DAILY EVENING EDITHMh nAILY ' ? Eastern Oregon Weather Tonight nnd Sunday partly cloudy with showers tcmlght, PENDLETOX, UMATEA-COUHTY, OREGON, S.YTTJlTDAT', .JTJX12 13, 1003. NO. 4 TOO. IEBREAKS - WITH 5ERVIA n Ac Inwotticmtinn lo me ifiui viv.i fig ana yuccn ;DES N DISFAVOR llTH POPE'S GOVERNMENT. I That Republican Sentiment ring In Servla Indications I Rapidly Developing Feeling ,rt Kara Georgevltch Revolt Ittanijn Troops Against the i it His Palace. I June 13. It is announced jfcr that diplomatic relations rria are broken on lor me A seml-oHcial note Issued, !hi whosoever may be I u nt Rprvia the nowcrs Land punishment ot the mur al civilized KuroiHJ cannot. i that high administrative ana r positions be occupied ty as Lk and Undeveloped Brain. I irtin iwrformed the auton- w : . ..: IBn; Alexander report wai tne Iknn was not developed ana u weakness. Alexander left E), ot which $100,000 is depos i Brussels bank. rtaten to Start a Republic. June 13. Renorts are cur !jt that renublican sentiment iidmz wltn remarkable rania iKriia and has caused a Hut I European chancellories. Jt is Ke that should Shuptschina I on snch a. rourse the nowcrs Ifc'.ertene and insist on the nuon of the kingdom. Imported Revolt Denied. . June 13. Thp Frpnph mln p Belgrade this morning denies nan mar tnp Kprrlnn pnrrtRnn Ih is marching on Belgrade to i ice assassinations. tbrand In Sultan's Camp. L June 13. The Tacphlutt re. i serious revolt started today i Albanian troons earrlsnnlnir fni paiace. Revolt at Constantinople. pstinople, June 13. A fierce irorrea witnin the walls of the Ikiwk between Albanian re- I ud an Asiatic regiment. The were anally overpowered wrc killed and wounded. Ulent follnwfnr. cr .lrtcr.1., ttw. UUUS at Hplprnrlf. nottinA n p.- k. i. j i j v.. v. a Pic in the palace and city. tot Have Smooth Sailing, fide. Juno 1? r-,..... ,.. utaess to more hostile feel- i ara (ieorgevltcb, and the popular desire for a re- ' win or government. The 'already split into factions. WMIT IDSstpnt .. rl I Montenegro. Many fear j- new king is announc er a civil war will be pre- " 'nterDal dissension J intervene, with eonSemi.n. " ""ty be estimated. Want i nn..ui!. km, .r.r lolatlim V tne Naders of luM ,Vnd rKanizer of the RIh T'" are tired or I a. r "7're to see a re Z and, established. He of ,.. ,g ,,n tDls d0- ch. a p.' 5'":,es- "Wlntip vrs Premier. '".the massacre, died I'io a, V utlar'e of Itou 8erkn 0rary.'olone' of th. ::.t'enl oncers, i with .IV"". fevered his Mwmprr-.101.. say of w e such horri J5mllitary honor." IN PENNSYLVANIA. "llrJTTT.. tW.IJ: Juie 13a large 4dT.ellJ..a mining vi laL"1 Wght l,v "a . ... wilier- district . t8ln mil . rvn .CL "K K"o Com liflW.20" In the the alr t. .AWED . BY. MILITIA, ) ' -'t Arliona Strikers Give Up, Losing Every Contention. Morcncl, Ariz., June 13. The back bono of the striko is broken. The leaders have been arrested and are held charged with inciting riot. They will probably be taken at once to Solomonvillo for trial by rangers. Tho situation was brought about by tho arrival or the mllltln thov ).o,-ir, jrwonderful and immediate effect up- nn thp ctftlrpra iphn It. -.,,-, l i' uv. ...w.., 11 ttxj in 3IL-VL.m'3 UU previously defied the company offic ials and laughed at their coming re lief. There was no arbitration. Tho strikers will probably accept the company's offer of nine hours' pay for eight hours' work ami go to work tomorrow. Settlement here means the same result In adjoining camps, which have been idle for two days past The trouble at Clifton is over. All Quiet at Morenci. Washington, June 13. The war de partment has received a dispatch an nouncing the arrival of trtfops at' Morenci, Ariz., and stating that all is quiet there. New Santa Fe Auditor. Topeka, Kan., June 13. J. W. White is to be the new auditor of disbursements on the Santa Fe in place of I. S. Lanck, deceased. Mr. White w .1 como here from I.os An geles, where he has his headquarters as auditor of the coast lines. , He was. formerly chief clerk to ' Mr. L'auck in this city. Z7cLQIJSDBURST SHEEP KILLED BY LIGffli TWO WATERSPOUTS AT HEAD OF COMBS' CANYON. Wall of Water Three