I JAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1903. 1 t Bway Week AT jHE AIHANDER DEPARTMENT ST SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY BEAUTI FUL PIECES OF STAMPED LINENS ,TO BE GIVEN TO EACH ONE OF OUR CASH rnsTOMERS THIS WEEK. STAMPED DOYLIES, STAMPED TRAY CLOTH, STAMPED LUNCH CLOTH and STAMPED CENTER PIECES. COME and GET ONE. Alexander Dept. Store h. n i n 1 1 1 1 1 m i n i n 1 1 h m 1 1 h h h 4 COOL and SHADY Places to hang a hammock these hot -days is a most delightful anticipation. Every lawn has a -shady place and at the prices we are offering our new stock of hammocks you can't afford to be xvithout one. We'vegot all kinds from $z. 50 up. fTlKHapson Hatdwate Co., 62 Main St. Headquarters lor frishrag supplies. J IWHM 1 1 1 1 4 M I I I I I I 1 1 II I I I H II Mllll H Its Merit Has the large demand for Byets' Best Flour ibuih up. Only the choicest wheat that crows enters in fers Best Flour. It's perfection in Flour. Made by the LETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. typewriters for Everybody, $35, $50 and $95 i Oliver udird Visible Typewriter is "ana the racket. Cannot 1 Ol alinement. fmnnccihlR Kk the tpe. Writing in Jne speediest machine on . Come and see our testi- The Chicago Typewriter received the Gold Medal at the Paris Ex . - It position over all otntrs. 'Will do the work of any machine Typewriter Supplies and Rubbej Stamp goods. MAPLE BROS, Agents Electrical Supply House 217 Court qt. NEWS OF MILTON I OMT V tcm wrrMDR nAVQ I .. 10 Close mi, m.r .l. wnonttna mir seWinC J. JX the prices we are offering have never been equaled ; 1, , 00 beore and every article is a genuine bargain. itto,7eoalya few days left. Every thing must go, If you T . Hve money come rlv a the stock wont last long at f We e offering ' t SSEFAILINQ, Store near the Bridge J VoWater Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once Delay will lead to seriouB breaks. Ill-- "8t'class work guaranteed by tie Reliable Piumbet, Mreet, oppoiite the Golden Rule Hotel SUCCESSFUL OPERETTA GIVEN BY MILTON TALENT. Sixteen Graduates This Year From Columbia College Commencement Was Followed by a Banquet A Quarantined Case of Scarlet Fever Interesting Collection of General Neighborhood News. Milton, June 10. Commencement exercises of Columbia College were held Monday and Tuesday evenings. Many assembled In the new opera house hull, which was beautifully dec orated with flowers and bunting of the college colors, red and yellow. At the close of the program Mon day evening, which consisted of music and contests In oratory and elecutlon. an operetta, entitled "The Fairies of the Season," was given by a fairy queen, attended by two elf pages and 10 young ladles dressed In costumes to represent the four sea sons. It was well rendered nnd re ceived by an appreciative audience. On Tuesday evening Dr. V. B. Reese, of J.ewlston, Idao. delivered the address to the graduating class, which consisted of 1C boys and girls, eight of whom finished the academi cal course and six tho business course. Tho diplomas were present ed by Professor W. C. Howard, pres ident of the college. Medals were received by James Brllcy for the best oration. Palno Suangle for elocution nnd ula Storln for the highest number of credits ob tained throughout tho year. After the exercises Tuesday even ing a banquet was given the faculty of the college and the graduates. Ilev. It. L. Cartwright and his mother are at Walla Walla attending the Christian camp meeting. Frank Walker camo down from Kahlotus, Wash., yesterday, where he is engaged In farming. Rev. C. R. Howard, of Dayton, Wash., who has been here attending Columbia's commencement, went home this morning. Mrs. Agnes Warwick, of Tekoa, Wash., who has been In town the guest of Miss F. A. Slkes, has return ed to her home. Miss Ada Pierce went to Weston today, where tonight she will assist In the commencement exercises