East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 06, 1903, Image 1

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15C A
1 Hirov i Vv)VVLV3y3vv(y
sin .L -aiiMMLflBLiVSP '! tonight ana Sunday; f
y "" W IBBB I fciSSSSSSSMMBi warmer with hoi winds. J
. wfMtwwminn)mm
rill? DAY, JUNE G, 1903.
NO. 470!).
Ltedby the Most Wide-
tod and Destructive
I in Many Years.
, District With 10,000 Pco
i under Water The Flood
Uhed Such a Height That
L Can Be Done Distressing
I tf Affairs at Topeka and
k City.
June C Tho Sny levee
k below this city nt 10:30
tar The Sny is tno most
fet levee on the north end of
bi Incloses a fcrtiio tarming
irom three to seven miles
Bttatolng over luo.uuo acres.
Ire several towns wumn me
the population of which is
r 10.000. Many of tnem re-
d loss of lite Is certain. This
111! not been overflowed since
I) the damago will be very
liver Many Miles Wide.
Louis, June C The river thi6
; attained the stage of 33.5
rise ot 1.4 feet during tho past
The crest of the flood
t expected by Sunday, may he
I ltd may go even higher, as
Irs north and west still pour
I Quota of water.
i and South St. Louis the
lieveral miles wide.
I Catastrophe at St. Louis,
11!, June 6. Thousands are
s today. The river is now at
sot mark, showing moro than
N since daylight. It is now
I tilt East St. Louis cannot
i Hood much worse than that
Uily yards lust north nf
f Mage are now entirely sub-
w iramc IS entirely susnend.
o me vanaaila line. The
' 01 East St. I.oiiIr miiRt-
aided today.
I abandoned houses in Happy
p't eea swept away. The
p"je so tar is assessed at Jl,-
' ujC runways alone.
' Falling at Kancas City.
3 Cltr. June It Tho -i,,n. i
I JOwer. An ImmnnoA fnr... f
Ideulcg the west bottoms to
p-Nine Drowned at ToDcka
aan, June C Although
la assigned, the river has
a SUICB mlrlnl,rt,t t
Ik.. C '".. more
ta been lound up to noon
,r Known llst of ead
Retail Butchers' Association Goes on
?r"an?- June 6-At a meeting
held Wednesday night the Retail
Butchers' Association after discuss
ing tho question of a city moat In
spection, which has been agitated to
a considerable extent lately, voted
unanimously in favor of a city inspec
tion ordinance and named a commit
tee to wait upon tho cltv council nt,
urge the passage of such a measure.
The charges made by Stato Health
Officer Dr. Woods Hutchinson that
dlsoasod and putrid meat is being
generally sold In Portland came in for
general denial and condemnation. The
members of tho association believe
that Dr. Hutchinson has done them
n willful injustice- in his sweeping
charges, and they Insist that they are
willing, and in fact, doslro a rigid
inspection. They declare that it would
he to tho ndvantngo of iaelr business
if tho public had a guaranty against
objectionable meats, which they ad
mit are sold in a few quarters of tho
r Hla Recent Illness Wer
i Jane 6.
'seized mT u uury,
wed with a severe chill,
tf great wenknn ;
wortahlo 7,i lu uu mucn
, IS? ..my- He is rest-
. -u reruiipmlln , .i.-
country i0m(!i Hatflold
' 8auahter nf
lliln d... . ' "s I" "US-
- rvuna AVri-.,l
V 6.-A J.
"Hay ,.. "'i'aln recoiv
Alaska Miner Attempts to Smuggle
Partner Aboard Steamer In a Sack.
Seattle, June C Tho rush of travel
from Seattle 'to Alaska during the
last few days has developed the usual
keen interest on tho part of mnnv
penniless men to got to tho promised
land. One of the most remarkable
yet unearthed, occurred yesterday
when the steamer Ohio was preparing
to pull out from Seattle. A big
Swede went over the gang plank car
rying a gunny sack, which, upon in
vestigation, proved to contain a man.
tuo swede Had attempted to stow
away his partner. He was discovered
just as the vessel was about to leave
and the stowaway was nut ashore.
