East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 12, 1903, Image 6

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Itching, Scaly and Crusted
With Loss of Hair
Speedily Cured by Guticura
Soap and Ointment
When Every Other Remedy and
Physicians Fail.
"Warm sluimpoos with Cutlcura Soap
and llpht dressing of Cutlcura, the
great skin cure, at once, stop fulling
hair, remove crusts, scales and dnudruff,
soothe Irritated, Itching surfaces, des
troy hair parasite?, stimulate the hair
follicles, loosen the scalp shin, supply
the rooU -with energy and nourish
ment, and make the hair grow upon a
sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp when
all else fails.
illllloiiB of the world's best people
use Cutlcura Soap, assisted by Cuticura
Ointment, the great skin cure, for pre
serving, purifying and beautifying the
Bkln, for cleansing the scalp of crusts,
scales and dandruft, and the stopping
of falling hair, for softening, whiten
ing and soothing red, rough nnd sore
hands, for baby rashes Itchiugs and
chaflngs, in the form of baths for an
noying irritations nud Inflammations,
or too free or offensive perspiration, in
the form df washes for ulcerative weak
nesses, and many antiseptic purposes
which readily suggest themselves to
women, as well as for all the purposes
of the toilet, bath and nursery. Cuti
cura Soap combines in one soap at one
price the best skin nnd complexion
soap and the best toilet, bath and baby
soap in the world.
Complete treatment for every hu
mour, consisting of Cutlcura Soap, to
cleanse the skin, Cuticura Ointment, to
heal the skin, and Cuticura Tills, to
cool the blood, may now be had for
one dollar. A single set is often suffi
cient to cure the most torturing, disfig
uring, itching, burning and scaly hu
mours, eczemas, rashes and irritations,
from infancy to age, when all else falls.
office during the same period, and
satisfactory proof submitted as to too
non-mineral chnracter of the selected
land. Upon compliance with this re-
qulromcnt. and in tne absence 01 oi-
, legation that the land is mineral, the
new CODE OF PROCEDURE selection may be received. If other-
CODE OF PROtLUU" wise regular, certified and forwarded
TO SECURE SCHOOL LAND, as re(,rw w. rules.
j Can Only Be Secured by Contest.
Proof Must Follow Presumption of
Title State to Be Govern?d by
Same Rules as Individuals Proof
Must Be Furnished of Non-Mineral
Character Opportunity Given for
All Reasonable Contests,
Washington, June 12. Because of
the number of frauds that have been
recently perpetrated In school land
transactions in several western
states, the secretary f the Interior
has Issued a specific circulnr, direct
ed to registers and receivers of local
land offices, prescribing the manner
or adjustment of the grants to the
several states and territories maue in
aid or the support of common schools
where the mineral or non-mlnernl
character of the lands sought to be
selected as indemnity selection, is
Involved. The regulations provide:
Presumption of Title Not Proof.
First When a school section is
identified by the government survey
and no claim is at the date when the
right of the state would attach. If
at all, asserted thereto under the
mining or other public land laws,
the presumption arises that the title
to the land has passed to the state,
but this nresuminion may be over
come by the submission of a satisfac
tory showing to the contrary. Appli
cations presented under the mining
laws covering pnrts of a school sec
tion will be disposed of In the same
manner as other contest cases.
State Must Give Satisfactory Proof.
Second The state shall not be per
mitted to make selection in lieu land
within a school section alleged to be
mineral In character, and for that
reason excepted from its grant,
whether returned by the surveyor
general as mineral or otherwise, In
the absence of satisfactory proof
that the land was known to be chief
ly valuable for mineral at the date
when the state's right thereto would
have attached, If at all. The proof
must show the kind of mineral dls
covered upon the land and the ex
tent thereof, when and by whom the
discoveries were made, as far as
npnt If il i- i .if li n nnr plslin tn thp
! land was asserted under the mining 1 fhowlnj of facts- presented
laws at the date when the state's j
J right thereto attached, if at all, and
IT so oy wnom, me nature una cxiem.) urruscu iu iviuriniuiN lam.
of the mining Improvements placed i
upon the land by the mineral claim-! Marion County w. c. T. U. Pass Anti
Fourth Where land sought to be
selected in lieu of land within a
school section has not been returned
by the surveyor-general as mineral
but is alleged by way of protest to
be mineral, or where application for
patent therefor Is presented under
the mining laws, the proceedings in
such cases will be In the nature of a
contest, nnd will be governed by the
rules of practice In force In contest
May Be Contested.
Fifth Where land sought to be se
lected has not been returned ns min
eral but Is within a township In
which there Is a mining location.)
claim or entry, publication thereof
must he made, at the expense of the
state, for a period of 60 days, with
nostinc for the same period In the
district local land office, and during
such period of publication the local
land officers may receive protests or;
contests as to any of the tracts claim
ed to be more valuable for mining
than agricultural purposes.
Sixth A determination by the land
department that a portion of the
smallest legal subdivision In a school
section is mineral land, will place
that entire subdivision In the class
of lands that may be used as a basis
for Indemnity or lieu selection.