of the Weston Normal School Miss Essie leezer, after a few days' visit here with friends, look her departure today for Heppmr, Mrs. Frank Brown, who has been here several dayB visiting, has re turned to her home at Alba, Or. W. R. Anderson, Jr., went fishing yesterday In the Walla Walla river and succeeded in catching 1U0 nice trout. Mrs. S. A. Miller came home yes terday from Dayton, Waili., where she has been visiting. Her mother, Mrs. Cordelia Samuel, came with her and will spend the summer here. Mr. and Mrs. L. U Morrison, of Farinlngton. "Wash., arrived here Monday and are visiting Mrs. James Kommle, who Is a sister of Mr. Mor rison. Miss Ethel .Palmer returned yes terday to ler home at Baker City, after a few days' visit with Miss Amy Shmnway. Rev, D. C. Sanderson, vt Uie M. E. church, is In Cove, Or., assisting in a revival meeting. Mrs. A. M. Stout, who has been here visiting friends, returned yes terday to her .home eIx miles south of town. Delegate to Grind Lodge F. 2nd A. M. ( IS. it. amaney weni 10 roruunu last night as a. delegate to the grand lodge, A. F, and A. M. His daughter. Miss Zoa. accompanied him .and -will visit her aunt, Mrs. E. D. Horner. One Case of Scarlet Fever. A case of scarlet fever has devel oped In the family of D. J. KJrk. It is a very inild case and tho family Is under quarantine, so there is no danger of it spreading. Returned From Idaho. , Mr. and .Mrs. L. U Berry returned I Monday night from Lewiuton, Idaho, wiere they have been visiting im; nait turn weeks. Mrs. Canle Kel- logf, a niece, of Mr. Berry, actum-. panled tlicm nome anu win ue meir guest lor a week. BUSINESS ON A SOUND BASIS. Prominent Financier Are Optimistic and See No Danger. Kcw York, June 11 Interviews obtained this week with prominent leaders In various lines of business, tend to Indicate healthy trade con ditions generally throughout tho country, in some lines business Is not as good as It was for two rea sons the approach ot the dull sea son and the uneasiness resulting from uncertain labor conditions. These borve. the business men say, as a balance wheel for commerce. They encourage a conservatism that is distinctly healthy. Influence of Crop Movements. Hope for lucreased trade and n stronger financial situation seems based on the movement of the crops. This once accomplished and tho re turn flow of currency from the Inte rior under way, markeu Improve ment Is predicted In all lines of trade, and In financial circles. It Is declared this Is a healthy period of adjustment. Undigested securltit'b are being digested. No I signs are observed to Indicate that tho limit of development has been l readied. Outward Indications nro abundant that tho purchasing power Is increasing every year. Tho gen eral sentiment seems to bo that the country Is In a sound financial condition. Elsie Miss Tlmmlns told mo todny- in tho geography lesson that Stono henge was over 2000 years old. Jock What nonsense.' Why, It's only 1903 now.- Punch. IVViVWVAVVVWWWVVVyWI No Cheap Gloss on Your Shirt Bosom If Wo Launder It A woman of refinement alwas guages a man's well bred instinct by the condition ol his linen we make you safe here. Special michinery (or Shirts, collars and cuffs. Send for one of our wagons I Shirts, collars and cutis. s Send for one of our c s wagons 5 ij DOMESTIC LAUNDRY ji Courtjand Tuouipton Streets. 