East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 09, 1903, Image 3

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J. mm mmmm mMfA A - j .
n II C f1 tltn l.nlt. J
Inn. . "i-.
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mo in
T.he Herplclde
HUINUiNi" - '
1111 (KKAimcn TTHTCMCTrt
Si to each one of our cash
niiuK. m. .. iiw
f infiiJii.Nw
c an kp.u ixvn.1 vix x
T TIM f 1-4 I .1 . M A. n LUU l3 X llTirCiLI
U I .UllWtA '
xander Dept. Store
t j.
I i
nnr and SHADY
1 . himmnrl tlipqp lint davs IR a ITTnRt
t JO liailK u"""- -j- T , ,
itful anticipation. U-very lawn has a snauy
nr-mPQ wn. nre offerihe our new stock
izuanuu .. ---- ;-uVj, . .
ismocks you can't alford to bewitnout one.
art all kinds from $1.50 up.. . . 1 -. .
tl. ..J
DSOn 1 ld.ru VYd.r ViU.i h7.l Main t.
Headquarters tor fishing supplies.
Has the large demand for
Byefs' Best Flour
tun. Onlv thf rhnirncf ihfnt that rrrniuc pntirc In.
t ,
csi riniir 11 v iinrifrrinn in n innr vi anp mi." tiim
1 m arj rnm mm m iui
W. S. Byets, Proprietor.
tnp rqiLn r .
'. mnnoi
ient. Impossible
'IP'- Writing in
ipeediest machine on
"d see our tpsti.
The Chicago
Typewriter received the
Gold Medal at the Paris Ex
position over all otners.
Will do the work- of any
Typewriter Supplies and
Rubbej Stamp goods.
Electrical Supply House
317 Court c;t.
ill...- i'lxxiTi.c f r
WSltStan.lc I , . ,. ..t.Fi ..-.1 i
vi" nn . ul aomeining. ine name wimc
'aiellic V "B macne has stood for the Dest ior i
n c.r.t j o null will t v i" 1 iiiii iviiii iitu i
""es a iii,f . . - 1. T
rit. o tttiiijuiLf liitiiiiit:. will siuvn
r;win thi. j-.i -j -...i r
rAlUNG. StnrA nPflr the Rridce t
. o-
iltf PiPs Examined and Repaired at Once
PUv win 1 j .
Firii au 10 serious breaks.
"siass work fliarflntpprl 111
the RfM PfMmf
,,,e. opposite the Golden Rule Hotel
Sorted on an Extensive Toi 0f the
East Been Buying Purees In
Harney, Baker and Malheur Coun
ty Ml. ton Postotfice. Has a New
Assistant Miller Nurseries Will
Be Represented in Portland.
Milton, Juno 8. Commencement
exercises of Columbia College will l.
held In tho new opera hall this even
ing ana totnorrom evening. This
evening's entertainment will consist
or a musical and elocutionary con.
lng nnd tomorrow evening. This
graduating exercises will be held.
Key. p. W. necse, or Lewlston, Idaho,
will deliver the address. There aro
12 In tho graduating class this year
from tho different departments. Hev
M. V. Howard, of Oakcsdale, Wash.,
preached the baccalaureate sermon
yesterday morning at the Christian
church to a large and appreciative
Sir. and Mrs. F. E. vilcox tool;
their departure vestnnlav t, ti
East. They will visit relatives in Ill
inois. Missouri and Colorado and will
be gono flvo or six weeks.
Mrs, l.ucy n. Dcrry Is hero from her
home at Walla Walla visiting rela
fives. The-Misses Bertha Adklns and Ks
sic I.eezer, former students of Co
lumbia College, eamo up from Hepp
ner Saturday to attend commence
ment exercises.
Mrs. It. B. Bay. of Walla Walla, was
here Friday and Saturday the guest
of Mrs. I.. B. Hogan.
It. B. Miller, of Ohsahkn, Idaho, ar
rived hero Frldav and Is vislttnir lils
daughter. Miss Myrtle.
Airs. Frank Brown is here from her
homo at Alba. Or., anil Is visiting nt
the home of James nomine.
