East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 11, 1903, Image 1

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? Eastern Oregon Weather f
M jr J 4.1
Tonight and Friday showers;
j5c A WEEK.
M4&fn "
NO. 4707.
In The Throes Of A Military
Zinzar, the Queen's Brother and Sister and Twelve
of the Guard Are Also Killed.
m and Queen of Ser-
.j minister, a
. :-.. f hf oueen
toil guards of me
wire muiwciM
molutionlsts, in the
new gwcnn'-"
a oroclamation Issued
new reigns. Compli
ne- m.,a1w. -alt
sates inai a reuiuuuu
ttcre at ociock
Kinr &uu niiftu ui
i i j j
issasaiiittitu, uuu x uiu
tie queen were also as-
tsnatrh from Coloinio lO
trency, says a pnvato
Belgrade states that
troops have "declared
ten Kin ir nnrt flint.
ia entrance to the pal-
v 2 Miinarv rvo it-
June 11. King1 Alexan-
me military revolution
us BLrtrtiis ill rM 1 1 j" ni fi i
r afterward stating that
TO3 nrerlnltatprl liv
Ush handedness under
oi me nnepn
n seething for some
OB the klnc's net In
lP!ar voice at the re-
Ue last fitrotr TY, nHn.
serious trouble, how-
nwmurings began to be
uh a roar the army
'revolution. The nalnnn
- r-.M ui O.LI.U-U iiTin nr
nun mui.
ult- curreni or uig
" that both were shot.
M , "-' iuu King,
inevitable. fi,t Ei,n
Ellis till-,... 1... .. .
Am j u weir
made its n-o,. .i..
nf T. . ' "J IV IUO
Prem er Zfn- --j'
wjiomanaer nr
"t down in cold blood.
1 Mfe Murder.
a.rJrThe Taeeblatt
i n -"."otiiULiun fir
bmikf' i?e mot) billed
Nlkodom. who
ment onprt , -
r.r,r,throne' the
" and 12 men of the
,milr Of FlohUr,
in isni i. . . ..
It en v urKS.
Ccbt. . 'ear?. old and
.r1 .. .
WtfaSl."; of the as!'
HMS11" Installed
Peo4ent liberal
party as premier. He immediately
convolved the national representa
tives who were elected under the
constitution oi 1901, to meet hero to
arrange for the new government, arid
n new constitution.
I Belgrade, after the assassinations,
I quickly returned to a state of com
parative quiet. Although immense
i crowds gathered in the streets and
J discussed tho news and argued right
j or wrong of the revolutionists' acts,
1 there were no signs of further dis
turbances. i Public Indifference.
I The general public appears to feel
no particular sorrow, but rather as
sumes an attitude of relief. Despite
i comparative quiet, however, an im
mense guard has been placed around
tho palace to preclude any further
Part of an Ancient Feud.
A notable coincidence of this af
fair is that on this date ln -lS6i
Alexanders great uncie whs assassi
nated. This morning's tragedy ends
an 80-year contest between the
Qeorgeovltch and Obrenovltch fami
lies. Black Kara George, the peasant,
drove the Turks out of the country
and ruled from ISO" until 181", when
the Turks again got control. They
placed Afiloch I, of the family of Ober
novitch on the throne. He ruled un
til 1839, when ho was deposed by
Black George and was forced to flee.
A few years later Black Georqe was
Under the treaty of Paris Servia
was taken under tho collective pro
tection 'Of European powers.
All Europe Involved.
Berlin, June 11. Official informa
tion has been received that immedi
ately after the assassination an in
terchange of views took place be
tween the principal European gov
ernments. From this it is evident
that serious steps involving the
whole of Europe is contemplated.
Germany herself has no direct Inter
est In Servia, but tho tragedy has
raised international problems of uni
versal Importance.
The question Is, can the powers
look on passively while reigning sov
ereigns recognized by them and rep
resented in their court are murder
ed? Also, can great monarchies tol
erate proceedings utterly subversive
of monarchlsm? The public is won
dering what action the kaiser will
take. Will he allow the monarch to
succeed to the throne without rais
ing a finger to chastise the impious
regicides? If their murder is over
looked it sets a bad precedent for
Balkan capitals.
