DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON', OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1903. Btfsifless Catds and Societies I G 0 M M ER CF - TRAR F PROFESSIONS AND TRADES, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. PHYSICIANS. ATTORNEYS. r.n n OFFICR I " mice Honrs, 10 to 1 "?!5m T&phose red 371. IN JUDD i JAMRS b"fff.c: rnn" r-w omen in judd - rTFij. m n.. dksi'ain iilock. , l Ml-!''" .,- troubles, catar- """JuiMii and Impaired nearlnc. "LTNt'r " 'ed for refractive er tS&om n.ln 1131. -r"MT JL KINGO. OFFICE OVER P& U vn Hans Telephone mJlnce telephone main 301. "EiilLV? S ATTpnSBVS AT v v 'inin OIOCK. nALLKRAT A UcCOURT, UAWYERS S. " aw. 7"i.-..TOnVS AT 8 5' Vii; nd iurpeon Office In Judd Telephone, office, black: 73; re- TnJ McFAlt.U KOOM 17 ASOC1A Vt, Nock Telepbone main 031: real- Mict lgl orace In havlne Bant building. nnxnv J. 11KAN, ATTrtnvrv i t . Afsoclatlor, block. 1-tcdletcn, Oregon. ?lfai ATTOKNKY. Judd building, I100MS 423 E. D. noVD. ATTORNEY AT t Court street 111 r .V-wa. Office In Savings Rank build ffDl Phone Kln Ull. res. Main - m""i.t.ns k. nr.AKnsi.Kn. PHYSICIAN AND 3IOCL. Residence 'phone black u "KKDnn. attorney at law. Pendleton, Oregon. N" JPnn.K,:LKY ATTORXr.Y AT LAW. Office In Savings Hank building. W- u r ' in Ib-snaln block. Tele- ..j n.rrous diseases and mil ". ." CHRONIC disease! of corner Main and CMTt Sts. ""lice -poone main i.i, rra put, red ITS. rTlXXA ALLEN HOONE. OSTEOPATn CiTtr SIS Thompson street. House ttn Ded 303, and office 'phone ltlack i W3 lr.tf.u KIEBY " PH YSIOI AN AND S"R. f'on. Oreton li. a collier, lawyer, office Looms i and S, Association building. stillmaxa1'ii:rce, ATTORNEYS AT .7 . ' '"'"uan nas oeen admitted to practice In United States patent offices and makes a siieclalty of Patent Law. Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 13, Asoclatlor. lwocL. DULL, SICKENING THUD WHEN CABBAGE DROPPED. Utter Inaction Prevails In the Grnln Markets and Complete Stagnation In the General Price List of Pro- auce, Staples and Hides Nothing uoing or coming. Turkeys. 12',ic per pound. Geese, per dozen, $9. Ducks, per doien, H. nutter SOe per roll. Eggs, 10 S-3 cents. ParsBlps. Cc per sack. Onions. 7Sc per sack. Fotatoes. COc to "Oc ier hundred. Oarllc, 16c per pound. Choice Beef Cattle, Etc. Cows, per hundred, $3.I5(fS.T5. Steers. $4fl4.25. Hogs, live, J5 6-5.50. Hogs, dressed, 77Hc. Veal, dressed, 7tf$Uc. Local Hide Market. The following aro tho prevailing avorago prices for hides In this niar ket; hoof, green, 4i per 11).: beef, dry, lOifflSc; mink. COCTSOc each, wltls a possibility of $1 each of the size Is good and tho condition prime coyote, 23c and posslhly SOc; bear skins, according to quality and size, from S to $15: coon, 10030c, horse, perfect, with head, tall and mano, $1 to $1.25; sheep, green. 