fEVWEDillOM IWBEVEHIMTtt ?DAILY 1 Eastern Oregon Wethf p-" ,"5 A WEEK. J Fair tonight nnd Tuesday; con J A tinned warm. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, .JUXE8.1 "TTmBlirllTfl SLEW HIS DEATH WATCH. I . j FIGIIItll& -jsl: SI. LIS FLOODED 903. NO. 47(54. lurv Will Go to the m in Investigating the bl Frauds. LcTURERS WHO BRIBED LhEN NOW ON THE RACK. , s Said to Have Keceivea I nnlllrr Cflm Firm in Tfiree Ten - L to Secure the Use of Their L by the Government. LitiiD. June 8. Tho federal Km ha3 voted to Indict Samuel Fthe government m connoc il A. W, Maclten, who was Ill Friday. Groff brothers are tors ot the mail box insienors ie sales of which A. W. Ma- l Is alleged, recelveil isiiu.uuu the pa3t three years. Tho diriment will ho reported later court. ind jury did not consider any til evidence In tho caso re- k the Machcn hearing as being It upon which to base tho lllctment. ICH INFLICT PUNISHMENT. (Punitive Expedition Bombard ht Algerian Tribesmen. ra, June 8, The French artll i moraine attacked tho rebel MMsmen at Figulga. with tie bombardment, Inflicting, lllered, heavy losses, although Hi have yet been received pci pins were posted In the rronndlng the rebels' strong. 1 gained tho position by M the tribesmen. There ) losses on the French side, ! attack was mada a mes i sent with a flair of truce VP to noiny the women and i leave, but ho was killed nng tie message. France pally notified the powers that paowmenu to seize Moroccan i, out that the nresent nxnnril. Ii punltatlve one, In reply to pi auacK on uovernor Jo A Montana Man Uses a 30-30 Rifle on His Guard Swims the Missouri River and Makes a Get Away, Havre, Mont., Juno 8. A telegram from Glasgow advises Sheriff Cosner of Valloy county, who Is hero waiting a delayed train from the west, that William Hardee, a murderer under sentence ot ueath, and uiree prison ers In for burglary, escaped jail Saturday, killing the death watch, Jack Williams, and beating Sheriff Dlllard nearly to death. Hardee es caped once before, but was quickly retaken. Tho escaped prisoners arc armed and mounted. A posse has been or ganized to pursue tho prisoners, who nro desperate characters, and will doubtless fight to the death before they will be retaken, it Is known that outside help furnished the weapons by which tho prisoners escaped. Hardco was sentenced Inst week tn bo hanged June 26. j William Hnrdee Is under sentence of death for killing George Snearly; Jack Brown Is serving for assisting ' in n former Jail break, and the two St. Louis Is practically cut off from other jail-breakers are short term railway transportation. Only a few prisoners. trains are running irregularly west- Untlor Shorlff Itutter was on guard I ward over the Missouri Pacific. in ino i;cu wnore mo lour men were ; Thousands of excursionists nre de .Nearly All the Suburbs Are Under Water to the House Tops. TWELVE HUNDRED IN ONE VILLAGE ARE PRISONERS. Water Is Still Rising and Has Broken Over the Old Granite Levee Steamers Are Leaving Their Regu lar Runs to Go to the Rescue of the People. I WELCOME RAIN. P'ftJ In the Adirondacks Be pnguished by Heavy Rains. M.T., June 8. lor,! 1, , J v, wuuuaur neavv mln tu if 111 ... .! lUOt rtuironaacks, thus chock- replaces extinguish- pi urea whiph iin,rA 1 P ,l0,en during the past lGATE8 ARRESTED. " Representatives In Trouble. In l . . lit. tt-.L " . -I' """S UU1U- IChh ZJ , 0E the Chicago hfcSS d0I,rtmnt store Itwi.-. ""'Keu witn lot their appearance the scale mmnaw G0VER HIS MILLIONS. rwe Insanity ... r. ... Will. . "H, Ji,nn c, ., ma bv .it; niT:' l the T.i UlSB 81(10 ln ktL.???tal f the young rhffiD ht there I "'the hmttl lnreo otner MAN SUICIDES. 