East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 11, 1903, Image 6

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The people of pMj, .
too, the world's ZJt
. - - - j usnnn in
liquor and tobacco
iou do not use Trib h.'S1'
The new high grade rooT
ing for Ion cost work. On
sheds, factories, warehouses,
bams, depots, wharves. All
buildings of large roof sur
face that require protection
from the elements. A better
roofing at the same price has
never been produced.
Seal for bMklrt. 4
The Paraffine Paint Co.
San Francisco, Starlit,
Portland, Lot Angclu
and Dtnvtr, Colorado.
T. C. TAYLOR, Agent
International Stock and
Poultry Food
C F. Golesworthy
127-129 East Alta St.
Agent for Lee's Lice Killer
Family of Old Settlers Will Soon j
Move to Portland An Early Har-
vest and Demand for Laborers j
Echo People Attend a Society Wed-1
ding. '
Echo. June 10. Mrs. Schuyler Mil
1 ler left yesterday to join her husband
I In Portland.
! t rtsitnn loft fnr "Willamette val
ley two or three days ago, but will
return In a few days, when he will
remove with his family to Portland.
Mrs. A. J. Dillon and son, Arthur,
went down to Pendleton this even
ing to nttend the wedding of Miss
Mable Nyc to L. Macleay. Miss Nye
Is a cousin of Mrs. Dillon.
C. XT. Albright, of Portland, Is here
again and yesterday in company with
Mr. Robinson, drove over to Butter
Creek. , . '
Harvest Is ready to begin now and
dnmand for laborers.
Mrs. R. Jones and children. In
company with Miss Mathews, drove
over to Heppner a few days ago to
spend a week visiting friends.
Iowa Man Predicts Immigration.
A. H. Hazen, of Sioux City. Iowa,
ic horn innVlnp over the country with
'. the view to locating here. He says
he is very ravorauiy impressea wuu
this part and predicts that there will
be quite an emigration here id a
shor ttime.
I Nil
-fW the same
m renmeton. nT
, many more. t
J . W lilt..).
iiesire to drink in, ."-.'
"me to learn to smoVV,:
"an when I tn r'
. "'u uuue en v..
ua anyone wiskCr
i nsinr d infix it... - " w
. -0 . 4uur OT lOn ."
ii'i'iimrii cts h . - 1
Price H2,0. rorsft
Buggy and Hack Wheels at Cost.
See us for Wheat racks before
ordering elsewhere
WANTED-First-class Horseshoer
$3.00 per day steady.
Missouri Blacksmith
Shop. West Webb St.
Too Great a Risk to Those Who Con
duct the Experiments.
Berlin. June 11. In consequence of
the death from plague at the Berlin
hospital of the young Vienna physi
cian. Dr. Milan Sachs, the govern
ment has decided to issue a decree
forbidding further experiments with
plague germs, the risk of spreading
infection being considered more dan
gerous to the public health than the
knowledge gained in studying a
dealy microbe justifies.
Dr. Sachs caught the plague in
Dr. Koch's bacteriological laboratory
for infectious diseases. The labora
tory is isolated and the most minute
precautions are taken at the doors
and windows to prevent the escape
of the germs. No one is allowed to
approach or enter the building ex
cept the investigators. The decree
that has enlisted more "regulars,"
than any in the field. Its unusual
merit makes the union lasting.
Save the Bands.
forbidding the further experiments
wns determined upon at a confer
ence yesterday at the ministry of
education of the sanitary and police
authorities, in which the emperor's
physician. Dr. Leuthod, Professor
Renvers and other noted specialists
participated. Dr. Sachs was sent here
by the Austrian government, who In
tended to use his services in perfect
ing the sanitary arrangements In
Celebration in Honor of Famous Ro-
j anoke College.
1 Salem. Va., June 11. The semi
centennial celebration of Roanoke
College culminated today in the an
nual commencement exercises. Pres
ident J. D.Dreher, delivered the diplo
mas and the address to the graduat
ing class was made by Governor A.
J. Montague of Virginia. At the con-
elusion of the exercises there was a
reception in honor of Governor Mon
' tague, attended by students, mem-
bers of the faculty, alumni and
friends of the college.
I The past week, which has witness
1 ed the dedication of several new col
lege buildings as well as the gradua
tion of an unusually large class, is
regarded by all concerned as one of
J the most notable periods in the his
tory 01 me insiuuuon.
TnDniui.. ! 1 A. .
M. H. RICE, Freewte
t n iF"iX""."r",,'l
, (U, IV( f
The Palace
on Court Street has jest ten
ted throughout. Yon S1
If VMI WO n t ntilaV Im.L
uavirn vnii tA
mpftla for !i Wc
iraae is pooa evidence or this
310 East Court Slrw.
Daily East Oregonlin by
only 15 cents a week.
v ? z
I Is the most practical Typewriter for School or Business purposes
The writing is "right before your eyes" all the time, which has never been accomplished by a standard, high grade
E: Typewriter until now. It is accomplished in the Underwood absolutely and practically without the sacrifice of a single
existing advantage, but with the addition of many others never before obtainable.
It has a tabulator which is part of the machine. Others charge 25 extra for this.
r Its marginal stops are all in front. Its type are cleaned in an instant without soiling the hands.
It has an individual key tension which permits the uniform adjustment of all keys. The carriage is fell Ball Bearing,
y- Corrections can be made in an instant without .consulting a scale. N -a riage to lift to Bee if you have made your correction in the right place.
Its light action, ease of adjustment and simplicity make it the easiest to ltarn, easiest to operate and least parts to get out of order,
fg- It is the most durable typewriter made. Operators save from twenty-five to thirty-three per cent of their time by reason of those advantage?.
s The Underwood is the only typewriter that ever received the official endorsement of the Private Commercial
2- School Manager's Association.
(The above school is composed of the most prominent .nnr- of the leading Business Colleges of the country )
H Tt- is only justice to yourself to investigate and became conversant with the merits ot the Under
wood typewriter before buying. Put on t ial against any machine. None superior.
IflHN S KPPQ Agent for Umatilla coanty
l V 1 1 1 1 O. IV LL CO Box 1 24, Pendleton, Ore.