4 FJWJ hp 3 UAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 150' I m . give Hway Week AT If ALEXANDER DEPARTMENT STORE cpVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY BEAUTI PIECES OF STAMPED LINENS TO BE GIVEN TO EACH ONE OF OUR CASH CUSTOMERS THIS WEEK. STAMPED DOYLIES, STAMPHU JLKAY CLOTH, STAMPED LUNCH CLOTH and STAMPED CENTER PIECES. COME and GET ONE. Alexander Dept. Store ..t. ' - --.. 4. bull 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 ininiiiimiin I'Ttti ni r' . COOL and SHADY Places to hang a hammock these hot days is a most delightful anticipation. Every lawn has a shady place and at the prices we are offering our new stock of hammocks you can't afford to be without one. We've got all kinds from $1.50 up. fhompson Hardware Co., 62 1 Main St. Headquarters for Fishing supplies. x TRIPTO NEW JERSEY CHANGES THAT TWENTY-SIX YEARS HAVE BROUGHT ABOUT Destruction of the Industry of Peach urowino Cheap Lands Near New Va1. Ml. . .v. v-ny camuy Reunion of 6,- wu &mitns Great Profits In Small Farming, Especially In Poultry. su . uemott greatly enjoyed Jersey, after an absence of 20 i years, and Is annarenilv tinii,i v.... f r- TV ' SCI IHCh. iiuu ieu ncre tne last of No uu was aosent a few days hi ,mntlls- llr'nK that time ne Msited New Jersey and many of tno Intervening cti, ...! , "i "i v;oioraao. New MeX' I iiioim ana California, Young Men Leavlnn the Farms. One of the in isew Jersey rpvonina it i. t,u trip is the fact nr tho n0,rt . 1 1 generation of young men raised In the country, with farm life. CXOUUS Of this f ! frnm h farms to the cities and larger towns Is very noticeable. There is no long mnany con,entment. or at least very uu lIIU ,mrl 0 lne young men with country life. Mr. Demott falls to see Just why this is, but recognizes the fact. Small farming In New Jersey is still very profitable whnn m,,i.,M,i as It should be, by those who under stand It. Nevertheless, thero Is n great deal of abandoned land, and the tendency is more and more that way. To be sure the lnmis exhausted, but it is often and easily demonstrated that a year or two of faithful application of work and fer tilizers restores its condition and makes It profitable At tim oo,n time there Is no lnmi n n V wh orn 1 n New Jersey that is profitable unless fertilizers are systematically ml persistently used. flrst-class markets is nnn fnntnr In making Jersey farming profitable. Mr. Demott is confident that most of the young men who go to the cities from the farms mako a grievous error in so doing. Its Merit Has the large demand for Byers' Best Flour pbuiltup. Only 'the choicest wheat that grows enters in fers Best Flour. It's perfection in Flour. Made by the LETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. fypewrlters for Everybody, $35, $50 and $95 ini Visible Typewriter is 'Hand the racket. Hn nnnl N ah'nement. Impossible 'be tVDe. Wriilnn :n TfceSDeediesr mjphn wme and see our testi- .Oliver The Chicago Typewriter received the Gold Medal ,at the 1'aris Ex position over all others. Will do the work esi any machine Typewriter Supplies and Jlubbejr Stamp goods. MAPLE BROS, Agents Electrical Supply House 217 Court c;t. " WHAT'S TM A WAMP " BSsit stands for something. The name "White" Itwitn fl? a 6ewing machine has stood for the best for ho ;'Rent .buyers and will ever stand with the Ifcomni.f " "Git running machine. uur siock ib iIZ'!?w,,,J the latest designs and styles of these , Store near the Bridge 2? FAILING plater Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once Delat. ...:n i . . win ieaa to serious si-ciass work breaks. guaranteed by tte Reliable Plumber. i "fpusue me uoiuen Kuie noiei Money In Cheap Land. Mr. Demott says that land from which good money can be made by those who understand small fn and work hard and stick to it, can bo bought for as low as nr. wr nrpp but it has to bo "bnllt up" after pur- uimsmg. unen tno big slump In land values took place about 10 years ago, the Jersey farms at once suffered trom the deterioration ot neglect, and they have been neglected ever since from the conviction