East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 11, 1903, Image 5

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THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1903.
ust be Sold
irueresiing Events Scheduled Ball
A it
iame Postponed Until Sunday
Fifty pieces of Wash
Goods at half price
-v waunee Clear Field Indian
Race Arranged.
. Th ,8e5oml niatinee of the Pendle-
luu urivine ASSnnl.HInn it-Ill l.
" ...... ut tium
i luuoimpson-i'errlncer track tomor
row afternoon, beglnninc uromntlv nt
s1h. IflrnniiR - "
isv t hi 1 1 1 1 1 iiiuiiurn
jiwiuwnu llinilllLL
in all the latest shades
and styles
Corner of Main and Alta
City Brevities
. . 1. ftr,U
c tnr irtfau udu.
Juarp for paper hanging.
f The Delta's Iced drinks.
..., ! crpnm The Delta.
tahlps S5 and un. Rader's.
: roar spring suits at Joerger's.
Sideio" me uesi cigar maae. at
always in sight on the Under-
tTNwruer J. s. Kees, agent.
'1 Knife rtf Imnnrtciil n .1 ilntnostln
r mniisuea ituubeiveuiiiiig rooms
m and wifp. 72n .Tnhnsnn strapr
acres, mees right. E. T.
ainajB luiuiauHS Ennn
Send in your order. Market
fitter. Onnnctto Snv nirr T)fn1
1 -. -i
v-.-ena your watch dol-
we beca
DC 1
use it pays us to make
Choice moats at Houser's.
Smokers' supplies at Neuman's.
See Sharp's artistic wall paper.
Ladles' half soles 40c. Teutsch.
Finest strawberries. Hawley Bros,
Store for rent, Inquire of Chris
Have your shoes repaired at
Swift's Premium hams and bacon.
Hawley Bros.
Nice furnished rooms to rent at
309 Court street.
Fresh lettuce, peas, rhubarb, string
beans. Hawley Bros.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
for nuts, candles and fruits.
Received dally, fresh tamales,
crabs and crawfish at Gratz's.
Full line Ella Wheeler Wilcox's
buoks at Nolf's popular book store.
Blacksmith shop In Pendleton for
sale. See Earnhart, Association
Hanlon's cigar store, headquarters
for smokers' supplies, Association !
block. I
Chase & Sanborn's delicious cof
fees, always fresh at C. Rohrman's,
Court street.
Sewing and dressmaking, Miss Jes
sie Jones, 1015 Franklin street, cor
ner East Railroad.
Twelve Roman candles, Be. Two
palm leaf fans, 5c. Poison and sticky
fly paper. Noll's.
For Sale Two fresh milch cows.
Address W. F. Cook, city, or call at
Klgby river ranch.
One hundred and sixty acres. Half
1 rich bottom land. Good Improve
I ments. $1600. E. T. Wade.
I Vn- Coin Tl. T.,l , - nnn,1,. ctnvn
1 Doing a fine business. Owner In I
poor health. E. T. Wade.
For Sale Piano, used four months.
1 Parties leaving town. A bargain.
' Easy Terras. Call 412 Raley street.
, For sale or exchange for Portland
1 property, 40-acre tract of land ad-
joining Cole's addition to Pendleton.
! Address J. Friedentbal, 096 Everett
street, Portland, Or.
' The Ladles' Aid of the Christian
church will give a dime social Frl
assuiiniion lias lunrln ovorr
preparation for this Tmvt In c nnil In
order to Insure a
umi interest in the matinee, the ball
t,auH! seneuuiea for tomorrow nfter-
uoon nag ueen postponed until Sun
day, when two games will be plaved
the first at 10:30 n m nml iho cnn.
The Driviuc Assoclntlnn liliiH-
predates this thoughtful action
rart of the baseball management.