0c: sheep SHc per lb., dry; skunk, 25 40c. bad ger, 20940c. The Wheat Trade. Portland .limn 1 1 Thorn la itli.ti. and In the neighborlnc states, and I Iv of HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendleton and as good as any. . TRANSPORTATION LINK. It those interested wish to sec or hear any changes In tho local mar ket they will have to get a micro scope and an ear trumpet. And un der those conditions they would have heard but ono thing to disturb the stillness, tho drop of cabbage from 5 to 4 cents a pound. Everything else Is the (.ame as It was last week. The dry weather has not mado any change In the wheat quotations. Any way, the failure or the prospering of the local crop would not nffect the market of the world to any groat e.x- tent There will be good crops i around us, In tho Palouso country INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS R. S. BRYSOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW; Collections aid lrsurance. Office In II O. building. OPTICIANS. son, graduate optl Wt. clan The only com TaQKMt P'cte optical parlor In wlHfc-' the city Six doors south of P. O., Main .. itcdleton. Ore No fee charged im exsmiaation ana cnaMiuuuuu. J. M. BENTI.EY REPRESENTS THE OLDEST ana most reliable lire and accident insurance corapanlef. Office with Hartman Abstract Co. JOHN 1I.ULEY. JR., I.'. S. LAND COM mlssloner Sjieclaltj- made of land filings nncl proof: Insurance and collections. Of fice In Judd buldlng, room 10. JOn II. PAI1KES, OFFICE 120 COURT street. Land office business, such as fil ing of claims and Initiating contests a specialty. DENTISTS. BOARD AND LODGING. k TACCIIAX, j-.U tialldlng DENTIST, OFFICE IN Phone, red 71 1 MANX DENTIST OFFICE IN AS- Million Dlocc (iter .--cnmiut k new urug liirt jnone. red .'.i MRS. H. L. IIUNTIXGTOS HAS PURCHASED the Lodging House at 63 Garden Street, wners sue win patrons j Umatilla county will not bo cropless, Anyway, tnero is no change In any thing and the market Is dull and even. Pendleton Retail Grocery Prices. Coffee Mocha and Java, best, 50c per lb.; next grade. 35c per lb; lower grades coffee. 25c to 16c per lb.; package coffee, and 20c per lb, 3 packages for 50c. nice Best head rice. 12i4c per lb.; next grade, 10c per lb. Sugar Cane granulated, best, $6.50 per sack: do, 13 pounds, $1. Salt Coarse, $1.10 per 100; table, $2.50 per 100. Flour D. n.. $4 tier barrel: Wal- , ters'. $4 per barrel. j Hood Hlver berries, 10c ho. Walla Walla berries, 10c box. I Asparagus, 10c bunch, 3 for 25c. i Kadlshes. 5c bunch. Onions, 5c bunch for a number of wore ships, but this will no doubt go over Into tho now year. Quotations rule for club 7Ro, blue stem 77c, valley 7i!c per bushel. Sellers have no difficulty In obtain ing these figures, but stocks In sell ers' hands are very small, ns nearly all tho wheat remaining In tho coun try belongs to exporters and millers. A few parcels can still bo had, but tho owners wnnt, tnoro money than the same Is worth. Crop advices during tho past week were very favorable and a general improvement has been noted. Hood rains lmvo come In the principal wheat growing sections, and corres IHindents all report tho outlook much better. Soma sections of Washing ton need n little more rain, but tho majority of tho counties are In good condition Flour There Is n good demand nt I present for Hour, of the mills that The Hotel Pendleton has just been refitted and refurnished throughout. Phone and fire alarm connections with all rooms. Unths in suites and single rooms. Headquarters Tor Travellug Men Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 & $2.50 mm ODFfiON and