East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 06, 1903, Image 8

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for an inferior beer ?
Scblitz beer costs twice
what common beer costs
in the brewing. One-half
pays for the product; the
other half for its purity.
One-half is spent in
cleanliness, in filtering even
the air that touches it, in
filtering the beer, in ster
ilizing every bottle. And
it pays the cost of aging
the beer for months before
we deliver it.
If you ask for Schlitz
you get purity and age,
you pay no more than
beer costs without them.
Ask for the
Brrwiry BsttUng.
Phone SI Main,
H. Kopittke,
507 Wain St., Pendleton
i l"l I T 1 T T T V'l'TTTT T T i l l 1 T
j Conrad Platzoeder
All kinds of Fresh X
Meats always on t
hand. Fine Bacon,
Hams and Sausage.
Prices as low as the lowest J
The Palace Cafe
on Court Htrret has just been refit
ted throughout. You will find
everything neat, cleans wholesome.
If you want a quick lunch we can
serve you. We nls' serve regular
meals for 25c. We believe we
Bervo the Inst meal In tho city for
money.' ,' Our tteadlly increasing
trade is good evidence of this fact.
Fnrmerw' 25c dinnera a specialty.
310 East Court Slreet.
Fire resisting. Will
thoroughly protect all
buildings covered with
it. A better roof
ing for less cost than
any other roofing
made. Quickly laid
and la'sts for years.
Send for booklet. i
The Paraffinc Paint Co.
San Francisco, Seattle,
Portland, Los Angeles
I Denver, Colorado.
T. C. TAYLOR, Agent
That wcgive special attention to
orders for fancy ICE CREAM
grated cards, wedding Invitation, etc.;
100 engraved visiting cards with plate,
11. BO; addition! -rH In future, II per
feDB4re4. Ttti But Owyliii jiraxud
New York, Juno C Though ono
had tho gift of prophecy It v.ould fall
when it camo to predicting tho future
of fashions No longer thnn n month
ngo ovoryono was confident that tho
summer gown to ho ultra-smart must
ho swathed In billowy ruffles of lace
and chiffon; now, while such, a con
dition still obtains It has ju.it been
decreed that the simplest designed
frocks will bo awarded a high degreo
of elegance.
If in doubt buy an organdie. This
Is the slogan of tho woman who Is
seeking now conquests In dress. And
this Idea might bo supplemented with
another If you can nfford it buy two
organdies and have ono pure whlto
and tho other figured in some delight
ful llttlo lloral design.
Tho newest effects aro both figured
anil barred with crosswise striped
with serrated edges, making an ex
tremely pretty pattern. Tho fabrics
aro In great demand for dresses to
bo worn at dinner parties at tho smart
hotels and restaurants, for It Is not
the fashion in Gotham to dine at
homo In warm weather oven if one
stays in town until rather late In tho
A Htrtldnrr (Inalirn nnflcnd n fow djivs
1 ago had a particularly long skirt
which was very full at tho bottom
and simply finished with n deep hem.
It was rather scant at the top, oxennt
directly In, tho back, where it was
gathered a bit to give onough full
ness. 1 Tho bodice was laid in tucks which
ran round and round tho figuro as far
as the yoko which formed of tiny vor
tical tucks. Two rows of faggoting
joined tho bodice and yoke. Tho
sleoves woro tucked at the top and
again at tho wrist to take In tlio full
ness customarily gathered into a
wristband. The effect was very pretty
and afforded variety from the regula
tion cuff.
Although tho gown was mado of ex
pensive organdlo It could easily bo
duplicated in a 21-cent lawn or dim
ity for less thnn two dollars, provided
tho wearer does her own dressmak
ing. Many women who aro afraid to
trust their cutting and fitting to their
own skill, but aro otherwise handy
with the needle, find it advantageous
to call in an nccompnsiieu urcssmni;
er for threo or four days, to cut and
fit sovcral dresses then finishes them
herself. This plan is both wise and
satisfactory, for oven though many
of tho styles aro apparently simple,
they require a master hand to bring
out their full beauty and artistic ef
fect. Was hChlffon Is Very Popular.