that they were not worth reclaiming. Yet nothing could be further trom the truth. Mr. Demott met and visited with friends who rent 100 acres of land last year sold from It $7,700 worth or products, largely chickens, ducks. geese and eggs. They keep 15 good cows, 20 hogs, 350 ducks, CO geese and 700 hens. From the ducks they sold 0,000 young ducks for tho city markets, and from the hens K00 eggB daily. The owner and the tenants of the land divide equally tho ex penses and profits. Fruit In a Decline. Mr. Demott remarked with great regret the decline in fruit raising, especially in peaches. The San Jose scale has destioyed hundreds of peach orchards and hundreds of thousands of trees. As yet no ade quate remedy I'ot the ccale hns been tound. Small Dealers Obliterated. Mr Demutt noted with extreme re- giet and curiosity that thero are no longer any gnall wheelwrights, shoe makers, .blacksmiths and other artl- &uu. -doing business for themselves. .and on a small scale. With the small merchant, they have been obliterated by absorption Into large concerns the survival, perhaps not of the fit test, but of the brawn and aggres siveness of capita). Southern Notes. .Mr. Demott visited Washington, D. C, ind parts of Virginia and North Carolina en route home. Of course he took in all the features of Inter est at Washington, with wincn an travelers and reading peopli- are la- mlllar. Being a Northerner, with a North western transplanting, Mr. Demon observed at once upon crossing the Potomac, the sharpness with wincn the color line is drawn beparate railway compartments, and separate wnlthiL' rooms In Uie depots, and other evidences of radical social in equality very emphatic to a compar ntivo ktranwr in the South. Throughout Virginia and North Carolina tho average price per day paid for colored labor Is 75 cents, and the laborer "finds" himself. Colored women do housework for $1 per week. Tobacco, peanuts and sweet pota toes are the staple crops of that re gion while the dependence vof the peop'le laborers, merchants, land owners and everybody else for ieady money Is on the tobacco crop. As a traveling man put it, "There iBn't a dollar in cash in tho country except following the marketing of to bacco." Cash grows scarcer and scarcer In a steady ratio following each tobacco crop, until the great bulk or business is done on credit for tho fow months preceding tho harvest of the next crop of tobacco. Southwest Notes, In New Mexico and Arizona very many of the best track hands tn tho employ of tho railroads aro full-blood Indians, They aro Infinitely more re liable than tho Mexicans both for industry and sobriety. The prevailing livestock in tho scmi-arld regions Is goats, sfieop and uurrus. The tulo lands of Central Califor nia aro very Interesting. It is oougnt in tho raw from tho govern mem tne buyers lease tho land to Chinese, giving them nil of the first crop lalsed. one-half of the sec ond crop and one-third of tho third crop, in return the Chinamen dyko, ditch and drain the land and cut down and root out the tulles. Fairly Prolific Family. Mr. Demott incidentally mention ed attending a family reunion ot tho oescenuants or his great-grandfather. His father's mother was a Smith and was one of 17 children, nil of whom grew to manhood and womanhood married and all had children. Today tho descendants of Mr. Domett's nn. ternal grandmother and her brothers and sisters number 0,000 people. Tho annual reunion is held at Toapack IN. J. That Throbbing Headache. would quickly leave you. if you used Dr. King's Now Life Pills, Thousands of sufferers havo proved their matchless merit for sick and nervous headaches. They mako pure uioou and build up your health. Only cents, money back If not curod &om ny xaiiman & Co., druggests, A water spout struck an elevated train near Uockawny Beach, and del uged the passengers, but did not throw the tars from tho track. No Cheap Qloss on Your Shirt Bosom If Wo Launder It A woman of refinement alwas guages a man's well bred instinct by the condition of his linen we make you safe here. Special machinery for