East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 06, 1903, Image 2

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    . V J
The Shield to Health
Belfast iHesb
Linen . . .
Unexcelled for
Pit and
BaerO Daley
An Ico trust wi.h a capital of $10,
000,000, lias been Incorporated in
A negro was taken from jail by a
mob at flreonvlllo. Miss., Thursday
night and hung for, an attempted as
sault. The Moroccau rebellion has been
completely suppressed, the robels be
ing routed overywhoro with great
The Chinese of Kwang SI province,
whero over 1,000,000 people aro starv
ing, are bartering away their women
and children for food whenever they
have an opportunity.
Tho structural Iron workers of Pu
eblo, Col., who have been on a strike
for 50 cents per hour for an S-hour
day, have gone to work for 4G cents.
They formerly received 40 cents.
Tho blowing up of a Baptist church
in Byron, Minn., with dynnmito, is at
tributed to a quarrel between factions
in tho church, originating with the
resignation of tho pastor and his
uniting with tho Methodists.
A good many bodies of unidentified
people have floated down tho Kaw
river into tho Missouri at Kansas City
in mo nrirt. Many of tliem were tied
to uprooted trees and timbers that
had formed parts of houses.
A cloudburst 20 miles west of St.
Louis yestorday, covered the country
for many mlloB square to a depth of
six Inches, with water. Every gallon
drains directly into tho Missouri
river and adds to tho general Inunda
tion around St. Louis.
Mr. Chamberlain's schomo for a
closo trado union of Great Britain
with all her colonics, has Just been
strongly Indorsed by the Now Zealand
Chamber of Commerce. This in
dorsement will havo great tntluonco
with tho other colonies and with tho
central government .
Hotel Pendleton.
Henry Dick, Chicago.
Airs. W. H. Hnwes, Colfax.
O. Abbot, city.
H. E. Whitman, Portland.
William Maher.
U. M. Smith.
George H. Falrbrother, Portland.
James Wing, Boston.
John Chrisfleld, Cleveland.
P. C. Gerhardt and wife, San Fran
Clyde Cook and wife, Hoppncr.
O. W. Commons, San Francisco.
H. H. Booth. Chicago.
A. S. Heatbdeld, Spokane.
E. H. Tatom, city.
J. F. Robinson und wife, city.
James McKay, city.
Golden Rule Hotel.
C. II. Reynolds, Freownter,
C. C. Hunt. Burlington.
J. T. Curtis, Chicago.
C. L. Downer, Spokane.
L. Cunningham, Portland.
S. A. Frans, Spokane.
W. D. Mnrks, Spokane.
II. P. Rolfe. Walla Walla.
O. Joyce, Portland.
G. W. Wilson, city.
Joe Dellno, city,
E. C. Smith, city.
Mike Davis, Walla Walla.
C. Bourne, La Grande.
O. K. McMack, Eureka.
An olegant resldenco belonging to
A. Prescott. of Salem, was destroyed
by flro Friday. Loss, $3,600.
The lathers and sheet metal work
ers unions havo withdrawn from tho
Federated Trades Council at Port
land. Tho Oregon Short Lino railroad
has placed an order for 8C.000 ties
with tho Troutdnlo lumber compa
nies. Arthur L. Chamberlain, of Corbutt,
Or., was drowned in tho Columbia
river Friday, while trying to save a
team of horses.
George Smith, tho negro murdorer
of Portland, was hanged Friday morn
ing.. Ho dropped eight foot, death
ensuing immediately.
Paul Watelet, of Spokane, is under
arrest for securing money under
false pi douses In Ohio, H claims
to bo a German "count."
An oxpcditlon In being equipped in
Seattlo for the purpose of hunting oil
in Alaska. There Is a million dollars
in capital back of tho company.
Lewis Lawly. of Tho Dalles a vet
eran of the Yakima Indian war, is tho I
llrst man to recolvo a ponslou under
tho Indian veterans' act of June. '
David Triukletoii. of tho steamer ,
Dashing Wave, was gored by n wild
hull near Tacoma, Friday, His In
juries nro very serious nud may
lirovo fntal.
No eluo to tho murdorer of LIzzlo
Itoy, tho aged colored woman of
Oakland, lms yet been found, Mrs.
Annie Boss, who witnessed tho kill
ing has furnished tho pollco with
Startling Evidence.