The track Ik In rrnrwl rnmlltlnn nn.
the horses In excellent trim and the
matinee promises to le spirited from
ufsinning to end.
xne rouowinc events hnvn iMn
SCneOUled1 anil will lin nnlln.t r,(V tr.
the 'order named, beginning at 2:30
first evont Entries. Lailv Memo
owned by T. W. Avers: Kltt'v Clovnr
owned by Mart Lynch, and Nancy
v-uic, owneu uy ueorge rerrlnger.
oeconu' event Entries. Ollle M
owned by James Irwin; Ovetn, owned
u) uuanes ttaaiy, ana Francesco,
owned by Iji Rue.
Third event Bukev horsn ract
entries. Prince, owned bv lister
bwaggart, and Lady Goldflelil, owned
uy J. F. Robinson.
hourtb event Entries, l.lttlo wit.
ue, owned by George Perrlnger, and
reanuis, owned by Gus Ia Fontaine.
The matinee will close with an In
dian pony race, which will be par
ticipated In by some of the best
horses on the reservation.
The Driving Association Is justly
proua or tne success of the first
matinee held a couple of weeks ago,
ana will add features of Interest to
each succeeding meet. The interest
taken in the association Is verv grati
fying to the members, who will spare
no pains to furnish the best enter
tainment jHjsslble to lovers of good
norses (luring the driving season.
The ladies will be admitted free
of charge.
Progressive Firm Puts In Costly Ma
chinery. The firm of Neagie Brothers, of
this city, have Installed In their
place a West pneumatic tire com
pressor, at a cost of $1,500. It Is the
only machine of Its kind on the coast
and is truly a marvel.
By Its use any tire, from the deli
cate steel band of a race track sulky
to the heaviest truck tire, can be set
in one minute from the time It Is put
on the machine, and that without
removing a bolt from the wheel.'
You simply put the wheel on the ma
chine, and It does the rest.
50 per cent
on 105
Monday at the
Peal Estate Transfers.
Henry W. Schwarz and Louise
Schwurz, his wife, and Frank J.
Greullch and Ora E. Greullch, his
wife, havo sold to the Schwarz-Greu
llch Meat Company of Pendleton, for
$22,000, the south half of lot 6, and
the north 17 feet of lot 7, in block
F, of the reservation addition to the
city of Pendleton. Also lot S of
block F of the reservation addition;
alto lots 11. 12 and 13 In Hazel addi
tion to Pendleton.
r go a little farther than 1 day eveninS the 12th, at the church.
"eoSenng for a few davs a
1 10 :i Wa ham mnv.
... . 20 ,ear , t
-- mance to tr o i,;rii
"-" ior t
f you- ha
ave to act
A short program will be rendered
1 Cake, strawberries and cream will be
J served.
, Trading In "puts" and "calls" uu-
der our system is very profit- -v. We
! handle grain and stock r, us on
a margin of as low as $2u dur book
"put" and "call" trading sent free
application. References, Brad
, street. Booge & Co., members of
, Chamber of Commerce, 37 Corn Ex
' change, Minneapolis.
Colfax Team Line-up.
The Colfax baseball team is reg
istered at the Strahon. where they
will stay during the series. The men
will play In the following order this
afternoon, the names being given as
they bat: Llndberg, second bat,e;
Mills, catcher; Case, left field; dy
nes, first base; Newell, short stop;
Shaw, third base; SomerB, center
field; Griffin, right field; Drtihot,
State Bank Examiner Here.
A. J. Johnson, of Scla, the state
bank examiner, and an ex-senator
from Marlon county, is In the city on
1 business connected with his office.
With Nat Dressing
d in alJ?1.' 'ce Cream with nueat nuts mixed and blend-
1 wa' that makes it simply immense
fe,Sr.eam is. delicious
Perhaps you' have had the word
tta- Then h you somewlere by a bid dish of Ice
'llih of I. rV sure and co,ne here at once and recover the
1IceCwa fieandlearnwliere the Good Ice Cream, the
uram ever nam, l 1.. v-j
,u, id IV UB iiau lillB BKHDU11.