It is possible Austrian troops will
occupy Servia In tho nominal Inter
est of public order. If so, Russia may
retaliate by the occupancy of or war
on the Balkan states.
Suspicious Austrlans. .
Vienna, Juno 11. Some suspicion
of a Russian plot In the assassina
tion of tha Servian monarchs is en
tertained In diplomatic circles here.
Alexander's policy has recently been
anti-Russian -because of the czar's re
peated refusals to receive Braga. The
new king is known to be a Russian
protege and is reported to have been
In receipt of an annual allowance
from the Russian government.
Proclamation Issued.
.Alexander was born In 1870 and
became king in 1889. He married
Draga Machln. a widow then aged
40, in 1900. He is tho last of the
Obrenovltcbes; In personal appear
once he Is similar to Roosevelt, en
ergetic and impulsive,
The next new government procla
mation is very concise and was .Is
sued last night after the king and
queen were shot. It Is as follows:
"In this gravo, fateful moment,
tho friends of the fatherland have
combined to form a new government.
It Is convinced that Servians will
gather around and lend aid to main
tain order and security throughout
the land. Tho government hereby
makes known that from today tho
constitution of 1901 comes Into
A meeting of national representa
tives Is summoned to meet Juno 15,
then follows the signatures of the en
tire new ministry.
Details of the Crime.
Vienna, Juno 11, A message re
ceived hero from Belgrade this after
noon, states that tho assassination
has caused tho greatest Joy. Houses
in many part3 of the city arc flying
flags. Bands are marching through
the KtrrtR nlnvlnn- HvfVIv ntrft A illa-
patch giving details of the killing; !
states that Adjutant Naumovltch,
Colonel MIsschltch and six young of-
floors nf Dm Rlrtii Tnfftntrv hlrtw In
the door of the royal bedroom with J
a bomb, after overpowering the)
guards. They confronted the royal
couple with a drawn revolver and
piesented a deed of abdication to
Alexander, In which it was stated
that ho had ruined the country by
his marriage to a public wench. Al
exander seized the revolver and shot
the adjuta.it dead. The king and
queen in the excitement following,
escaped to the roof of tho palace,
where they were shot down whilo
running. The funeral is to bo held
Prince Peter Declared King.
Belgrade, Juno 11. Prince Peter
Kara Gcorgovitch was publicly pro
claimed king this afternoon, amidst
great excitement. It la learned that
Major Angikovich, of the Servian
array, headed the conspiracy.
One Hundred Deputies .Killed.
'"London, Juno "11. The""" Central
News Rome correspondent quotes the
Servian consul there as saying the
revolutionists assassinated 100 per
sons. Including a number of deputies
in the revolt last night.
Death List Increasing.
Belgrade, June 11. The number of
those assassinated in tho revolution
is growing. It is now confirmed that
Draga's brother and 30 officers aro
among the killed. It Is also confirm
ed that Alexander was shot by Col
onel Maschln. The corpses of tho
royal couple were thrown from a
window in the palace. The now king
will arrive hero tomorrow.
Second Witness Testifies Who
;JK Shoot Marcum,
JacksonKr., Juno tl. Kwan. who
la tho cM witness in tho Jctt case,
this monnfag told the authorities he
had bcerairered $5,000 as a bribe not
to Klvefhitlmony,
lie wastfthe first witness In court
today andalestlfied he saw Jett and
White ttjgwher prior to tho shooting.
White went toward tho courthouse
door ahd turned and beckoned to Jctt
as Marcuim cruio out. Jett entered
the door -aj few mlnules after Mar
cum and .shot him through the hack.
.? I
Chinese Pwates Demand $9,000 Ran-)
J so m.
