East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 06, 1903, Image 7

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    l fit
' '
;iilrt Waists Free
All This Week
. j... ;rVit. wo will eive awav nrinrlntlv
hirt waist with each Dress or Street Skirt Sold
fF, lULU tuv D
every 5 skirt we give you a f5c waist.
X rv f6 to 7 skirt we glve you a i waist.
" rv 8 to ?.50 sKin we give a i.a3 10 n.50 waist,
S!h every Jio to Ui skirt we give a $t.75 to U waist.
"i. ...... tti to i7 skirt we give a $2.25 to $2.50 waist.
. t.... a vorv lnxcre stock of under skirts in all
matnnals at very iow uriue. woum oe
. ... Iknm
to snow iuoi".
.Mm nrn nnn 1 nrniiDiTin omnnn
nmii iiiiiii mm rnm am mm ibsi mm mm
iiiiti'u v rv iit n. r u ii m '. 11 niiiiin.
11 1 ill 111 11 ifiu uiuniiituuiu wivuu
Pendleton's Busy Store
Mty Brevities
Slurp tor paper hanging.
m Delta's Iced drinks.
I.- .Minn. TtlR TVnltA
halt soles 40c. Teutscn.
toot spring suits at Joerger's.
otinaa ronnlrpd At
Cooullle crawnsh at
ns uhukui.
.1- .Ima Vinorlntmrtora fnr
received a new lino of Jap
till, at Campbell's.
Querent siyies 01 exieuniuu
Iran IS to 130. Rader'e.
SMelo," the best cigar made, at
dor store. Court street.
typewriter. J, a. Kees. agent,
kinds of Imported and domestic
ana ciam cnowuer at uruiz u.
business tor sale, Main street,
. Hi- . n ... m
u aim. auu uuutii a.
ii mm. Binif ..nnnnac imi im
seres. Prices right. E. T.
Rent Suite of rooms, nicely
, one block and a half west
street Inquire 208 Alta.
always furnishes eood
Send In your order. Market
II '1 I
1 ma
7 b nine larther than
.7 6 iur a lew davs a
CI I IV r . r. n ,1
aiiC waunam move
in a
- - u year case lor lie
15 your chance to cet a h.Vl,
for the p ce of a
hough. " 1UVU 10 aCt
-x uuu vrilUAN I
Choice moats at Homer's.
Best shoe work at Teutsch'a.
Smokers' supplies at Keuman's.
See Sharp's artistic wall paper.
Dining tables $5 and up. Rader's.
Fresh strawberries. Oliver & Co.
Store for rent, inquire of Chris
Delicious strawberries dally. Haw
ley Bros.
Swift's Premium hams and bacon,
Hawley Bros.
Nice furnished rooms to rent at
309 Court street
Three unfurnished rooms at 309
Jackson street.
Fresh Coquiile crawfish at
Schemp's tonight.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
for nuts, candles and fruits.
Go to Walla Walla tomorrow on
the oxcurslon. Round trip $1.
Received daily, fresh tamales,
crabs and crawfish at Gratz's,
The very best of mountain pota
toes at C. Rohrman's, Court street.
Boy's iron wagons, fine toilet soaps,
fishing tackle and hammocks. Nolt's
Hanlon's cigar store, headquarters
for smokers' supplies. Association
Blacksmith shop in Pendleton for
snle. See Earnhart, Association
One hundred and sixty acres. Half
rich bottom land. Good Improve
ments. J1C00. E. T. Wade.
For Sale The Delta candy store.
Doing a fine business. Owner In
poor health. E. T. Wade.
Wanted An elderly couple to re
side on a claim three or four months
as company for a young lady. Rea
sonable compensation. Address Box
278, Pendleton, Oregon.
Three hundred and fifty voices in
the chorus at the grand concert given
by the Saengerbund of the North
west tomorrow at Walla Walla. Do
not fail to hear the singing.
Twenty-five hundred dollars for J5.
Best cheapest Insurance, accident,
sickness; claims promptly settled;
agents wanted, liberal pay. Interna
tional Company, 231 Broadway, New
Four Thousand Dollar Farm Sold.
Oscur F. Wilson and Jane M. Wil
son his wife, and John B. Wilson and
Huldah E. Wilson, his wife, have sold
to C. E. Griffith and Alvaretto B.