1 ; CONSUMPTION tho mrrat ri rpflrlptt anil deadlv of all diseases, as well as pneumonia, and all Lung Troubles aro relieved at once and cured by Acker's English Remedy "the king of all Cough Cures Puma rnnirha Anil rntdK In ft dav. 2G cents. Your money back if dissatis fied. Write for free sample, W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. F. W. fichmldt ft Co. f Conrad Platzoeder f All kinds of Fresh Meats always on hand. Fine Bacon, Hams and Sausage. f Prices as low as the lowest I The fital Cause of Dandruff and Bald ness. .tfiiwTpufr watt Hltrihut JIL UilV mi-- ... ed to 1 the result of a feverish con Hitinn r dir. urn It) which til ley Off the dried tutlclo In scales. Professor Uuna. Jiamuurg, uur- 1 uiiMmrltv fin Hkln ills eaBed explodes this theory and says that dandruff is a gvrm m:w. This genu Is reany responsiuiu ior the dandruff and for so many bald . ... t. I... .nrnil If It Ik vnnft about III the right way. Tho right way. in coun, aim jhc to kill the germ, Nettbrox Herplcldo doeB this, and .i... i.nl. t vrnur Inviirfantlv. Just as nature Intended it should. Sold by leading uruggmia. duhu in stamps for sample to The Herpl- ride Co.. uetroii, .-wen. nwu uf r. W Schmidt & Co. When you wish to change your ad. .i imr nd man before noon of the day previous to tho change. rn r.MRE A COLD IN ONE DAY T. .! Ill Tiu lAiaUK Jjruiuu . .7 . Ml UfOTC - Gray's Harbor Commercial Co. We Don't Keep Everything But we do keep" good big stock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic and Finish, In all grades. Also all kinds of Dimension Lumber, In cluding Lath and Shingles. , Our stock of Doors, Win dows, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper and Apple Boxes Is complete, and any one In need of Lumber will not be wrong In placing their order with the : : Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. Wt C. R. Depot BIG BARGAINS Children's dresses, beautiful patterns, 25c up. Ladies' and Misses Parasols, fancy designs, $2.50, $1.75, $1.00, 50c and 35c. Ladies' and Misses' fancy lace hose, all grades. Fine summer dress goods of all grades. Friday and Saturday Specials BedSpiead8, largest stee, $2.75grado, Bpocinl .... $2 25 Bed Spreads, largest slse, $2 gnuto, spoclal. $160 Laco Cnrtalns, large size, $3.60 grade, special $3.00 Laoo Curtain?, largo size, $4 25 grado, spoolal .... $3.75 Zopher Ginghams, lOo grade, special ... 8'io Calico, all colors, 10 yards to one porsou, per yd .. 4c All fancy colored Lawns, 25o grade, special por yd 20c THE FAIR Agonts for McCnll's Patterns AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FREEBOOTERS do not nowadays go around armed to the teeth, but their methods are Just as effective as of old and even more so as the papers daily testify. Prudent people kapp their valuables Iteyoml the reaeh of thleven and fires No lielter way, no cheaper way than to place ass fe box in your home ofllce or store. I am agent for tho Nat ional Lock & Safo Compa ny's safeB and furnish any sized safo from a little ono for private uso to' a bank vault - all Are proof. Come and see our samples T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man 741 Main Street I GOING CAMPING? YOU WILL probably need some camp supplies and wu have anticipated your wants by laying in a big stock of Camp Stoves Fold Chair Cots- -Tables Tents Wagon Covers Dutch Ovens Tin Heilcctors lor baking bread in (act everything you might need in camp nt JOS. BASLER, 406-412 MAIN ST. Local agent or the North German Lloyd Steamship Company. Tickets so'd to all parts of the world. STOCK FARM FOR SALE I am sole agent lor the Leu furm of 'ooo acres, six miles from Pendleton, on Hitch creek. Good Water, Duildings, fine Orchard, Alfalfa Dottom. Terms, half cash, Will sell with or without stock. N. T. CONKLIN. SEASONABLE' SATISFACTION There is a lot of satisfaction in having a refrigerator these hot days, keeps everything so cool and fresh. Our stock is exceptionally complete all sizes and prices SCREEN DOORS And Adjustable Window Screens are not only a con venience but a necessity and we have anticipated your wints by putting in a stock of all sizes give us your order early. BAKER & FOLSOM, Next Door to Poatofficc Ft est Ftutt Pendleton's only exclusive Fruit Home. Frntts of all kinds at wholesale and relail. Hood River and Miltoa StrawberrleB, California and Freewater oherriei. Orange, Lcbobb, Bananas and other fruits. 007 Main St. Wm. MILNE, Proprietor 1 t t I I