Feet Deep Rushed Down the Gulch, Doing Considerable Damage, But No One Was Injured. Rfljlitmd .Train; Is Cajugjitfand Doubled' Up like a Horse shoe, But No One is Hurt, GREAT DESTRUCTION TO ALL KINDS OF PROPERTY. Nick Blanchett reports two water spouts near the head of Combs' Can yon. One occurred on Thursday even ing between Alkali and the head of the canyon. During the storm 50 head of mutton sheep on the Mc Cracken place were struck by lightn ing and killed, and the herder had his arm burned. The second spout occurred between Nye and tho head of the canyon, on Friday afternoon, and so much water fell that a wall of water two and three feet deep rushed down the gulch. No one was hurt In the sec ond one. TROUBLE IN LAKE. Squatters Refuse to Vacate Their Homes and Make Trouble. Portland, June 13. A report comes from Lakeview that squatters on land of the Warner Valley Stock Company have burned the buildings on the ranch 40 miles east of that place. The squatters refuso to bo dispos sessed and state that they will resist, by force of arms, the order of the court awarding the laud to the War ner Valley Stock Company. CAPTAIN HEALY DIVORCED. Alaskan Promoter and Millionaire, Well Known Through Northwest. Chicago, June 13. Isabelle Healy was this afternoon granted a divorce from Captain John J. Hcaiy, the wide ly known Alaskan promoter and mil lionaire. She getb a largo block of stock in the North American Trading & Transportation Company, of which he is president. SEVEN WERE DROWNED. Houseboat Capsizes on White River, in Arkansas. ninrnnilnn A rlr .lUHO 13. SeVPU persons have been drowned at Aber deen, on White river, uy wie Ing of a houseboat The victims w n Mnnpvmaker and wife. J. M. Clark' and wife and two boys and a girl. The people were cngugi-u In gathering musbej iien. MISSISSIPPI IS FALLING. Situation Is Constantly Improving at St, Louie. at i..i Tn 19 The river is! -iil., .. !,.,..!.. ot I.-nct St IJullls. Tho situation is constantly improving, but there is much sickness, aggra vated by lack of ciotmng, anu uy cold weather. The Known Death List Is Thirty-one, 'But -the Number Drowned May Greatly Exceed That .Estimate Man on Horseback, Five' Minutes Ahead of Flood, Saved Many Lives. Clifton, Ariz., June 13. Many per sons were drowned in the cloudburst that swept this part of the state yes terday. The Baby Gauge Railroad up the canyon to Mctcalf was fright fully washed, and. on. this road occur red the narrowest escape from a big death list. A train carrying CO passengers met the flood, which was seen in time for the train to be stopped, allowing tho passengers to seek the hillside. Tho water overturned the train and doubl ed It up like a horseshoe. The bodies of many dead are be lieved to be buried under the trail ings from tho Arizona Copper Com pany's mill, and It may bo weeks be fore all the missing can be accounted for. Death List Is Thirty-one. Twelve bodies of flood victims hare been recovered at Clifton, Ariz., but the death list generally is placed at 31. Many of the bodies will never be recovered, although hundreds of men, Including many ot the striking miners, are engaged In the search. The rush of waters bore most of tho bodies from tho Chase creek into the San Francisco river. Harrowing tales of death are re ported by people living along Chase creek, one man reporting that he counted 12 people struggling in the water, and believes that all of them were lost. One Mexican woman lost five children who were swept away with the wreckage of their house. ! Clifton had its hero on horseback, similar to the man who rode down the valley of Johnstown, Pa., and I warned tne people of the impending I danger. The Clifton hero rode at ! breakneck speed five minutes ahead I of the torrent and shouted to the I settlers to flee to higher ground. His warning saved hundreds of lives. THE PIONEERS' REUNION ENDS Ninth Annual Picnic of Uma tilla County Association tho Best Ever Held. RAIN WAS A WELCOME IN TERRUPTION TO MEETING, Mimic War Dance by Painted Young sters Ball Game Called Off on Ac count of the rain Sports and Mu sic Are Highly Appreciated Large Crowds in Attendance, Tho ninth annual reunion of tho Umatilla county pioneers, which closes this evening at Weston, hns been tho most successful meeting yet held. Tho picnic began Thursday morning and tho attendance Increas ed each day, until tho climax was reached this afternoon, when the largest erovrd over assembled on a like occasion nt Weston witnessed tho closing exercises and sports. Although tho rain Thursday after noon and Friday interrupted tho pro gram, Its beneficial effects had n tendency to enliven tho crowds and the prospect ct good crops ndded zest to the occasion. The nnuunl address was delivered by Hev. M. H. Marvin, of Walla Walla on Thursday, and tho main ex ercises of the reunion wcro held In a large tent stretched across tho main street of Weston. Hev. Andreas Hard addressed tho reunion Friday. One of the Interesting features of the program was a mimic war dance by Weston boys who were painted up to represent savages. The Athena band furnished music for the occasion and an excellent lo cal chorus of voices added splco to all tho exercises. The ball game between Adams and Milton stood five for Adams and four for Milton, when tho gamo was call ed off to mnko room for tho rain. Joe Haddely won tho 100-yard dash against Overdofr and Mnrsett. An gus McDonald won tho shot put on a throw of 37 feet and ono inch. The citizens of Weston mado it en joyable for tho pioneers In every concejvablo way and the meeting is pronounced by all to be tho most successful ever held. ASK HEAVY DAMAGES. STRIKERS MUST ARBITRATE. "Hair Oil Pete's" Trial. t..- i Thn nrellminary in f ii m fit fivr. for the ciniuiuimuu yji . - - - killing of Archie Emmous, at I-ardo on June 3, will he neiu m on Juno 18. Hawiey and Puckett, of this city, have been retained to de fend him. Unions of Chicago Receive Warning From Federation of Labor. Chicago, June 13. Tho Federation of Labor notified tho striking waiters at noon today it they persisted in their refusal to arbitrate with the hotel and restaurant owners It would withdraw federation support. Schil ling, or the National Civic Federation, alid members of the stato hoard of arbitration, made futile attempts to get a hearing. Tho waiters refused nil finmtinimlfipfl and finv thev will !1iavo union recognition or fight until the union dlBbanus. rracticany uiu entire city Is without restaurants or hotels. Thousands aro carrying luncheon. The police have Issued an order prohibiting pickets from tho Walters' Union from taking places within two and a half blocks of tho affected ho tels. Ten arrests wcro made this morning for violation of the order, Iteeder, ono ot the largest caterers In the city this morning signed the union scale. REPORT OF LEO'S DEATH. It Lacks Confirmation and has a Roundabout Source, London, Juno 13. A dispatch from Vienna states that tho evening papers print an announcement that Popo Leo died suddenly of heart failure. Thero is no confirmation of tho report. University Commencement. Madison, Wis., Juno 13, Every thing Is In readiness for commence ment week at the University of Wis consin which will be ushered in to morrow with the baccalaureate ad dress by Dr. E. A. Dirge, the acting president The annual address before the college of law will be delivered Monday tiy Hiram P. Stevens of St. Paul. Tuesday will bo class day, Wednesday alumni day, and Thurs day commencement day, when 370 graduates will receive their diplomas. i Suit Againsi Mining Concerns to Re cover Over $26,000. Portland, Juno 13. The caso of Ira Lemon, Scott Collins, J. M. War ren, Katie Warren, A. E. and M. Hut ter and Pear' Lemon ngalnst tho Consolidated Bonanza Gold Mines Company, to recover damages, camo up for trial in the United States dis trict court this morning. This Is an action in which the plaintiffs seek to recover for tho loss of timber alleged to have been their property. They endeavor to show that In January, 1902, they es tablished, In Baker county, what Is known as the "Hardly Able" placer mining claim, from which the defend ant company afterward cut down nnu converted Into cordwood timber, amounting to 998,400 feet and valued at $8,958.;0. They ask