WKX. aATLY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OWEQOH SATURDAY, JUNE e, HQS, i w t n r KB Lock up Your Money I have the agency for the National Lock and Safe Co.'s Safes and can furnish any size safe. Bank Vaults, etc. Call and see my sample and get prices before buying. .l..b.... " " ' ' oUNUAY AT I THE CHURCHES t M. E. Church, South Sunday services ns follows: 10 a. m. Sunday school, I. E. Earl, superintendent; 11 a. m., preaching by pastor and class service; 7 p. ni., Epworth League, leader, Miss Mary Itust, subject, i turn iuu uvLiui bites. Temperance lesson. A full attendance of the leaguo is desired. At 8 p. m., preaching by tho pastor. Prayer meeting on Thursday night. Everybody invited to attend any or all of these services, E. B. Jones, pastor. Methodist Episcopal Church Sunday school 10 a. m., A. J. Owen, superintendent. Morning sermon at 11 o'clock. Class meeting, 12:15 p. m. Itev. G. W. Rigby, loader. Children's meeting, 3 p. m. Epworth League, 7 p. m. Sermon, S p. m. A cordial Invitation to all these services. Kob- p. ert Warner, pastor. o TTTTyTYTYTTYYTYTYVTYYYTTTYYTTTYYTYYTTTYTYTYTYY t Flrst Baptist Church All the ' school at 10 o'clock. Preaching at 11 I o'clock. Young pcoplo's service at 7 I o clock and preaching at S. All strang ers and those who havo no regular place of worship aro most cordially Invited to attend theso services. U. W. King, pastor. J, C, TAYLOR, the Hardware Man 741 Main Street ' EASONABLF MTISFACTION There is a lot of satisfaction in having a refrigerator these hot days, keeps everything so cool and fresh. Our stock is exceptionally complete all sizes and prices SCREEN DOORS And Adjustable Window Screens are not only a con venience but a necessity and we have anticipated your wants by putting in a stock of all sizes give us your order carjy. BAKER & FOLSOM, Next Door to Postolfice Bring Us Your Second Hand Goods We will pay you what is right for them. Bargains in new and second hand goods. GURDANE & McBROOM 12 East Cocut Stkekt First Christian Church Sunday school. Id a. m.; prenchlng, It a. in., subject of sermon "Working With God;" preaching, S p. m., subject, ".Justification by Faith;" prayer meet ing Wednesday. 8 p. m.; Christian En deavor, Friday, S p. ni. Everybody cordially Invited. N, II. Brooks, pas tor. o First Presbyterian Church 10 a. m.. Sunday school; 11 a. m.. sermon and communion; 7 p. m., Christian Endeavor; 8 p. m., report from tho late assembly at Los Angeles, by ltev. B. F, Harper. Strangers are espec ially invited to all tho meetings. Robert J. Diven, pastor. o Congregational Church Sunday services: Sunda yschool at 10 a. m.; morning worship and preaching at 11. Subject, "Seeking tho Best." Evening service at 7:30. Subject. "Tho Only Safe Way." Temporanco address. J. Edwards, pastor. MISIONARY ALLIANCE. Five States Represented In the Con vention in Session Today. Indianapolis, Ind., Juno C Tho fifth annual ronventlon of tho Christian and Missionary Alliance for tho dis trict of Indiana, Michigan, Western lYumucKy ana .Missouri opens in wis city this evening and many dolcgatos 1 have arrived to participate in tho pro-1 ccedlngs. Tho sessions aro to con tinue through the whole of next week. 1 Some of tho nromtnent missionaries ! and workers to take part aro: Dr. Itobert 11. Glover, China; nev. A. B. Simpson, New York, president of tho alliance: Rev. H. W. Campbell, Afrl ca; ltev. S. It. Stokes, Detroit; Hov. W. H. Chandler, Wheaton. 111.; Rov. A. E. Funk Xew York; Hov. T. W. McArlhur Chicago, and Hov. E. D. Whltosides Pittsburg. GERMAN CATHOLICS OF OHIO. Important Meeting of an Influential Organization. i Cincinnati, 0., Juno C Many vis- j itors are arriving for tho fifth state convention of tho Ohio Staatsvorbund I and from all indications the gathering will bo tho largest over hold by thu German Catholic societies of tho stato of Ohio. The celebrations connected with the convention will begin tomorrow morning with soleinu high mass at Holy Trinity church. In tho after noon tho delegates and tho Gorman Catholic societies of this vicinity will participate In tho solemn dedication of the now banner of the St. Bernard us Benevolent Society, nud all will attpnd vespers and benediction at Holv Trinity church. Tho business " -ions will occupy Monday and Tin winy. The Ohio Staatsvorbund Is affiliat ed with tho German Homnn Catholic Central Vereln, and Is as present composed of about GI societies, hav ing a combined membership of near ly 7.000. At Sir John's Grave. Kingston, Ont.. Juno 0. This be ing the twelfth anniversary of tho death of Sir John A. MncDonnld, members of tho Kingston MacDonald Club and delegations of prominent ronservatlvcs thlB afternoon drove to Cntaraqui cemetery, and decorated the gravo of tho deceased statesman. Each association placed handsome wreaths made of white carnations, pink roses and sweet peas on tho grave. Several momorlnl addresses were delivered, tho speakers paying a touching tributo to tho illustrious dead, and referring to him ns tho greatest among Cnnndlnns, and one whose influence yet lived. DR. C. J. WHITAKER, Dentist; Pendleton, Or. Makes a specialty ol Seamless Gold Crowns and Hrulge Work. Extracting 50c, Silver rilling i, Gold Filling $1 up, Best Set Teeth, Vulcanite 01 Celluoid, ,8- All work guaranteed. The J300 reward for tho capturo of Christ Benson, tho Olympla murdor- er has been divided among eight log gers who mado tho arrest. DRY WOOD You should know that tho vory bost, DRY WOOD of nil kinds is to bo found at P. P. Collier & Co.'s Yard Also Q00D GOAL. Cull at Office 638 Main St. Phono Main 1121 Fesh Ft uit Pondloton's only oxolnslvo Fruit Home. Fruits of all kinds at wholosalo and rolall. Hood Rlvor and Milton Strawborrlos, California and Froowator ohorrloa. Oranges, Lemons, Bananas and other fruits. 007 Main St. Wm. MILNE, Proprietor THE UND WOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITER 1 Is the most practical Typewriter for School or Business purposes 3 The writing is "right before your eyes" all the time, which has never been accomplished by a standard, high grade Typewriter until now It is accomplished in the Undeiwood absolutely and practically without the sacrifice of a single existing advantajje, but with the addition of many others never before obtainable. It lias a tabulator which is part of tho machine. Others charge $25 extra for this. Its marginal stops are all in front. Its type are cleaned in an instant without soiling the hands. It has an individual key !SSZl St orron in tho right place. Cor ec ions can be made in an i net ant on8io8t to learn, easiest to operate and least parts to get out of order. S isho SifAT OpIerSois,"vee from twenty-five to thirty-three per cent of their time by reason of these advantages. The Underwood is the only typewriter that ever received the official endorsement of the Private Commercial School Manager's Association. (The above school is composed of the most prominent owners of tho leading Business Colleges of the country ) It is onlv justice to yourself to investigate and become conversant with the merits ot the Under: wood typewriter before buying, Put on trial against any machine. None superior. I 0T lCCC Agent for Umatilla county JUnil O. RCCO Box J24, Pendleton, 0e. 3 3 to 3 3 2