V0 i , tr...i r xvr if v aomu uicuu nciuaiz Tonight Increasing cloudiness: S c Wednesday showers and cooler. PENDLETQy, UMATILLA COUNTY, OTJEGOK", TUESDAY, AX XE 9, 1903. NO. 1705. MGEDITjON r""7'" H ninvruruiunrniTiok Alt' 4 -l a i l ww w h m m m mw m mm mmmmmmm u i k- bbsi bbm t. mj m. w m. am. am. m ibb a 16. IT CAROLINA Up of Fatalities the Waterspout on Wet - nAtte BODIES nvt FAR BEEN DISCLOSED. TM, Vast Country Is lm- Awful Floods South Holocaust Comparanie ithe Most Violent Water tnomtna of the Rockies. L Along the Pacolet. , s. C. Juno a. Tlie ueaa ' ... t iUn Tnnnlnf ler 59. Thero is bihi gieai i relief on account oi mo kanlzation. The railroad t complete. Ii;e In the Middle and hlinas is now great owing Int rivers. Entire proporty t close to Jiu.uuu.uuu. t Coffpens was destroyed K. C. June 9. Reports isse the death list in the II districts of South Caro people arc also said to bo Estimates today placo the '. Gllton and at Pacolet ) to J3.000.000. Tho loss r and to prlvato property rcased to the same amount. e shape of food is urgently Posse Unable to Find Any of Jail breakers of Glasgo, Mont. Anaconda, Mont., Juno 9. A spe cial to tho Standard from Glasgow Bays: Jack Williams, tho deputy sheriff shot by George Price, one of tho es caped prisoners, on Saturday night died today. The posso has not found any of the four men. They stole two horses when they crossed the river, and at least two of tho men aro mak ing for tho bad lands. Sheriff Cosnor is of the opinion that ono of thom Is still in tho brush near town, and does not think the fourth man crossed the. river, as they could find no traces of where onlr threo mon came out of tho river on tho south aide. It may be that one of them drowned. Report Just re ceived from Milk river says that two men supposed to have been Hardee and Brown wero seen on horseback noar Stephen's ranch, lust across tho river. They will probably remain together, as tho general opinion Is that Brown got In jail to liberate Har dee, as this is tho second attempt. All available men in the vicinity are well armed, and Sheriff Cosner expects to have a largo posse out to morrow, with tho determination of capturing them. It is not likely they will bo taken alive, as they are well armed. Sheriff Buckley of Chinook, came In town today and will assist In the hunt. P ERTY AND LIFE LOSSES III ST. LOUIS ID SUBURBS The Highest Water in Sixty Years is Now Recorded at That Place. Madison and Granite City, Illinois, Are Cut Off From All Communication Believed the Extreme Limit Has Been Reached. St. Louis, June 9. According to the local weather bureau, 'relief seems in sight for the flooded districts in the vicinity of St. Louis. This morning the stage recordod by the government gauge is 37.5 feet, a rise during the past 24 hours of 1.3 feet. This breaks all records but that of 1844. It is expected tho river will rise from in a few Inches of that mark, but ris ing slowly. Immense Loss to the Railroads. No attempt has been made to trans' port freight between this city and East St. Louis, and lollof from this critical situation Is not expected with in tho next 24 hours. It Is estimated that tho flood disaster has already ONE THOUSAND LOCOMOTIVES. Enormous Output of the Baldwin Work. Philadelphia, Pa., Juno 9.--It they aie not disappointed In their expecta tions the Baldwin Locomotive Works will by the first of no.xt month have turned out tho greatest number of finished engines In any six months In history. The mark fixed by tho oftlclals of tho works as tho produc tion for tho six months Is 1000 loco motives, which Ib equivalent to two thirds of the total output for 1902, when more than 1500 engines were turned out, breaking nil former rec ords. Of tho 1000 locomotives tho great majority are on orders placed last year. Tho number taken this ear will keep the works busy well Into 1904. EARLY REPORTS CONFIRMED. The Pope Is Very Frail and Remains In Bed Much of tho Time. Home, June 9. Dosplto reports to