Wash chiffon is the name of a fabric
that Is very popular just now. It
combines a wonderful sheen and soft
ness with fairly good wearing quali
ties. A design somowhat more elab
orate than tho organdlo dresses just
described Is trimmed with tiny llttlo
tucks and narrow Valenciennes lace
Insertion. Tho bodico fits loosely all
over and Is mainly composed of tho
chiffon with a square yoke of the
tiny tucks and Insertion across tho
shoulders, coming around to tho front
and curving down tho centor about
six or eight inches wide.
Tho sleoves aro topped with tho -Insertion
nnd laco, with tho chiffon
falling loosely from tho center of
tho arm. Tho collar Is of tho open
laco and tucks, with a touch of blue
ribbon around tho top of a big Illusion
chou In tho back.
Yoko effects aro so generally worn
that tho bodico may bo varied by
f ' W W VV t I V 1 i T 1 I 4 W VV
Five Porcelain Tubs
Are now to be found at
Privett's Barber Shop and
Bath Rooms. We also have
live hydraulic chairs. Every- j
thing is neat and clean. We
employ none but fust-class S
workmen. Our eouipment is
j not excelled in Eastern Ore.
Privett's Barber Shop X
J 73 Main 8lreet J
Telopliouo Mnln A
Suffered Eight Months
I can' heartily recommend Acker's
Tnblots for dyspepsia and stomach
troubles. I havo been suffering for
eight months and tried many rome-
dios without relief, until I got Acker's
Dyspepsia Tablets, which I used only
a snort timo and am now perfectly
woll. Thanking you for tho speedy
recovory, I am gratofully yours, Fran
cis I. dannor, Vancouver, Wash. Send
to w. a. liooicer & Co., uuftaio, N.
Y for a freo trial packago. (Nothing
llko them.) F. W. Schmidt & Co.,
tucking from tho neck to tho bust
line In graduated offect and allowing
tlm tucks to end fnr onough away
from tho bolt to form the blouse ef
fect at tho front. Over this lace in
onrHnn mnv ho droned In faiiclful de
sign, either In lovcrc' knots or lloral
A sash of wldo blue taffeta ribbon
makes a charming waist finish. In
stead of being tied In a bnv It is
caught with n large decorative biiokle
and the ends nllowod to fall over tho
skirt to its very edge.
A nrottler skirt than tho ono de
signed for tho bodico in question, has
a yoko of Insertion and tucks cross
ing over tho hips and curving down
tho center of the front to where a
deei) Ilounco of tho lace and tucks
fall very full and long over the feet.
Finishing the toilette is a fascinat-
ing hat of tine whlto straw, turning
up somewhat at the side, with whlto
crushed roses and leaves on tho side
nnd a high crown almost entirely
covered with palo blue ribbon, finish
ed at ono side by two or threo small
cockades with a pcnrl buckle in their
Colored Pongee Smart and Effective,
While It Is a difficult matter to find
a colored pongee gown that does not
fade easily, tho fabric is, noverthe
less, very smart and effective. Its
very dellcatoness makes it a favorite.
Red pongees are chic and in great de
mand, but will require a good day's
search to secure a pretty red. The
fuct that tho color Is scientifically
considered, suggestlvo of heat makes
no cllfferenco to tho woman or rasuion
Other shades that vie with red
ror popular favor are pale green, palo
sliver groy, bluo in many shades and
an exceedingly pretty shade of brown
known as Du Barry. Tno last named
however, can mot bo worn by overy-
one because It requires a perfect
Apropos of ultra-smart tints, groy
Is to lead ,tlie van tor boots and shoes.
Considering that giey hats and gowns
havo already proved their right to
share In every well-dressed woman's
wardrobe this season, It Is In good
taste. A combination of groy buck'
skin and patent leather Is one of the
moat successful of the novel schemes
nnd thoro aro some very dainty and
effective walking shoes in this Btylo
with Louis qulnze heels for light
Huckles are used moro than over
nnd we aro gradually .beginning to
consider that nothing Is too oxtrava
gant a sum to pay for them.
Elaborate bending Is out of date,
oven for evening slippers and tho
smartest full dress shoes aro bolus
treated to very scanty decoration
Everybody is going in for foot-exor
dues and in compliment to tho pretty
outlines that already are and are ex
pected to be, If constant training
counts for anything, simple footgear
for evening that allows a view of
theso curvatures will bo commo 11
A pongeo frock that is sultablo for
almost any occasion Is of silver grey
tint. .Over the shoulders both back
and front, It is arranged in tiny tucks
straight across, about five inches
deep. From this como four deep
tucks running vertically round the
figure. These como to tho waistline,
hanging round the figure rather loose.
with an orango ribbon belt encircling
tho waist caught In front uy a fancy
Tho sleoves are tucked abovo tho
elbow where they fall full, with three
deep tucks abovo the cuff at tho wrist.
