Yo Want Both When you try on a pair of shoes look for two things "Comfort" and "Style." You must have them both; cither one by itself is not enough. Our whole stock is purchased with these two things in view and it is the largest and most complete in Pendleton from a heavy brogan to the finest French kid boot and thej' all have that wearing quality found only in a care fully selected stock. Shoes for the whole family DINDINGER WILSON & CO- Fhone Main 1161, Good Short Cheap BASHFUL FRED. Passed Through This Morning en Route to Vancouver, General Frederick Funston, the commander of the department of the Columbia, passed through the city wis morning on his way to his sta- tlon at Vancouver. The general Is a bashful and modest man and likes not the inquisitive gaze of the curl ous. He likes to enjoy the secluded retreat of a Pullman, and not to be embarrassed by the vulgar stares of the assembled populace. This morn ing several of the people at the de pot gathered about the window to look at the hero of the southern isles, but he was not kind to them and pulled the curtain down and left them to the contemplation of the blank and pallid blind. Will Summer on the Coast, Mrs. Charles Eppinger and little child, accompanied by Miss Elva Boon, left today for Portland and points on the coast. Miss Boon will remain in Portland, and Mrs. Eppln ger will spend the summer at the seaside. Powdered Daintiness You never saw a foot powder une ours, ii is laKing the town by storm. There is just one word in the dictionary to describe it iiiai worn is dainty." Tallinuii' Foot Powder is unrmialled for sore, hlifctoreri. aching and sweaty feet It keeps the shoes dry, sweet and whole- ; some ineae not, sultry days. The harvest man needs it, the uumuco uiau iiceas it, you need it and everyone needs it. Be Bure you get Tollman's. Accept no other. Prepared by TALLMAN & C2: .Leading Druggists Far Superior to Any Other Goods Ai tbii letter eif.Jln.: Seattle, Wash., May 10, J003 Crescent mauufitcturlug Co Dear Sim T .!. .,! . note with my coupons and let ou know how much I value all of the Crwcent buuub - conBiaeruieni far superior to any other goods of the kind I haveever used. Enclosing coupoiiB for premium No. 3, 1 remain Yours truly, Mrs. Vincent Cole IlEUEMBER with every article or Crescent goods a coupon is enclosed with a premium list entitling you' to many uteful and handsome presents. Always look for them. "Watch thi space and we will tell you about ' the goods from time to time, and on receipt of a I cent' stamp will send you our "A B C" book for the children. Address, Dept. O, Crescent Manufacturing Combany. Seattle, Washington. I THE WELCOME RAIN UMATILLA COUNTY SOAKED CENTER TO CIRCUMFERENCE Four-Fifths of an Inch Fell Last Night and Yesterday Evening Still Raining, With Good Prospects for Continued Showers. Preceded by a rattle of thunder and vivid flashes of lightning, the long-awaited rain came yesterday evening at 4 o'clock. Parching foothills and thirsty crops were revived and freshened. Dusty rontls and weltering ranges were vis ited with a vlcorous downpour that went to the roots of the grass and the bottom of the dust. North, west and east of Pendleton the ram clouds novered long and lovingly. The storm came on gently at first, then broke nway and the critics of good old Jupiter Pluvius said "the storm Is over; I told you so." But their prophecy fell flat. Gath ering up his cloud robes once more. the mallnged old God of Rain shook down a torrent that paid off several mortgages, saved several farms and loaded several trains of wheat In Umatilla county. After a pattering prelude of 20 minutes, which scarce ly laid the dust, the storm began to come down In earnest and for two hours sustained the reputation of Or egon. Reports from every point In the county say that the rain came In time to save much of the crop. While the shower was heaviest west and north of Pendleton, yet the south part or the county got her share and feels that the wheat crop is now practi cally safe. Weston, Adams, Athena, Milton, Vansycle, Juniper, Warren