damages to tho amount of troblo this sum, of $20,950.80. OLD SETTLER DIED, Mrs, Hampden Passes Away From Effect of an Abscess, Mrs. Elizabeth Jano Hampden died this morning at 12:30 o'clock at her home on East Court street, after a long illness resulting from an abscess on tho liver. Mrs. Hampden was ono of Pondlo ton's oldest residents, having reach ed her 72d birthday on the ICth of last January. The announcement of the funeral arrangements Is given In a different part of tho paper. Organizer at The Dalles, Tho Dalles, June 13. Q. Y. Harry, of tho Stato Federation of Labor, spent yesterday In tho city, and while here organized a union of Sheet Metal Workers with six members, Ho also organized Tho Dalles Cen tral Council, which Is composed of three delegates from each labor union, tho purpose of which Is to act as an advisory board to all unions. It Is expected all matters of Import ance to union labor will be referred to this council before action shall be taken. CANAL AT THE DALLES. Government Engineers Now Looking Over the Site. The Dalles, Juno 13. A party of 15 engineers, under William Morris, United States assistant engineer, have arrived In Tho Dalles for tho purpose of surveying the canal above hero recommended by tho board who recently visited tho site. The engi neers expect to make their headquar ters In the city for several months mid go up on the train dally. Tho canal will bo about eight and a hnlf miles long lind will contain several locks, one nt tho upper end and perhaps two nt tho lower end. It will probably bo C5 feet wldo at tho bottom, and will bo lined with con crete. The minimum depth of water will bo something llko seven feet. A large part of tho canal will hnvo to be hewn out ot roclt. Tho cannl wilt bo on tho river side of tho railroad track, and for most of tho length will parallel It. Ami so another move ts njado to wnrd the project which has so long been discussed and whlrh means so much to Eastern Oregon. Hut It Is said that it tuny not he completed for 10 years, and tinder tho most fnvorn bio circumstances could not ho finish ed In less than llvo or six, ltcmom herlng their experience with tho. locks nt the Cascades, tho people ot tho Inland Empire will be much surprised If it Is completed In double that time. Tho cost of the work will bo about $10,000,000. A TENEMENT HOUSE KORROH INCENDIARY FIRE BURNS FOUR PERSONS TO DEATH Authorities Believe One Fire Bug Is Responsible for Over a Hundred Fires One Injured Has Since Died. New York. Juno 13. Three child ren and one man were burned to death and four others were seriously Injured In a fire of Incendiary origin which destroyed a four-story tene ment at 113th street today, i-our families occupied the building. Tho fireman found n grent quantity of oil soaked rags In the hallway. Nearly a hundred fires In which a dozen lives have been lost have oc curred in this neighborhood slnco November last. Tho authorities be Hove onu ilro bug Is responsible for all. A coincidence brought out Is that this fire Is in tho heart of Littlo Italy on tho feast day of St. Ant.iony of Padua, tho patron saint of lire, Today a thousand residents of little Italy, supplicated this saint for pro tection. Ono of thoso injured died In tho hospital this forenoon, making the fifth victim. READING THE RIOT ACT. Employers' Association Will Not Compromise With the Situation. Vancouver, B. C, Juno 13. Tho Employers' Association, comprising nil the employers, largo and small, In tho city, mot tills morning and Issued n statement that tho succession of strikes Is hnudlcnplng trade und In dustry, and whereas they formerly dealt with the unloiiB as Individual omployes, they now propose to deal with them as an Employers' Association, SEVEN KILLED. Distillery Fire Explodes Whiskey and Blows Up Flour Mill, Greenock, Scotland, Juno 13, Suvon woro killed and a number In jured by a fire at tho Aragon dis tillery laBt night. Whlnloy exploded and ran blazing Into tho stream ad jacent to a Hour mill, which exploded from mill dust. Damago, 0,000. Rifle Team 8alls for England. Now York, Juno 13. The rlflo team selected at tho recent Sea dirt