Fresh testimony in groat quantity
Is constantly coming In, declaring
Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds, to be
unequaled. A recent expression from
T. J. McFnrland, BontorvIIlo, Vn.,
serves as example. Ho writes: "I had
bronchitis for three years and doc
tored all tho time without being
benefited. Then I began taking Dr.
King's Now Discover', nnd a few bot
tles wholly cured mo." Equally ef
fective In curing nil lung and throat
troubles, consumption, pneumonia
and grip. Guaranteed by Tallmnn &
Co., druggists. Trial bottles free,
regular size, GOc nnd $1.
Says Result In First Connrresional
District Is Satisfactory.
Captain White has been at Union
In attendance on the circuit court
since tho close of tho campaign in
tho first congressional district, says
tho Baker City Herald. For two or
three days there will bo no criminal
cases tried at Union, but noxt Wed
nesday the trial of tho Grays for tho
murdor of Halgrath nt Elgin will
como up. Captain White will return
lo Union Tuesday to prosocuto that
On tho whole, Captain Wlilto Is
very much pleased with tho into at
tho recent special oloctloi., the usual
largo republican majority hnvlng
been greatly reduced.
"Anyhow, wo made n showing,"
said the democratic war horso, "and
that Is something that tho democrats
in that distrlnt have not done before
lor a long tlmo."
Stock Farm for Sale.
The Oglo stock farm, consisting of
:wnn acres, about 200 head of cattle,
"lonty of water, grass and timber.
Kango has never been slieoped off.
All under fence. Will grow all hay re
quired. Call on or wrlto to Bcntloy
& Ilartman, Pendleton, Orogon.
Sick Headache absolutely and iter-
manently cured by using Mokl Tea.
, A pleasant herb drink. Curos Constl-
patlon and Indigestion, makes you
mlnuto descriptions of tho nssallant. 1 e.at slel. work and happy. Satisfac-
Mm llnnrv ClT.nnnnr nt Vnnmi. , h'""-wu muiiuy UUUB. iu
vcr, li. C, shot nud fatally injured
Fred M. Poor, n wealthy minor of
cts nnd B0 cts. Wrlto to W. II. Hook
er & Co.. Buffalo. N. Y.. for a freo
B ltfe Prhiav. ' Pnnr wns In hn nt ? W0' W' Schmidt & Co.. drug-
' - " -- w mota
Kllllnc O'Connor, husband of the wn.
man, when she shot him to savo her1
uusband's II to,
North Yakima will ask Carnegie
for n donntlon for n public library.
Citizen Undergoes an Operation for
Appendicitis Alfalfa Backward on
Mccount of Protracted Cold Weather
Correspondent Refers to Sale of
Thirty-Four Combined Harvesters
In This County This Spring.
Tntullln, Juno 4. H. II. Hoops Is
treating his farm buldlngs to a now
coat of paint.
Daniel Doherty Is building a now
G. O. Miller and Tom Lonorgnn
paid a visit to Gllllland on Friday.
Tony Larson Is taking the theolog
ical course at the McKny Creole Sun
day school.
Chris Nelson paid a visit to Ln
Grande Thursday.
John Mulr and Dos Turnor, who
have Borne summer fallow to plow
yet, report plowing getting a little
David Gentry lias returned from
Walla Walla, whore ho has under
gone an operation for appendicitis at
the now Walla Walla hospital.
John Grivotte, hotter known ns
Frenchy. Is ovor from Cold Spring to
day, where ho has Just added to his
real estate holdings by purchasing
400 acres of land. John is a firm be
liever in Cold Spring as sized up
along side of nny section of country
on earth.
A. B. Cooloy has Just returned from
a trip to Grande Rondo. That section
of tho country has a vory late harvest
in prospect, much grain just begin
ning to show nicely through tho
D. C. Brownell was up from Butter
Creek Sunday. Alfalfa haying would
begin there last Monday. Alfalfa in
common with every other crop shows
tho effect of much cold weather and
the first cutting will bo a light one.
A. B. McCarty, recently returned
from a trip to Portland and tho west
ern section of the state. That part
of the state looks good tills tlmo of
year and he may return for a longer
stay in tho near future. A. B. has
become a grandfather for the llrst
tlmo in his life, recently, but wears
his now honors meekly.
