East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 12, 1903, Image 5

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jnusi uc aoia
Fifty pieces of Wash
Goods at half price
Wed Swiss
in all the latest shades
and styles
Comer of Main and Alta
tfty Irevitiss
s- (or fresh fish.
-.1 In nancr fl fl fl fl f
scarp iui o--o-
The Delta's Iced drinks.
haU soles 40c Teutsch.
te an1 tin Hnnprfi.
your spring suits at Joerger's.
. etmoc rpnnlrpd at
citar store, headquarters for
.1 I!.-
j 1 1 .. T
Elu, SI UIUJUC11 a.
ftmprpnr kivihk ill hilkuhiuu
Horn 19 lu u. iiauer s.
Siddo," the best cigar made, atj
dpr store. Court street. '
IwavK In slpht on the under-
rpmiter. j. s. Kees. agent.
" Choice moats at Honser'a.
$50 given away. See page 4.
Smokers' supplies at Neuman's.
See Sharp's artistic wall paper.
Finest strawberries. Hawley Bros,
Store for rent, Inquire of Chris
Swift's Premium hams and bacon,
Hawley Bros.
Nice furnished rooms to rent at
309 Court street.
Fresh lettuce, peas, rhubarb, string
ueans. mwiey uros.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street.
for nuts, candles and fruits.
U C Rader about that $50 worth of
furniture he is giving away.
Received dally, fresh tamales,
crabs and crawfish at Gratz s.
See page 4 about the $50 worth of
furniture Rader Is giving away.
Blacksmith shop In Pendleton for
sale. See Karnhart, Association
cigars. Han
tnnrt,H modtn "n i jei cigars get me uest oi
ua ciam cnowaer at uraiz s.
famished housekeeping rooms
ind vile, "25 Johnson street.
Inndred and sixtv acres. Half
Sottom land. Good improve-
iwu. is. t. waae.
1 you get the best of
Ion s.
Good business for sale, Main street.
between Alta and Court, See E. T.
Camas Prairie stock ranches, ICO to
Bent Suitfi of rooms, nlrelv Ui.j.
MTP01 Innnlra QHB Alfa 1
snd in your order. Market
t0Snnrt .
.T- jum watcn dol-
pays us to make
""So a little farther than
T, '
nil . -
Hiize Waltham move.
J 'ear se for Us
i -reliance to eet a
ce to eft i v.:!.
. . - HIE II
lor the ni-;.-.. (
one-voM'ii u' . a
nave in ar.T
President Roosevelt's popular
books, also the "Hoosler Schoolmas
ter." Nolf's.
Sewing and dressmaking. Miss Jes-
i sie Jones, 1015 Franklin street, cor
j ner East Railroad,
i For Sale Two fresh milch cows.
, Address W. F. Cook, city, or call at
Rlgby river ranch.
' For Sale The Delta candy store.
Doing a fine business. Owner in
poor health. E. T. Wade.
5c a dozen for Roman candles, 12c
a dozen for skyrockets, a dozen flags
for 5c. Nolf's fireworks store.
For Sale Piano, used four months.
Parties leaving town. A bargain.
Easy Terms. Call 412 Raley street
The Ladles' Aid of the Christian
church will give a dime social Fri
day evening the 12th, at the church.
A short program will be rendered.