Washington. June 11. Tho state
department' received a cablegram
this afternoon from Consul McWade,
at Canton, stating that nn American
had been kidnapped by pirates, who
now demand S9.00A ransom. Tho
gunboat Callao has been sent In pur
suit. A dfri:and has been mado on
the viceroy for tho American's re
lease and.tiumlshmont of tho kidnap
pers. ' '
New Jersey Financier is Accused of
Wrecking His Bank.
Freehold, N. J., June 11. The case
of George F. Kroehl, president of tho
defunct First National Bank of As
burj' Park, and also director of tho
wrecked Monmouth Trust Company,
of the same place, was called for
trial today before Judge Heisley.
Kroehl is under two indictments, tho
first charging him with signing a re
port of the condition of tho trust
company in which the amount of the
liabilities and assets was falsely
stated, and the second charging that
In the same report Kroehl, with other
officers or the bank, falsely repre
sented and stated the amount of his
own liability as payer and indorser
on notes to the institution. Alfred
C. Twining, president of tho Mon
mouth Trust Company, and David C.
Cornell, treasurer, are also under In
dictment on tho same charges.
Important Problems of Municipal
Government Are Up.
Osbkosh, Wis., Juno 11. Mayors
and other city officials of leading
cities of tho state are gathered in
Osbkosh In attendance on the annual
meeting of the Wisconsin League of
Municipalities. The meeting was
formally opened this aftornoon with
an address of welcome by Mayor
Muva of Oshkosb, and a response
by Mayor Williams of Ashland, which
addiessos were followed by an Inter
esting paper on "Business Manage
ment of Cities," presented by Mayor
Walrirh of Shawnee.
Two business sessions will bo held
tomorrow at which papers dealing
with lighting, street construction and
maintenance, sewage disposal and
other live municipal questions will bo
presented and discussed.
Fire From Bolle"" Explosion.
Rochester, June 11. There was
flro In tho Pancove building this
morning. A boiler exploded and a
church and livery stable adjoining
were burned. One Is reported dead
and ' several fliemen Injured. Iss,
Mr.-'Kressly Hiked Out.
Spokane,,June 11. Tho ofllcors are
unable to locate Forger Kressly who
U helleved,to have tied from tho city.
Young Man Will Pay the Penalty for
Murder of His Wife.
Michigan City, 1ml., J" 11. Un
less Governor Dnrhln Intervene tho
execution of Ora Copenhavor, who
has been under sentence of death for
nearly n year, will take place In tho
stale prison hero tomorrow,
Copenhavor, who la senrcely more
than of legal age. was a resident of
Indianapolis and his crime waH tho
murder of his young wife Soptombcr
last. Shortly before their dinner
hour on the day of tho tragedy Cop
enhnver called his wlfo to tho door
nnd without warning or giving her
any Inkling of his Intent, drew n
large revolver from his pocket and
tired four shots nt her, three of.
which took effect. Tho woman died
at tho hospital without regaining
consciousness. Coponhaver, after
shooting his wife, rnlmly walked to n
neighboring store and telephoned to
tho pollco station, informing tho
desk sergeant that n murder had been
committed. Ho then nwalteil the
coming of tho pollco nnd surrendered
Jealousy was ascribed as tho mo
tlvo for the deed. Copenhavor wns
speedily tried and convicted of mur
der In tho tlrst degree. An appeal
to the supremo court afforded no re
lief to tho condemned man as that
tribunal upheld tho verdict of tho
lower court.
With Rltmg Flood Fifteen Hundred
Still Imprisoned Being Taken Out
at Rate .of One Hundred Per Hour.
Much Suffering.
St. Louis, Juno 11. Tho river is
at 3" feet and nine Inches this morn
ing. Rescuing is going on steadily,
thousands, being taken out of tho
Hooded.;di.tv1e. of .South Broadway
in East St. Louis since yesterday.
Fully 1,500 more are imprisoned
there, but aro being removed nt tho
rate of 100 per hour. They aro being
cured for r.t a big refugo enmp on
a high point of land on tho rock
Looting Has Begun.
The river current Is swifter than
ecr before. Tugboats mado vain
attempts this morning to buck
against It. Famine Is threatened
among the homeless thousands.
