East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 11, 1903, Image 4

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TS 1 ,
E- i, a pliysli
published every afternoon lexcept SuncUj)
a: Pendleton. Oregon, by the
Tlnme Main It.
Dlly, one year by mall J3 00
Dally. six months by mall -;"
Dallv. tbree nientlis by mall !.-
Dally, one month by mall
Dally, per month by carrier
Weekly, one year by mull loo
lemt-Weekly one year by mail .... -00
The East Oregonlan Is on sate at It. II.
Alch's Ne Stands nt Hotel Portland and
Hotel Perkins, Portland, Oregon.
SSrlps-Mc!tae News Assocla
Sao Francisco Bureau. 40S Fourth St.
Chlcuso Bureau. IHW Security Itulldlng.
Wnihington. I). C. Bureau, 601 Hth St..
ft. W
Tnterrd at Pendleton postoflice as seccond
class matter.
The Conservative Is a nian
who puts im tli- iirakt'5 wheu
he thinks ProsreM U going to
land Civilization In iU? Utch.
Brakemen are necessary, but In
the language of Koheleth, there
is a time to apply the brake and
there Is a time to abstain from
applying the brake. To clog the
wheels continually. Is to staud
still, and to stand still Is to re
treat. Progress needs the brakeman,
but the brakeman should not oc
cupy all of bis time putting on
the" brakes. Hubbard.
That justice Is blind in fact ex
ceedingly blind at times Is well Il
lustrated by a perusal of the reports
of the court proceedings in the Spo
kane papers.
Here is one week's record:
Ed Spencer, who murdered Ella
Mundt, for which crlme there were
found no extenuating circumstances.
Is let off with a sentence in the peni
tentiary. Next there Is a brutal rape
case. In which three young men are
Involved. Under a technicality they
escape with a six months' Bentence.
A receiver of stolen property, who
richlv deserves a suit of Btripes, es
capes with a fine and 30 days in Jail, j
The same day a minco man gets on
with a fine and a jail sentence,
The blind-eyed justice suddenly
realizes that she is being brougut into
disrepute by her leniency, so she
settles down like a thousand of brick
on F. C. Foster, who stole a second
hand set of harness and sentences
him to two years in the penitentiary.
Apparently, it Is less serious to bunco
a man, to lie a notorious receiver oi
stolen property, or to commit rape,
than to steal a second-hand set of
harness. To put a fitting climax to
the week's record, Howard Kressly,
who confesses to forgery and to get
ting away with at least $50,000 of
other people's money is not even ar
rested. If Foster is good nt. mathematics
he will soliloquize as follows: Two
years for a second-hand set of har
ness; one year if it had been new:
six months if I had stolen the team
too; a fine if I had taken the whole
rig and buncoed the owner, and the
freedom of the city If I had forged a
few checks for large amounts and
driven off like a gentleman. There is
something radically wrong when un
scrupulous lawyers can appeal to
technicalities and clear their clients.
Every right-minded lawyer should
eudeavor to see that his client has
the full protection the law allows,
but he should not endeavor to defeat
justice or render the law of no ef
fect. The law Is a not that Bhould
be strong enough to hold the sharks
as well as the minnows and small
physical source that cannot be
In n generation, ir at nil.
estimated that forest Ores
cost this country nt least $20,000,000
a year In more money, not counting
the damage to the strjams, the cli
mate nnd the future national re
sources. "Meanwhile the same public senti
ment that procured the enactment of
the laws can be exerted to ad
vantage upon the individuals who
stnrt fires in the woods, impressing
upon them the fact that the person
who recklessly causes the destruc
tion of a forest is as criminal as the
one who commits arson in a house."
Heroism is confined to no color or
class. There are as brave men out
of the glare of the limelight of pub
licity as there nre iu It. Theodore j
Day, a negro in St. Louis, yesterday
lost his life in as heroic a manner
as any soldier leading a forlorn hope
on the battlefield. He repeatedly
drove into the swift and treacherous
current iu rescuing persons imperiled
by the high water. Finally the swift
waters swept himself nnd his horse
away and both were drowned.
No tale of the Jliddle Ages can
show heroes with greater devotion to
dhty or greater bravery than by many
a smutty-faced, oil-stained bero in
the locomotive cab when the neces
sity arics. Engineer Stewart Is but
one of the many. The Spokane Press
tells the story'.
Itunnlnir through the dnrkness on
the embankment of the Grand river.
Engineer Stewart saw a 50-ton rock
on the track, mo quieuj ium m
fireman to Jump, reversed his engine
and turned on the sand. He did not
budge from his post nnd went over
with his engine.
When they went to pull him out
Stewart still had one hand on the
throttle and the other was grasping
the air-brake. Ilarely alive, his first
words were:
'Are the passengers saved? '
He was told they were safe. "Is
my fireman all right?"
