East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 05, 1903, Image 2

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    The Shield to Health
Belfast JJfoc$h
Linen . . .
Unexcelled for
Pit and
The now Austrian second-class bat
tleship Arpatl Ig the fastest vessel In
the world of her tye.
There are 110 towns In nussla In
which tho Jews are allowed to own
realty and enjoy the proceeds there
of. Action will soon be taken on n plan
to admit tho general government Into
membership in the Chicago Clearing
Tho governor of Kwang Si prov
ince, China, declares that over 1,000,
000 people within his jurisdiction nro
Actual buBlucss with tho great pro
ducers of structural and other dimen
sion Iron has been very dull for a
week or more past.
The Newark, N. J man with the
glanders, which he contracted from
a mulo. Is dead. He suffered greatly
for some time before his death.
A large number of miners are on
strike at Moroncl, Arl. Troublo is
feared, as some non-union men have
been put to work in their places.
In tho class of 160 men just grad
uated at Annapolis Naval Academy,
Fred M. Perkins, of Salem, stood 103
and rtalelgh E. Hughes, of Portland,
stood 149.
A wage scalo has been signed be
tween the oporators and operatives
of the sheet Hteel mills which insures
uninterrupted operation for a year of
all tho plants In the United States.
Tho general average of tho condi
tion and prospects of the cotton crop
Is 74.1 as compared with 95 last year
at this time. This Is the poorest
prospect for tho cotton cron in manv
years for this season.
There Is an effort being made by
private parties with semi-offlcial back
ing to oust Americans from tho oil
fields of Houmanla. American capi
tal is threatening to bo tho whole
thing there and moro too.
Action has been begun against "Tho
Christian Hospital," a Chicago Insti
tution, said to be in tho business of
soiling medical diplomas and "reputa
tions" for physicians on a fake basis
Frank McAndrows, of Seattle, was
fined $9D and costs Thursday, for
forcing a llttlo daughter to accompa
ny him on his visits to the tenderloin
Tho ltnwllus-Laudor stage was rob
bed by a lone highwayman Thursday
morning, but tho government money
for Boldlors' pay. hud passed over tho
route tho duy before and nothing of
value was secured.
A. II. .Mock, u son of J. 1). Muck,
who started from Grant's Puss to
Iowa two weeks agq, but failed to 1
reach his destination, Is following'
slowly along the lines of railroad I
traveled by his father, In search or1
cIowb of him. ,
Hotel Pendleton.
George H. Sutherland, Walla Walla
W. M. Park, Elgin.
.1. Davis, Now York.
James A. noborts, Portland.
Thomas Duncan. San Francisco.
Charles H. Dodd, Portland.
E. H. Uurke, Portland.
T. C. Taylor, city.
n. G. Merrill, St. Louis.
A. T. Eagan, St. Louis.
T, H, Ilogers. Spokane.
F. S. Grey, San Francisco.
h. Allcuhoff, Portland.
.1. F. Walker. Umbrla.
W. H. Horrell, Portland,
Will E. Rapson, San Francisco.
J. C. Llndsey, Portland.
Daniel Storey, Vnncouver.
Hattie Remington, Vancouver,
D. Shults, Spokane.
E. W. Brlgham. Uoston.
G. N. Miller, Seattle.
A. Nylander, Portland.
H. M. Meyers, Rochester,
R. II. Canton, Spokane.
A. G. Hawnrd, Portland.
.1. H. .Miller, Spokane.
.1. H. Kioeckner. Spokane.
J. M. Flnnerty. Portland.
John NIsscn. Portland.
Elmer E. Fife, Dolse.
James Kopeckey, Chicago.
D. G. Barges, Chicago.
Fannie M. Hunt, Fremont.
Fannlo M. Carver, NIckerson.
Mrs. Minnie Mead, Ilaker City.
W. J. Schmidt, city.
Golden Rule Hotel.
D. A. Glilianc, Portland.
R. II. Hryson, Portland,
F. Gibbons, The Dalles.
S. Lamme, Payette.
F. M. Weaver, Seattle.
Miss Nowcombo, lone.
Mrs. D. M. Radloy, Illggs.