The legal fees payable upon se
lection will not be received until you
are advised by this office that the se
lection may be admitted. In the
meantime you will take no action
looking to a disposal of the land.
To Forestall Further Frauds.
The foregoing regulations were
brought out largely to forestall fur
ther school land frauds in Eastern
Oregon. The department became
firmly convinced that indemnity se
lections were many times made in
Oregon where the school lands re
linquished were not. in fact, mineral
in character, and the stringent regu
lations have been promulgated with a
view to requiring actual proof of
their mineral character before lieu
selections are allowed. Further
more, the power of the local land of
ficers has been curtailed, and the de
cision will hereafter be made in the
department at Washington, uiion the
by local
Made of felt, thor
oughly saturated with
P&B compound. Not
impaired by varying
temperatures. Does
not evaporate, crack,
expand or contract.
A low priced roofing that can
no: be equaled. 4 tor bookUt-
The Paraffine Paint Co.
ant. and what efforts have leen and i
are being made to develop the land
In good faith for mineral purposes.
If, In any case, the proof does not
clearly show that the base land was
known to contain valuable mineral
deposits and to be chiefly valuable
on account of such deposits, at tbe
date the state's right would have at
tached thereto, a selection in lieu
thereof will not be permitted. A cer
tificate of the proper authorities that
the base lands hare not been sold.
i encumbered or otherwise disposed of
, must also be furnished.
I Proof of Non-Mineral Character.
Third Where the land sought to
Polygamy Resolutions.
The Marion countv convention of
the W. C. T. U. held in Woodburn
last week was well attended, every
union in the county but one being
represented. The reports showed
greater progress and more effective
work in all departments than ever
before In its history. The sessions
were enthusiastic and instructive.
Especial mention Is made of the ad
dress given by the county president,
Mrs. Steele, of Turner, to ladies only
on the subject, "Mormonlsm as I
Saw It." Nearly every seat in the
hail was taken and the appreciative
audience went away from that meet
ing with the feeling that this evil
whether you smoke one or a thousand. Always 5 cents, M '
and so good the dealer can't afford to cut the price.
k The Largest Selling Brand of
Sabbath desecration aud iolygamy
were adopted.
'Resolved, That we do all In our
power to enforce the Sabbath laws
and especially do we condemn the i
ball games and Sunday excursions.
"Resolved, That we view with alarm
the growth of Mormonlsm in our
state as well as nation: that we
heartily endorse the action of the
National W. C. T. U. and that we
personally, collectively, and in every
way use our influence against the
spreading evil as the way oiens, and
that we do all in our power to secure
the passing of an amendment to the
United States constitution."
San frandico, Seattle,
Portland, Los Angela
ana Denver, Colorado.
be selected in lieu of land within a
school section has been returned by j which has been so stealthily creen-
uie oui)cui-Bcuiai u uiiuciui, uu-1 mg over our land snould be met with
tlce of the proposed selection must such legislation as shnll nnralvvn
, first be given by publication for CO polygamy.
tdays. with posting in the local land The following resolutions touching
T. C. TAYLOR, Agent
International Stock and
Poultry Food
C. F. Colesworthy
127-129 East Alta St.
Agent for Lee's Lice Killer
i W II
W aA ip - -
Buggy and Hack Wheels at Cost.
See us for Wheat racks before
ordering elsewhere
WASTED-First-class Horseshoer
$3.00 per day steady.
Missouri Blacksmith
ShOp. West Webb St.
That we give special attention to
orders for fancy ICE CREAM
The best known and most popular blood purifier
: tt... ... .. -1. .3 o c-
and tonic on the market to-dav is S. S. S.
There is liardly a man, woman or child in America who
has not heard of "S. S. S. for the blood." It is a standaid remedy,
a specific for all blood troubles and unequalled as a general tonic and
appetizer. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable, the herbs and roots
of which it is composed are selected for their alterative nnd tonic prop-
crues, maKing it me lucai remeay lor
all blood and skin diseases, as it not
only purifies, enriches and invigor
ates the blood, but at the same time
tones up the tired nerves and gives
strength and vigor to the entire
For Chronic Sores and Ulcers,
Catarrh, Rheumatism, Blood Poison,
Malaria, Aniemia, Scrofula, Eczema,
Psoriasis, Salt Rheum, Tetter. Acne
and such other diseases as are due to a
polluted or impoverished condition of the blood, nothing acts so promptly
and effectually as S. S. S. It counteracts and eradicates the genus
and poisons; cleanses the system of all unhealthy accumulations and
soon restores the patient to health. Write us and our physicians will
give your case prompt attention without charge.
Banishment and an Allowance for an
Erring Princess.
Paris, June 12. Finale may now be
written to the long and unsavory
story of the Saxon royal family scan,
dal, which has been a choice titbit
In the mouths of scandalmongers
since the sensational flight of the
Crown Princess Louise with the
French tutor. M. Giron. According
to a despatch from Vienna the Grand
Duke of Tuscany went to Lindau to
day to meet his daughter and to con
clude arrangements for her future.