GrllUth for $4,000, tho northeast quar
ter of the northeast quartor of the
southwest quarter and the southeast
quarter of the southeast quarter of
the northwest quarter of section 30,
in township C, north of range 35, east,
together with a small parcel of land
all in tho vicinity of Milton.
Tho Mexican pavilion at tho
World's Fair, St. Louis, is Hearing
completion. It will be the first gov
ernment building finished.
nee mem t
With Not Dressing
Pleci:.u . .....
. . 'ra wiiii nucai nuis mixeu uuu unim-
Fecial way that makes it simply immense
titlick,,... am '.s. delicious. Perhaps vou have had the word
ri. euuiipn Inw .,A. ...l 1... U 1 ,1 n It - I rn
.I" Thftnl M -
"M ui 11 r v w w
. -..we Sure nnr! fnm lan nt tio 4
T I.. j "vuid (1 1 1 1 1 nonn tnhAHA ha llnnd ma : T'. TTI . 1 II K
yream ever rapvoh o n k a conomi
P8 from HTnln Sfnnof nn.nnJ fha Hnnnt TTnnap
General Consolidation of Interest of
All Planned and May Be Put Into
Execution In a Comparatively Short
Tlme Great Advantage Outlined
and Interesting Information Given.
For moro limn a month thero have
been rumors and rumors of rumors
floating around, hinting of a vast
merger in the woolen mill business
of the Pacific coast, and yesterday
the intimations came to light in a doft-
nlte form.
Proposition From California.
The California mills are anxious to
form a combination embracing all of
the mills on tho coast, California and
Oregon to be under one management
and control of board of directors.
Over a month ago a meeting of the
mill owners was held In San Francis
co for the purpose of reaching an
At this meeting a committee was
appointed to visit the mills, examine
their conditions and appraise the
valuation of their stock and business.
This committee has now reported
and the matter is up for settlement
But while the California mills are
anxious for the combination to be
formed, the Oregon mills aro inde
pendent. Tho southern mills started
out with the idea that they could
whip the Oregon institutions into
line, but it Is found that tho balanco
of power lies In tho Webfoot state. It
is not so much the value of the equip
ment of a mill, as the strength of its
trade that makes it a power, and tho
mills of this state are in the latter
list. Tho California mills may have
moro money invested in plants, but
the Oregon concerns reap more re
turns from an equal amount of in
vestment, and for this reason they
can force the California scheme Into
their own terms.
Benefits of a Merger.
The great advantage of tho merger
lies in two directions: Chiefly In the
saving of expense to the mill on the
operators' side of the question, and
In the raising of the grade of product
for the gain of tho consumer. Where
at the present time each private con
cern must maintain independent
wool buyers and agents, under tho
combine one man would serve the
whole coast, where now each mill
must negotiate with the manufactur
ers for dye stuff, machinery, transpor
tation, everything In fact. Tho mer
ger would, by the enormity of the
output and the control of tho demand,
be able to reduce the expenses from
seven to 15 per cent. In this the mills
would profit, and their margin of gain
would be larger.
Segregate the Output.
On the other hand, It Is the plan
of the combination to segregate the
output of each mill and to classify it.
For instance, were tho combination
to be effected, the Pendleton mill
would weave nothing but Indian lobes
and blankets. The local mill has the
reputation of putting out tho best
work of this kind in the United States
and were It to do nothing else hut
follow out that line, the quality eould
1)0 raised oven above tho present
standard without a .-also lu the price
to the patrons.
This Is the strong point ami chief
argument of the frl?'id or the sr heme
but whether or not their argument
will carry weight and their fl 111.1 ca'i
be consummated depend J millrelv m
the promoters of tho fcchenu- t'lem
selves. The Oro;on manufacturer!,
have never taken any antive steps In
the matter, hut It lias been pushed
from California anl since this Is the
case tho California anils will havo I"
receive terms lns'.md of dletatlm
them. It Is the opinion of conseiva
tlve mill men that the merger will bo
effected In time, but not at the pres
ent Juucture, unless they can hate tho
concessions they ask. What they
want is a represcntatatlon, not mi
the valuation of their plants, but 011
the returns of their business. With
an equal equipment they have a
greater earning capacity than tho
southern mills, owing to cheapness
of raw material and superior climatic
conditions. Hence, the deal must ho
closed on the basis of productiveness
If It is closed at all.
Pendleton Mills Independent.