Tho Swede sailed without his sack
of human freight.
More Than Fifty Lives Were Lost in the Awful Rush of!
Great Destruction of Property of All Kinds' Several Large Cotton Manu
facturing Mills Washed Away Scene of Desolation and Death.
Principal Subjects for Discussion Are
Prosecution of the Postal Frauds
and the Government's Attitude To.
ward Russia.
Washington, Juno C. The special
cabinet meeting called by the presi
dent for tho purpose of discussing
matters developed dunnr his absence
began at 11 thi3 morning with Sir.
Shaw the only absentee.
It Is expected that much time will
bo devoted to the postofllce scandals
and the government situation to'vard
Russia with reference to the Kishi
noff horror.
It is known that the nresldent's at-
tltudo toward the postofllce question
has always been that of uncompro
mising friendliness toward the prosecution.
His own position and that of the
cabinet on tho Kishlneff massacre Is
unknown and wholly problematical.
Will Visit America.
Rome. Juno G. Dowager Queen
Murguerita has written to friends
says that she intends to visit Amer
ica the coming autumn.
Two Men Killed in Nebraska.
Genoa. Neb.. Juno C. A Union Pa
cific freight rounded a curve north
of hero this morning and struck a
handcar, killing two and injuring one.
Augusta, Ga., June C ReportB have
reached hero from Pacolet, S. C,
that mill No. 1, of tho Pacolet com
pany, hs been completely washed
away by a cloudburst.
Tho Pacolet river has overflowed
Its banks and mill No. 2 is in great
danger. Many miles of lowland are
flooded and great general damago has
resulted. Reports ore in conflict as
to whether there has been loss of life
or not.
Later reports are that mill No. 2,
belonging to the Pacolet company.
has been swept away, with another,
Tho most loss of life Is In tho Clifton
district. All tho rivers in tho west
ern portion of South Carolina aro on
the rampage.
Railroad bridges aro washed away
and wires down. Sixty feet of water
is in in the Pacolet river, which usu
ally Is a small stream, barely large
enough to turn tho mill wheels.
Property loss Is nlrendy a million
dollars. Two thousand bales of man-
manured goods were washed nwny
when the mills were destroyed. Tho
Western union reports It has lost
pinctlcally all Its wires nnd poles in
Ihado "Shooter" Maintains Orlm
Silence About His Crime.
llolse, Juno C H. M. St. Cyr, who
shot nnd killed A. Emmons nt Pa
yette l.ako Wednesday, was brought
to this city Ktldny afternoon by Sher
iff McDevitt en routo to Idaho City,
and was placed In jail until morning
when tho sheriff will tako him on tho
stage to that place When soon nt
tho jail after his arrival ho declined
to liavo anything to say.
After tho shooting ho went to tho
Meadows and gave himself up to tho
deputy sheriff who took him to Coun
cil nnd delivered him to Sheriff Ad
ams of Washington county, who took
him to Welsor. The ofllcerB say ho
was cheerful on tho way nnd mado
no attempt to escape, but would hnvo
nothing whatever to say about tho
crlmo ho had committed, although ho
would talk freely on other subjects.
Tho complaint under which ho wns
arrested charges him with murder
nnd was sworn to by Attorney Fish
er uf Bolso county, before Probate
Judgo Clay. Tho district court or
that county has adjourned nnd his
trial will not be held until next October.
One Butcher Violated Union
Rules and Caused All the
fnrther down tho river supposed to the vicinity of Spartansburg. Tele
bo gone. A fourth is known to be in
A church, hotel and livery stablo
at Pacolet have also been destroyed.
General floods and destruction sim
ilar to those In Kansas aro presaged
by the general atmospheric condi
tions. Repeating the Kansas Horror.
Still later reports say 33 persons
were drowned at Spartansburg. Clif
ton mill No. 4 was washed away in
addition to two of the Pacolet mills.
communication Is Intermit.
Over Fifty Lives Lost.