Thomas Robertson Is Just In from
Cnmas Prairie, whore ho has been
sampling the maendamized roads of
the mountain section of tho count)',
circulating around in the Interest of
the Umntilla Implement Company.
who find a profitable market for mow
ers, rakes and other mnchlnory up
Tho various harvester companies
doing business In this county havo
taken orders already for .14 harvest
ers this season, which will make ovor
100 of these machines in uso in tho
ounty. This does not seem to bear
out tho tendency in certnin quarters
o look upon fnrmlng as the slowest
of tho trades or professions, for while
tlio learned profession of law can do
no better than turn back tho book of
time 100 years or so, and appeal to
Ulackstono for theories that so surely
causes that tired feeling to steal over
the average Judge, and the equally
learned profession of mcdicino still
buries Its patients regularly and con
sistently under tho rules nnd doc
trines of Aesculapius, farming, the
most progresslvo profession on earth,
lias gont ahead by gradual stages
from tho grain crndlo or scythe with
which a man could cut live ncres a
day, or tho walking plow, with which
he could plow two ncros, of 2G years
ago, to tho steam hnrvester or plow
of tho present day, which' wilt harvest
or plow 60 acres a day. That cheer
ful optimist who wroto, "Whatever Is
Is best," probably never owned n
wheat crop ovor which cold dry winds
had blown for three months straight,
Greates European Authority on Skin
Diseases Says It's a Germ.
The old Idea was that dandruff is
scales of skin thrown off, through n
feverish condition of tho scalp is ex
ploded. Prof. Unna, Hamburg, Ger
many, European authority of skin dis
eases says dandruff Is a germ disease.
The germ burrows under tho scalp,
throwing up little scales of cuticle,
and sapping tho vitality of tho lrnlr at
the root. Tho only hair preparation
that kills dandruff germs is Ncwbro s
Horplclde. "Destroy the cause, yuu
romnvp the effect." Not only cures
dandruff, but. slot)!! tolling hair nnd
causes a luxuriant growth. Delightful
Unit itrraealnp- Sold bv lending drug
gists. Send 10 c in stamps lor sample
t, The tTnrnlcldc Co.. Detroit, Mich.
Sold by F. W. Schmidt & Co.
Rest and Health.
When tho hot days of summer
make you think of the cool and
shade of the mountains, there Is no
more onjoynblo placo to spend a va
cation than Lehman Springs, where
the present manager, Mr. C. II. Dut
ton, has spared no pains and oxponso
for tho convenience nnd comfort of
the guests. Tho grounds are admira
bly situated and the largo hotel is
modern and up-to-dnto In every re
spect. There aro 25 cottages con
veniently situated ln the cool shade
of tho grove and camping facilities
are ample and convenient. 'J'liono
connections with all points. Tho
water of Lehman Springs is not
equaled any whero for Its medicinal
properties ami has proven in every
case a positive and lasting cure for
rheumatism. For further particn
lors address C. It. Dutton, iAilimnn
Springs, Or.
How's This?
Wo olTor Ono Iliiiulml Hollars reword
fur unv c.thi of cntnrrli that can not be
cured or IlnUs Cntnrrli Cure.
p. ,i. cm:xi:y & en.. Tniei. o
We. the umlersluiieil, have known V, J.
Cheney fur the Inst in yenis, nnd InMleve
him perfectly honorable In nil biwluess
triuiNnctlonH uml llmiiicl.illy nble to curry
nut nny ohllgntlnna made by their firm,
Vi:ST & TltUAX, Wholesale DnifiRlsts,
joieuo, ii.
xnle IlniUKlxlH. Toledo, ).
Hull's Cntnrrli Cure In Ink Internally
nctlnc directly noon tho hlooil nud mucous
siirfiiceH of the Hyuteni. TCHtlmonlnlx sent
free. Trice "fie per bottle. Sold by nil
IlnllV Family I'IIIk are the boil.
For Sale,
Three-quarter sections of good
wheat land, of which one-half Is in
grain, and nil lies five miles north
east of tho city. A dwelling, two
barns and other outbuildings, nnd a
good water system. Call at Oliver
& Co.'s grocery, or at tho home of u.
W. RIgby, 704 Thompson street.
Acker's Blood Ellxltvpusltively cures
chronic Blood Poisoning nnd all Scrof
ulas affections. At nil times a match
less system tonic nnd purifier. Money
refunded It you nro dissatisfied Fif
ty cents nnd $1.00. F. W. Schmidt &
Co., druggists.