Union Pacific Two Trains to the East Dally Through nillmtn iiandanl amlTcutltt si mi Inn cars dallr lo Omaha, Chicago) tourw vivvi'iiiH vr uaur IO JVBnval inr Pullman toutltt (leaping ran (personal! eei. klj to Chlonio, Kansaa CUT, M, ducted) week loula and Memphis; recllnlug chair cart (wal 1 irc) 10 ins Kan uaiiT, ctrtar roa rortland SllOa m Chtrajro M)pm Tlino Seliixlulo Krotn I'endlotoil aaiti raoK l'oilltnd special Ho. I Th M sxua.m. Portland IMin Chicago Special No 1 rortlaad aiMpia Mall and Kipreaa No.J I The m liuai The Kattl luoam Hpoaana Bpeeial rate by week or mouth ' Excellent Cuislue. I Prompt Ditilngrtxiiii'M-rvlee, j Bar and billiard room Inoounootlon sx""n Mall and Kipreaa No. rorttaM l:Ua Pndllon I'awengar So, 7 Spokane Pmnger No. 8 rtnd..Uin Branch Mlsed Train No, II Walla WallHllraneh Mixed Train No. it Saokaa IMB Only Three Blocks from Depot Ocean and River Schedule. FROM rOKTLAND. 1IOTF.L ALT A -Mill streets. ALT A AND . week. Good tahle set. 'Katea $3S0 and i l - COIlNHlt Hoard t7 ..in nnMrrnr. " ee. vilHXl ;auie sei. J anra tnu onuntna. ?4.r.O per week, rendleton Peed Yard In I riKST NATIONAL RANK OF ATIII'.NA. I ""H:"m " " r-"ni5ien, iTop. WIIKN VOr OO TO PILOT ISOCK STOP Oncoo Capital, S.'O.noO: eurplua and rw. i (.u ,in,,fio ATt.anu ! a. rue t itr ,,mr..i, ...Hrt , uX Hrst-class ICittlou nromntlr attended to. Ilenrr IC iSana, president T J Kirk, vlce-pres-lt F S IGro- cashier ; I M. Kemp, lun isutr Hotel. Good meals and rooun. Special attention given It to commercial travelers. tel. Pilot Itock. Ore. Mr. C. II. T.Ie- liaE FAUinns' (!on. Orecon. RANK OK WESTON, Jioefe u general uank- 111; raitfss. Hichance bousut and sold. HHkahu nromntlr atteni litku nromntlr attended lo. It. Jam. praMtnt tieorae W I'roebetel, xt-pmUeat 1 Jt. Kllcore, cashier: dl- u. A. Hartman. M, M. Johns. T. i l Prt-t. G It. Uratv. J. P. Kllgore, Rob-, TU.NSOI.IAL PAKLOUS, COURT ST. ct Jjsbod. a W l"roebstel. Three doors west of Golden Rule Hotel. , J. H. Pace, prop. First-class workmen ; IDE PENDLETON SAVINGS HANK, everything clean; all modern Improve- PLCtoa. Oregon. ririrnnlz..! Mnrrh 1 . . ments. !"3 CSDltal. tllHI.nilO- mi mine Sinn.1 Interest allowed on all time deposits. I'-uip: ooucni ana sold on all principal ptt Special attention clren to col- rjrt-presldcnt . T J Morris, cashier: Mtioney. asilstant cashier. InjST NATIONAL RANK OF PITNDLli i n. tapitai. itu.OOO; surplus, !5,000; piuacti a central luinkl ralt ud teleeraphlc transfers sold on .7IT. rrancisco. .ew lorK ana ?5!?w ,n tne Northwest. Iirafta tlTI 6B Ph hi T.nnn , I ' on reasonable terms. Ivl An- Kt t p ?v t Matlock. Tlcvprea-i ut cashier Cahlmge, -Ic per pound. be glad to "ee b.r friends and Pendleton Livestock, Poultry and Pro- some few weeks back have resmnod auce MarKec. ' upvruiiinis. 