and other points north and east were soaked last night and nre yet receiving a gentle rain. Yesterday evening and last night .80 or an inch fell, and a good shower has fallen today in the Immediate vicinity of Pendleton. One feature of the shower last night was that it seemed to fall in spots. Six miles southwest on the McKay, scarcely any rain fell last night. A large amount of alfalfa was cut and in the shock in that locality and several farmers from there who were in the city at the time of the rain, were deploring the sunnosed joss oi weir nay. To their surprise, they found that only a light shower had fallen there and their hay was safe. They have not fared so well todav A good shower fell in that locality at noon, ana is sun coming down gently wis evening. One bad feature of the rain all over the county was the heavy downnour. ii ten so iast that much of it ran oft. carrying trash, dust, driftwood and rubbish with it. At places in this city it ran down the sidewalks four inches deep and several feet wide. Many of the side streets that are out or the sprinklers' limits, eat a soaking and drenching that will do away wiw dust lor weeks to come. conservative estimates Dlace the value or the rain at 1.000.000 bush cis in umatllla countv. The best authorities on prnn rnnill tlons place the increased yield on ac count of the rain in the wheat kpp. tlon between Pendleton and Walla walla at six bushels ner acre, brine Ing the total estimated yield up to 28 uubuujs per acre. The Baker City Herald of veter. uay says or we rain in that section a severe wind, rain and thunder storm visited Baker City and coun wis niternoon. The water began iau in torrents at 2:30 o'clock. and as the Herald goes to cress th ram is genuy railing. This rain is of almost untold value to Baker county and insures good crops and good pas Once tried always used. They are absolutely pore, wholesome and satisfactory. They cannot fail to please yon. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, JUNE 12, turnpe for the remainder of the sum' mcr." Reports from Grand Ronflc are that the crops and range are sow safe. The heaviest rainfall reported was near Heppncr Junction. The total rainfall In this city for the past 24 hours is .EC of an Inch. Letter From President Rooseveic So Williams has received a letter from President Roosevelt, thanking him for the present of an elegant steamer rug given him by the members of Pendleton high school, sent to Spokane by the Peo ples Warehouse when he was there on his trip through the West. The president praises the beauty of the gift and expresses pleasure at its re ceipt. It Is needless to say that the letter will be prized by the young man to whom it was sent. The Guide's New Quarters. O. W. Dunbar, business manager and editor of the Bally Guide, has rented commodious quarters for his new plant in the basement of the Golden Rule, nnd will be ready for business in a few days. He has or dered a complete outfit from Port land nnd will soon he ready to begin where he left off on the evening of the recent fire. PERSONAL MENTION. F. W. Lusk, of La Grande, is 'e guest of the Golden Kule. F. Bartholomew, of Heppner. is a business visitor In the city. Jlrs. W. H. Howes, of Athena, Is in the city, the guest of menus Mrs. L. H. Sturgis is the guest of rriends In Weston for a few days. Mrs. J. A. AVeston. of Boise City. is the guest of the Hotel Pendleton James Killlan, of Hunt's Junction. is in Pendleton on a short business trip. H. L. Slsler. of the Northwestern railway, is in the city on a business visit. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hendershott, of bpoKane. are visiting m Pendleton for a short time. Miss Anna German, of Hunt's Junction, is visiting friends in the city for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Porter, of Meacham, are in the city the guests of Pendleton friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cronln, of Meacham. are visiting friends in Pen dleton for a few days. S. B. Calderhead. of the Washing ton & Columbia River system, is in the city for a short visit. Miss Hallle Strickland left today for Portland, where she will spend the summer with friends. Mrs. A. H Sunderman. of Pilot Rock, was in the city last evening ana today, visiting friends. Robert Wilson. the travellnc ireigni agent or the Burlington rail way is lu the city for a few davs. J. T. Ogle, of Ridge, was in the city toaoy on nis way home from Athena, where he has spent the past week. H. P. Rolf, of Walla Walla. Is in the city on a short visit with friends and for the transaction of business. G. W. Roberts, deputy United States marshal of Portland. Is in the city on a short visit connected with his office. Mrs. It. O. Sheek and daughter. .uiss xiazei, leit tnis morning lor Portland and valley points to snend me summer. W. C. Carson, the traveling freight agent of the Northern Pacific, Is in the city looking after the interests of his company. Mrs. Lilly Swanson. of Tapnma. nas reiurnea to ner home after a visit at the home of Mrs. H. L. Bixby on uoxueiu street. Mrsj'G. A Hartman went to Wes ton tnis morning, where she will visit friends and attend the Pioneers' picnic at that place. George W. Wells, of Henpuer. re turned to his home this raornlnc. after a visit at the home if his iriend, J. N. Bentley. of this citv, Leon Cohen. Dr. W. G Cole nnil A. ruinnei returned home on the after noon train from Walla Walla, where they had been on business this morn ing. W. D. Chamberlain, countv clerk of umauua county, is in the city to at tend Masonic meetings, reirlstoroil at the Perkins. Oregon Dally Jour nal. uooert blater, who is among the r.v prominent attorneys of Pendle ton, passed up the road this mnmlnir im ins way to union to attend Court. i-a uranae unronicie. A. J. Johnson, the United cintoa bank examiner, left this morning for innuin ui me vaney. wnere tip win look Into the condition of the coun try banks in this vicinity. George Harris, a barber u-hn line been located in Seattle for ftnmn time, and who was formerly a rl. dent of Salem, is in the citv days' visit with friends here. W. J. Homer, of Pendleton mnnn. ger of the State Insurance Company, of Indianapolis. Ind.. arrived in Tj, Grande last night In the interest of his company. La Grande Chronicle. Mrs. G. W. Wells. Of Hfinnner rm has been visiting at the hnniA nf T N. Bentley for several days, left this morning for Walla Walla, where she will be the guest of her slater for couple of weeks before returning to her home. ALLEGED FORGERY ED HANEY IS IN CUSTODY CHARGED WITH SWINDLING Young Man Is Said to Have Stolen a Suit of Clothes by Ways That Are Dark and Tricks That Are Val Is Now in Pendleton Jail. Thr. rnse of the state of Oregon vs. Ed Haney will In all probability prime before the Justice court this afternoon or tomorrow morning, when the defendant will be given his nrellmlnarv hearing nnd be cither hmuirl over or dismissed. The complaint Is filed by Charles Bond, of this city, and alleges that the defendant came into his store on Main street, on the afternoon or Jun 2. and then and there tendered tn him as navment for a suit or clothes a check for $20, purporting to be drawn by Hartinett & Laing m favor of the bearer. The check was honored, the goods delivered and chance clven and in a few minutes the young man was on his way to the train, c othes. money and nil. i Tuesday afternoon, Juno 2, the de- owned bv Mr. Bond, and asked to look at some clothes. He was shown some suits and was very easy to nlease. savlnc that he liken the suit 1 and that he would return m a little ! time and take it with him. He went out and did not return till after Mr. Bond had gone to his dinner. In the the evening he came into the store and gave the check to Mr, Sullivan a clerk In the store. The suit was wrapped up and the defendant pock eted his change and left the store. Haney said that he had been work ing for the firm of Hartinett & Lalng and that they had given him the check iu payment for his services. When the check was presented at the bank it was promptly turned down as a forgery. Bond took the paper to the office of Dr. C. J.' Smith