the contrary, tho popo Is fnr from well. His recent tndlsixisltlon hns so weakened him that ho remains In bed the greater portion of tho dny. con is ON THE RISE Excessively Hot Weather is Raising the Snow Lino to a Great Height, LOWER RIVER THREATENS GENERAL INUNOATIO& COOPERAGE PLANT BURNED. There Aro Many Indications That a Great Flood Is Imminent Moun tain Tributaries Are Responsible for Present High, Water Weather 06 serversDa Net" Believe the Llmjt is Hcacticd.T HOW nil until tntnnrrnw nlcrtit mwl that the predicted 38 feet, it at nil. I cost 4,10 roals $2,000,000. will be barely attained. Then after Twenty-three Drowned at St, Louis. South Boston, Mass., Sustains a Veavy Loss, Boston. Juno 9. Tho Brooklyn! I ENTHUSIASTS POINTED. DISAP I Not Run on Account of Variable Winds. , K. Y., June 9. Constl- nee and Columbia had i starting point at 2:30. tsatta committees signal- ! was oft. Light winds Pie of calling oft tho race. a heavy fog hung over A considerable number n were disappointed at o! the yachts making a I III on Her Way to New IT. Scotland. June 9. a ln. lot spars and masts fnr tim P be shipped to Now I- is expected tho Ml reach Now York about UNDER ftAIN'S POLICY FIRE. ptipal Subject of Discus- 1" Ennland. l,T(k8':Thero was a large I ,i ouse of commons KZr , ," antl 1,18 'I'03- Itkit ni:z i"u speauor Hi i """"""l Ulll. remaining stationary for a short time i St. T tmls iim. n ti,.. .ii. Cooncrace nlnnt In South Boston, lrns iuu governmcni omciais say ino water i atlon Is practically unchanged. The MILITARY REINFORCEMENTS AT ALL PACIFIC GARRISONS. Repairing and Remannlng of War Vessels and Every Apparent Effort Being Made to Render Her Man churlan Occupation Safe From In terference. Vienna, Juno 9. Dispatches recelv ed this morning report great activity by Russia In the far east, desnlto fu- tile Russian attempts to conceal tho tact. Tho navy yards nt Port Arthur and Vladivostok aro scenes of great nc tivlty, overy drydock belnc occuniod nnd every vessol In the Russian Pa cific fleet not in active commission on the outside being overhauled, reman' ned and equipped. Thoro is no longer any concealing tne tact tnat Russia has greatly in creased her garrison at Port Arthur. und that relnforceemtns are arriving almost dally for all the Russian gar rison towns by tho overland route. THEY CAN SETTLE SELVES. IT THEM We Won't Send Our Warship to Chili, as the Trouble Would Be All Over Before We Could Get There. Washington. Juno 9. Upon cable auvices from our minister at vaipar also. Chill, that tho strike situation is again re assuring, the orders which wore Issued yesterday to Itear-Adml-ral Sumner to tako his vessels to tho sceno of tho disturbance, were this morning countermanded. I km . oi the pro. be found short: U J) ,J MOBILE ASSAS fcJlBe9:TiEhlen- VSwbt the v uuuut 20 EVELAND. &cLJ"n.l?--Pres- fc.lta iZ?0 by his ri,, two of, two cars:' "BRa'in: TRUST" JOINS "MUSCLE " ' ' TRUST." Business , and (Professional Men of To peka Are Shoveling Mud. Topcka, Kan., June 9. In resporisc ito tho mnyor's proclamation stating that not enough day laborers 'are. pb tatnablc, COO professional and busi ness mon from Topeka, today aro .shovelinc mud , In . North Toncka Ito jprovont danger or epidemic or sick jioss from the accumulations pfi filth ami, mud., .itrrrrf will begin falling, Inability to secure communication with Madison and Granite City, 111., lying a few miles north of St. Louis, where a number ot peoplo wero late last night reported in danger of losing their lives from tho encroaching flood, caused great anxiety here. Suspension of Railroad Business. water is at a standstill. The work of rescuing tho Hood Imprisoned contin ues. The death list this morning reaches 23. Pontoon Bridge Washed Away. Topeka, Knn Juno s. Tho pon toon bridge connecting North Topeka with the north approach of the big nieian uriilge. which lutler pntm tho burned this morning with a i'nrtcr million loss. WILL PURIFY BREMERTON All Incoming