At that moment Stewart's side
partner, caught tinder the tender, was
lvimr rrnslied to jelly, but they told
him (would you needlessly wound ai
hprn In b.s last cnsi) for life?) the
fireman was safe.
Then said Engineer Stewart with '
prompt trouble with the folks about j
oublo with the folks about j nn rij-.--. AwaV
him, und Senntor Harris of rcnnes-
see. a statesman who maue a mpuuiui- j n,.3t one handing us
ty of fury-, set about In a red-Iaccd nenrest correct solution
of the two following rcuue.
i.pntorlnir soro of way to put the
ebullient Hill In his proper place.
Hill Interrupted him beforo he reach
ed the first semi-colon. "Don't at
tempt your plantation manners with
me " warned Hill high of vein and In
solent of brow. Harris almost ex
pired at this, his face congested, his
neck swelled, nnd It was as though
the aimers of an apoplexy were feel
ing about his heart. However, he re
covered sufficiently to look Hill over
with cold, superior eye, and allude
to him as "A niephitic bubble on
some chance-hallowed mudhole of nf
Sterrett. of the newspapers, asked
Coke In the senate from Texas, what
he thought of Hill. Coke, though nar
row and n bit provincial, was a Judge
of trouble and trouble makers. His
own biography in the congressional
directory described mm us uuiuh
been removed from the supreme,
bench of Texas by General Sheridan i
"as an Impediment to reconstnic-,
tlon," nnd one glance at Coke would
show how this must have been so.
He had the very appearance of an Im
pediment. When Sterrett asked concerning
Hill Coke put on nn air of tnoughtful
ness. "Hill," said Coke, and then pro
ceeded with his funny lisp, "thlth
man Hill Ith a thronger man than we
thought. And Bill, he ith a natural
dethperado. If he'd been born and
brought up In Texath he d a killed 20
men by now."
we will give $25.00 worth of
furniture or other goods or
your choice from our Immense
stock; $15.00 worth to the
second, and $10.00 worth to
the third.
The question Is, how many
different ways can the word
Furniture," and how many
the word "Rader" be spelled
In the following squares by
spelling to the right, or down
ward, or any combination of
down and right, or right and.
down, but always using con
tiguous letters but no two
times, using exactly the
snme numerical letters, yet
all spell the words "Rader"
and "Furniture" correctly.
For Illustration, the word
"Rader" may be spelled by
using letters numliered, 1, 2,
11. 12,
1 : 2 , 3 I G i C I 7 I 8 I 9
r i a d; e ri a, d e r
"10 11 18 . W I 14 15 , 1 , 17 18
A ; O E R I A D E 1 R I A
-J8 SU 21 , 82 23 ' 24 j 2b JO ( i
s ' a 3u ji 32 i :x t m .ti. u
"S7 ' 3S ' S , 40 41 42 4a 44 41)
41i 47 5i ; 4!l 50 I 51 52 b3 u
A D , E R j A ; D E R A
"55 5tf 57 OS I B'J j W Cl U2 KJ
D E ' R j A D I' E R 1 A I D
TJi 5 liO 1 t!7 j US ; I 70 I '1 I
E R A I D I E j R I A j D j E
73 74 75 1 70 I 77 ; 7S I 7! 80 SI
21. or 13, 22, 23. 24,
,- Tho snnuion iu un
handed in sealed, giving only
the number of combinations
that can bo made of each
word, with no name attached,
iu order that the committee
awarding the prizes will not
Sidney Smith, once strolling through
the zoological gardens In London with
Ills grandchild, noticed the little lady
patting the back of a turtle and asked
her why she did so. Grand papa, I
do It to please the turtle. My child,
he replied, you might as well stroke
the dome of St. Paul's to please the
dean and chapter.
The following somewhat unique
tribute to a lady writer of the day
comes from Australia:
Within the cloudy regions dense.
Of nonsense where her talents He;
She has some gleams of common
And so have I.
And when these fitful gleams go by,
She never hesitates not she;
Just twaddles amiably on
The same as me.
She loathes the scornful critic crew,
It simply sets her soul aflame:
;To have her faults exposed to view,
I I feel the same. ,
I On love, religion, truth and right.
I She preaches holy things and high;
She does not untierstanu mem nunc.
No more do I.