3&F?Wry In Moun- Idaho t ' laa"- Eft fiL8 of w- was P-ttlni"' lw5 miles ' rl.ki , wh a bul- -...a ll)r iorg- . trial i .""in are tkr l.Ce tl,Is TO0- ?tl S ftb. Postponed. S. Clf'th(ush it shows confined at tho time. After Dlllard came to got tho supper dishes the prisoners seized him and Itutter and overpowered them. Shot Wllllamc Down. One of them then wont to tho kitch en and secured the Winchester and lay In wait for Jack Williams, one of tho guards, who had been down town. When ho appeared ho was shot through the body and fatally wounded. Dlllard and Itutter wore then beaten almost Into insensibility anil tne men lett. A posse was soon in pursuit and caught sight of the three men on the 'opposite of the rlvor. i hi Hardee was not among them. He was either drowned In crossing or left the rest of tho party, which Is thought more likely. Hardee has the rifle, and as ho Is to be hanged on June 2G, It Is not thought he will be taken allvo or until he has killed some of his pursuers. TO LEAVE PRUSSIA OFFICIALS BANISH CHURCH MISSIONARIES. Local Pastors Not Molested, But Proselyting Must Cease Hugh J, Cannon Has Taken Refuge In Swlt zerland. Berlin, Juno 8. Hugh J. Cannon superintendent of tho Mormon mis slon in Germany; his wife, his secre tary and assistant secretary, were or. dored by tho police to leave Prussian territory within three weeks. Similar orders are about to bo served by tho local authorities on 80 other mission aries in Prussia, under tho decision of the government to oxpol them all. No explanation wns given for the action takon, except that the pres ence of tho Mormons was undeslred. Mr. Cannon will movo his headquar ters to Zurich, Switzerland. Ho has engaged a house thore near the one occupied by Calvin Cook, when lie lied from France. From Zurich the missionaries will occasionally visit tho Mormon communities ln Prussia, who have 1,200 members In groups of ID to 20 each. Tho German pastors continue thoir services. Governor Bailey Weds. Topeka. Kan.. Juno 8. Governor Balloy loft for Kansas City today, where tomorrow ovening ho will mar ry Miss Ida Weed, an old-time friend, aged 35. and recently a saleswoman in a millinery store. talned in this cltv unable to cet out. Two steamers went to Madison at 10 o'clock in answer to a call for heln. j Twelve hundred there nro prisoners in tneir nomes. nctugoes from near by cities are being brought ln here by the thousand. Many immense in dustries aro idle, throwing thousands temporarily out of employment. The Water Still Rising In St. Louis. St. Louis Juno 8. The flood Is 37 feet six inches at 10 o'clock this morn ing and Is still rising. Water broke over tho old granite city levee this morning and poured down on West Venice In a torrent. Tho Inhabitants barely had time to escape. By 10 o'clock It had reached the roofs of the greater number of tho dwellings there adding thousands more to tho already large list of homeless. Hundreds are now sheltered ln the Granite City schoolhouse, which so far is above water. River at Highest Point. Tho weather bureau at noon savs the river gauge reached the highest point, 37 leet six inches, which It be lieves will bo .the crest of the flood. Look for fall tomorrow. Up to 2 this afternoon nothing had been heard from the relief steam ers sent out this morning. Nothing Is certain regarding fatalities. The num ber of dead Is variously estimated at from nine to 20, not Including 1G reported- drowned at Granite City last night. The latter are said to have been strengthening the levee when the break came. All railway connections between here and Alton nro cut off. Larger boats are running, but smaller craft don't venture out Into the river owing to tho rush of drift wood and debris. More People Drowned. Four boys were swept off a raft and drowned at East St. Louis this nfter-, noon. Refugees from North Venice report that a house containing 13 occupants was swept away and all drowned. A woman with a small child in her arms was seen to drown in Madison. The marshal of Venice, and his wife, are reported to have been drowned this morning. Waters Wreck Pontoon Bridge. Topeka, Kan., Juno S. The pontoon bridge connections of South Topeka. with tho flooded district In North To peka, was carried out by tho swift current this morning. FLYER IN THE RIVER Engine, Baggage and Mail Cars and Several Coaches Leave the Track. NOBODY WAS SERIOUSLY HURT, BUT CARS WRECKED. Accident Caused a Delay of Nearly Twelve Hourt to the Westbound Through Train Wreck Occurred at Latourelle, Twenty-six Miles East of Portland. Last night's Spokane flyer, train No. 4, which