P. M. Howard, of Hennncr. is hero
visiting his brother, Professor Wil
liam C. Howard, and to attend com
mencement exercises of Columbia,
E, u. Sutton, of Honnner. is hero
Yisiting his aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs, Asa Moore.
Mrs. D. A. Mangold, after a week's
visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
James Grosvenor, has returned to her
nome at Spokane.
iMlss I'lorenco Hall has cono to
Weston to visit her mother and to
attend the Pioneers' picnic.
Tho Misses Bessie Merwyn and Ar-
ta Scroggins, of Genesee, Idaho, aro
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Miss Minnie James has gone to
College Place to visit friends.
Miss Laura Crow arrived here Fri
day from her homo at Oakesdale, and
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. S. Beach.
Mrs. W. D. McLaughlin, of Cosmon
oils, Wash., who has been hero the
guest of Mrs. L. B. Hogan, loft yes
terday for a short visit at Walla
E. B. Smith left today for Sumpter,
where he will remain during tho summer.
Mrs. A. G. Bartholomew, of Hepp-
ner, Is hero visiting her son, Fred,
who is a student of Columbia College.
Messrs. S. A. and G. W. Miller are
expected home from Portland today,
where they have been on business
connected with their nursery.
Clem Wilcox has accepted a posi
tion In tho Beo Hlvo store.
Miss Edna Moulton, who Ib teach
ing on Basket mountain, was In town
Tom Starks left today for Sumpter,
where he has a position In ono of the
The Christian church camp meet
ing is in session at Walla Walla and
auite a number from hero aro In attendance.
Mrs W. S. Drown, who has been
quite ill of la grippe, Is greatly Im
proved In health.
Mrs. Gertie McQuary has returned
to Pendleton, after a fow days' visit
hero with her mother, Mrs. E. O.
Horse Buying Trip.
F. J. eBalo has returned from a
trip In Harney, Baker and Malheur
counties, where ho has been for three
weeks on a horse buying expedition.
New Assistant In Postoffiee.
Sliss Jessie Fraxier Is assisting
Mrs. Jennie Dykes in the postoffiee
during Postmaster Wilcox's absence.
Delegate to Grand Lodge O, E. S.
Mrs. It. T. Motley has gono to Port
land as a delegate to the Eastern
Star grand lodge .
Will Spend the Summer In Portland.
Mrs. J. E. Blarler has returned to
her homo at Portland. Her sister,
Mrs. Thomas Taylor, accompanied
her and will Bpend the summer in
Uses Herplclde Successfully In Treat
lng Sycosis of the Beard.
He says: "I recently treated a case
of sycosis (similar to 'barber's Itch')
of the lower lip, with Newbro'a Her.
picido. There was an extensive loss
of beard with Inflammation extending
well down on the chin. The result
of tho application of Herplclde was
most gratifying. The loss of beard
ceased and a new growth of hair is
now taking place over the once In
flamed area.
"Signed. Melville E. O'Neill, M. D..
"845 Howard St.,
"San Francisco, Cal."
Herplcido kills tho dandruff germ
by leading druggists.
stamps for sample to
Co Dptrnlf Mtrh
Sold by P. W. Schmidt & Co.
Trlb Notice Trib.
Tho people of Pendleton aro re
spectfully asked to fully Investigate
Trlb, the world's greatest cure for the
liquor and tobacco habits, and to any
one In need of a cure wc say truth
fully, Trib Is an honest, positive cure.
You do not nso Trlb In your coffee:
you can't give It that way; but bo
sensible and take It ror either of
dec ai:;i d v.o'.jM
a remedy for any other disease. Hero
Is a reference from a man well known
iln Pendleton. Rend It Wo have
many more.
J. W. Daugherty writes on May 14.
li03: To whom It may concern:
1 wish to say 1 completed a euro with
Trlb In February, and havo had no
desire to drink since. It will also cure
the tobacco habit. I had a harder
tipio to learn to smoke after taking
Trib than when 1 first learned to
smoke. I am quite well known In
liaker City, La Grande. Sumpter and 1
Pendleton nnd anyone wlshlne to stun ,
using either liquor or tobneco, I would
recommend them to take Trib.
Price $12.S0. For sale by all druggists.
Children's dresses, feeautiful patterns, 25c op.