A tucked collar Is worn around tho
The skirt Is tucked and stitched to
tho knees whero It branches into a
flare which falls very full around the
feet. A very flat groy hat trimmed
with grey plumes and rosettes of
laco and orango colored panno com
plete tho costume.
Sandalwood Perfumed Water.
For tho benefit of the woman who
Is as particular about her perfume ns
about her gown, It might bo Interest
ing to know that a now toilet wntor
known as sandalwood is dainty nnd
refreshing; It is individual without
being pungent and no production In
recent years has proved more re
freshing and delightful.
Vlolot, of course, remains tho favor
ite oxtract and will probably never
loso favor. It has received the cachet
of tho social world and Is the pom n
al fragranco of many distinguished
women. Next to It come carnation
pink, marguorlto and cut ros;, each
of which Is extremely dollcat
Ily taking advantage of the cheap
rates East offered by
Chicago and return $71.50
St. Paul & Minneapolis and
return 60.01)
Tickets good 90 days. Stop-overs
Dates of sale: Juno 1, !, 21, 25, 2C,
27, 28. 29, 30; July 15, 10 nnd August
25, 2G.
Full information by addressing
Oonoral Agent.
132 Third street, Portland, Ore.
Woodmen Attention.
Pendleton Camp No. 41, W. O. W
will hold their unvollhig and memor
ial ceremonies on next Sunday, Juno
7, 1903, at OInoy cemetery. All mom
bors aro requested to meet at the hall
at 3. "30 p. m, to form In procession,
leaving tho hall at 4 o'clock p. m. for
tho cemetery. A full attendanco of
the camp Is desired.
Consul Commander.
J. E. BEAM, Work.
mm: flM m
Motherhood is woman's natural destiny
actual barrenness is rare comforting
words to childless women.
Many women aro denied tho happiness of children simply Vecnuso of
some curable derangement of the generative organs.
Among1 tlio many triumphs of Lydia 13. IMiildmm'S Vegetullo
Compound is overcoming cases of supposed barrenness. Thousands of
children owe their existence to Lydia 13. IMnkliaiii'H Vegetable Com
pound. ThiB great medicine is so well calculated to -regulate every function
of tho generative organs that its eflleiency in this respect is Touched ior by
multitudes of women.
Nine Years Without a Child.
"Deah Jlns. Pinkiiaji: Wo had beon married nino years nnd
nevor had children, and now we havo a llttlo baby girl ninoteen months
old, tho joy o our life. She owes lior oxiste Lydia E. I'lnk-
lnuu's Vogetitblo Compound.
"Ileforo taking Lydia K. IMnklintn's vegctnlrio Compound I
was a constant sull'ercr. I had pains in my back and sides, especially
before menstruation. I had doctored but received no benefit. Hearing
so much about the Vegetable Compound I decided to try it, and after
taking six bottles was cured." Mita. T. II. Godliiey, 1223 Nevada St.,
Euat Toledo, Ohio.
it IIUS doilf)
women will
1 1
iaoketi, llll Broadway, Cleveland, Ohio, jj
Another Happy Case in Brooklyn.
" Dear 31ns. Pinkiiaji: I wrote to you a year ago telling you of
my troubles. I had pains in tho ovaries, monses woro painful and I
hud never borne children.
" You answered my letter and I followed your advice. I was eom-
pl,J$ ?F?tl-, IIavo imt t'ivon birtl1 to a flne.healthy babo, and during
chddbn-th had a very easy lime.
" Lyd ia E. Pinkham's medicines aro a God sond to women who want
to bo mothers." Mrs. Schultz, 12 l.uzner St., IJrooklyn, N. Y.
Miiny women whoso letter we print were utterly discouraged,
nnd hlo Incited all Joy to them when they wrote Mrs. Plnkhara,
Lynn, Mnss., without chatKo of any kind. They received advice
which nindo thm stromr, useful women again.