leaves Portland at G p. m., was wrecked one mile this side of Latouroll. The engine, baggage car and several coaches left the track. The engine was thrown partly Into the river. .1. Christian, tho engineer, had his hand and arm qulto badly cut from being thrown through tho cab window, whllo tho passengers were much shaken only a few were hurt. Some fishermen from Troutdalo were bruised and cut, but not seri ously hurt. The accident delnyed traffic badly, tho rext regular east bound train being over 10 hours late. A SALEM WOMAN HONORED. Miss Kittle Harbord Appointed a Member of the State Board of Phar macy. Salem, Or., Juno S. Miss Kittle Walker Harbord, of this city, waR Saturday appointed by Governor Chamberlain, a member of tho stato board ot pharmacy, to succeed L, W. ioody, of Portland, whoso term ex pired May 20. Miss Harbord not only enjoys tho distinction ot being tho first lady pharmacist to receive an appointment to a position ot such re sponsibility, but, so far as can bo learned, Is tho first to receive such an honor in tho United States. She is a graduate of tho Philadel phia College of Pharmacy, with the class of 1001, being one of four ladles to graduate from thnt high Institution of learning out of a class of 1 IS. Sho carried oft high honors, and Is today the only lady graduate pharmacist In uio siate oi uregon. sno is a nntivo Orcgonlnn and was born In Yamhill ' county In 1S7G. Sho has been active-j ly cngnged In tho drug business for over 10 years, and Is thoroughly quail- j fled in every respect to fill tho posl- j tlon for which sho has been chosen. DEADLY COLLISION Steamers Foul on the High Seas With Groat Loss of Life. ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY FIVE PEOPLE DROWNED. TURKS MEET DEFEAT. THEY WOULDN'T WORK. In a Fierce Fight With the Insurg ents the Turks Have Heavy Losses. Vienna, Juno S. A dispatch from Sofia says a courier has nrrlved there. J who reports florco lighting between insurgents and Turkish troops In tho frontier villages of Zeargo and Swo gor. A full Turkish battalion wns en gaged, but was compelled to retreat. The Insurgents used bombs with deadly effect, destroying an entlro Turkish company. So They Were Chained to Posts in the Heat of the Sun Till They Couldn't Work. Washington, June 8. Complaints have been made to tho war depart ment through unofficial channels, al leging that cruelty has been practic ed on the Inmates of tho Mnlahl mil itary prison at Laguna do Bay, noar Manila. Six prisoners ,lt Is alleged, refused to work because they thought tho food was Improper. They were chalued to postB exposed to tho heat of the sun. They again refused to work, when they were again chained to posts until one mnn dropped from exhaustion. SAT IN THE GLASS CHAIR. ROUGH WEATHER DELAYS TRIP. Party of Scientists Narrowly Escape Foundering Off the Carolines. Norfolk, Juno 8. Tho schooner Van Name, bearing a party of distin guished scientists who nro bound for the Bahamas on a two months' cxtie- dltion, waB compelled to put ln hero touuy, They encountered a terrific storm off the Cnrollnas. Supremo ef forts wero required to escapo founder ing. They will await more favorable- weather before proceeding. Flannagan, the Colored Murderer, t Electrocuted at Sing Sing. Now York, Juno 8. Flanagan, tho colored man who killed Koopor Mc Govern ln the west sldo prison, nnd for whom great endeavors havo been made to gain executive clomoncy in vain, wns electrocuted at Sing Sing this morning. E LEO IS IK A DECLINE Worst Ocean Horror In Many Year Takes Place' Off the Southern Coast of France Carelessness of One Captain and Cowardice of the Other Held to Be Responsible. Marseilles, Juno 8. The latest ro port of tho loss of life from tho (link ing steamer Lilian, yesterday, places the list ot dead at 185, ot which 33 bodies havo nlready been recovered, Tho top mast Is visible this morning. Divers nro at work on tho wreck. Tho captains of both vessels aro blamed. The captnln of the I.ltmns, becauso ho did not direct his ship properly, and tho lnsulnms, becauso lie didn't do mora to assist tho pas seiiRorH ot tho pinking vessel. Tho latter