Hundreds are In school buildings,
surrounded by from 10 to 15 feet of
water and without food.
Looting has begun. Special details
of officers are guarding.
An employe of the Malleable Iron
Works succeeded in getting his wlfo
and children off this morning. Ho
hailed a skiff, In boarding which a
child Bllpped from tho father's grasp
and was swept away and drowned.
Great Suffering in Refugees' Camp.
East St. Louis, June 11. There Is
Intense suffering reported among tho
refugees at Camp Washington.
Seven hundred occupied 140 tents
there last night. A drop in tho tem
perature added difficulties to sleep
ing on the cold, wet ground with
practically no blankets.
There aro only threo physicians in
tho camji and an epidemic of pneu
monia and malaria threatens. The
supplies last night wero sufficient to
give each person one sandwich only.
A thousand more wero made home
less -this morning by another lovco
Rioting In East St, Louis.
St. Louis, Juno 11. There Is gen
eral rioting on Boismene hill, in
southeast East St. Louis this after
noon. It Is said tho guards fired up
on negro river pirates and looters.
A detachment of militiamen has been
hurried to tho scene In the Alton, a
naval revenue cutter.
Rising Water at Portland Vancou
ver Mills Shut Down,
Portland, Juno 11. Water is three
feet deep In tho basements ' of all
Front street stores. The Columbia
Is rising rapidly, and the Willamette
At Vancouver, Wash., all the lum
ber mills havo been forced to closo
down by high water.
Flood Near Clifton Seven Drowned
and Thirty Missing..
Fort Worth, Juno 11. A dispatch
received hero says seven bodies,
mostly women, havo been recovered
near Clifton, Ariz., following a cloud
burst. Thirty persons are still missing.
A Seattle street car was held up
Monday night and the passengers
compelled to part with their valuables.
Spokane Gamblers Announced Their
Intention of Staying Closed In Good
Faith Awaiting Court Decisions In
Teat Caaet.
Spokane, Juno 11. For tho first
time In 1C years tho gambling iiouscs
have closed their doors In conformity
with tho now stato law which went
into effect at midnight making gam
bling a felony, They nnnouneo tlioy
will mnko no effort to open whllo test
ing tho validity of tho law. flamblorB
and dealers aro leaving tho city.
Goody Goody Walla Walla.
Walla Walla, Juno 11. Gambling
ceased at midnight. Reports from
nil over tho stato Indlcato tho samo
conditions elsewhere.
Hand and Machine Shearers of
Northern Montana Out.
Malta, Mont., Juno 11. All tho
hand and machine shearers of
Northern Montana aro now on a
strike. A reduction of tho prlco of
shearing is tho cause. Tho union
shearers demand tho following
Ewes, yearlings and 2-ycnr-old
wethers, 9 cents; 3-year-old wethers
and up, 10 tents; trnll wethers, 11
cents; yearling bucks, 15 cents; old
bucks, 20 cents. Shearers to hoard
Sheep owners havo declined to
meet tho demand and all tho 30 pub
lic corrals In Dawson and Chotenu
counties aro tied up.
Seismic Shivers Shatter Crockery at
San Francisco,
San Francisco, Cal., Juno 11.
Thcro was quite a lively oarthquako
tremor at C o'clock this morning.
Tho damages wore slight, mostly to
crockory and shelf goods gcnorally.
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis
sion Company R. L. Boulter, Local
Manager, 120 Court Street.
Minneapolis, Juno 11. Wheat In
hympathy with fractionally firmer ra
llies, tho market opened firm. Tho
government report was lather a dis
appointment to tho bulls as It show
ed tho condition of spring wheat to
bo almost perfect, whllo that of win
ter has fallen several points slnco
May 1. Tho report Is based on tha
conditions prevailing Juno 1, whllo
most of tho damago dono to winter
wheat has occurred slnco that date,
therefore tho bearish Interpretation
by tho trado Is hardly warranted.
Wo hcllovo wheat has had break
enough for tho present and Is a pur
chase. Chicago, June 11.