J. McAnenry. city.
.Maude Elliott, Walla Walla.
Mrs. n. P. Doherty, Walla Walla
I-aura Doherty, Wnllu Walla.
S. D. Lackey, Spokane.
S. U. Lindsay, Spokane.
Ed Scott, Spokano.
Josh Clark, Spokane.
P, Vnlhoilu, Spokane.
0. Wlllnrd. Spokane.
Joe Connelly, city.
J. Robertson, city.
J. McKay, city.
W. S. Muckle. Denver,
A. Pefferell, Ontario.
J. V. Walker. Cloveland.
E. O. linker, Spokane.
Jessio Porter. Ontario.
Mrs. H. W. Vance, Chicago.
W, A. Vaughn, Spokane.
E. A. Patrick, Spokane.
W. J, PhlliK)t. Cripple Creek.
Tt'ssie McCall, Sumptor.
C. Duhmayo, Pontine
F. Herzor, city.
Mrs, Ilournc.
Mrs. R. I). Burrows, Roseliurg.
E. C, Burrows, Rosolmrg.
C. L. Burrows, Roseburg.
J. C. BurrowB. Roseburg.
Startling Evidence.
Fresh testimony in creat nimnlltv
Tho now corporation tn.N law of Or- Is constantly coming in, declaring
ogon goes into effect June 30, and on , Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
Thursday two corporations (lied their 1 sumption. Coughs and Colds, to bo
roport8 as rcuulrcd. Tho tlrst two , unonunled, A recont expression from
companies registered uru the Solum T. J. McFnrlund, Bentorvllle, Vn.,
Abstiact nnd Land Company, and serves as example. Ho writes: "I had
Brown & McCubo, stuveaores, or Port- bronchitis for three years and doc
laml. I toted nil tho time without bolng
William Kyle, of Vancouver. B. C, 'Jeintuil. Then I began taking Dr.
a bookkeeper for tho British Coluiu- s N"v Dlscovory, and a few hot
blu Transfer Company, committed ! les, wholly cured mo." Equally of
suicide Thnrsiluy. rather than sub-1 ectlvo Hiring all lung and throat
mil to arrest for embezzlement. He i tr,lul'lt-'S. consumption, pneumonia
had tuken poison uud was dead whon Brl''- Guaranteed by Tallman &
tho police icached his room, to take Co- '""iKgists. Trial bottles free,
him Into custody, i regular size, liOe nnd $1.
Tho coroner's Jury nt Missoula,: .torl, cr s.t.
Mont,, has decided that Paul Wagnltz, T,. n Jli1?, Vl't.,,
assessor of Mlssoulo, was murdored 3020 " s T,t $n hZTl??1
aWttl Vlierono I fStJSTS
water in the lungs, and he was dead ", "5 , VaTon or rib i'lt
when thrown in the river. ' P cuetoU
Thought to Have Unearthed Rich
Pockets on Head of Meacham Creek
Visited One Revlon for Eight Sum
mers Made no Acquaintances and
Told No Tales.
A romance of no little Interest Is
thought to be locked up In the actions
of an old prospector who regularly
visited the Blue mountains for seven
or eight summer 4 up till last t'-ason,
when he railed to put in an appear-ance.
Ho was a veteran prospector or tho
'49 typo, with grizzled board and
long hair and each season of the eight
years ho visited the region between
Kamcla and the summit of Mt. Emily,
which forms the western border of
Grando Hondo valley, he rodo tho
Bame grey mare, nnd led with him the
same heavily-laden pack mule.
He was a very rctlcont man and
talked to no one. He would appear
at Knmela about June 1, lay in a
large supply ot smoking tobacco and
baking powder, and would men disap
pear on the tlmbor trails as mysteri
ously ns he enme.
No one thought mucn or his visits
until C. T. Taylor, who was formerly
O. R. & N. agent at Kamela, learned
from tho old man that he was a pros
pector and that ho spent at least four
month each year In tho deep recesses
at tho headwaters of Meacham creek
and Dry creek that runs by Summer-
No one over thought of following
him to see whore he worked or what
he did during those three or four
months, ns mountaineers aro accus
tomed to this kind of transient men
and think nothing of their mysterious
Since lie has ceased to visit this
section, those who remember him very
well, nnd who hnve found some of
the evidences of his work in tho deep
canyons of the Blue mountains have
found out that he was a "pocket
hunter," and that he wbb so well re
warded for his summer s work that
ho quietly returned each year to pur
sue his search.