clnluiH ho was afraid that his own ship would sink, so ho rnn ashoro for fear ot foundering. Onu man who lost his wlfo and four children Is now a raving maniac. Another roscued imssongur who has gono Insauo Is a woman who lost hor hURlmnd and live children. It now appears that tho Ltban was running nt a 12-ltuot speed when sho turnod the Isle of Mnrlc. Hor speed was eo great when sho saw tho lnsularo that bIio could not chnngo her courso to avoid tho collision. IN A STATE OF SIEGE. THERE IS NO QUESTION THAT HE IS VERY INFIRM. Probable That the Pontiff Cannot Survive Many Months Eats Very Little and Is Gradually Wasting Away. AND STILL THEY STRIKE. Massachusetts Paper Makers Want Higher Wages. Holyoke, Mass., Juno S. Two thousaud paper makers struck this morning. They demand an Increase of wages. Twenty-eight mills are af fected by the strike. FLOOD DESOLATION. CALL FOR AID ISSUED. GRAIN MARKETS, Quotations Furnished by Coe Commls slon Company R, L. Boulter, Local Manager, 120 Court Street. Minneapolis. Juno 8. Wheat In sympathy with lower cables and heav. ler receipts our market opened a shndo lower. Weather conditions ln tho Southwest show a slight improve. ment over Sunday, but rain is pre dicted for Kansas ln tho next 24 hours. Cash demand both domestic and foreign continues good. This re action is a natural one and will put the market on a better basis. We be lieve wheat a purchase on these re cessions. Chicago, Juno 8. Opening. Close. July 75 75 Sept 73 72ft Corn July 48V4 47 Oats July 3CV4 3G Minneapolis, 'June. 8. Opening. Close. July , 8.. 78 Sept 71 71 Kansas City Appeals for Outside Aid for Her Homeless, Kansas City. Juno 8. Citizens nearly all of whom were wage-work. era, held a mass meeting today and Issued n call for aid. Fifty-two hund red aro homeless. Tho city treasury Is depleted. The town Is submerged by water or mud. The Inhabitants aro all ln modest circumstances. So far but $75 outside aid has been re. celved. Tho mayor will acknowledge all contributions. FRAUD IS ALLEGED. Epplnger & Co., of San Francisco, Squeezed. San Francisco, Juno 8. Epplnger & Co.'s creditors meet at 4 oclock this afternoon. It Is believed that tho warehouse certificates were Ir regular, the discovery of which caus ed tho banks to force payment. Arguments In the Merger. St. Paul. June 8. Young continued his arguments for the defense In the stato against Northern Securities this morning. It Is asserted tuo consoli dation was for tho best Interests of tho Northern Pacific railway, as the latter was threatened with being crip pled by stock manipulators who want ed to increase the value of the South ern Pacific. Paris, Juno 8. Tho Temps today pi hits the following dlBpatch from Home: Leo XIII continues to recolvc, but those who seo him notice the gradual decline, which, without ex citing apprehension that any serious llluoHH Is Imminent, do not wnrraut a continuance of the recent confident optimism. Ills recent uudlences wero very fa tiguing. Knch tlmo tho pono receiv ed he was obliged to rest, sometimes I for two or threo dnys. During tho last few days tho po has restricted his diet to milk, bouillon und eggs. This roglmo counts sovoroly against a man 112 years of ago. Vory llttlo fresh air is admitted fo tho popo's apartments In tho vatlruu. His valet, Centra, ojions tho windows of tho pontiff's sleeping room momentarily, night and morning, but tho air Is more or less vitiated nnd thero is a lack of Bufnclcnt oxygen, Tho correspondent of tho Temps adds: "I have had occasion during tho last few days to seo a number of persons on Intimate terms with thn White and Jett Trial Causing Great Excitement In Kentucky. Jackson, Ky Juno 8, Last night wns another turbulent one. Many shells wore fired about tho outer edgo of town. Jurymen who nrrlved last night wero immediately given bunks In tho courthouse and are guarded by soldiers. Tho nntl-llargls faction clnlm tho defenso havo been favored In summoning mon to Bcrvo. As usu al, White and Jett wero brought Into court this morning under a heavy gulrd of militiamen. DO YOU MEAN BUSINE88, CLARK7 MR. Qet Believed Loss of Property In South