Treasurer of tho BroolUyn East E,nd Art Club,
iRNSTHUAIi irrcmi-
larities are gener
ally the beginning
o a woman's trou
bles. With tho vitality at a
low ebb, the blood weak
ened, the digestion disor
dered, she goes about pale
faced, hollow-eyed and hag
card, a piteous contrast to
the blooming health of
her former self. Hut over
1.000.000 women liavefound
health, again by taking AVinooE Cardui.
As a regulator of the menstrual periods
Vino of Cardui has never been known
to fail. It has seldom failed to restore
perfect health, even in the most persis
tent and aggravated case o weaKness.
Miss Ida M. Snyder, of No. 535 Ber
gen Street, lirooltlyn, N. Y., has nsed
Wine of Cardui and bIio says it helped
her into a new lifo. Health to Miss
Snyder is worth a great deal. She is
anattrac'ivo young woman with intel
lectual t Uinments and sho occupies
tho podti.'U of Treasurer of tho Brook
lyn liist Hnd Art Club. This position
marks b as a person of intellect; cul
turo and i Snement and it speaks highly
of tlio ipect and trust her fellow
women h -" in her. Sho writes:
"If w nen would pay more attention
VWTthe remedy that cureo a cola la ono clay.
Portrait of a Baby Girl Who
her Existence to Lydia E.
Finkham's Vegetable Compound
"Diin Jlits. Pinkiiam: I wrote
you some timo ago asking why I
Ud not have a child. I explained
tt I had displacement of tho womb
and ovarian trouble, and suffered
with backacho and headache. You
sent mo a nico letter in reply
giving mo full instructions how
to treat myself, and in accord
ance with your directions I took
your Vegetable Compound, and
followed your kind aavico faith
fully in every respect, and now I
havo a littlo girl, tho joy of our
home. I never would have had
my baby if it had not been for your
advice and medicine
(T nnv.Ai I TT li -W 1 1
lp haul's Vegetable Compound enough for what
fnr mo 1 lirmn nflinr diilfllnsa
wn this lnttnr" Mits. .Tnirv T7hetl.
to thcif health we would
have more harmv wives.
mothers and daughters, and
it they would use more mtei
liffcuce in the matter of medi
cines, observing results, they
would find that the doctors'
prescriptions do not perform
the many cures they are given
credit for.
"In consulting with my
druggist he advised McElree's
Wine of Cardui and Thed-
ford's Elack-Draufht. and so I took it
and have every reason to thank him for
a new life opened up to me with restored
health, and it only took three months to
cure me."
Von may securo tho samo relief as
Miss Snyder, if you tako Wine of Cardui
as sho took it. Tliedford'a Black
Draught is the companion medicine of
Wine of Cardui and it is a liver and
bowel regulator which assists greatly
in effecting a cure. If you take theso
medicines according to directions, .tho
relief and cure is simple. Somo cases
aro cured quickly and others tako louger
because the diseaso has run longer.
Remember how Miss Snyder took Wine
of Cardui nnd lias health. The same
medicines aro offered you to-day.
A million suffering women
have found relief in
Wine of Cardui.
Jdatt. Snydt'r,
This signature Is on over box ot tho gennta
LaXntlVC Rrnmn.nn;n;nnnv.i.i..
No Cheap Gi08s
Shirt Bosom
If We Launder it
A woman of refine
always guayes a 5
well bred instinct
cond.t.on of his Hrfen!!
we make you safe h
Special machinery f0
Shirts collars and cog
bend for one of J.
Court and Thompson Btrefe,j
Rigby-Clove H
Willi Hll I
Manufacturer s of tie
Repairs for all kinds i
!rr kii t
r-arm iviacmner
Foundry Work a Specially
uusn paio. ior oia castings
Insurance in force $13,456,9M.(
M. H, RICE, Freewater
J.l Walker, City Agent for I'wdletn I
Gray's Harbor
We Don't Keep EverytMij
But wo do Keep a B00 lI
Htock of nice dry Flooring,
Celling, Kustlc and finish,
iu all grades. Also all Wnda
of Dimension Lumber, In
cluding Lath nnd Shingle.
Our stock of Doors, Win
dows, Moulding, BulldiB!
and Tar Paper and App
Boxes Is complete, and MJ
one iu need of Lumber m
;not be wrong In pl
their order with the : : !
Grav's Harbor Com. ft
Opp. w; "r ii
I Send Your
Subscription Honey
103 Third Street
Portland, Ore.
Agent for
AU Publications
To test this "ad"
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ton, uregou.