com petitions to represent tho United States in tho coming contest for tho Palma trophy Balled for England to day on tho Lucania. Crook County Wool. During tho past few days wool shipments have been brisk, and a great many freighters are engaged at tho present tlmo In hauling tho wool clip to Shanlko, Tho Bhourlng crews aro not moro than ono-thlrd done. Already, tho enterprising firm of Wurzweller & Thompson havo snipped 125,000 pounds', whllo Hoi omonson, Johnson & Company bavo also made a number of shipments. The Crook county wool clip for this year Is now estimated at 3,000,000 pounds, which Is slightly bolow the average, but the Bbortago In weight Is said to bo mado up In quality as the 1903 clip Is A No, 1, Crook coun ty Journal, ELGIN MURDER CASE DN TRIAL Woods and Wado Gray Boing Tried at Union for Killing Arch Halgarth, SPECIAL VENIRE OF JURORS EXHAUSTED. Most Sensational Case Since Fa mous Tartar Trial of 1895 North end of Union County Depopulated to ,Attend Trial Both Men Promi nently Connected Attorneys on Both Sides. Union, Juno 13. Tho trial of tho Grays for tho murder of Arch Hal garth nenr Elgin, Is now In progress nnd has nttrncted a largo crowd ,to tho county scat, Tho regular panel of Jurors, num bering 30, was exhausted and a spoo lal venire of 30 was called, only ono ot this number being loft after tho jury was selected. Tho evidence of tho stato was com pleted nt 10 p. m. Inst night and tho defense began its sldo this morn ing. Thero are 40 witnesses to oxamlua and tho enso will probably not bo finished until Monday night. It Is tho most seiiHutlonnl caso that hns been tried In Union county slnco Alex Tartar, of Eaglo valley, was tried for killing his brother In 1895. Nearly tho entire north end of Union county Is- depopulated, all tho resi dents being In nttuiulanco upon tha trlnl. Both men belonged to prominont families. Both woro highly respected ami well connected socially and fra ternally. and it Is ono ot the most stubbornly contested cases on record lu the county. Tho attorneys for tho dofenso aro T. II. Crawford, of Union; J, 1). Sla ter, ot La (Irundo, and 11, J. Slater, ot Pendleton. Attorneys for tho pros ecution aro District Attorney Sam White, of Baker City; J. L. Hand, of Baker City; N. O. McLood, of Elgin, and F. S. Ivniihoo, of La Grande. DOUBLE-HEADER BALL. Flrulo of the Game Blocked by the Rain on Thursday, There will bo a doiihlo-heudor gamo of Imsuball nt thu Alta street gruundn tomorrow, when tho hoys from up tho country will attempt to follow up tho work they began on Thursday, whon tho rnln Htopped the proceedings. In the morning nt 10 o'clock tho iirBt gumu will he culicil uml at that game Seiners will pitch for Colfax unit .McDonald for the local team. Ia tho afternoon at 3 o'clock tho tonms will play tho last game of tho sorlos und at this Druhot will too tho pinto for tho visitors mid Wilner for tho Indians. i Both ot tho teams mo rostod up, thanks to tho rain, mid n couplo ot fast mid Interesting guinea are assur ed tho fans who will attend. Rapid Transit for Baker. Baker City, Juno 13. Two miles ot stoel rails arrived In tins city ovor tho O. 11. & N. for tho Halter City Hupld Transit Company. It Is pro posed to put tho power plant In nock creek mid transmit light nnd powor to this city, a dlstauco of 10 mites. A force of men Is now cutting polos for tho lino and building llumu for tho plant. Queen Does Not Have Consumption. 'pi.,, iinifiu, .Tnnn 1!t. Tho runort which has been current on several occasions lately that Queen Wllhol inliia Is surroring wim consumption, Is officially declared to bo without foundation. Fire at Moio. On Wednesday night of hist wok thn foundry and maihlno shop lit Moro burned to tho groin.'', loss 000, The Mro boj of thai city i!ld iOot work at tho Ilro, ji. t'll th ether buildings v cUi'i; thH uno wore saved, whlw v," -iro n,,ry in Uar-i of this Arc u our rl I hum', yet mi. nrn tirnlld nl till lOVh will) for.n tho firo department ot ithat city, of which wo naa o Jiomir w vo uiuui Uf fclx years, as a'l m w ju ...I.-,, i,ia tv i t-.ii hiw ii perform Jt with Intolllgonce.-'l'rinevlllo no- view,