and the firm was called up over the telephone. The alleged writers of the check disclaimed all knowledge of It and said that the young man had been in their employ for some time. The warrant was then made out for the arrest of the culprit and the officers put on the trail. Haney evidently knew that the fraud would soon be discovered, for he immediately started to cover his tracks. He went to the train nnd ' took a ticket to Athena and from there he doubled to Colfax and Day ton and several other towns, express ing his grip several times as a blind. He was at last located at Tekoa and vas arrested by the chief of nolice of that place. C. R. Hassock, several days ago. On the way to the jail Haney took to his heels nnd refused to stop when tho officer called to him to halt, and Hassock took a shot at him. At first he shot to scare, but the young man refused to stop and then the marshal began to shoot In earnest. He shot five times at the No Dessert More Attractive Why use gelatine nnd spenu Hours soaking, sweetening, flavoring and coloring when Jell-O produces better results in two minutes? Everything in tho package. Simply add hot water and set to cool. It'sperfection. Afeur prise to the housewife. No trouble, leaj ex pense. Try it to-duy. In Four Pruit Fla. yors: Lemon, Onmge, Struwberry, llasp. berry. At grocers. 10c Rigby-Clove Mfg. COMPANY Manafactcrers of the Eigfey-CIove Combinca HARVESTER Repairs for all kinds of Farm Machinery Foundry Work a Specialty Cash paid for old castings Pendleton, Oregon DYSPEPSIA "For ill Tn I IV1I a Vlrtlin nfdn. prpslm In lu worm form 1 could eat nothing out milk loust. and at times mv stomnrh wnnlri not retain and digest een that Last March 1 began taklne C'ASCAllKTS and alnce then I bare ateadliy Improved, until J am as well aa I was in mj life." uavid u, .nunrnr, Newark. O. CANDY CATHARTIC TtUOl UK l oKiM?'"- E'tabl. I'ownt. Tute Good. Vm Qood. Meier Slcteo. Weaken. or OrlpeTlOe. Kc.lCc .L.iRE CON8TIPATIOM. ... turtle iu- c.,, tau., a.. SIt Mat.Tfl.Blf Bold Dd fii.rtnleed br all drag. Ilil4 to Clmi Tobacco lUblt 1903 fleeing figure and tho last ono took out a piece or tho fugitive's ear, bringing him to a sudden halL He was then taken to tho city Jail and yesterday Sheriff Taylor went after him and urougnt mm iicro, wnore no is now In tho lockup. Rclatlvo3 of the boy aro making strenuous efforts to hush tho matter up and settle it out or court, and whether or not they will be success ful in their endeavors is not -as yet known. Tho prosecuting attorney is out of town and It cannot bo determ ined whether he will consent to tho dismissal of the case. It is .thought, though, that in view of the evidence against him that the defendant will have to stand trial. Return From Willamette. W. M. Scott, wife and son, I. C. Scott, of Helix, returned yesterday from a three weeks' visit to Mrs. Scott's parents nt Salem. Her father Is SS and her mother 82 years of age and aro both hale and hearty. While In tho valley Mr. and Mrs. Scott visited Newport and many smaller towns near Salem and found crop and fruit conditions excellent They left for their home at Helix on the 7 o'clock W. & C. It. train last night. SI. JUfc STUB AH day long from morn til SmiiMiMer Dress (R at slaughter prices. AH tuwu beautiful patterns. and keep cool. 250 pieces to select from . . -wvaaMUMU The Lenders In Pendleton IpJSi W. J. CLARKE & Co, 211 court" I 1 1 i . . . . . . . u kt WW M HVV SHIRT WAIST SUITS t There will be a discount of on ourJentire Stock of .WrtBr"fl Mnt'jWfflilsttJ: and a still larger reduction on all out Call and see out Shirt Waists BIG BOSTON STORE JESS When ArtemusWua., ,n.e he had a hfc "jess so," " , had said ;yt tfjj ttcitlarly tnnny " Now Mother's Prij.:. ny but it's the u S' earth ' JESS SO Yon have onlr t ,. COtlvlneorl nf li-. .. J 8 I EH M Cheapest place la ( Qlf Stove Ever is the automatic blue lot cooker. It is a boon to YinnaoVoonari 4n lint WMtW 'will boll, base or roast charm. It bums oily nf nil in trnm niiteen to hours, and is the plest, cleanest ana nosi ical stove made. per c i