Columbia, S. C., Juno C. Reports
received hero from Spartansburg say
tho loss of llfo will probably exceed
B0. Tho greatest number wns at tho
Clifton mills, above tho Pacolet mills.
A hotel nnd a number of residences
were washed away in the wntcr which
came out of the mountains like glnut
mill races. Tho mills are largely
owned by Now England capitalists.
Sales Yet Made Quality Is Ex
Baker City, June C Now that tho
shearing of sheep Is well under way
in all parts of the country, tho ware
houses in Baker City are rapidly be
ing filled with fine fleeces. It is said
by those who are good judges that
this season's clip in Baker county sur
passes in quality any wool produced
here in a long tlmo paBt. The poor
pasturage and long winter which af
fected tho sheep considerably did not
deteriorate the quality of wool and
the Increased number of sheep will
make the output this year about as
largo as it was last season. This es
timate is given by experienced and
posted sheep and wool men and It If
believed that it will bo found about
Murphy & Stuchell Ford Co., al
ready have on store about 125,000
pounds of wool. S. A. Herlner re
uorts that but little of his-wool has
yet come In but that ho expects to
handle about as large a quantity as
ho usually does. Last year ho ship
ped something llko 0,000,000 pounds.
trices of wool here may no sam to
he firm, although no sales of any con
Kemience have been made yet. Grow
ers and commission men are holding
off for tho expected rise in the mar-
Said to Have Been Affected Particu
larly by the Klshenlff Massacres.
St. Petersburg, June C. Her Im
perial majesty, tho Kmpress of Rus
sia, celebrated her 31st birthday
today. Handsomo gifts and mesnges
of congratulation wero received from
her English relatives and from tho
various other courts of Europe. Many
rumors to tho contrary notwithstand
ing, it is semi-olticlnlly stated that
her majesty Is enjoying good health.
Much uneasiness Is felt, however,
over tho condition of the czar, whoso
depression of spirits has lately been
accentuated by tho Kishlneff disturb
ances. His ailment, as Is well known,
is more of the mind than of the body
and little hope is held out of any
marked Improvement In his condition.
Regulation French Duel.
Paris, June 0. Duptios Berteaux
and Guot de Nuvo fought a duel with
swords at Noviliy this morning. The
latter was wounded In the lorearm.
i kh ..." .massacre of
I IVj- ' ."".Cicn nt Tllnl,.
"em. '-"" wero promt
"is, J
lfe i- ,s acused of
viuor, who rr,11.l
?'iieL.e.moh refused
I baur'"' "ours, during
" seemed mmf.
Guarded i... c-.
Militia. ' 'ale
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commls
slon Company R. L. Boulter, Local
Manager, 120 Court Street.
Minneapolis, Juno G. Wheat In
sympathy with somewhat weak cables
and Improved weather conditions.
tho market opened a fraction lower,
Receipts show a slight falling off from
the corresponding time last year.
Cash demand continues good with a
sharp demand for good milling wheat
We beliove these slight recessions
should be taken advantage of to ac
cumulate a lino of wheat on which
we believe will pay handsome profits
to the patient holder.
Chicago, June G.
July 7C
Sept 73Vs
July 3C
Minneapolis, Juno 6.
Opening. Close.
July 78 78
Sopt 7J 71
Postponement of New Regime In the
Philippines Until Fall.
Washington, June C. Word has
been received from Commissioner
Taft that the new monetary system
for tho Philippines, which It was ex
pected would be established July 4,
will not be inaugurated until Septem
ber 1, owing to tho many complex de
tails to be decidedj-
Mount Pelee In Eruption Again, With
Usual Phenomena.
Paris, June G. The colonial office
today received a dispatch from the
governor of Martinique that l'oloo Is
again In eruption. A denso cloud of
smoke and ashes roaches far out to
Tember Locaters Skip.