An Education
Without Strain
upon the family purse. There
is a way for the father of the
family to prepare for the edu
cation of the children, and at
the same time protect the
family in. the event of his death.
Our books, "Five Per Cent.
Twenty-Year Gold Bonds,"and
"A Banker's Will," sent on
request, contain information
that may be helpful and will
certainly be interesting to any
ThU Company rank!
ir In Assets.
Airrt-In Amount PId r-olicy.holdcrs.
fnl in Age.
The Mutual Life Insurance
Company of New York,
Kicuard A. McCukuv, President.
Alma D. Katz, manager, Boise, Idaho,
Frank L. Hammond, District Manager,
Pendleton, Oregon,
A Cool Place
Is Robiaon's Amusement Par
lors, under the W, & C. Depot.
Just the place to while
away leisure time. First
class bowling alley; splen
did pool and billard ta
bles; up to-date shooting
gallery, Temperence re
freshments and cigars.
Free Musical Entertainment
Every Evening
Its the cause of more discomfort than
any other ailment. If you eat the
things that you want and that are
good for you, you nre distressed. Ack
er's Dyspepsia Tablets will make
your digestion perfect and prevent
Dyspepsia and Its attendant disagree
able symptoms. You can safely eat
anything, at nny time, If you take one
of theso tablets afterward. Sold by
all druggists under a positive guar
antee. 25 cts. Monoy refunded If
you are not satisfied. Send to us lor
a freo sample. W. II. Hooker & Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
The Parrot Talks
"I'm neither too big nor too
little I'm just right, My
quality is admirable. I'm
calm and unrullled even when
I'm burning up."
" Jast Try a
5 cents
At Yoar Dealer's
Sole distributors
Portland, Or.
Couil work tells We nro kept busy these
djs fixing outof-whnck wagon, carriages etc.
Oooil teutons ue know how to do the trick
nnd do It ; we have the rlRlit materials Rood
Iron, paint and varnish and use them. Tlion,
too, we are prompt In executing repair ordors.
May we have yours? Wo have the celebrated
Winona nagrou with steol clad hubs and autcr
leaving blocks. Tho only wagon that Hands
hot dry climate Top buggies trom $.'jO up
second hand riirs too. Our stock Includes
Caroline Knglnes, Irrigating Pumps and Itcs
sell Tereshers and Knglnes. Call nnd examine
our stock.
Bargains in
Real Estate
I have a larger and bolter
list of Farms, Stock Ranches
and City Property to sell
than ever bofore. Also a big
lot of land in the coming
wheat section of Eastern
N. Berkeley
The genuine, the bicycle
which is the undisputed
leader, is handled in Pen
dleton only by us. Come
in and see the Racycle.
Is an especial feature of our
store. We realize our re
sponsibility and are very
particular in every detail,
using only the best and
purest drugs. It matters
not what physician writes
your prescriptions they will
be compounded by a com
petent, reliable pharmacist
when presented here and at
prices that are always reasonable.
F. W. Schmidt's
The Reliable Druggist
rostoffice Block. Phone Main Bsi
The CoW
Newly Fprnj'
T7 V o
By the Fire Insura J
.we represent.!
umyanies, stand first
Hartford Fire Insurance t
London & Lancashire ri
uoutauuo Aj. , , j
North British & Henuie
w. ,.
Royal Insurance Co!, '
Country Butter. . 30c tod
creamery cutter,...
We've added a new delivery
to our equipment and deliJ
to all parts of the city ml
the moment promised.
The Big Store in a
Alta Street, Opposite M
We can supply you win
Building Material ol a
and Sill
you money
Building paper H
cement, brick and J
Wnnrl PlltterS for twl
and dwellings a special
Oregon Lumber
Alta St.,Opp.Cocr
Minneapolis, Chicago and M j
Grain and Stock
v. H.-H tou usve " '.m
account Uh J?cil
..iln.1 It in I1!T 01 OO"" I
Stocks, Bonds and m
We charge no lnter W "
$2 a Share on om
ltcfarcncei: .."tf eiewSl
PrlTte wires to lll nIB&iJ
laillnir lowns ol w "ndittsl
offices, Bank ol Comment -
US. Minn. -
120 COUBT"'"
Farmers CustojM
Capacity 160 brKj
jrjour, BUi i'-i -always
om nana. (