Eastern passenger ) rlvt'r connecting both parts of tho trains are marooned In St. Louis and j town, went out at 1 o'clock today. Cairo. The Illinois Central was tho Tn' severs all connection with tho only Chicago train to make St. Louis ' north side save by boat, and it is not today. It arrived at Union Station I thought that It will bo possible to three hours late. The Western roads repair mo damage before Wednesday, aro experiencing similar hardships. The Wabash, Chicago & Alton and Burlington have practically ceased operations between here and Kansas City. The Missouri Pacific and tho 'Frisco are tho only lines actively op erating between tho two cities. Frolght tonnage has been reduced to a minimum, and only tho most im- Iierauve snipments can he made, This will result In great hardship to the peoplo now in North Topeka, as all the boats sent hero from tho out side have been taken away. Foot Fall at Kansas City. Kansas City, Mo., Juno 9. The Mis souri river has fallen' a foot slnco C o'clock last night, the government gauge at 10 o'clock marking 25.5 feet. nnn a similar fall of the Kaw is noted This afternoon the viaduct connect-1 There Is great activity in nil linnn nf ing East St. Louis with tho Eads I business In tho flood district today bridge was condemned as unsafe. The and the railroad situation is improv street cars nro not allowed to cross i lug gradually. the bridge. The water of Cahokia Direct communication between tho creek has been washing against the i two Kansas Cities has been interrupt viaduct for several days, and it has ed, the last span of tho Wyondotto been strained to its utmost by Bight-1 hrldgo bearing telegraph and telo seers, who used it as a vantage point ! phone wires having gone out. to vlow tho floods. RVP R)sIng at sti Lou8 Six Suburbs Under Water. St. Iyouls, June 9.---Contrary to the St. Louis. Junn 0. Tho mill I predictions of the weather exnertB. group of east side cities, lying Just 1 1,)0 r'vor U still rising and conditions north of East St. Louis, and including I ari hourly more serious, In East St. Venice, Madison, Newport, Brooklyn r-01lls 11 shows a rise of nn Inch dnr- and Granite City, are ,under from 10 luS the past hour. to 15 feet of water,- which' Is still ris-, Nine People Drowned. Inir.. Elcht thniiRandn nnrcnnu nrp rtfnnrlfi innolvn.l frn.M rnriiiria cov driven ffbin their ,h6tn6s.-. Very jittlo:n woman, baby ar.d -jvci' men were confirmation of tho r'epdrts 'of drown- drowned by thq eapslzln-i of n bout In GENERAL CLEANING OUT OF DIVE8 AND 8AL00N8. Boycott by the War Department Is Having a Very Salutary Effect Seattle's Influence Was Exerted to Secure the Moral Wave. Seattle, Juno 9. Tho town council of Bremerton has kept Ub word in saying that it would do all in Its pow er to causa to bo lifted the boycott from the Pugct Sound navy yard, which was placed thero by Secretory of the Navy Moody, bucauso Mr, Moody thought tho town was Immoral and unfit, for members ot tho navy to comu In contact with. Saturday night the council voted an ordinance revoking the license of every saloon In tho town, and passed another bill making It unlawful for anyone to sell liquor without a 11 cense. Tho action of tho town council wns t lie n at tho urgent rcmicst ot the So' nttlo Chamber of Commurco and tho citizens of Bremerton, JETT-WHITE TRIAL HANGS FIRE, ings can bo had, as these places aro all cut off from railroad service, and telephone communication is uncertain at best. Tho weather bureau prom ises relief after tho river shall have risen to about 38 feet. It is now with- Mmcii mey were trying to escape trom the railway depot at Madison tnls morning, Their names are un known. The current at that point Is very swift, arid (he bodies wero all washed away. A WILY RASCAL WRIGLES. GRAIN MARKETS. Quotations Furnished by Coe Comrrils plon Company R. L. Boulter, Local Manager, 120 Court Street. j. Mlnnnnnnlln .Tnnn 0. Wheat Not withstanding the fact that cables ware miner firm, coming Vs ntgnor on tne ciose. our maricei onenou ou u. nw tion, presumably on quite heavy ro colnts nnrt nrnanents for bolter weaw 'r. Bradstrcots's renort on the .WOrld'ft vlfllhlo war n little disappoint Ing to tho bulls as it shows a small dncrcaso whore considerable of a de crease was looked for. Wo may got a slight reaction from these prlcfcB, t wo do, think wheat .bought for a good turn. unicago, Juno 9. Opening. iluly 75 ,Sopt 72 Corn Uly iTii Minneapolis, Juno 9. i Openlngi July 77 sept 71 should ;bo I Close, 75-4 72 Close; 78 ! 