As already announced it has been de
cided, after a consultation with Em
peror Francis Joseph, the Grand
Duke of Tuscany, and the Crown
Prince of Saxony, that the erring
Crown Princess Is to make her fut
ure home in France. The castle
Ronno, department of the Rhone,
which Is the property of Countess St.
Victorie, widow of the former Count
Chamberlain, Count Chambord, has
been secured for her abode.
A Fortunate Princess.
The princess, everything consider
ed, may count herself as fortunate
in the ending of her romantic esca
pade. Other fair connections of
European royal families have done
less and fared worse, as for instance
the unhappy princess of the same
name, daughter of King Leopold of
Belgium and wife of Prince Philip
' of Coburg. As a result of an Intrigue
with an Austrian army lieutenant the
unfortunate princess was confined in
an Insane asylum by her relatives
and there she still remains Impris
oned, though from all reports she is
perfectly sane. Numerous other
cases of late years might be cited to
show that many a royal scandal has
ended less fortunately for the woman
involved than that of Princess Louise
of Tuscany.
To Eat Well,
Sleep Well,
And Work Well,
Beecham's Pills
You will Eat wbII,
It EC A USE, trjthlr!Tcinc Action on tb Dlgeftire Organs, Beecham's Pll!ifm
emailon of Taiwan and oppression commonly txrxrtencclTe the appetite tf"iaiBaa
tbe Stomach to health j ana natural rnncuon.
You will Stoop woll.
BECAUSE Beecham's Pills penUy calm Irritation of the Sotohs Brttem, vtoj fl
lUmnlaUre and cltuntlnjc action upon tbe Lire r and Kidneys, digestion proceed vSa arte' I
rrpuLutty, ao that at night tbe tranqulllxM mind and U-dj are prepared for H5wriml
restorer peaceful slumber. Should one feel reaUet after an exdtlnr or eccrtrfc! erred
dose of Beecham's Pills will quietly isdnce irfreatunc steep.
You will Work weH,
BECAUSE Beecham's Rills brine about thr proper aulmUaUoii ot tbe food Uta,rM
to tar Stomach, partly tbe Mood, Irt-igoraie the Nerroai ttyalem,ada force toueJfi
that endue Uie worker mental or pbyalcal wUli renewed energy and power.
Sold Everywhere In Boxes, W cents amdZS emk
bolt fjiiiniBi mm
I know of the nuccpssful uo ol
B. S. S. In many caaea. It ii the beat
blood remedy on the market.
S. S. S. i unquestionably a cootS
blood purifier, and the beat tonic I
ever used.
What Others Say About the Underwood
J. B. Kees, Pendleton, Oregon.
tValla Walla, Wash., April li, 1K03.
Hundreds of Traveling Men Gather
at Duluth.
Duluth, Minn., June 12. With bands
playing and banners flying a host of
traveling men invaded Duluth today
for the tenth annual convention of
the United Commercial Travelers of
America for the jurisdiction of Min
nesota, the DaKotas and Montana.
At 9 o'clock the visitors marched
from headquarters to the Armory,
wnere tne oik ning exercises were
held. n address of welcome was de-
I livered by Mayor Hugo, followed by
a response from the grand council
lor. Terry McCosker, of Grand Forks,
N. D.
Reports were received and discuss
ed, committer'- appointed and other
routine business transacted until 2:30
p. m. when an adjournment was
taken to enab'c the visitors to attend
- 'XV.. ...IW,XV.
. ' a i i i i avr -
fV'W3-y 'r
Dear Sir Re' lyine to your enuuirv. I bee to sav that I Dumba!
Underwood typewriter Jn 1806, and It has been In continuous hard use ever
I have not seen any of the new models, but this is a specimen of the
work done by my machine after nearly seven yearn usage. I would not ex
change it for any other make.
Tbe only re palm I have had to the machine is to have the platen renewed
twice during the time I have had It.
This wraa rendered necessary by the large amount of tabulating work, and
the hard usage It was subjected to In manifolding.
Signed Yours Truly, B. B. CALDERHEAD.
I the ball game and other features of
uuieriuiumuui arranged in lueir
honor. The sessions will continue
through tomorrow. Sandwiched be
tween the business sessions will be
a number of entertainment features,
Including balls, receptions, drives
about the city for the ladles, a con
cert at the central high school and a
grand Industrial and civic parade in
the afternoon.
Many newspapers are conducting
voting and other prize contests, the
winners to have free trips to the
World's Fair, at St. Louis.
The Only Successful Harvester Ever
Ustd in Umatilla CoontV.
i J l-nd. M
THE HOLT does satisfactory voik on any muu . ---
an experiment, but practical, as time has proven, a
vertising the machine gets is from those wno hj- - JBIj
machines in use in Umatilla Caunty. Lightest draugu
lived harvester made. Sold by
1? rMTfT 3UCort
L.dlYll 1 .Clt Pendktoe,
Brin!? Us Your Second Hand Goods
. . for then
We will Dav vou what is right f ,
Bargaine in new and second
312 East Court Street