Carolina Will Reach $5,000,000. Columbia, 8. C, Juno 8. Tho search for dead In tho mud left over thousands ot ncres along tho Pacolot river Is being raado today. Fourteen bodies wero recovered this forenoon, entourage of the holy father, und I it is believed the heavy drop of mud unu tneir opinion is always unani lias burled beyond recovery tho greater portion of those lost. Muuy bodies were dismembered. Mure than a hundred are missing from Clifton alone. Tho pioporty loss will not be Jess than 15,000,000. Mill officials are con slderlng whether to call on tho gov. mous that Pope Leo has been slow ly wasting nwuy; atrophying for soino time. Tho popo rises lato and doos not celebrate muss, except on Sunday, when no one assists him except tho faithful Centra, who serves him at tho massos. Tho pontiff appears not to desire that others should seo his If So, Here Is Your Chance to a Road In Los Angeles. Los Angeles, Juno 8. Thu city council this morning, by a voto ot 4 to 3, ngrced to give Senator Clnrk a chance to bid on n three-cent tare blanket frnnchlso, lit spite of tho board of public works udvorso roport. If Clark menus business ho cun get a threo-cont fnro road paralleling all of thu Huntington lines In Los Augoles, SMOTHERED IN A LUMBER CAR. ernor tor troops to guard tho district. 1 Infirmities. Tho trembling of his Governor and innvnrn buvn iRnneil i hands has become noticeable proclamations calling for aid. nations I "I do not wish to unduly alarm tho uovoieu menus of uo xui, but nevertheless I nm compelled to stato that tho condition of his health ac tually Is far from satisfactory." aro being Issued by tho relief com tnltteo to 8,000 persons. The Colum bia railway bridge over Congaree, I, 200 feet long, was swept out this morning. A $15,000 Fire at Stockton, Stockton, Cal., Juno 8. The Stock ton athletic association's club bouse, Including handball court, boat house and billiard rooms burned early this morning. The loss Is $15,000. Some of tho club house racing equipment and tho shells were saved. Tho crew will continue training. Appointed Archbishop of Manila. Rome, Juno 8. Hov. J, J. Harlln, of St. Louis, has been officially ap pointed archbishop of Manila. A BOQUET FOR EMPEROR. A Banker's Wife Throws a Boquet at the Kaiser and Is Arrested, Borlin, Juno 8.Whllo tho Kaiser and empress were driving at Wies baden today u woman threw a boquet which struck his majesty's head, in flicting slight Injury. The empress, believing It to be an attempt to assasslnato Emperor Wil liam, sprang from her seat In alarm. It was later learned that tho woman who throw tho boquet is the wlfo of a prominent banker. She has been arrested, The Body of James McCormlck Is Found by Washington Mill Em ployes. When some of tho employes of tho Washington Mill Company opened a cur of lumber on thu old O, It. & N. spur on Astor street In Hpokano to unload It, thoy wero horrified to ills cover the Uoad body of a man In one end of tho car, 'Clio car camo by way of Hlllyard Saturday from Milan, where It was loaded and ovldoutly locked. Tho finders of tho body made haste to notify Coroner Smith, who found that tho man had probably conio to his death by suffocation, mo face be ing blue with congested blood und the lips almost black. How tho man man aged to got into tho car Is a mystory. und It Is suggested that snmo of tho lumbormen nt Milan, wishing to be friend the man and give him a free journey had nllowod him to enter the) car before It was lockod, llttlo think ing ot tho (orrllllo hcut that would bo engendered by tho lumber during a lint day on Its run. From lottors found on tho man his name is James McCormlck, and from o noto It appears that ho worked tow days In Sliver King, Idaho, as fore man of a track gang und quit work on May 29, going to Milan. Tho lumber car was loaded (here Juno 1, and from appearances tho rnun had boon des4 two days, McCormlck was probably 48 years of aged and weighed about 1E0 pounds, Tho writers of lottcrs found on hlra woro communicated with. Ono of tho letters was from Oene Ilowo, an employe of tho Intor Moun tain Publishing Company of Butte, Mont. MMIHHIBHHIjjljj