Cake, strawberries and cream will be
There will be a meeting of the
Royal Neighbors tomorrow evening,
whlc hall of the members are urged
to attend. An especial invltalion Is
extended to the visiting nelg:.joid in
the city. A full attendance Js aesir
M as business of importance Is to
Tradine In "duU" and "calls" un
der our system is very profit? lie. We
handle grain and stock a- .nts on
a margin of as low as $20 t)ur book
' on "put" and "call" trading sent free
on aDDlicatlon. References, uraa
i street. Booee & Co.. members of
. Chamber of Commerce, 37 Corn Ex
"my a Sympathizing Providence
Kept Pendleton From Being Inglo
nousiy "Skunked- Next Game
Will Be Played Saturday and Two
Games on Sunday,
If anyone thinks that the hand of
providence has not been stretched
out over tne local baseball team by
the goddess of good luck; it anyone
thinks that the nowors that ml An
not harken to the mourning cry of
rcuuieion in defeat, they need but
ro turn to the game of yesterday and
De convinced. Colfax should never
again attempt to wrest the banner of
victory from the Indian
they are watched over by those who
are aoie to cnange dereat Into a
draw and to onen tho vials of tho
heavens for the benefit of the under
nog in the game,
Colfax Jarred the foundations out
or tne rain tank yesterday and by
that act she lost the game. The first
Inning the visitors made four runs
and the sky was bright and the sun
was hot, then they made another In
the second Innlnc and the sun ceas-
ea to shine upon them and the rain
came down to rebuke them for drag
glng the Pendleton banner In tho
dust. The visitors seemed to play
In hard luck, for they had the game
In their pockets when the weather
forced them to call the game and
seek shelter of the grand stand.
It Is useless to attempt to describe
the game, for there was nothing to it
but a walk away for the boys from
up the country. They batted Mar
cus and ran the bases like a lot of
children at play and all the efforts
of the boys from home seemed vain
and a waste of energy. When the
rain came the ricore stood 5 to 0 In
favor of the visiting team, and had
they been able to have played a few
moments more the game would have
been theirs, for It was the first of
the fifth Inning when they stopped.
mere will be no game today, but
on Saturday the cohorts will meet
again, and on Sunday there will be
two games to delight the hearts of
the lovers of the national game.
of a Barrel, a Sack of Wheat
and a Sudden Rain.
Walter Wells, a man of truthful
ness and of sobriety, backed by com
petent authority, has a curious story
to tell of the rain of yesterday. He
says that there is in the edge of the
city a barrel sunk In the ground and
used for vltrlollng wheat This bar
rel was sunk in the ground all but
about three inches of the top, and
was tamped down hard and fast and
was full of water ana contained a
sack of wheat.
When the rain commenced the bar
rel began to rise, and by the time the
lorm was over the thing was almost
out of the ground. The water had
gone In so fast that there was no
oom for the barrel, and It had to va
cate. All persons Just returning from
fishing trips and hunting excursions
are Invited to comiete. Question Is
where would the barrel have been by
this time had It kept on raining?
50 per cent
on 105
Monday at the
Great Sachem Takes a Trip.
L. B. Reeder left this morning for
Portland and Southern Oregon points
to be eone for some time. After sev
eral days spent in the metropolis.
Mr. Reeder will visit some mining
interests which he has In the south
ern part of the state and then will
spend several weeks on the coast In
the Interest of the Redmen, of which
order he Is the great sachem of the
change, Minneapolis:
and blend-
With Not Dressing
5 s :""ice Cream with mivorl
ay that makes it simply immense
otuea d.el'cious. Perhaos vou have had the word 1
. Ti "r?iea lOr VOII cnm.wlior. o h,A filch nf frp 1
DC sur -------- ---1
ui t w uu .i I in nrf ar nnrB ann rnrnvrr 1 im -w
&!!le.Mdlearflwhere th Good Ice Cream, the
mr "erved, is to be had this season. 1
(flfiSTK s
Hopelessly Insane.
Union, Ore., June 12. J. A. Myers,
an old-timer of this county, and who
has been a resident of this city for
many years, was adjudged Insane last
night, and will be taken to Salem.
Myers has been engaged In mining
for some time, and owns a number of
claims in the Catherine ureeK ais
trlct east of this city. His case Is
Bridge Man to Denver.
Guy Wlllard, of the bridge contract
ing firm of McCleay & Wlllard, who
have had the building of the new
steel bridge for the Washington &
Columbia River railroad near this
place, left last night for Denver,
where his firm will build a large
bridge for the Denver & Rio Crande.