The discovery of coavsu gold in the
small streams that run down tho
sides ol Mt. Emily, has led old miners
to believe that this grizzled old vet
eran wns literally loading a pad;
mulo with coarse gold and nuggets,
from hidden "pockets" In that remote
His visits nro now recalled with
keen interest by old residents of Ka
mela. who wish now they had in
quired more thoioughly into his voca
At many places in the region he
prospeciod over Ills old camps, have
been found by hunters nnd tho deep
cut ditches and peculiar marks of an
expert "pocket hunter" have been
stumbled on to In the most inaccessi
ble canyons.
During the eight years ho prospect
ed In that region, the only real ac
quaintance ho formed was with C. T.
Taylor, who kept a small stock of
goods nt Kamela. Ho did not recoivo
a letter nt any time, nor write one
while in the mountains, so far tin Ik
known, and his whereabouts now are
absolutely unknown.
He Is thought to huvo been one or
that rare class of miners who make a
specialty ot hunting rich pockets,
and who study the topography of n
country with no other view than that
of locating pockets of gold. Whon
they strike It right, they strike it
rich, but often search for years
without making a single find.
Tho moat famous "pocket hunter"
or Eustern Oregon, is "Kanaka Sam,"
n Panama negro, who lives nt Spar
ta, In Baker county and who has un
covered some ot the richest pockets
or gold over found In the Inlnnd
He hns no system, no regularity.
He Just hunts, that's all.
Seventeen Carloads of Sheep Held by
A speclnl stock train consisting of
15 carloadB of shcop, loaded at Shan
Iko and billed to Omnha. passed over
tho 0. R. & N. last night.
Thoro would have been 32 cars In
this shipment, but upon arrival at the
oinni- vnniu tliR government Inspec
tor found part or them to be Infected
-m, tin. scab. In a light form and
held 17 cnrloads ror further tlevelo-
nients. These Infected slieop are nu
lng dipped today and will have to bo
held for 10 days before shipment.
It was thought by stockmen that
the scab had been completely stnmp
ed out In the Shanlko district and this
Instance conies as a surprise.
Rest and Health.
When tho hot days of summer
make you think of tho cool anil
shade ot the mountains, there is no
more enjoyable place to spend a va
cation than Lehman Springs, where
the present mnnngor, Mr. C. R. But
ton, hns spared no pains and oxponso
for the convenience and comfort or
the guests. Tho grounds nre admira
bly situated and the largo hotel Is
modern nnd up-to-dato in every re
spect. There nre 25 cottages con
veniently situated in the cool shade
or tho grove and camping facilities
are ample and convenient. 'Phono
connections with all points. The
water or Lehman Springs is not
equaled any whore for its medicinal
properties and has proven In every
case a positive and lasting cure for
rheumatism. For further particu
lars address C. R. Dutton, Ishman
Springs, Or.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That
Contain Mercury.
As mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell mul completely derange the whole
system when entering It through the mu
cous surfaces. Hucli nrtleles should never
be used except on prescriptions from rep
iltnble physicians, ns the ihimaRe they will
do Is ten fold to the good you can
possibly derive from them. Mull's Cutarrh
Cure, manufactured or I J. Cheney & Co,
Toledo, O.. contains no mercury, nnd Is
taken Internally actlne directly upon the
mooti anil mucous minaces or ine system.
In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you
get the genuine. It Is taken Internally
anil made In Toledo, Ohio, by V. J Cheney
& Co. Testimonials free.
Sold by drtiirKlats, price "i!e per bottle.
Hall's family Tills nre the best.
For Sale.
Three-quarter sections of good
wheat land, of which one-halt is in
grain, and all lies live miles north
east of the city. A dwelling, two
barns and other outbuildings, and a
good water system. Call at Oliver
& Co.'s grocery, or at the home of u.