Tho Pendleton mills aro particular
ly Independent, as they have a spe
cial field with no competition ade
quate to cause them distress. Their
robe aud blanket business can not
be touched by any other mill In tho
country, and as a lesult they are ah 0
to dictate their own terras. While
thoy would gain in lessened running
expenses by Joining the merger, they
do not wish to loso their Independ
ence of action unless the gain and
the result of the gain would Justify
"'ThiTmatter will not ho settled for
a long time yet, for it Is now only
in tho formative period, and it Is a
vast enterprise, involving the control
of millions of dollars. But the time is
coming when all the mills will bo
under one head and tho small Inde
pendent mill of today will bo a thing
of the past.
Cedar City, Mo., In anticipation of
!.(.. .Irnu-iKifl nllt llRH 1)0011 CUtlrC'ly
deserted by its Inhabitants, who have
taken all their portablo belongings to
higher ground.
50 per cent
Discount on 105 pieces
of iinMinnir Oir
Monday at the
To Whom It May Concern.
Union No. 599, of Pendleton, Ore.,
Juno 3d, 1903.
We, the undorslgncd comraltteo,
duly appointed by this body, do here
by declare Mr. William Hlckey unjust
to organized labor. After signing an
agreement as a contracting painter,
to do and abide by the request of this
body, on April 10th, or thereabout, ho
now goes contrary to what ho agrees,
and we thereforo declare him unfair
to all organized labor. (Signed)
A. h. BAKER. Pros.
Buy? Thoroughbreds.
Tho big sale of shorthorns at Walla
Walla Wednesday was attended by
three Weston stockmen, W. A.
Barnes, Frank Greer and 0. C. Ilarth.
iho fine animals offered brought all
the way from $100 to J300, Mr, Barth
bought a registered cow and calf for
200 at the sale. The tow is a beauty
named "Ilonle of I-ouo Pine," bred In
Missouri, and Mr. Barth should bo
complimented on thus Improving his
herd, which already contains threw
thoroughbred bulls. Weston leader
Pvrnrilnn Tomorrow.
lliuicauuiia jhiiiii uj n
going to Walla Walla tomorrow to
attend tho big sing fost. The Seat
tie Mederkranz and tho Whatcom
uoncoruia ciudh wmm ..
Walla yesterday 180 strong. Tho
train leaves Pendleton at 8:15 a, m..
returning leaves Walla Walla at 8
p. m. Faro for round trip only fl.
Everybody invited.
Athena Teacher to Portland.
J. I). Hawes, principal of tho Athe
na school during tho past year, ac
companied by his wlfo, went to Port
land last night, where Mr. Hawes
will spond his vacation In tho inter
nut of Hie American Klro Extinguish-
or Company, having secured n state
agency for tho article,
Chemavwa Band at Dalles.
The Fourth of July committee has
about completed arrangements wiwi
the Chemawa band to play hero on
celebration day. Tho Indian boys
are flno musicians and will furnish
oxcellent entertainment for tne pw
pie, Times-Mountaineer
Compromise Effected With J. M.
Slack for 9100 Cash.
The sowor obstruction Is at an end
and tho work will proceed at once.
J. M. Slack agroed yesterday for tho
consideration of 100 to withdraw his
objections and glvo his consont for
tho right of way across his property.
This ends tho matter and tho newer
nnd shorter route will ho chosen.
Is Sumpter Overdone?
J. I.. Thompson returned a fow days
ugo from a visit to North Yakima,
Pendleton, linker City and Huinptcr.
Mr. ThoniDson said ho found nil those
places thriving and prosperous except
Sumpter, which place npcarH 10 nave
been overdone, and is now suffering
an apparent reaction. Tlmes-Moun-
A Sale of Dusters
An immense line of Dusters
Just received
Turkey Dusters, 20c to 69c.
Ostrich Dusters 35o to $2.46
Wool Dusters lOo to 90o.
All new and fresh goods
The Pulmer line, 60o to $4.05
The walk, the ride, the hunt,
or a spin on your wheel aro not to
be enjoyed unless you are correct
ly booted.
Fancy Dishes
Four new patterns of English
Semi-Porcelain dishes
77 pieces for $11.05
The Nolf Store
Our Shoes Show
the Correct and
Latest Styles in
Business Wear
or Occasions of
Pleasure : : :
You can't go wrong In them
Boston Store
$2.50 to $4.00
They wear well too
Judd Block - Court & Main Sts.