The Hallos. .Tmio fi. Infnrnintlnn
wns this morning (lied In tue circuit i
court charging Joseph Sholn, Issue
Peterson, Louis Peterson nnd Otto
Easllund with theft of n hnck nnd
tos.6). It seams that these men hired
nii"itllt from Ward k Robertson's
stnblo on May 19. for tho pnrposo of
going out Into tho Prinovlllo country
nnd looking t timber land. Fulling
to get their property back or to henr
from tho men, Ward & Robertson tel
ephoned nnd had tho matter looked
up nnd found they hnd abandoned tho
team at Prinovlllo, three of them go
ing to Portland nnd one to Southorn
Oregon. Officers think they havo
thorn locnted.
deneral Situation There Is Very
Strained, as the Packing Houses
Have Combined and Declare Their
Purpose Is to Retaliate Restau
rant and Hotel Employes and Driv
ers' Union Are All Involved.
Nine persons Killed at Stllwell, In
cluding Two Tramps Six Others
Are More or Less Seriously Injured.
Us Angeles, Juno G. Thu strlko of
GO butchers at thu Mnier Packing
Company's plant In spreading
throughout thu unions of tho city,
though action Is not concerted. Hund
reds of restaurant, hotel iilul moat
market employes hnvo gone out,
Tho drivers at tho packing house
have gone out, rofuslug to carry non
union meat. Tho cutters In all tho
letnll shops havo followed suit. Tho
cooks and waiters mot last night and
decided to do tho sumo as an or
ganization of tho proprietors get meat
Irom Mnlur.
Tho otiicr packing Iioubcs havo
Joined Mnlur and this morning lssuod
an edict that If tho retailors refuse
to tako their product they will bo
boycotted by all tho plants.
Ono butcher who vlolnted union
rules, cntised all tho troublo, and
Malar refused to discharge him.
Pope Leo Has Inflammation of
London, Juno G, Tho Central News
bureau announces tho cause of tho
pope's Illness to bo Inflammation of
tho bowels. Tho ailment Itself was
not particularly severe, but his ad
vanced ago and general weakness
make his condition critical.
Situation Grave In Maine.
Bangor, Mo., Juno C. Reports this
morning show no diminution in the
gravity of the forest fires situation.
The most serious comes from the vi
cinity of Caribou, where many lum
ber camps nnd lumber mills were destroyed.
Great Heat at San Francisco.
San Francisco, Juno G. Tho ther
mometer at noon today registered 90
and still climbing. Tho hot weather
will continue tomorrow, according to
local scientists and observers.
Hungarian Town Burned.
Vienna, June 6. Tho town of Hel
ling, Hungary, was totally destroyed
by flro today. Seven people
burned to death.
Kansas City, Mo.. Juno C, Tho fol
lowing Is a revised list of tho persons
killed In tho Santa Fo train wreck
at Stllwell, Kun.; Link Day, Los An
geles; William Nowmlller, l'lalnflold.
N. J.; Dan Monyhun, l'rescott, Ariz.;
E. H. Ward, Nowcnstlo Pn.; C. A.
Kenlskern, Monutt. Mo.; Carlos ' M.
Tarpardo. Porto Rico, a student at
nnnsas University, Lawronco, Knn.;
Frank Johnston, conductor ot Pull
man car; unknown man, apparently
a laborer; unknown man about 25
years of ago.
Tho most seriously Injured, six In
number, of whom two or three will
die, wero taken to tho Missouri Pa
cific hospital ot Knr.M'.s City Those
most seriously Injured aro Baggage
man uwen I'ntchon. William Woods.
of Mount Forest. Intl., and A, L. Sel
lers, of North Manchester, Ind.
Tho trains Hint collided woro tho
third section of No. 4 northbound
form California to Chicago, and No,
l, southbound, tho California limited
Each train consisted of nlno cars.