1 in m'uutuu comes Chickens Hens, 7c; $4.00 per principally from Japan. California, ship very much over to Japan. From other sections of tho globe thero Is no demand. Tho outlook Ih very en couraglng for a good trndo this fall, as stocks aro low In other Importing T i countries. A very largo enrgo left T. ; Portland last Friday to various ports on the stenmer Indrnvelll. She bad Ton board over 4S,(H1) barrels, ilestlip I 'i'd to China, Japan and Siberia, j Mlllstuffs The demand continues i good from all sources and there Is no let up for nil kinds or mlllfeed At In nnotatlons that rule steady for bran and shorts nt $22.f0 per ton. Barley Mnrket dull and nothing doing. Sales aro very small and dealers say tho demand Is very light Prices are without change, $20 kt ton being thu ruling figure for feed. H?iG0LDEN RULE HOTEL All aalllnf dalM iob- A) p. m. lecl to ohanaa. For Ban Franclteo Sail aratr dj. Cornet Court n, Johu.ou streets Pendleton, Oreaon. M. F. Kolly, Proprlotor. TONSORIAL PARLORS. HILLY KJtASSIG. HARRCIi SHOP AND Hath rooms. Main street, three doors north of Hotel St. George. First-class service. PATTONS SANITARY RARRHIt SHOP, Despaln block. Court street: best work manship: alt the modern Improvements; ull tools sterilized: bath rooms In connection. I Fresh Berries Every Day AT- CABS AND CARRIAGES. CITY CAR I.I.N'n, KRWIN RAKHIt, PROP. Telephone main T0I. Office and waiting room. Alta street, next to Savings Rank ' bulldlug. j F.S. YOUNGER . . & SON ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. Lit i,.V91 of wrk figured on. Job red SIX r E,arantecd. P llftlt-a .... . t.,t..j . AliCIIITKCT AND 8U- ' Judd building. ' CI!? " I'lutr street near Main. f E.Vlm..i;'V.'.llS'u" NO UUILD- FutmrT. iuraisnea on all kinds I1 oSi 5' aiks, stone wa s, etc Jj'r. at Km Oregonlan office. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. Till: DKI-OT STARLCS, roTTONWOOD street, between Alta and Webb streets. It. Stewart. Prop. Rest care taken of horses. Good stables and plenty of feed. TIIK CITY LIVERY HOAP.U AND SALE Stable. M. J. Carney, proprietor, for flue turnouts Stock boarued at reasonable rates, Stable 11- Alta Street. COMMERCIAL STARLUS, G. M, FROOMK l'rop. Llrery. feed and boarding. All kinds of turnouts. Competent drivers. Opposite Hotel Pendleton. 'Phone, main 101. MM rm$ I ppB ;; We are headqnarters for I berries and fruits of all kinds t ' ' ! MISCELLANEOUS. WASHINGTON COLOMBIA RIYER RAILROAD w iv irnri vv PHnrssinVAL EXI'KKT PI ano Tuner. Orders lelt at Therkelaen'i Piano House will recelrs ntompt attcnuon sauiiac linn mliinif-e unVTJAV. AKCHITIXT AND on, o'SSS. 7' ",er I!""tUU S.K?1'111''' A'D ci! Athena HOTKL.LEADINOIIOTKL IN the sas City, St. Joseph, Omaha andtlons: San Francisco Markets. San Francisco, Juno 11. Thero Is nothing doing in tills wneat market Crop reports show no chango in tho situation as to the growing crops, and conservative dealers In tbo trade do not look for as largo a crop as tho former ono. Quotations remain nt $1.32 to $1.37 per cental fur shipping grades and S to 7 cents more for mill ing grades per cental. Harloy Tho market for this com modity Is summarized In tho Com mercial News as follows. Tho first new barley arrived June 1, a day earlier than last year, and sold for $1.10 as compared with U5c last year. A sale of a carload to urrlvo was mado yesterday at $1.05. In genornl tho crop Is turning out much bettor than was expected. The market for tho old crop Is quito firm, with none selling under $1.10, unless It Is off grade. A vessel Is now loading a full cargo ot Port Costa for ICurope I)IVOR''E L4VC8 PETKR WE-H": ADVICE I t ree : !e. tet i,n to suit ; S3 Tears' r J 1 rleuce. uincewiouttraen oi rcuuieiuu, wjwu, ( Boston Wool Market, DoHtoii, June 11. Tho wool mar ket Is very quiet hoio, but prices ro iniiin firm 'I'Iim Iniili. Iiiih lutim nrlll Chicago, St Paul, St. Louis, Kan- cipally In territory wools. Quota Take this route for cement unit. ? V. ' aiiiesa uuir.b.wavi.'ii 1 j r--p InrBlTK r. '"... I'eelalty. , cllr .in, to II W per day M. V Motlej ' ...... . -oet, a?ltadl it.'