Opening. Close.
July 7C 75.
Sept 7214 72
Dec 72T4 72
July WA S
July 3C 37
Minneapolis, Juno 11.
Opening. Close,
July 78 78
Sept 71 71
Decisive Steps Taken to Pro
tect tho Business Districts
From Danger of Fire.
Restrictions Made to Govern th
Style of Buildings and Character
of Repairs That Can Be Made In
side the Designated Territory
Discussion of Sewer Exit Will
Enforce Ordinance Agalnat Trash
Tho council met this morning at
10:30 for tho purpose of passing the
tiro limit ordinance. Mayor Halley
called tho meeting to order and
Councllmon Clopton, Dickson. John
son, Hartman, Howard ntul Somraor
vllle wore present.
Tho ordlnanco had been prepared
by City Attorney Carter and wns
rend' and passed,
The tiro limits nro as published In
)estordny evening's iMtper, nnd In ad
dition tho ordlnanco preset Ibos tho
kind of buildings to Ikj erected In tho
area designated.
New Bulldlnns Inildo Limits.
All buildings one story In holght
must have walls at least eight Inches
thick on the sides, All buildings at
two stories must hnvu walla 12 Inches
thick and buildings of threo storlos
must havo tho first story not less
thnn 10 Inches and tho second story
12 Inches thick.
Tho roofs must ho covorod with tin
or corrugated Iron and tho wholo
structure must bo mndo as flroproof
as possible
Tho walls must bo constructed of
utono, brick, iron or cement nnd no
wood or combustlblo material shall
ho used whero Iron or steel will do as
No wooden building, tent or cloth,
covered structure may ho built, mov
ed or ropalred without permission
from tho council, and In case of dam
age by flro any such building may
not bu rebuilt If In tho opinion of
tho council It Is in Biich condition
Unit It mny bo declared a nuisance,
or a tuenaco to tha publlo safety.
Bill Amended and Allowed.
Tho hill put In by tho morning
pnHT somo tlmo ago for prl'iUtig.
nnd disallowed beruuso of exorbitant
charges, was again considered. Tho
management agreed to tako back BOO
copies of tho Instruments which hnd
boon wrongly printed nnd also to
knock off $7,50, charged for tho extra
work. Tho council thoroforo paid
tho nmundod bill or $09.50 us being
morn reasonable.
Question of Sewer Exit
II, i, Oliver was present nnd again
spoko for tho iielltloii presented by
tho residents of tho lower part of
tho city adjacent to tho exit of tho
pioposed now sewer. Tho question
wnB discussed from tho standpoint
of (ho council and tho petitioners,
but no action was taken In tho mat
ter. It Is the opinion of tho sower
commltteo unit of tho city onglneor
that tho sowugo will bo no nuisance
and tho matter was nllowod to rest
as It Is. If It proves to bo a sourco
of discomfort or a menace to the)
health of tho neighborhood tho coun
cil can tako stops, after Its comple
tion und trial, to effect somo remedy,
City Scavenger Appointed.
A colored Kontlomnn by tho name
of Stewart wantod to become tho
city scavenger and the council ex
pressed willingness provided tho gen
tioman aforesaid wanted to tako the
risk. All of Pondloton's scavoogors
In times past havo gone to tho peni
tentiary nnd It soonis to bo n hoodoo,
Refuso Fires Must Be Stopped.
Tho council discussed tho practice
of somo of tho business houses ana
offices In selling flro1 f paper and
other rofueo In tho back yards of
tho business district, and It w.ni de
cided to enforco tho ordinance
against such things. Tho council
then adjourned.
Wants a Statement From the Banks.
Washington, Juno 11. Tho comp
troller of tho currency this morning
Issued a call for a statement of tho
condition of tho hanku nt tho close of
business Tuesday,
After a flerco fight In u car at Chi.
cago, crowded with plcnlpor. dotoc
tlvoa arroated tho murderers, of l)r.
J, I), Forbes, who was killed May 29
In a drug store by two thugs.