East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 08, 1903, Image 3

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ie Hway Week
,-.T-r- A XTT TTTCT'r DCAint
nTCrRS Ur aiAlTircu uncnouu
MUIW l . .
lUbk'f . . . . . .
...mrnii n h i.i.tiin ana aiAMKR i
Aim--' , . . ,
Avanrier ieni. autre
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: 4
Places to bang a hammock' these hot days is a most
delightful anticipation. . Every lawn has a shady
rglace and at the prices we art; offering our new stock
cf hammocks you can't afford to be without one.
We've got all kinds from $1.50 up.
nmoson Hardware Co.. ava ivr,, ct t
Headquarters for Fishing Supplies. i ' J
Ti HIT. i
lis merit
Has the large demand for
Byers' Best Float
kilt un. Onlv the choicest wheat that prows enters in-
-10 UL.l 1 1UUI. X I a UCI1CLLIU11 111 X I U 11 1 111 AUC UV kllC
4 , 1 :
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
r . .v. ltwi jtuuj'i y-i , yJJ UIIU V ' '
Hind IhP rarVot i
. " cUlllUl
n ahnement. ImnnectMi.
type. Writing in
tone, and see onntMii.
The Chicago
Typewriter received the
Gold Medal at the Paris Ex
position over all others.
' Will do the work of any
JTypewr,iter Supplies and
Rubbej.Starnp oojds. .
Electrical Supply House
217 Court c;t.
Large Tracts of Rich Land Soon to
Be Reclaimed by Irrigation Ditches
Under Carey Act Contracts Being
In writing of the wonderful re
sources of Central Oregon, the staff
correspondent of tne Oregonlan, who
accompanied President Mohler of the
O. n. & N., from Portland to the
Bend and Deschutes districts last
week, says:
From Prlnevllle the party drove to
uunu, uescniues or I.ytle, the three
townsltcs Joining each other about
30 miles southeast of Prlnevllle The
greater part of the 30-mlle drive was
through juniper timber, some of the
largest specimens of this tree being
nearly flvo feet In diameter. Rut lit
tle farming has been do-ie lu this
section except up near tie hills, but
there are a number of clearings mad
did the regulation "box" house which
the squatters all build alike Is In
evidence onevery hand,
Will Be Irrigated.
Most of this land Is schoij'.el for
Irrigation, but some very g .ol fields
ot rye which have grown without
water show .that Irrigation is not in
dispensable. Neaj- Bond, tho Pilot
Butto Development, Companv has
commenced" work on a big dltcli which
will Irrigate a tract of S",. O.i acres.
Ono or two smaller companies are
working nt different points on this
side of tho r'ver wi : 111 nt Dps
chutes, tho Columbia Southern IrrU
gation Company will soon bo ready
to put the water on a portion of their
3i),000 acres secured undir the Carey
act. This land is selling very rapid
ly, and an enormous immigration is
expected as soon as tho ditches are
completed. Lytic, the first of tho
trio of towns on the banks of tho
Deschutes, has no government build'
lugs, but Bend has a land oince and
Deschutes lias a postofflce. two sa.
loons, a meat market and a hotel.
Bend also has a hotel and a sawmill,
and all three of the towns have pros
pects and Issue prospectuses.
Fine Timber 'Belt Near Bend.
It was at Bend, and In the timber
region contiguous thereto, that tho
railroad men found more immediate
business for a railroad than is offer,
ing nt any other point visited. Tho
timber belt of (ho Deschutes region
embraces over 3,000,000 acres of mag
nificent yellow pine, vast quantities
01 which are directly tributary to
Bend, and which can be taken out at
a very low cost on account of the
ease with which logging can be con
ducted. There Is immense power ,for
mills In the river, anu most ot tho
timber is owned ly men who' are
financially able to put in plants of
immense sibe. These Umber men
have put so much money li)to the
country, and the demand for yellow
pine at high prices is so .great, that
If no other opportunity is offered
them they will most certainly com
plete their plans uy building a rail
road themselves. It is this timber
belt that will prove the greatest mag
net in drawing a railroad, through
from "Shanlko to Bend, and the town
winch becomes the headquarter o
me Industry will some' nay blossom
into a good-sized ehy.