Shipping Eight Can Cattle.
J. C Lonergan will ship eight cars
of beef cattle to Seattle over the W.
& C. R. this evening for the markets
of that place. Five of tho cars will
be billed to the Frye-Brubne Compa
ny, and the other three will go to
the Pacific Coast Meat Company, of
that city.
Sale of a Farm.
Sarah J. Kelly and P. J. Kelly, her'
husband, have sold to Thomas H.
Morris for $2,000, the east half of the
northeast quarter of section 22 In
townshlo 5 north of range 36 east.
containing 80 acres more or Jess.
Small brooch, crown, set In tur
quoise surrounded by pearls. Suit
able reward; Miss Georgie Folsoni,
509 East Court street.
Alleged Assault and Battery Orlgl
naiing n a Dispute. ..
That the Indian Is fast learning
the ways of the white man is evl
deuced by the title of a case to como
before the court of United States
Commissioner Halloy tomorrow at 10
o'clock. It i' an action brought by
Joe Allen against Charles Dennett
lor assault and battery. Tho trouble
arose over the pasturing of some
cattle or horses on tho land of the
It Is hard to get at the straight of
tho matter, but this much can be
gleaned, that the defendant told the
plaintiff to move his stock and then
the wife of the plaintiff appeared on
the scene and took the defendant by
the hair of the head and pulled the
same, upon which tho red man arOBO
In his might and kicked her out of
the house. After that he had to whip
the husband of the injured lady. The
case will bo tried upon Its merits to
morrow at 10 oclock.
Spencer Begins Sentence,
Walla Walla. June 12. Edward
Spencer and three other prisoners
were brought to tho penitentiary
yesterday afternoon by Sheriff W. J.
Doust and three guards. Spencer,
nothwlthstandlng he has 13 years
ahead of him in the penitentiary,
seemed to take his coming with a
degree of pleasure. It Is said he
feels tickled becauso he got off so
lightly for the murder of Klla Mundt
In Spokane last February. Spencer's
self Inflicted wound after he had com
mitted the act. is still troubling him
somewhat, it affects his side so that
he now walks with a limp. Uy good
behavior he may reduce his sentence
to eight years and three months.
Judge Fltz Gerald Returned,
Thomas Fltz Gerald has returned
from his visit to The Dalles and
Portland. He was a delegate to the
state convention of the Order of
Eagles, which met at The Dalles last
week and from there went to Port
land to attend to business Interests
Chase & Sanborn's delicious cof
fees, always fresh at C, Rohrman's,
Court street.
To Whom It May Concern.
Union No. 599, of Pondloton, Ore.,
June 3d, 1903.
We, tho undersigned committee,
duly appointed by this body, do bero
by declaro Mn William Mickey unjust
to organized labor. After signing an
agreement as a contracting painter,
to do and abide by tho request of this
body, oil April 10th, or thereabout, ho
now goes contrary to what ho agroos,
und wo therefore declaro him unfulr
to all organized labor, (Signed)
JA8. lJNKIOIIT, It. 8.
A. I a IIAKKIt, Pres.
Hot Lake Bath Houses Finished.
Guests will please securo rooms In
advance. Rates; Hoard and room,
$10 to $1C per week, llutlis, f 1,50 per
weok. Tho new hath liouao Is now
l eaily".
Money rtfundad If xmx1i prore uiuMliUctor
TIicm luudyllttUooctrlf no t fold4 and
tjtlid 111 ft buaca of 10 tuchal. f i AC ti DC
HlrODiettmtlcltln uirku ,,,'''1 'W
Boy's Iron Wagon the
kind for hard service, at
980,11.35, $1.95. $2.25, $2.45
New Arrlvulsi-TuU line of Wlioler
Wllcoi't books and full lis ot PfMldent
Boston Storo
$2.50 to $4.00
Tktj wear well too
Jidd Blook
Oort ft Mali Its.
o CO
eg I si