71 ' Baer Forced to Admit Evasion and Subterfuge. ' New York. June 9. President Baer is again on the stand In the Interstate commerco hearing on' the alleged comblno between the ,coal carrying roads. Ho said -although the past 12 months shows an Increase In wages alone over $1,200(000,, freight rates havo not been advanced. HO declared tho money Invested in tho Reading Railway docs not earn so far, as a coal carrying concern; even a fair rato of interest. Baer finally adntittod on tho stand that their rates per 'tqn for- merchan dise to the Atlantic seabo'ard' are 16w er than that on coal. He gave a3 a reason the expenso of building spurs to tho mines. He also admitted tho financial statement as given to the stockholders differed from that given to tho state commerce comnilsston, and as a reason no 'turn iuu maiumum. given the latter was only euch.asjls rnniiLTftii iv i&w.j , . FROM JEST TO ERNEST. Spoke Jokingly of Daisy Lee and Was Killed. Mlddlesboro, Ky., Juno 9. A jocu lar remark led to a shooting In Leo county. Virginia, near here. Tin Ncl- Hon, "aged 20, Is dead, and John Rey nolds, about 35 years old, Is a fugltlvo from Justice. Nelson, It Is said, ac cused Reynolds, who Is a ruarrleo. man, ot making love to pretty Daisy Lee, and Reynolds, not taking (t us a Joke, blow Nelson's head off -with a shotgun. Ho 1h now at his brother's home and refuses to surrender to tho officers. Nelson lived in Mlddlesboro and was on a visit to Leo county. A Juryman Who Had Been Exposed to Smallpox Is Excused. Jackson, Ky Juno !. Tho Jett Wlilto trial was not called this morn ing as Ellisor has not returned from Magolllu county, Ono venlermau who came to court, announced that ho had been oxoscd to smallpox. Ho was promptly excused. FIRE FIGHTERS FAVORED. to Rains in New England Helping Quench the Conflagaratlon. lloulton, Mo., Juno, 9. Heavy roins last night enabled tho firo lighters to gain control of tho fires In many sections, Reports received this morning gay 10 houses, in Van Buton wero destroyed. In Honor of Galusha. Grow.; I Montrose. Pa.. June 9,-r-Promlnent citizens of this and adjoining counties without regard to political affiliations, united today In giving a monster ro- ception In' honor of former Congress man Galusha A. Grow, The affair was a testimonial to tho public services of Mr. Grow, who,; fpr more than half a century represented the district in congress, Bpocliesr ouiogizips, me( per sorial'and public character 'of tho ven erable statesman wero delivered and tho music- for tho occa6on was fur nished by a church choir of GOO voices. Changes In Our Diplomatic 6ervlce Washington June 9. John I), Jack sun, at present American minister to Greece, Routnanla. and Scrvlu, has been designated also American dliilo matic agent to Bulgaria, Ho replaces in that capacity Consul-General Dick limoii, of Constantinople, uh the rhuiigc is mailo as an outcome of tho case of Miss Htone, when tho Bulgar mil government declined to receive a i diplomatic agent who was also mln I Ister to Turkey. Sanford Newell, at r.,t , rrunn d,m t.i.- .o h- iaj. I present American minister to tho j w . 