Ladies' and Misses' Parasols, fancy designs,
$2.50, $1.75, $f.00, 50c and 35c.
Ladies' and Misses' fancy lace hose, ali grades.
Fine summer dress goods of all grades.
Friday and
Saturday Specials
Bed Spteads, largest sleo, $2.75 grade, special . . .
Bed Spreads, largest size, $2 grade, special.
Laeo Curtains, large also, $3.50 grade, apodal
Lace Curtain, largo size, $4 25 grail o, special
Zepher Qinghanu, lOo grade, spoclal . . . ,
Calico, all colors, 10 yards to one person, per yd
All fancy colored Lawns, 25o grade, special per yd
$2 25
$1 60
. 8Vio
. 4c
National Foundry Men's Association.
Milwaukee. Wis.. June 9. Tho
American Foundry .Men's Association
began Its annual mooting In Mllwnu
keo today and will remain In session
uiuu j-rmay. i-rominent men en
gaged In the Industry arc present
irom various parts of the country,
mo iomi attendance reaching nearly
500. Business sessions for tho dis
cussion of trade matters will bo Inter
spersed with visits to the largo foun
dries and machine shops of Milwau
kee and with various features of entertainment.
Agents for McCall's Pnttotna
Mokl Tea positively cures Sick
Headache, Indigestion and Constipa
tion. A delightful herb drink. Re
moves all eruptions of the skin, pro
ducing a perfect complexion or money
refunded. 25c and 50c. Wrlto to us
for free sample. W. H. Hooker & Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y. F, W. Schmidt & Co.,
Towuo I didn't co you at Mrs.
Hansom's tea this afternoon. Sho
was superb; tho most beautiful wo
man there. Brown Oh, she's the
reigning belle, you know. Townt
Woll, on this occasion bIio not only
reigned, but she poured. Philadel
phia Press.
Acker's Blood Elixir positively
cures chronic blood poisoning and all
scrofulous affections. At all times a
matchless system tonic nnd purlflor.
Money refunded If you aro not Batls
fled. 50c nnd $1.
No Cheap Gloss on Tour
Shirt Bosom
If We Launder It
A woman of refinement
always guages a man's
well bred instinct by the
condition of his linen
we make you safe here.
Special machinery for
Shirts, collars and cuffs.
Send for one of our
Court-and Thompson Streets.
Gray's Harbor
Commercial Co.
,We Don't Keep Everything
But we uo Keep good big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Celling, Rustic and Klulsli,
lu nil grades. Abo all kind
of Dimension LuruUr, in
eluding Lath and Bblngl.
Our stock of Doors, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper and Apple
Boxes li complete, and any
one in iietdof Lumber will
'.not be wrong lu placing
their order with the : : :
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Off). Ws C. R. Depot
Lock Up Your Money
I have the agency for the National Lock and
Safe Co.'s Safes ami can furnish any size safe.
Hank Vaults, etc. Call and see my sample
and get prices before buying.
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man
741 Main Street
YOU WILL probably need sonic camp supplies
and wu have anticipated your wants by laying
in a big stock of Camp Stoves Fold Chairs
Cots--Tables Tents Wagon Covers
Dutch Ovens Tin Rellectors for baking bread in
fact everything you might need in camp nt
406-412 AUIN ST.
Local agent for the North German Lloyd Steamship
Company. Tickets sold to all parts of the world.
.........if.i.A.A.X.i...,.....,. .'..j..,...4..
You should know that tuo very boat, DRY WOOD of
all kinds 1b to bo found at
P. P. Collier & Co.'s Yard
638 Main St.
Call at Olllco
Phono Main 1121
There is a lot of satisfaction in having a refrigerator
these hot days, keeps everything so cool and fresh.
Our stock is exceptionally complete --all sizes and prices
And Adjustable Window Screens arc not only a con
venience but a necessity and wc have anticipated your
wants by putting in a stock of all sizos -give us your
order early
BAKER & FOLSOM, Next Door to Postoffiee
Fresh tmt
Pendleton's only exclusive Frnit Home,
Fruits of all kinds at wholesale and retail.
Hood River and Milton Strawberries,
California and Freewater cherries.
Oranges, Lemons, Bananas and other fruits,
607 Main St. Wm. MILNE, Proprietor