)(mi9R TTrpnnm fTifnrP
83 BWng frnm iri ni x ,
--- . uaou-eei lowara me uourinouse
A Novel Guessing Contest.
A. Rader, the progressive furni
ture dealer of Pendleton, has adopt
ed, a novel plan to associate the name
of Rader with furniture by offering
valuable prizes for correct solution of
the rebuses published in this paper,
and It is well worth one's while to
compete. A great deal of Interest
Is already manifest In Mr. Rader's
novel Idea.
Shanlko Sales Brought Good Prices
Generally, the Top Being Sixteen
and Three-Fourths Cents, an Ad
vance of One Cent Over Last Year
Growers Are Hopeful, "
Attend Whitman Graduation.
Mrs. E. T, Wade returned from
Walla Walla today, where she attend
ed the graduation exercises at Whit
man College last night. Her son,
Cecil, was a member of the gradu
ating class, and will arrive home to
morrow to remain permanently.
Control of Millions Settled,
Fowler, Ind., June 11, The Jury In
the Moses Fowler Chase caso was
out 15 minutes and returned u ver
dict at noon which gives the father
charge of the demented young millionaire.
Oscar Reliuau, temporarily Insane,
yesterday morning shot six times in
to the residence of E. G. Sanders, at
Seattle. There were six persons In
the front room at the time and the
bullets went within two inches of
the heads of two of the members.
Tho second sales day of the wool
season will occur tomorrow and In
dlcatlons are that It will ho 11 greut
Tin; bales at Heppncr and Shunlko
were big and brought good prices to
(lie grower. The highest price paid
at Heppner was 14 Vic and good sales
were made at this flguie.
Good Prices at Shanlko.
The Shunlko sales were big and
the prices ranged high. The Bald
win sheep & Land Company sold
their clip for 16 cents. This Is at
an advance of one cent over the sell
ing price of last yeur. One and a half
million jwiunds changed hands yester
day at Shanlko.
At the lust sales day here about
three-quarters of a million pounds
of wool were sold at a maximum of
13 cents, Tomorrow there will be
trom one to one and a quarter million
pounds for sale In tho Pendlotou
warehouse and for this the growers
expect to realize a llttlo more than
at the former sale. The price Is ex
pected to raise around He. It may
not reach It, and It may climb above.
It Is tho hopa and the wish of the
growers that It raise, and for this
they held their wool In many In
stances on tho last sales day. Wheth
er or not they will realize their
wishes will bo demonstrated tomor
row. But whether they do or not the
tone of tlie market Is strong, and it
is tin tendency of tho growers to
bell. Fow of them wish to risk the
uncertainty of private sales, and for
that reason do not like to hold out
their clips after tho last public day
It is expected that the warehouses
will have a more vacant look In a few
days than they have at present,
To Whom It May Concern.
Union No. 599. of Pendioton, Ore,
Juno 3d, 1903.
Wo, tho undorslgned commlttco,
duly uppolntod by this body, do horo
by declare Mr. William Illckoy unjust
to organized lubor. After signing an
agreement as a contracting painter,
to do and abldo by tho request of this
body, on April 10th, or thereabout, ho
now goes contrary to what ho ngroes,
and wo therefore declare him unfair
lo all organized labor. (Signed)
A. L. BAKEK, Pres.
Hot Lake Bath Houses Finished.
Guests will please secure rooms In
udvanre. Rates: Board and room,
$10 to $16 per week. Baths, $1.60 per
week. The new bath house Is now
A Sale of Dusters
An immense line of Dusters j
Just received
Turkey Dusters, 20o to 00c.
Ostrich DuBterH 35c to $2.45
wool Dusters lOo to 90c
All new and fresh goods
The Palmer line, 6O0 to $4,05
Fancy Dishes
Four new patterns of English
semi-Porcelain dishes
77 pieces for $11.05
The Nolf Store
Boston Stort
$2.50 to $4.00
They wear well too
Jndd Blook
Court ft Hals Its.
& I o