I ! CUTTLE SITUATION of Them All THE PALM I the Hero 4J. T j ; ; ; f I r i t ONLY the best of cream and the very purest of flavors used in our ice cream and ice cream sodas Tty our ice cream with crushed fruit Our chocolate creams will please the most fastidious WE aim to be leaders in our line Come around and we will convince you of the excellence of our Cold Drinks and Candies. J. D. G ADDIS i f I i ' ! ! f! ! ! Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once Delay will lead to serious breaks. First-class work guaranteed by BECK, the Reliable Plumber. Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel FOURTEEN CARLOADS WILL BE SHIPPED THIS MONTH. Importation of Southwestern Cattle and the Finishing Off of Local Fed Animals for the Market Responsi ble for the Slump In Price of Beeves on the Hoof, Fred Phillips will ship five carloads of cattlo to Carstens Brothers, of Se attle on Monday next, and four car loads on Wednesday. He also lias five cars contracted with Gibson, to bo delivered at Kenwlck on the 20th of this month. Four of the cars woro bought of Illnolmrt, three of Urlgham and two of Hoach Brothers; some woro also purchased from Suntzler. This is the shipment of Monday and Wednesday. The stock market, both as regards cattle and hogs, has almost hit tho bottom of the prlco bucket. Some of tho stock bought In tho recent sales only brought ?4.35 as a top figure, and around this llguro It hovers ubove and below, as the condition ot tho cattle varies. Only a month or less ago tho quotation scaled from $4.25 to $4.75, and cattlo were scarce at that. Now all kinds of stock can bo bought at $4.2n4.nn. Influenced by Importation. This fact Is duo In great measure to the Importation of Southern beof to 1111 tho shortage. Perhaps a month ago thoro may have been a shortage or at least tho growers did not con sider their stock ready for the buy er, hence tho market kicked the beam. The buyers did not feel Jus tified In paying tho prlce3 asked and went elsewhere. Thoy bought cheap cattlo In California, Texas and even In Now Mexico and Indian Torrltory, and shipped them In. Tho hole In tho demand was filled and naturally tho price In tho local market fell. Or It might he that the Oregon producers saw that thoy could not hold out against tho cheap beef of the South and decided to let their stock go for what was offered Instead of trying to force the market. But whatever tho reason, tho mar ket is low, and all tho buyers have no difficulty In filling their orders. Local Herds In Good Condition. The cattle, too, nro In good condi tion. Thoro is a largo number of growers who have fed hay until grass came, and then turned their herds out on green ranges to finish for mar ket. As a result, tho beef Is fat and sweet and in good demand. But thoy waited too long to get tho prices out of tho branches of tho market tree; they aro sprouting now down In the reach of all. . t flffff if f I luvnuii L5C Cigar V Smoke that's a little better than the rest i r ,,,w,... n I M Monastery of La Blancere Closed by Gendarmes Crowd Makes a Dem onstration. Paris, June C. A number of gon- darmes and a detachment of engin-1 cers have dispossessed tho .Monks ol tiio monastery of La Blancere. A crowd of C,0no persons engaged In demonstrations for and against tho authorities. Tho monks barrlcndpd tho gates and doors of tho monastery with paving stones, but the soldiers climbed tho walls and gained access to tho building. Thoy then cleared away tho barricade and arrested tho monks nnd a number of mnnlfestnnts. STOCK FARM FOR SALE I am sole agent 'or the Lee (arm of 'ooo acres, si.i miles Irom Pendleton, on Birch creek. Good Water, Buildings, fine Orchard, Alfalfa Bottom. Terms, half cash. Will sell with or without stock. T. T TTA TV T T yf TAT r I LE For Health, Rest and Recreation HMHN SPRINGS beautifully situated in the depths of the picturesque Blue Mountains, reached by daily stage from Pendleton, is the Mecca of the Summer Vacationist and a more inviting and delightful resort cannot be found. The Mineral Hot Springs Fifteen or more in number are uneqaled anywhere for all stomach troubles, digestive disorders, nervousness and rheumatism. Under new management the finely appointed hotel with its large, airy room and excellent table offers every comfort. There are 25 nice cottages and ample free camping grounds. Recently enlarged swimming pool. Music every evenin for dancing in the large Pavilion. Bowling Alleys, Golf Links and Shooting Gallery. Hunting and Fishing. Pure, invigorating, healthful, mountain air makes Lehmam Springs the Arkansas of the West The delightful LEHMAN SPRINGS are now under the able management of C. R. DUTTON who, assisted by ample and experienced help, has spared neither expense nor labor for the pleasure and convenience of his guests. Easily reached by a short and eniovable coaching trio Surround ed by every comfort and almost unlimited healthful diversions makes Lehman Springs once visited always visited coacninS tnp' su The rates at the springs are very reasonable and full particulars can be had by addressing the manager, C. R. DUTTON, Lehman Springs, Oregon