1 NotherlaiiilH. has been made also mln- and Be Your Own Cook. j8tcr to Luxembourg. Thin Is a now Chicago, Juno 9. The waiters and .position and Luxembourg, assorting cooks of two largo dpwu-town cater- Its Independence of tho other German ing establishments, struck this morn- states diplomatically, tho American WAITERS AND COOKS STRIKE. Ing. Tho Hamilton and University clubs, two of tho most excluslvo or ganizations In tho pity, aro slated for a tie-up this evening. A FATAL FALL. Engine and Pile Driver Fall, Killing Three Men. Charleston, W. V., June 9. While iepairlng a trestle on tho Seaboard Air Line over Bioad river yesterday afternoon, .a locomotive and plla driver went down precipitating tho engineer and crew of 10 men Into tho river. Tbrno were killed and others injured. ambassador at Berlin finds t outside of his Jurisdiction, INJURED BY EXPLOSION, Seven Seamen Hurt Aboard a British Cruiser. Qlhraltur, June 9, Seven mcinbors of tho crow wero seriously Injured by an explosion aboard tho British ar moured ruler Goodhopo, near hero, today. " The Hlto for tho Pennsylvania building at the World's Fair. St. Louis, has been alloted on the plateau ot states, Portland. JuiirSvSTho river today stands nt a bright' ufS(U font nbov'o Iqw wn(er mark, and water Is stnndlue 'lrim6st oT tho cetlrira ' nlonjr "r-Vont rtreet north of- Morrlnmir lAwr docks have been long ,snco abandon ed ob tho 'weather bureau kopt tho public posted ou tho approaching Tlso. ' The water Is gnlnlng steadily ou the Morrison-street gauge, how ever, ami by Sunday nn additional threo nnd four-tenths foet Is predict ed. Tho wonihcr east or tho mountains 1h not so war mas In Portland, but tho temperature Ik likely to go higher within the next two dayB, so that on Impetus will ho given tho molting snows about thu heads of tho vnrlous tributaries ot tho Columlba. Average Highest Water June 15. Homo peoplo think It la getting too Into for a big rise lu tho Columbia, as tho highest water over known was on June 7, 1894, hut Forcnst Official Boats says tho avurago dato ot tho hlghost water for each year Is Juno ID. A glnnco over the records hIiico 1880 shows that tho hlghcBt water ot tho year struck Portland July 1, 1880. when 27.3 wnH recordod, and North First Btreet was provided with side walks of plank set on wooden horses. On Juno it, 1882, tho high water mark was 20.2. Ou June 21, 1887, tho gnugo marked 25.7. On Juno 7, 1884, It Indi cated feet, tho highest over known. Slnco 1891 tho highest point touched on the gaugu wns 24,2. on Juno 23. Possibilities In Continued Heat. It will thus bu seen mat It Is not too late for high water, and that all depends on the amount of biiow still In tho mountains and thu temperature within tho next 10 days, If the weather turns cool tho melting of the snOyv will be checked, and a fall In thu various tributaries ot tho Colum bia would follow. It weather condi tions nrovo Just right, n height of 25 feet may bo reachod by tho 25th Inst nils would bring uie wnter 10 iiw pavement on North Front street Water Still Rising. Portland, Juno .Tho water Is atlll rising. The government locks at Cas cade were closed this morning. Tho merchnntB along tho rlvor front have been forced to move. Temporary movablu wharves are being used by tho transportation companies, The up-river lowlands nro being Hooded and tho farmers forced to leave. Columbia Rising Rapidly. Pnrtlnnd, Juno 0, Tho L'olumlila river Is now five miles wldo at Van couver, Many farms aro submerged. TROOPS CALLED OUT. Attempt to Make Texans Drink Water Produce a Riot. Fort Worth, Texas, Juno fi The governor has ordered tho stato troops to Hcmpsted to asslHt in maintaining order on account of the prohibition riots tlicro. PEKIN HAS A BLAZE. Foreign Troop Act as Firemen U Prevent Spread of Flames. Pckln, Juno 9. Thu revenuo build Ings, adjoining tho forolgti office, are nflro. Foreign troops aro acung as firemen nnd aro straining every nerve to extinguish tho blaze and provent Its spread to thu foreign buildings. CUTTER GIRL8 STRIKE. Shut Down of Paper Mills In Massa chusetts, . . Holvoko. Mass.. Juno 9. Even the roarso grado paper mills shut down this morning because Wio cutter gins struck yesterday. Joseph Kosrno, an Innocent by stander, wm killed In a dispute at Wheeling, W, V.