.. --
. . UdlPCC . t 1 .
olf.Li. 90 a Sewinp mnntlino line ctnnil f-ir thn hr-Kt fflT
Wo i?i R,nt .byers and will ever stand with the
Ysnw. . "'"" a "Kilt riinnmir machine. Our stock is
-HU eiew.'m i. . V . . . . .1
"owned 1 iaest .designs anu styles ot tiieic
rril -"lues. Maclunes from f 18 to J50.
7'jiiipiii. atore near tne nnuire i
it Metal SToV.
in the
Worid in Bars
E. 0. Office
The Chetco Find Is Assuming Large
The quartz strike on Baby Koot, a
tributary of the Chetco river, made
a few weeks ago by John B, Griffin
and Ben Miller, is developing into an
immense proposition. The ledge is
traceable on tho surface for some
1500 feet. Its width Is not yet as
certained but is certainly enormous.
Tho 'rock carries ihlgh values and a
considerable portion of the gold Is
free. The niine Is named the "ijst
Mule." from tho manner ot its discov
ery, the prospectors being guided to
tho spot by following the trail of ono
of' their pack animals which had
strayed away. P-oguo IUver Courier.
I A Tale of Two Cities.
A story of, lo,ve and riot Is told by
tho Chanute Blade. A crowd of Iola
young fellows visited Chanute. Ono
of them spent the evening with a
fair damsel and ha was watched by
tho Change Joverl of this damsel.
"When," says tho Blado, "the Iola
lover came out with the kl6es of 'lils
sweetheart still warm upon his lips
lie was set upon by a crowd of fellows
rallied by the Chanuto young man."
Then tho Iola crowd came to the res
cue ot their companion, and for a
timo it looked as though blood would
flow. However, jeace was socured by
tho interruption of outsiders,, and the
incident closed with this friendly and
complimentary noto by the Blade:
"It seems" Incomprehensible that a
sensible young woman would chooso
an awkward gawk from Iola to an
elegant and good looking 'Chanute
young fellow, but there is nover any
telling what a girl will do in a love
affairs." Kansas City Journal.
Acker's Bloo'd Elixir positively
euros chronic blood poisoning and all
scrofulous affections. At all times a
matchless system tonic and purifier.
Money refunded if you aro not satis
fled. GOc and $l.
United States Senator Daniels, of
rilnla tins lx?nrt renominated by
the democrats tor a fourth term.
Surveying Party Sid to1 Be Worklnfl
Toward Central Oregon.
Messrs. Simmons and Smallcs, ot
Portland have arrived hero in tho In
terest ot their proposed railroad line,
tho Arlington & Pacific, says tho Con
don Globe. They are accompanied
by Surveyor Adams who has been en
gaged for them for tho past two weeks
running levels up the different can
yons from Rock Creek. Mr. Smnllea,
who has been with the surveyors all
the way through Informed a represen
tative of this paper that Juniper Can
yon offers the best route out of Rock
Creek, the survey showing less than
a three per cent grade up that Can
yon. This Is a very much lighter
grade than that of tho Columbia
Southern out of Biggs,
Tho party Is now at work at 30
mlle seeking the best crossing of
that stream. Mr. Simmons stated
thnt they hope to start grading for tho
new lino during the present summer.
J. P. Finley, also ot Portland, who is
associated with Messrs. Simmons and
Smalles came in on yesterday's stngo
to Join his colleagues In thcr Investigations,
A Genuine Panther.
J. S. l.orsiing, who arrived in this
city T-iesday from Long Creek,
brought the hldo of a sJeniilno pauthcr
which he killed near the town of
Long Creek while out hunting his
horses Saturday, says the Hlppnor
Times, it was quite a large one.
measuring eight feet from tip to tip.
Mr. Lorsung sighted the animal be
fore it discovered Kim and sent n
bullet through it's hodrt, killing It In
stantly. When Hie discovered the
animal It ' stood with its head and
shoulders behind a log and in' ihat
position he took deliberate aim. tho
first shot bringing tho boajl to tho
earth. Mr. l.orsuiu says when Site
ball struck the panther, J( leaped 10
lcot high, Kpomlngly, but w3 a dead
animal when it struck the ground.
Mokl Tea positively cures. Sick
Headache, Indigestion and Constipa
tion. A delightful herb drink, no
moves all eruptions of the skin, pro
ducing a perfect complexion or money
refunded. 25c and 50c. Writo to us
for free sample. W. II. Hooker & Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y, F. W. Schmidt & Co.,
For Sale.