Shirts, collars and cuffs. Send for one of our wagons DOMESTIC LAUNDRY Courtaml Thoiiii-ou Ktreettt. IWV Trib Notice Trib The people of Pendleton aro re spcctfully asked to fully investigate Trib. the world's greatest euro for tho liquor and tobacco habits, and to any' one In need of a cure wo say truth fully, Trib Is an honest, posltlvo cure, You do not uso Trib In your coffee; yon can't give It that way; but bo sensible and tnko it for either of these habits the samo as you would u remedy for any other disease. Hero Is a reference from a man well known In Pendleton. Head It. Wo have many moro. J. W. Dauglierty writes on May 14, 1&03: To whom It may concern: I wish to say I completed a euro with Trib In February, and havo had no desire to drink since It will also cure the tobacco habit. I had a harder time to learn to smoke after taking Trib than when I first learned to smoke. I am quite well known In Baker City, I.a Qrando, Bumpier and Pendleton and anyone wishing to stop using either liquor or tobacco, I would tecommend thein to take Trib, Prlco $12.50. For sale by all druggists. Gray's Harbor Commercial Co. We Don't Keep Everything But we do Keep good big stock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Hustle and Finish, In all grades, Also all kind of Dimension Lumber, In cluding Lath and Blilnglex. Our stock of Doors, Win dows, Moulding, Building and Tar I'per and Apple Boxes is complete, and any one lu new! of Lumber will not be wrong In placing their order with the : : : Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. W; 4k C. K. Depot BIG BARGAINS Children's dresses, beautiful patterns, 25c up. Ladies' and Misses' Parasols, fancy designs, $2.50, $1.75, $t.OO, 50c and 35c. Ladies' and Misses' fancy lace hose, all grades. Fine summer dress goods of all grades. Friday and Saturday Specials Bed Spreads, largest size, Bed Spreads, largest size, Laco Curtains, largo size, 2.75grado, special ....$2 25 2 grade, special. . . $1 GO 3,50 grado, special $3.00 $3.75 lo 20c Laco Cnrtalnr, largo size, $4 25 grado, special zepner uingiiams, iuo grado, special , Calico, all colors, 10 yards to ono person, por yd -. All fancy colored Lawns, 25o grado, special por yd THE FAIR Agonts for McCall's PattornB 7 REEBOOTERS do not nowadays go around " armed to the teeth, but their methods are just as effective as of old and even more so as the papers dally testify. Prudent people kep their valuables beyond tho reach of thieves and tires No better way, no cheaper way than to place a safe box In your home olllce or store. I am agent for tho Nat ional Look & Safo Compa ny's safes and furnish any sized safo from a little ono for privato nso to a bank iranlt.ill (inn nnnnF Come and see our samples T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man 741 Main Street VWTVTVTTVVVWTWTTTTVTTVVTWTTVTTVTt?TTVfV .... GOING CAMPING? VOU WILL probably need some, camp supplies and wo have anticipated your wants by lavini! -- in a big stock of Camp StovesKold Chairs Cots Tables Tents-Wagon Covers Dutch Ovens Tin Uellectors for bailing bread in fact everything you might need in camp at JOS. BASLER, 406112 MAIN ST. Local agent for tho North German Lloyd Steamship i Company. Tickets sold to all pans of the world. i Bring Us Your Second Hand Goods Wo will pay you what is right for thorn. Bargains in now ami second hand goods. GURDANE & McBROOM 31a East Cdput Sikkkt SEASONABLE' SATISFACTION There is a lot of satisfaction in having a refrigerator these hot days, keeps everything so cool and fresh. Our stock is exceptionally complete- all sizes and prices SCREEN DOORS And Adjustable Window Screens are not only a con venience but a necessity and wo have anticipated your wants by putting in a stock of all sizos give us your order early, BAKER Sc FOLSOM, Next Door to Postolllce Ff esh Ff (lit Pendleton's only exclusive Fruit Home, Fruits of all kinds at wholesale and retail. Hood River and Milton Strawberries, California and Freewater oherrles, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas and other frnits, 607 Main St. Wm, MILNE. Proprietor