-r.ani1?: ' Proprietor AH KOilltS bS8t and bOUtfl wt V "oTbor lot: HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY Aiiierlcnu 1'lau, ratef 1.5JS to IKinlav. Kuropeuii I'Ihii. AOu. TSe, 1.00. Spovlal nitt'x by weok or inoiitli, Free 'bus meets all trains! Commercial trade solicited Fine sample roomi Special Attention (liven Country Tradf HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB ST8. Territory, Idaho, tine, HS'lCc, i fine medium, lf4ftl'c; medium, lti :gi7c. Wyoming (inn, 14ttlBc, medl uin, lC'461fic; medium, l17c I ;L'tab and Nevada line. H'Milfx , ' flno medium, ir,((l',c; medium. I iilS'Ac. Montana llnu choice. 18ft I bop in reaVof uTndlnger . KS?fi WVt'oXTu'Vd , .-, Mi,n- I8M.C: medium choice. 1H181- dtoit thflir Mummenu me MKwr win 'rwr;.."",r:r" .v..v" :.: niero ih very mm uowik hi aiih lllVi - j.. nl. I 111 V HtlH Mill nniHi 'tit 111 .l It. III. - :"iLE BiiAi ' i OD1T rem bib in dim quico uuiiui kii i " uLtSb oprliEASoNAnLKihou keep hfi ottce , LeTe Walla Walla dalU.wt bound, II sUO p, m M We te.il :cliitL uu' kl-ectalty If open In tbe evenloa from 7toi ocioca, ou Arrlva Walla walla aau,te wjuua, o; a. u Notice to Tax Payers. '00T AND SHOE rpdiidimi- Yoo cd save the eouoty expense br cilllne onuu HEPAIRINa at tba assessor's omce to give In jour personal ' bUFAPll-.i .. . lwmrn. rt r iW"L0Lu&lA" ?JtoylJ"L 'SIS'!? Louy, Vodlt.toU dally, .-atept Min.b.y Portland and points on tbe Sound TIM is CAUIJ Uter!l. -rii wn.r'-ri:i Our siclaltv li nn.n in ih vnin from 7 toft o clock, ou arrlia Walla Walla dallrett U)und,s:la. la vhM viiZZ. ? uoes also. UKeui . r. .im.iili l.vltod to iall soon ann aooier. v,..ii.,u. ,...,riinr m -'"" waenat. ,o0r valuations with the aeor persouaiir. onuoa,, call on oraddress ?J5! m &Hi.5!!el!!55. VK To "otkery. call and 1 iS0- Court street. t iiS JF?X" HAND GOODS ? HI kind. ,a ,,.r.okera 5 money Z?', ttul ,t, ' "rtlclea. Water " tii irillnntl . Mt Swtil-Pepsifl Capsules A POSITIVE CURE la i 7-1 HV ForlaSammatlOaerOsUrrb I of tbe maaar ana iuca KIiIjxts. Ko ear no pr OurM qalcUr a fenaa neaUr U v worst eaata of , Uarrttrm aad Ulecl. no maturor bow Kmc siaaa laa. AlwolaUlr nnk Sold by drauM. Fru 1771 -V', i. MHtrru i-vnuv i II. U), or br 1V postpaid, JboiMjSi. itU-arowTAiM. omio. Sold by F. W. Schmidt & Co. OFFICER. 1 araV "'P Of aelT Mnn nf. 7 moae Main lOIlT Jftr.T- I -ll 5 CNICHCSTIS'S tNGLIH PILLS If a...iM. gn CNICHfSTIS'S CNO iNrfAr.:.'?7."? l Wttt ClllCllliMlIlfn 4i.St.Il is m:i li.M -t L."J5 .I'k mm ritrf.ii. 'f .L. . rthtr. HH9 lltisan- vllli m 4 Z B.riMl'iM .mm49P (w .rll..l.n. Tl II-1- i.r. .u. i-ij. ailr W. ADAMS. A nut Pendleton, Oregon B C AUJKRHKAU, O. V. A.. Walla Walla, WalhltlKtou. ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS cure dyipepsla and all dtsorden arl ln from Indlgeetion. Endoned by pbyilclant ererywhere. Sold by all druggist-. No cure, no par- 5 eot. Trial package free by writing to W. H. Hooker A Co., Buffalo, N. T. 7. W. Scbmldt Co. trallan wooIh. Tho murlict lit very firm, coinblnu; choice scoured basin. 83&8Sc; kooU, 7880e; uvcraiio, fi 78e. 76 Large Class of Graduates. Cleveland, O., Jilliu I J.---Kifly-llve oun men tho lareHt clans In tho bUtory of tin; liiBtllutfon received l their illploiiias today from tho Obhii ScIkmjI of Applied Science. The com mencement exerclvcx wcr hold thin mornlnu In the electrical building of the school. 1'rofeBnor C. H, llowo pro Hided and tlin addrcHx Ui tho Kradu aten wbh delivered bv itov I)r Krank V. Ounnaulun, prenidont of tho Ar mour IiiHlliuto of Chicago, PjmrwpsMfniaa. MEM ANI WIMEft Iowa llidlanola, Educational Event, Iowa, Juno II Com- Kgm Im aDaataral , mencoiiienl day at Simpaon College 'r VCmtmuE ova Ma .. naot jmlwaoluo was celebrated today with Interest lug exercises and In the presencu of a largo audience, President Charles K. Hhelton presided over tho exor cises and tbo .address to the gradu ates was delivered by United States Senator J p Dolllver GEO. DARVEAU. Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heateo Huropean HUn. Block and a halt from depot. Sample room In connection. ROOM KATE 500, 76o, fl.Ot THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON American Plan, j per day and upwaia lltadq rUrs for tourists and comoitrclal Ira. cUrs. Hpedal rales made to families and siaalt ffBtlenicu The mauaiftintnt will b tileasid at alt lines lo show rooms and ll pneca. A modern Turkish UlhraUblUhincatln th hoU4 II, C. BOWKKH, Maaaatl I ascent , Sunday KM p. in, Haturdaf 100 p iu. Columbia Itlrai To Aatotla and Wa; landings. 4X0 n. at, 4 ) n. as. Sunday Wlllnmottoltlvor. Iloali teste INirtland dally, except flaadsy, ttie ol water petmtttlnf ) lor Willamette aad Yamhill Hirer points. " lisre' " I Lea re Kltwrla Basks lllfar Uwlstoa aa. m. Ittparla lo Lewlstua ! 7Ma.m. I'aur oalis I Moni Kicpt Islxept r. r. WAUB-KY, Aiant, I'aadUUa. THE IIITOr IVMIVTHINQ ONLY 70 HOURS PORTLAND CHICAGO via thu 0. it. 11. & N. Co., Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific and Two trninn n day, with through Pullman drawing-room Bleeping cum, freo reclining chair can ami dining euro (u Iu carlo). ano '"special uonnuctH ut (iriingur with tho fiunoim Overland Limited, the moot luxurious train in tho world, to Chicago from tho Count. tit tuic your ikkils isid oi the Chicago & Noilh Wcilein. A. O. UAIIKIR, OlN t Aar O. sV N-W. Hi nt IMISO It., PORTLAND, OS(. I SINGER Sewing Machines Sold on the luBtullment plus Old mao-lnes taken as part payment J. E. COLEMAN, Agent onicr, 30i Kuxt t'ourt htrt ifMU or MiirlHjM,dliuva. mu, or visarvtM vhhsibst. VllffM Utl Impotanojr, lqsi rowart "M"Yh aos, miin. waminsii mi tmmt in fcaek Naadaol tlpatlon ;.tV.rr..w,Vi ha, Unntnaaa to n, atopa saramB l.ymaua lllt. larnr. Lata or Mmn mmtkm Vrkooit or oot rmatur9rtfl Stops HonrfBrflJouo Twltohlna of J..Mlr,- ( ha Ls- 1 1 n rwai ttiLr ui'tamr rrl uuflwi will Abu it. ClreuUrt nt.akfur ll.J. fwijrl . fro Ui,4 CurttMtr taL A ril Ua uipitf,ti uar or i iim. Addroosi nop nomoay uo. un rronoiMOtiw uiw uu i" ruiu-rmt HPJ '