Three-quarter sections of good
wheat land, of which one-half Is in
grain, and all lies five miles north
east of tho cit;. A dwelling, two
barns and other 'outbuildings, and n
good water system, Call at Oliver
& Co.'s grocery, or at the home of u.
W. Rlghy. 704 Thompson street.
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody Uio reads the news
japcrs is sure to know of the wonderful
cures mane oy ur.
Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kid
ney, lher and blad
der remedy.
It is the great med
ical triumph of the
nineteenth century ;
discovered after years
of scientific research
by Dr. Kilmer, the
eminent kidney and
bladder socialist, and is wonderfully
successful in promptly curing lame back,
uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and
Uright's Disease, which is tlic worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but if you have
kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be
found just the remedy you need. It lias
been tested in so many ways, in hospital
work and ill private practice, ami lias
proved so successful in uery case that a
special arrangement lias been made by
which all readers of this pajwr, who have
not already tried it, may have u sample
bottle sent free by mail, nlbon !ook tell
ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to
luiuouiliyouiiavcKiuiicyt" muuuci nuu-
ble. When writing mention reading tins
generous offer in this paper uudwrnd your
address to Dr. Kilmer
ft Co., Bingliaintoii,
N. Y. The regular
fiftv-cent and one-
dollar size liottles are " Bwudirc.
sold by all good druggists, Don't make
anv mistake, but remember the name,
Swamji-Koot, Dr. Kilmer's Svaui-Root, I
and the address, Hlngliamtoii, N, V., on ,
every bottle.
Monopole, Kock Candy,
Red Star and Vhitc Hose
in half gallons, gallons,
jackets and pails.
Hot Weather Specials :
This hot weather make) all feel that wc need the very lightest
clothing we ci'n get, and we are going to mnke this a week of
Special Bargains in Hot Wealher Goods
Ladies gauze vests, sleeveless, 3c each.
Misses gauze vest;, sleeveless, 3c each.
Ladies knee length knit gauze drawers, 69c, 50c 30c and 25c
Ladies lace hose, all sizes, several styles, 35c pr.
Ladies lace hose, silk finish, worth 40c, special 30c pr.
Ladies sunbonncts, good assortment, 35c, special 30c each,
Japanese silk, rill colors, 25c yd.
Crystal cord wash silk in waist patterns, 4 yds, 175 pattern
Ladies tailor made suits, special reduction of so per cent on
all grade's.
Ladies walking skirts and dress skitts, all grades 10 per
cent reduction.
The aboc prices arc good for a week, and all who desire to
save money will find this the place to buy, and now the time
Agents for McCall's Patterns
YOU WILL probably need some camp supplies
and we have anticipated your' wants by laying
in a big stock of Camp Stoves Fold Chairs
Cots Tables Tents Wagon Covers
Dutch Ovens Tin Rctlcctorn lor baking bread in
fact everything you might need in camp at
406-412 MAIN ST.
Local agent for the North German Lloyd Steamship
Company. Tickets sold to all parts of the world.
There is a lot of satisfaction in having a refrigerator
these hot days, keeps everything so cool and fresh.
Our stock is exceptionally complete- all sizes and prices
And Adjustable Window Screens are not only a con
vemence but a necessity and we have anticipated your
wants by putting 111 a stock of all sizes give us your
order early
BAKER & FOLSOM, Next Door to Postolfice
Yon should know that tho very beat, DRY WOOD of
all kinds io to bo fonnd ut
P. P. Collier & Co.'s Yard
Also 000D COAL.
638 Main St. Phono Main 1121
Gall at OlHco
Ft esh Ftuit
Pondleton'B only exclusive Fruit Homo.
Fruits of all kinds at wholesale and rolall.
Hood River and Milton Strawberries.
California and Freowator cherries,
Oranges, LemonH, Bananas and other fruits.
007 Main St. Wm. MILNE, Proprietor
Standard Grocery
Court Street
Low Sellers of Groceries
1 am sole agent for the Lee farm of '000 acres, si t
miles from IVridli-ton, on Iiirch creek. Good
Water, JJtnldings, fine Orchard, Alfalfa Hottoni.
Terms, half cash. Will sell with or without stock.
Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once
Delay will lead to serious breaks.
First-class work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Plumber.
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel