East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 08, 1903, Image 2

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    , r "nC""N- MONDAY. NE 8, 1B03.
T (I 1 1 ftO VO,T ll 1 1 Tt n r I
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If ;i
Li-.fv. f
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The contract for tlio erection of the
last or the big buildings nt the St.
Louis exposition has been let.
The "Jim Crow" law in Tennessee
requiring separate compartments
for whites and blacks in street cars
has been declared unconstitutional.
The hilling or a family or home
steaders In Kansas because thoy cut
wire fences enclosing public land will
lead to the removal of range fences
on public land by the Interior depart
ment. The Connecticut building at the
World's Fair. St. Louis, will bo a re
production of a fine old colonial man
'alon, built In tho early part or the
l'Jth century. It Is erected by Clms.
Slgournoy, a leading merchant or tnat
period, and Is now standing In Hart
rord. Thousands or men and women arm
ed with shovels and brooms are fol
lowing tho receding waters of the
Missouri and ICaw rivers, cleaning up
the sediment left by the muddy
waters and making the homes habi
table again.
An Interesting exhibit at tho
World's Fair, St. Louis, next year,
will be the pollco exhibits. Tho ex
hibit will show the evolution of tho
policeman, a gallery or noted pollco
officials, and also types of the various
grades or criminals. Tho exhibit will
also include a display or police equip
ments, stations, etc.
Ilandsburg, Cal., has been visited
with a destructive firo entailing a loss
of $100,000.
Tho State Sunday school convention
at Idaho Falls was one of tho best
vor held In Idaho.
Sjiokano's gamblers aro going to
close up shop. The now anti-gambling
law goes Into effect June 11.
The contest over the mayoralty
of Anaconda, .Mont., has been decided
In favor or John Fluke the socialist
Ixiwlston Is suffering a wntor fam
ine. Only an Inch of water is left in
the reservoir. Irrigation has been tem
porarily suspended.
T. W. Urowne, a convict at Walla
Walla, has Just had published a book
entitled "Letters of a Convict: " Tho
work is well spoken of.
Vandals at San Francisco broko the
handles from a casket, filled a grave
with water and put explosives In the
furnaces when n body was being cre
mated, One man was killed, two persons
fatally and several others badly In
jured In nn accident on mo Aium
Uock Park electric railway in San
Joso Saturday.
Bridges and Tracks Near Bonnera j
Ferry Threatened.
Travel on tho main lino of tho
Great Northern, near Honners Ferry,
Idaho, has been stopped by washouts
and soft tracks, duo to the freshet In
tho Kootenai river. Friday night pas
sengers wcro transferred by wagon
about one mllo across tho break in the
tracks, Yesterday the company de
cided temporarily to abandon tho use
of part of Its lino and to run Its
train over Northern Pacific tracks.
Threo of the 700-class largo engines
aro In tho ditch near Honners Ferry
and others barely escaped a llko fate.
Tho brldgo of tho Kootenai Valley
road has been swuug out of position
by reason of a drift having lodged
against it, anil It Is believed the struc
ture can be saved only by hard work.
Hot weather is on and we
have clothing to make you J
feel comfortable
fogfletoini I
$J,$J.25,$I.50 i
$2.00 to $3.00
Coats and Tests
$4, $5, $6 to $7
Coats aid Pants
$5, $6, $7 to $10
Baer & Daley
Furnishers and natters
Hotel Pendleton.
I. N. Hell, Uaker City.
C. K. DeNeff, Sumpter.
W. H. Carey, Omaha.
M A. IJehufT, Spokane.
Mrs. M. Penclor, Salt lako City.
L, S. Dill, Caldwell.
A. It. Carlson, Spokane.
M, U. VanPetten, Spokane.
S. S. Youngman, Portland.
E. 11. Cannon. Portland.
W. B. Day, Chicago.
G. Abbott, Chicago.
E. W. Drlgham, Chicago.
J. O. 'Stayden, Dcland.
Georgo F. Roberts, Portland.
L. Macleay, Kansas City.
John S. Mitchell. San Francisco.
F. A. Peters, Portland.
Airs. H. L. Boyers, Perry.
Mrs. W. B Hamilton, Walla Walla.
Miss Hamilton. Walla Walla.
Mrs. L. C. Motley, Milton.
H. D. Dillon, Now York.
U. L. Saunders, Portland.
A. B. Prlel, Portland.
E. II. Caskoy, city.
F. M. Nelson, city.
E. E. Donelly, Chicago.
G. T. Williams, Portland.
Glen Wlnslow. Nowberg.
H. L. Boyd. Perry.
F. H. Stocker.
A. Nylander, Portland.
J. W. Sidles, Spokane.
E. C. Sklles, Spokane,
R. E. Strahon, Spokane.
Jos Wing, Boston.
W. Meadows, Boston.
Alma D. Katz, Boise.
N. H. Brooks, city.
Mnx Ludeman, Antelope.
C. H. Jordan, San Francisco.
T. E. Grould, Portland.
E. B. Duffy, Portland.
Paul Wosslnger. Portland.
T. B. Morgan, Portland.
Mrs. Morgan. Portland.
J. S. Bell, Baker City.
J. 11. McKowan, Spokane.
Peter Van Datta, Spokane.
W. P. Wilson, Chicago.
Thomas A. Purdy, Portland.
E. A. Schlffler, city.
W. R. Olendennlng. Portland.
N. R. Clem, Spokauo.
W. M. Strange. Echo.
S. S. Dalen, Porloy.
Joseph Wing, Porloy.
Golden Rule Hotel.
John Bohart, Sumpter.
R, II. Bennetts, Boise.
Mrs. R, II. Morgan, North Yakima.
W, Rich and son, Coqulllo.
John Dlmmctt, Coqulllo.
T. Lawler and wife, Collax.
A. T. Bernard, Portland,
F. L. McKnlght. Portland.
Mrs. C. II. Phillips, SpoKime.
Mrs. J. O'Connell, Spokane,
J. B. Penny, Spokane.
W. F. Moore, Spokane .
Sam Lee, Spokano.
F, J. Gardner, Portland.
A. Homlck, Seattle
.Airs. Homlck, Seattle.
Miss Hemic!;, Seattle.
Mrs. Murray. Seattle.
A. J. Hall, Spokane.
P. J. Simon. Athena. 1"
I. McKay, city. '
Tom Barry, North Yakima.
W, E. Gould, city.
Mlxo Davis, city.
Joo Connelly, city.
Joe Jeffreys, city.
Georgo Clay, North Fork.
J. W. Holdman. North Fork.
F. Gibbons, The Dalles,
O. A. Johnson, Northflold.
Eda Johnson, Nortlifleltl,
T. W. Lusk, La Grande.
J, F. Allshle, Boise.
O. D. Galley. Portland,
W. R. McRoberts, Spokane.
S, S. Gill, Spokane.
Best shoe work at Teutsch's.
Meat Only Fit for Dogs Often Enters
Into the Composition of Sausage
Much of It Is Colored to Give an
Appearance of Freshness.
Some of the Portland butchers are
up In arms over tho charges of Dr.
Hutchinson the state heal in olllcer,
that much diseased and chemically
treated meat Is being sold In Portland.
Tno butcliors or the bettor class fa
vor tho city ordinance Tor the rigid
inspection of mont.
"Tho public. In my Judgment, Is en
titled to protection not merely from
the rascality or tno iiibiiuuubi uiutu
er or I'armor. but nlso trom tho mis
takes of the honest one," said Dr.
"As to my statements In regard to
sausage, which seem to have stirred
up so much resentment, all 1 can say
is that most of them wore based on
bitter personal oxperlonco from ox
i.arimnnta nn mv own nersoii after
eating sausage from six or seven of
the supposedly best sliops m rori-
inn.l nwl Hint tut nun rntrrntn It more
keenly than I do. In my visits or In
spection I have seen material neins
thrown into the sausage macniues m
tho rear of butcher shops in this city
which I could scarcely think fit for
anything but dog meat. As I say, no
one rogrets this situation more keen
ly than myself, but I should bo false
to my Idea or my responsibility and
duty t" tho state whoso health officer
I have tho Honor to no u i mu not
state tho racts frankly and freely In
order 10 oring aiioui lmpruveniuui.
"Tli.. otntnnw.ntQ nf T"r TUnrSflnrf
and the admissions or Mr. Miller are
also true as to tno coloring or sau
sage, wnai tne niuuui may uo i uu
not know, but I do know that I lmvo
seen sausage pulp come out of the
machine a dirty gray color, while that
...1.1.1, lot, It, Mia wlnitittt' linrl n hp.111.
tlful pink tint. Butchers have them
selves admitted to mo witnoui me
slightest hesitation that not only was
tho meat colored, but that after the
sausages had been placed in the
skins they would pink it over, ineir
only contention being that tho pink
was entirely harmless.
"This brings mo to tho crux uf tho
entire question or tho i..slnfectants,
deodorizers, preservatives, coloring
matters and the like. It is not
enough that they should bo Injurious
I.. tl.f,.u,lt.,.L, ... mnnlrn ,1 lnl liltvnttpn
ill LUVIIIOVII ... ..,,..... ........... ..
The Tact that they conceul dangerous
cnangi's in me meai 10 which muy
are applied is our real objection. If
a butcher wishes to sell meat to a
customer who can appreciate that
kind or thing, ho has a perfect right.
... ,1,. an itrnvlilrtil Mm miRtnninr lfnnws
Just what ho Is buying. If, however,
no covers tno ouors or incipient pu
trefaction with disinfectants, no mat
ter how harmless, he is acting dis
honestly. Boraclc acid Is probably
nearly harmless to Hie healtliy or
ganism In tho amount in which It
would be swallowed upon treated
meat, but. If by diminishing tho odor
of decay It enables meat to pass the
challenge or our stomach's best guar
dian, tho nose, then It is as harmful
as any poison.
One on Minister Choate.
Tho Inconvenience or the similar!
ty botweon a gentleman's evening
dress nnd tho attire or a waiter lias
received yet another instauce.
Mr. Choato, tho American ambassa
dor, was the victim on this occasion.
At tho stntu banquet to the ' king
at tho Guild Hall, tho American am
bassador was ono of tlie I'ow men in
evening dress, nearly every ono lieing
in court or municipal uniform.
Ho was interested in tho pulpit ar
rangements In which tho carving was
done, and ventured to ask ono of tho
functionaries a question concerning
them. "Never mind about old cus
toms," was tho reply, "look lively,
and clear away the soup platos!"
J. C. Baker, an all-around swindler,
Is uuiler arrest at Roseburg for ob
taining money under false pretenses.
Pendleton People Should Follow This
Valuable Advice,
Because tho proof Is In Pendleton.
You can easily Investigate It.
Not necessary to experiment.
With some untried remedy.
Profit by the experience of n citi
zen. Airs. G. W, Brown, who Uvea at tho
corner of Turner and B. streets, says:
"I was unable to stoop without suf
fering tho most Intense pain across
tho small of my back and through my
kidneys. I got my first box of Doan's
Kidney Pills at tho Brock & McComas
Co. drug store. I was so soro and
lame that I could not stoop at tho
sink to wash. Doan's Kidney Plllb
did away with the .trouble. If I did
not honestly think that Doan's Kid
ney Pills acted up to tho representa
tions made by them I would not set
ray name to an Indorsement. I know
others who have used Doan's Kidney
Pills with the same satisfaction."
For sale by all dealers, Prlco 50
cents per box. Foster-Mllbum Co..
Buffalo, N, Y solo agents for the
U. S.
Remember the name DOAN'S
and take no other.
When tho hot days of summer
make you think of tho cool nnd
slia do of tho mountains, thero is no
more enjoyable place' to spend a va
"Xn than Lehman Springs, wl.
tho present manager, Mr. C. 1J"1
on, has spared no pa-nViwo'rt of
for the convenience and comfort or
t o guests. Tho grounds are admira-
ly Situated and the largo hotel is
modern nnd up-to-dato In ovary ro
spect. There arc 25 rottngos con
veniently situated In the cool shade
of the grovo and camping fac II Hob
aio ample and conyonlen . Who o
connections with all points. lho
water of Lehman Springs Is not
equaled any whoro for its modlclnnl
properties nnd has proven in ovory
case a positive and lasting euro for
rheumatism. For further particu
lars address C. R. Button, Loluiian
Springs, Or.
... t t aii rvnftrlence.
.. ....,,(1,1., i,,. wnreit than to feel
that every minute will bo your last
Such was tho experience of Mrs. S.
ti. Nowson, Decatur, Ala. "For three
years," she writes, I eiiuuieu mot.i
ferable pain from Indigestion, stom--...i
iwitunt trmililo. Death seem-
ed Inevitable when doctors nnd all
remedies railed. At length l was in
duced to try Electric Bitters and the
result wns miraculous. I improved
at once nnd now I'm completely re
covered." For liver, kidney, stom
ach and bowol troubles Electric nit
.tors Is the only medicine. Only r-c.
It's guaranteed by Tallman & Co.
Range War Begun.
Tim rmipn wnr for the season on
tho border between Morrow and
Grant counties, was opened last weok
south of Hardman, where a number
of cattle are reported to have been
shot by unknown parties.
A. B. Stanley, who was lu this city
i,n .ire ,tf tlm tvnnlf from Hardman.
reports that lnrormntlon had reached
that town or the Bhootlng of a number
or head of cattle belonging 10 unua.
Hams, R. H. Stlllwell and a couple of
other men whoso names we did not
This Is only tho beginning of the
Mnon tvnf frit- tltn SOAROU Wllicll IS
expected will be more fierce than cvor
this year, unless some way can be
found to avoid it. Heppner i inies.
How's Thls7
V offer One Hundred Dollars reward
for niiv case of rntnrrli Hint ran not lie
tiiiwl liy IIiiU'h ("ntnrrli Curt-.
r. j. ciii:xr.v & co.. Toledo, o.
V, Hie imdernlK!ieil, linve known V. .1.
Cheney for the Inst l" .veins, nnd lielleve
li 1 in perfectly lionorilhlc 111 nil business
transactions nnd llnanclnlly able to carry
out any obllsrntlons innile by their firm.
WIIST & Tltl'AX. Wholesale. Druggists,
Toledo, ().
sale Druggists, Toledo, ().
Ilnll's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
nctlng directly upon I lie blood anil mucous
surfaces of the sysiepi. Testimonials hont
free. Price T.'ic per bottle. Kohl by nil
Hall's I'amlly fills are the best.
Stock Farm for Sale.
The Oglo stock farm, consisting of
3000 acres, about 250 head of cattle,
plenty of water, grass and timber.
Rango has never been sheoped off.
All under fence. Will grow nil hay re
quired. Call on or wrlto to Bcntloy
& Hartman, Pendleton, Oregon.
Eil L. Moore, n Seattle lineman,
was electrocuted by coming In con
tact with a llvo wire Wednesday.
A Cool Place
Is Robison's Amusement Par
lors, under the W. & 0. Depot.
Just thu place to while
away leisure time. First
class bowline; alloy; splen
did pool and billard ta
bles; 11 ) to date shooting
gallery. Temperence re
freshments and cigars.
Free Musical Entertainmont
Every Evening
For really fine, choice
Steaks-Chops Cutlets
Roasts of Beei, Mut
ton and Veal drop in
to our shop or phone
old V.. Court J'iioue lteilail
The genuine, the bicycle
which is the undisputed
leader, is handled in Pen
dleton only by us. Come
in and see the Racycle.
Withee,' '
The Parrot Talks
"I'm noither too big nor too
little I'm jast right. My
quality is admirable. I'm
calm and unruffled even when
I'm burning up."
" Jast Try a
j t
5 cents
At Yoar Dealer's
Sole distributors
Portland, Or.
flood work tells We nro kopt busy these
days nalnK oul-oi-wnnc wagons, cumnKua .
..,..., iwa bunw how to do tho trick
and do U; wo have tho right materials f'ood
iron, paini ana Tariniii unu usu .num. .vU
Ua nr.. itmmnt in txf.ctttin? renalr order!.
May wo have yours? Wo have the celebrated
ivi,,n,, tummti n 1 1 It flteni clad hubs and alitor-
leaving blocka. Tho only wagon that tand
hot dry climate Top bjgRles from $50 up
second hand rigs too. Our stock Includes
aai-ollne Knglnes, Irrigating Pumps nnd ltes
scll TcroJhers and Knglnes. Call and oxamlne
our stock.
Bargains in
Real Estate
I have a larger and better
list of Farms, Stock Ranches
and City Property to sell
than ever bofore. Also a big
lot of land in the coming
wheat section of Eastern
N. Berkeley
Is an especial feature of our
store. We realize our re
sponsibility and are very
particular in every detail,
using only the best and
purest drugs. It matters
not what physician writes
your prescriptions they will
be compounded by a com
petent, reliable pharmacist
when presented here and at
prices that are always reas
onable. F. W. Schmidt's
The Reliable Druggist
roitoRice Block. l'lione Main 831
The Column
Lodging Ho
Newy FurnisiJ
Bet. Alia & Wtbb
'a -enter otj
By the Fire Iasur;
panies we reptesJ
companies, stand iJ
Hartford Fire InsuimwcJ
A Minn no AMMi..fi.
- iDomtwwiji
Xorth British i' Mercutika
Royal Insurance Co.,
Country Gutter . well
Creamery Butter..,
We've added a new deli
to our equipment audi
to all parts of theciiyi
the moment promised.
The Big Store in
Alta Street, Opposite
Wo ran SUDD V?l
Buililinc Materiil
you money
h .. : i.i.'n n mcefl
L) u 1 i"'ub r-i
,m.ni hrick 1-1
Wood gutters loj
anu unciii-6--'
Oregon Li
Alta St.,0pp
Minneapolis, ChWf
Qrain and '
N. B.-!tr'V
Stocks, Bonds uH
. OT1TO. ifi BU
lt(rpCCi: 11?2S'I
Farmers w