"1 2,3,4,5,0:71 5, y I lu
F . U 1 R I N i I 1 T 1 U 1 R I E j F
"Ti IS is 14 is 10 i 17 , i! ; if 1 20
U j R I N I IT 1 U;R E 1F I"
21 I 22 123 I 24 J 25 I 20 27 28 2 M
31 I 32 j 33 34 35 30 3J 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 , 45 ( 40 j 47 4S 4H J uU
I T U R , E ! F U I R N , 1
"51 53 54 55 , 50 57 5S. i 5S 00
T ' U , R E F I U R 1 N 1 I T
TTi il2 04 05 01". 07 , 0b , UU , 70
U j R ! EFURjN!l'T,U
71 72 73 74 75 , 70 77 , 7S , 7S ; SU
R E F j U Bj N, I J ! U,B
" bl , 82 S3 , S4 , 85 , 80 S7 j bS , S , W)
E j c i u I R N I T,U R 1 E
"9l 9293 94 6o 90 , 97 , US 09"
,,-i.r, is in the contest
IBut If requested, each winner
must be able to write, uumer-
in,. onMi nf tiie various
l V. I l , . - - w.
krnvs the ntirauer OI limee
.hey claim. Iu oruer to men
tlfy all solutions wo simply
Liimiwr pneb envelope con'
talning an answer and keep
memorandum of eacu. no
n-iu im nllowed more
than one answer. Prizes
m-nr,w lniv 2S 1903. There
s no sure thing mat. me ursi
folutions will be correct. So
f vnn decide you want to
solution after
i- - - .
handing it In you can uo so
ij- placing your seconu in ins
itimorlcal order we receive
he latter. No one connected
vith the establishment will
ie nllowed to contest.
Main aud Webb Streets
uii 0HLI
We hnvfi tlm
w viu i m-
in Keal Estate, ff. i
some nice homes
be sold. Choice R,,;i.
Lots. Alfalfa Land from e
acre to 160. WhPf
tracts from 160
Horn k hn
Room 10 over Taylct'5
Hardware Store.
, One of the finest resldeia
Pendleton 11 rooms all motet
S6.5M. S2.5O0 ilno-n 1,1. .
Another residence 7 room.
InU'n Dhnrta traae il ,
" " - """" nuuiu mire
of Mnln otrpot V wn
Nice residence lots, H50, Vio
Much Other
Town Proptrtj,
Easy Terms, Where Desired.
p n Rnvn i Ci,n
I The Grand Trunk Gold Mine I
j his last breath: "I have done my
duty. I die nappy. i
Crushed, mangled, bleeding, dirty,
helpless, George Stewart died on the
field of battle. His face was to the
foe. He had fallen at the post of
honor, the post of duty.
The New England Society in the i
city of New York once gave a dinner (
at which Mark Twain was a guest
and resnonded to a toast which was
announced as follows: "The oldest
Inhabitant, the weather of New Eng
land. I reverently believe that the
Maker who made us all, makes every
thing In New England, but the,
weather. There Is a sumptuous about
the New ngland weather that com-
pels the stranger's admiration and
rncmi In thn snrliiir I have counted
130 different kinds of weather inside
of 2 4hours. Old Probabilities, while
glibly checking off the weather for
Vcst and South never commits him
self to anything certain about New
England; he mulls over it and by and
by he gets out something like this:
"Probable nor'east to sou'west winds,
varying to the southward and west
: ward and eastward and points between-
hleh nnd low barometer sweep
ing from place to place; probable
nrn.ns nf rain, snow hall and drouth.
succeeded or preceded by earth
quakes, with thunder and lightning."
Then ho puts down this postscript
from his wandering mind to cover ac
cidents. "But it Is probable that this
program may be wholly changed in
the meantime."
Who come of a
consumptive fam
Ht when they be
gin to cough and
the lungs are pain
ful. But it is a
fact beyond dis
proof that con
sumption is not
and cannot be in
herited. The mi
crobe which breeds
disease must abso
lutely be received
by the individual
before consump
tion can be devel
oped. Men and women
who have been af-
H)tlicteu wren odcti-
nate cougha. bron-
The Grand Trunk Gold Mining and Milling Go. I
3 Owns Its Property Conslstlne of 160 Acres of Rich Qold Bearing Veins g
The general assembly of the Pres-
j byterlan church, which lias just
I closed its labors at Los Angeles, is
: eald to have been one of the most
harmonious councils, considering the
j Importance of the work accomplished
; in ine mmury ui mui uuuj . kji i-uure
The Adlrondacks nre lielng visited , there were incidents which aroused a
with destructive forest fires. For the I "ttle criticism, one of the eminent
, , , , . .. T -...'speakers appeared on the rostrum In
period of 50 days preceding June Gth, 'Rown another ,ncIdent
they have had but one-third of an ; ln a uft0reut denomination. A
In.l, r Mil,, Our ,1 anlAn.llfl fnr 1 1 1 ,-.vi ,'l i ii uhn BAnmB tA nnvn liMtl
the lungs, emaciation and weakness, have
been perfectly and permanently cured
by the use of" Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery. It cures the cough,
heals the lungs, and builds up the body
with solid flesh.
..... T rw.nm nrml t U V' i M (- VITI mfrfie!S4.
' eithtern monlb ajco. my health wa complet .y
broken down." write Sir. Cora 1 Sunderland.
01 tuaneynuc, uaiveri .u., jiu. -could
not even walk across the room wr.hom
pains in my chest The doctor uko alUnitd me
utd I kad lomg tivuile. and thai I nvuld never e
well again, Ai iui i concimieii iu (17 ww"
Pverve'a medicines. 1 bought a bottle of -Gold
en Medical Discorerjr took it. and soon com
menced to feel a little better then vou directed
me to take both the Golden Medical Ducot-
err ana ine rTwi . iuinwu, .
did. Altogether 1 hae Uken eijhteeu bottle
of 'Golden Medical Discovery twelve of the
Favorite Prescription, ana nve vm 01 -rx.-leu.'
I am now almost entirely wel and do all
mr work without any pain whatever, aud can
nn with more ease than I could formerly wait.'
IJl . 1 ICll. 1. ...... .. Vn.H-w
A A in rwirw-r ffll'MS. IK fint rfe on
, ,U , r-. , 1
receipt of at one-cent stamps to cover
-r n: AAA- TV
expense; 01 iiinimiK unjr, 4uu..
E. V. Pierce Jluffalo. N. Y.
Inch of rain. Our own splendid for
ests have so often been visited with
destructive fires that wo can appre
ciate the extent of the loss that New
England is sustaining in having her
forests destroyed. It Is more than a
mere physical loss. It Is a loss from
an aesthetic standpoint. The New
York World in commenting upon it.
wisely says:
"Of all the wastes or which our
reckless civilization Is guilty there Is
none more pitiful than this. It Is
spiritual and material destruction at
once. It robs the land of Us greatest
charm and at the same time ruins
iirnrlipr u'lm nfipmll in hnvn hpAtl
somewhat concerned about the fash
ioning of his gown, consulted a
brother, who seems to have been
something of a wag, and wrote back'
"I really neither know nor care
What dress a parson ought to wear;
A black dress or a white dress.
I have a grievance of my own,
A wife who preaches in a 'gown all
And lectures In a nightdress."
Alfred Henry Lewis, lu a recent
Saturday Evening Post, gives some
Illuminative sidelights on the doings
of the law makers. When Senator
Hill first made his appearance ln the
senate he was a transgressor on sol
emn senate customs, and got Into
Rigby-Clove Mfg.
Manufacturers of the
IRigby-Clove ComMnd
Repairs for all kinds of
Farm Machinery
Fousdry Work a Specialty
Cash paid for old castings
Pendleton, - Oregon
Siunpter, Oregon, Gold Mining District.
Is located upon the GREAT MOTHER
LODE system of veins and has for neigh
bors on that vein such well known
mines as the NORTH POLE valued at
$10,000,000. The COLUMBIA valued at
$5,000,000. GOLCONDA valued at $3,
000,000. THE MONMOTH G. M. CO'S
BELLE BAKER mine valued at $5oo,
000. THE BALD MOUNTAIN valued at
$000,000. THE IBEX valued at $400,
000, and many others.
Wi malt a Snecialtv of BllLlii:f
or squire
HUM I nil 111
We make them tight as4
alwavs irive satisfaction.
It has no indebtedness of any character.
It has a conservative mining and business management.
It is offering 50,000 shares of stock at 15c per share.
It will become a dividend payer in a short time.
It will pa)' you to write us for full particulars and to make
rarpfiil investigation nf its merits
It has the indorsement of mining men, business men
bankers of Eastern Oregon.
Write us today and let us post you.
H. S. McCallum & Company.
miners, nroKersana rinanoiai Agents,
Or R. S. BRYS0N, Local Agent, Pendleton, Oregon.
Our Weekly Mining Letters on Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining
District Free on Application.
DanHlpfnn PlanilUT
WftlMIWfcvaa a o
and Lumber Yard
0,.rt.T- FAffCTfi.
niTTMin iranr wan Alt
lfflTfiH HEI1!
The genuine, the bicycle
which is the undisputed
leader, is handled in Pen
dleton only by us. Come
in and see the Racycle.
A Cool Place
Is RobisoB's Amusement Par
lors, under the W. & G. Depot.
Just the place to' while
away leisure time. Ftrst
class bowling alley ; splen
did pool and' hi Hard ta
bles; up to-date shooting
gallery. Temperence re
freshments and cigars.
Free Musical IntertaUnest
Every Evenlig
rr W Alta and W'"lu-
Prlv Oftb
L,. lltHI rtll
r .1. 1 im
Al. t,ae rhaiee ot
tt p-eorl Yard, ini
nincfH to care for J0SI
f 1 rf
1 11 ni crai s. luih
loose horses
r;n for sa e. t-"cF
Is aiways recojjrf'1
place your order with s"
Fir. Tamarack
.... u....noor coil
test for
call 6"'