, of Walla Walla, and Mrs.
Dillon and son, Arthur, of Echo.
Gibson, who will visit with frionds
nnd relatives in La Grando for a
short tlmo.
When Artemtio w.
ing he had a 'l.ll
"Jess so. .., J40".!
had said anything
ticularly tunny.
Now MotWoP
ny but it's the best ti l
earth. Z5c "Seel
Yon haro nnln . .
convinced of toV". ti
. WD lucnt,
Cheapest place in Onm
J - -T-T'T.I
Cutting Catting Cutting
AH day long horn morn til nt
SuDDimimner Dress (gmii
a,t slaughter prices. At! mwiH
beautiful patterns. I
Come and get some of these seasonable nodi
rtuw tep cuw. pieces ro select Irom
Lyons Mercantile Company
Tho Lowlors In I'onilloton
Mrs. Tallman Gave a- Dinner.
On Thursday evening Jlrs. Joseph
v. Tallman eavo a dlnnnr in imnm.
a sense, and the time passed all " "er sister, Miss Elsie Folsom, who
m ouuu iu uu married. Tho hostess
us assisted by Miss Bess Duncan
uuu iuiss ueorgia Folsom.
The Best Oil Cookinj?
Stove Evtr
is the automatic bine tmt t
cooker. It is a boon to I
housekeeper in hot weather,
will boll, bake or roast
oharm. It burns only a i
of oil in from sixteen to tra
hours, and is the safest, i
pleat, cleanest and most eco
leal stove made.
; W. J. CLARKE & Co 211 Court Stn
In Honor of Miss Anna Rinehart.
Mr, and Mrs. C. n Wmin .,,torti. I
cu a mrgu numuor of the young poo-
If you want to buy a home In Pen.
fcastern Washlnaton and
Thoroughly Soaked.
The trylne situation
fronted farmers of tho Inland Empire
the past six days Is a thlnir nr ti,n
past, says tho Walla Walla States-
umu. inirsty crops ovor tho entire
County havo heon wnttoH -ujlth i
from a quarter to an Inch in depth.
" "i.ui.uuiiu messago irom Eureka
Ot 2 O'clock this nftnrnnnr, O.o(.i
( that rain commonced falling at that
i iiJO Liiia nrrnmnnn nn.t
HteaiiHy poured down for a half hour.
Heavy clouds hang all over the flat
land Indications are that nnothnr
ncuvy uuower win occur tonight.
The upper flat and Prescott coun
wjiiuii was crenriv in n.
. V.- J " UliGU JL
rain, was vlslturl iv n ino i.
ana in tho Dlxlo country a half Incn ur,uesmn"iB. Miss Nellie Cameron
foil todav. Thn nivio ,iint,i. and Miss Edna Thomnsnn. ninoi.,
also visited by a heavy shower last tho Jarly wnB tne brlde' Mlss Nyo.
Jisui, wiuqn reueveu tho situation i . "' ul lUur '"tuur A' vv. Nye.
there. The rnln fn.inv .,.!,,.. The brldo was met nt thn iinnai
assures tho wheat crop in this dls- rnll "? tno sroora, Mr, Macieay. sup-
iriKi u uozon miles lone hv nonriv "f "" nest man. Jerry .Clark.
as many wide 'hoy having come from tho rflnn n.
iranco, anu preceded the bridal par-
I iu uio uuar wnero tne groom
awaited thorn.
Amid tho strains of nhnnin'p ant..
lime "Nocturne," Rev. w. E. PntwimJ
iiiuuuuiiL-uu me worus which, In ac-
Miss Nyo is ono of Penilloton'o nn.
, 1 1 i-i iln iiiilitw.i .1 1 . i
identified with tho social life of tho P ' e barBalns today
city, in which circle sho
Is nn nf
Knowiedgod leader and favorite.
ino largo auuitorium of tho church
was very beautifully decorated with
roses, marguorltos and ferns. The
color scheme was in green and whltn
ana tho uellcato white roses nnd
marguerites wore banked among the
lerns in a way most artistic and
mho uriaai nartv entereii in thn
strainB of the Lohengren Wedding
March, played by Miss Jessie Hart-
man. tho urnios nartv nntnrnti tho
cnurcn irom tno main entrance and
proceeded uown tlio center aisle.
rue procession wns Ib.i liv thn
ushers, Elmer P. Dodd and Fred W.
iumpmn, in lul aress. follnwwl .v
Miss "Eva Switzler, of Walla Walla.
um mum ot iionor. immediately bo- omce at Postoffice.
uiuu uio mam ot honor woro thn
tGBO Will buy nico 3-room house and
iui; lruu trees; good well. House
nearly now.
$800 Will buy cozy 4.room hoiiRn
and three lots. Moist soli; shade
and fruit trees; fine well; on cor
ner of street. Improvements worth
the price of all.
$1800 Will buy up-to-date n.rnnm
house; flno bath with hot and cold
water; stono foundation; big
porch; house nearly new; grass
garden, shade and fruit trees'
Have me show you this beautiful
'Phone Red 1291
:Rigby-Clove Mfg.!
Manufacturers of the
8unday School Plcnle.uv
A union Sundnv nnhonl - nlnniU .n.
. ... .wv Will
he held near thn Hnnnnr oi,i
, v. uw.UUI-
houso, nine ml os west nf Poniioto
on the Umatilla rivnr
Juno 28. There will ! rnfroaS' ' " ".UUKO wun lno mpressivo and ii
ntnnnr aimrin ..t . . 'I lunuiaKt; niuai 01 inn iflnic.
Abundance and the public i5 cordial ? Cx?Pa,' ChUrch,' bound Mlsa Nye to Mr.
Invited to atinmt PUm,C 18 cor(lla,y Mac Ieay. In tho Indlssolubl6
uonds of holy wedlock. Aftnr h
Mrrin. i . . iJiuuuiiqmiion ot mo ceromonv thn
.-u- ukviiis issued. nnrtv ..noon .. .U- -i..." . ' 71 i
a . ... i i v vu uu. ui uio cnurcn in thn t
iv iimrnuKC iicensn tuna Ina.iorf iki. m.nn.n.i..i . . . .. w I n .
morninir to Albort i : " Z r,"."' ul "onuonsohn's KendletOtl. -
n tt . 7. hiiu UUlUttt I JVULUOOIUUttl, 14 '
r, narumg, ootn of .Umatilla county. I The bride wore a charmW cos.1
Repairs for all kinds of
rtm Machinery
Foundry Work a Speoialty
Cash paid for old castings i
The Big
Slnrt' flllE E!1 Vine .nmonoort mir CtnrP haS betV 1
with eager buyers. As this is still the beginning, we
pect this sale to be a wonderful success. Why snouiU-i
it be?
Look at these prices
25c Eed Fancy Dimity
xa2v ou-iu irercu.it.' giji
ioc vojorea Liawus .91,
TJ: r1l .1 LT n r
uuu xjhuiob yjuivivu. uuBD .i
K tj: A XJOQ Ji.l
vxjto jjuuniD uuiuidu xiuoo - , ,yi
4 Tnio. xxrii.;.. CHrta 3 fitvlea...3?.!
" St9. 9K 'f nrlloc on vKiVf-wnifit BUltS ''".l
Ask to see these goods
T I k
V ' -
' " wih.ii.mi iMIIMIIJ
i-1 M$k