Tho baggugo car and tho smoker of
each train wero completely demolish
Thu Pullman nnd tho chair cars
kept tho track. Tho kwed, with tho
exception of two tramps on tho bumn.
ers of a baggago car, were occupants
of a chnlr car on tho southbound
Chicago, June G. At noon tho em
ployes of 300 department stores and
restaurants walked out and marched
to the Eldloweiss, one of tho largest
restaurants, where a hundred more
doffed their Jackets, leaving the
guests unserved. Ninety more at
Borkey & Milan's across the street,
Joined. All marched to tno umcago
Athletic Club, whore tho millionaire
members barricaded the windows and
Tho strlkors then formed a human
ladder, boosting a business agent to
a flro escape ot) an adjoining build
ing. Ho went to the top of tho sixth
story and swung across the area way,
caught the Athletic Club's flro escape,
then mounted to the eighth floor and
was there confronted by a crowd of
non-unionists. He blew a whistle and
was assisted by union waiters, and
tho combination was victorious. The
unionists then went down the firo
escape. The business agent then went
Inside the club to call out the bar
tenders. The club members knocked
him down and held him until a police
man arrived.
Dayton Won From Walla Walla and
Pendleton From Colfax Yesterday
Yesterday afternoon tho Dayton
team took an easy victory from
Walla Walla on tho Dayton diamond,
find although thero was some good
piaying tno score stood 11 to 7,
Wej.Q I rciiwiswn win uin
Colfax mado onu scoro on a I'endlo
ton error yestorday afternoon, whllo
tno nomo boys piled up 11 tallies on
me scoro nook.
Tho Pendleton boys making home
runs were Naglo, Ilrockhoff and
Drown. Colfax was literally mauled
to pieces three homo runs, threo
two baggem and tho others Just good,
hard singles.
More Hopeful In New York.
Olcns Falls. N. Y.. Juno C-Tho
general situation throughout tho Adi
rondack In relation to tho forest
fires Is Improved owing to tho nb
seneo of wind, but will be very criti
cal until heavy rains fall sufficient
lo quench all outsldo fires. Light
rains would only add to tho gravity
or tho situation by originating cur
rents of air through all the mountain
Physicians and Dentists Express Ap
preciation for Income From Ball
Tho members of tho medical and
dental professions of Peudloton, do
slro to mnko public acknowledgement
of their earnest appreciation of tho
magnificent manner In which our clt
IzeiiH turned out to witness tho awful
basuball combat oil Thursday after
noon. Tho substantial purso of gold thus
goucrously contributed to a deserv
ing causu Is flno testimony ot tho
good Impulses which swny thu hearts
of our pooplo.
Tho extraordinary modosty nnd
delicacy superinduced by tho pur
formnuco uf tho pocullnr functions ln
cldont to tho practice of medlclno and
dentistry, ami long characteristic ot
tho members ot lliosu professions,
prevents us from laying claim to
moro than ten-tenths of tho credit for
this hnndsomo demonstration,
Our thanks uro also duo to tho
youthful umpire whoso tact ami skill
ro often averted tho whnlcHUlo effu
sion of blood upon Hint fearful day.
Wo congrntuluto the iiicmborH of
I ho logal yrofosslon upon tho heroic
manner In which tlioy mi, defeat and
cheerfully acknowledge that their
Jaw muscles wero not tho only ones
which wu found developed,
W. O. COLE, M. I).
E. A. VAUdHAN, I). D. S.
11. S. OAUFIELI), M. I).
Affairs of it and Associate Orders In
Portland Next Week.
Tho Masons will havo a holiday
and a series of festivities during tho
coming week. On Monday tho grand
chapter Royal Arch Masons will meet
and on that same day tho Eastern
Star will meet.
On Tuesday evening tho Scottish
Rlto Masons will moot In tho new
cathedral and on Wednesday morn
ing at 10 o'clock tho grand lodgo will
Tho grand meeting of tho Bhrlnem
will occur on Saturday night.
From Pendleton E. J. Murphy and
T. Q, Ayrcs, of tho Illuo Lodgo, and
II. J. Bean from Chapter No. 23. aro
untitled to scuts at Portland,
ureal preparations havo boen mado
for tho weok In Portland and a very
enthusiastic and profitable week is
exported by thouu attending.
Grasshoppers at Pilot Rock.
Reports from Pilot Rock say that
grasshoppers havo boon very numer
ous In that locality for tho past 10
days. Instead ot passing on through
tho county tho number soems to be
Increasing and fears aro now folt that
tho Bocond croD of alfalfa will bo In
jured by thorn.