W. Rlgby, 704 Thompson street.
Sick Headache absolutely and per
manently cured by using Mokl Tea.
A pleasant herb drink. Cures Consti
'patlon and Indigestion, makes you
eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfac
tion guaranteed or monoy back. 25
cts and 50 cts. Write to W. H. Hook
er & Co.. Buffalo, N. Y for a free
sample. F. W. Schmidt & Co., druggists.
Monopole, Rock Catidy,
Red Star and White Rose
in half gallons, gallons,
jackets and pails.
A Cool Place
Is Robison's Amusement Par
lors, under the W. & C. Depot.
Just the place to while
away leisure time. First
class bowling alley; splen
did pool and billard ta
bles; up to date shooting
gallery. Temperence re
freshments nnd cigars.
Free Musical Entertainment
Every Evening
is tho cauBe of more discomfort than
any other aliment. If you eat the
things that you want nnd that are
good for you, you are distressed. Ack
er's Dyspepsia Tablets will make
your digestion perfect nnd prevent
Dyspepsia and Its attendant disagree
able symptoms. You can safely eat
anything, nt any time, If you take one
of theso tablets afterward. Sold by
all druggists under a positive guar
antee. 25 cts. Money refunded If
you are not satisfied, Send to us for
a freo sample. W. H. Hooker & Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Standard Grocery
Court Street
Low Sellers of Groceries
Usually a 5 cent Cigar is
Commonplace, but the
Parrot Cigar
Assumes the Individuality
of a Poetic Thought
in Tobacco.
" Just Try a
5 cents
Asfr Your Dealer
Sole distributors
Portland, Or.
The Co
New'y Fumble
" conned
Center of B!
I? v o
By the Fire In
panies we represtlJ
tfrfA I
vj iu,
Hartford Firp Ini,.,
Alliance Assurance Co., !
London & Lancwhlre j
Insurance Co... i
Xorth British & Mtramti
Royal Insurance Co!.
Good work tells We lire kept busy these
day Pxlng out-ol-whack wnEron, carriages etc.
Good ifH&ous we know how to do the trick
and do It; we have the right inatarlals wood
Iron, palm uud Tarnish unit ue them. Then,
too, we nre prompt lu executing repttir ordori.
May we have fours? We havo thu celebrated
Winona wijoii with steel glad hubs and HUter.
leaving blocks, the only wagon thut stands
hot dry climate Top buggies from BO up
second baud rigs tou. Our stock Includes
Gasoline Engines. Irrigating Pumps and lies
sell Toreshirt and Engines. Call and examine
our stock.
Bargains in
Real Estate
I have a larger and better
list of Farms. Stock Ranches
and City Property to sell
than ever before. AIbo a bic
lot of land in the coming
wheat section of Eastern
N. Berkeley
The genuine, the bicycle
which is the undisputed
leader, is handled in Pen
dleton only by us. Come
in and see the Racyclc.
Wither 3 Coort
Is an especial feature of our
store. We realize our re
sponsibility and are very
particular in every detail,
using only the best and
purest drugs. It matters
not what physician writes
your prescriptions they will
be compounded by a com
petent, reliable pharmacist
when presented here and at
prices that are always reasonable.
F. W. Schmidt's
The Reliable Druggist
I'ostoftice lllocl:.
rhone Main 8ji
m) ni iTD pa
country tfutter. , joctol
creamery Butter....
We've added a new delivJ
to our equipment and ii
to all parts of the city will
the moment promised.
The Big Store In a
Alta Street, Opposite Sri
W Mti cimnlv'VOHl
Building Material oj
descriptions ano
you money
v ; llln rr naDtf
cement, brick and i
jt ,1 fvntfprc far
and dwellings a specu
Oregon L
Alta St..Opp.
Minneapolis, CUaf""
Grain and Stj
K. B.-HyouM ',
Stocks, Bonds a-d
We charre
latem' 1
MARGINS: lc jf J
q6 a ou- -
tM Ml
wiYnte wires to
Us, Minn.
Farmers Ci
- a nr.Wsrti'
l-rcu " U,M
Capacity Wj igg 2
jwyg ob tan