East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 05, 1903, Image 1

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    II- I
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Easkrn Oregon Weather j
Tonight nml Saturday fnlr;
t wnrmcr Saturday,
NO. 4702.
. 'nHmm,aiHlH"immmmmmmmmmmmm' B inum
...piT III
Concludes His
1(5' Journey ot
rf Official Business for the
kiitr of the Summer Makes
ral Season of Recreation for
jdsnt Possible The Family
end Some Weeks at Oyster
i s Tho nresidont
Eias the guest of the corres-
l special car. tub
b iiaicrousiy luiuimui.
Li presented the Keys to mo
toe train and was saluted
rj standing present arms
as, whom tho hosts referred
'm!iiiia The scats were
Ell red tape. Cameras were
kt nd fako banners in pro
file president was accom
Ij Senators Beveridge and
i, Secretary Wilson ana ins
seated he was handed in
flow to eat, to remind him
ir Mentions on the journey,
It San Francisco, where the
instructed him how to
Inj the entire meal he re-
Ike telegrams in a humorous
i prominent people over the
f rid, including King Edward
m, June 5. After an ab-
loier nine weeks, during
tele has traveled thousands
ud ilslted the most remote
tie tar West and Northwest.
I Roosevelt is duo to reacli
i capital at an early hour
lone the nrpcliUmt will
ftsshington upon his return
ine White House. Tho
o Is that he will not tarry
j urns offices, and that he
Blllj Will hfi InRtallnrl nt
per home in Oyster Bay,
u. pronawy by the first of
There Is nnfhlnn- n m-
to detain the president here
I ume, it is stated,
nceptlon of some rather
I'ppomtments, which may
cn of importance to hold
me hot months of
I" Canal Commission,
i lu1 10 be "kelr at
l! ed.:'m"u- J"? a.PPOlnt.
t'it .hi ? comni'ssion aro
b open to tho
'Banv Yp.iro i i
b-ii. r-w,u;"i. uas saia
N hivp in i. "It, . lU0
PU made before he
I lie Zt un- Tne set"
Mitr r,f .1. lu 18 not
r l a rnnol . .
Pie a in, ""mission
Cw8' l ffemblo
t, and th "everai
klC "h thc sanction
fct is scheduied to
(sea ow uI tn ' trlps
pi4 He " . senator
H to to n?110,15' of Chi
lireX C'eveland ne.t
IfeiL itt th festival nf
ItoCthnejtt day the
of th ? powmence-
Chort Tle w.
I V"C6 for Sevnral
tte 01 cabinet
C,,ta Present
" ""Ice and de-
elslon nt as early a date as is con
venient. Mrs. "Roosevelt is already making
preparations for tho summer sojourn
at Oyster Bay and will doubtless go
thero with tho family before July 1,
if the president is detained here The
children will all bo out of school a
week hence, and will want to get
away from Washington ns much as
their parents. Oyster Bay is a de
lightful place to them. With the pres
ident they hunt and fish and swim
and sail and enjoy their summer va
cations to the utmost.
Fate of the Largest Steamer In the
New York, Juno B. Efforts to float
tho giant steamship Deutschland,
which grounded in tho haze ot Ged
ney channel this evening, were made
today but failed. Another attempt
will bo made at high tldo this after
noon, Tho bow being imbedded in
soft mud, the ship is in no danger.
Commencement at Denlson.
Grangeville, O., June B. This quiet
college town Is already beginning to
fill up with frionds and alumni of Den
idon University, come to honor their
alma mater on the occasion ot the
annual commencement week. Thc
exercises of tho week will be ushered
in this evening with the senior reci
tal of tho Shepardson Conservatory
of Music. Tho coming week will be
filled with a varied round of ceremo
nies and plonsures, which will have
their consummation in the graduating
oxcrclses next Thursday morning.
Forest Fires of Northeastern
Regions Are Aggravated by
Pope's Condition Improving.
Homo, Juno 5. The condition ot
thc pope is today considered improv
ed ,as compared with yesterday,
though ho is extremely weak and
Trouble Arose Over Mining Property
Shooting Said to Be In Self-De-fense
"Hair Oil Pete" Weil-Known
Character in Oregon.
Boise, June 5. Word has jnst been
telephoned in from Council Valley,
that "Hair Oil Pete," whose real
name is H. M. St. Cyr, shot and in
stantly killed A. Bdmond, at the head
of Payett Lake Thursday morning.
Meager particulars say that a quar
rel arose over mining property and
that St. Cyr shot Edmond in self-defense,
the ball entering the right oye.
St. Cyr came to Meadows and gave
himself up and was taken to Weiser
by Deputy Sheriff Enoch Smith.
St. Cyr formerly lived in Boise
where ho followed the occupation of
mining engineer and promoter. Ho
has been connocted with tho Thunder
Mountain mining district since it
opened up and lately conducted a
Hotel at Lardo.
("Hair Oil Pete." ns he is familiar
ly called, run a locomotive on the O.
R. & N. out of La Grande from 18SS
to 1894, and while on a helper engine
between Pendleton and Kamela, lived
in this city.
Ho was known to bo handy with a
gun, an adventurous, eccentric char
acter, and ready for a fight, yet was
never aggressive nor quarrelsome.
He was tho hero of many exciting
adventures in the early days of the
O. It. & K. He saved a collision on
tho mountain by dashing down tho
road on a helper in the rear of a
freight train, stopping It before it
met a passenger train coming up tho
inn. The trains had a lap order ana
were only a mile apart when St. Cyr
overtook tho freight and warned
them of the mistaken order.)
Quotations Furnished by COe Commis
sion Company R, L. Boulter, Local
Manager, 120 Court Street.
Minneapolis, June 5. Wheat In
view of our advance of yesterday,
cables came rather weak, showing but
advance. Special cable from Ar
gentine reports weather too wet, in
terfering with movement of grain.
Cash demand continues good with for
eigners disposed to raise their bids
with the advance in market. More
rain is predicted for the Southwest.
Tho situation is a strong one and we
believe should be bought on all reces
sions from present values.
Chicago, June B.
Opening. Close.
July 75, 75
Sept 74 73
July mi 8M
July 35 3C
Minneapolis, June 5.
Opening. Close.
July ,., 78 78
Sept 72 V4 71,
New Jersey and Long Island Now
Have Timber Conflagrations and
Canada Also Fourteen Miles of a
Maine Railroad Have Been Destroy
ed Forty-Seven Days Without
Rain in New England.
New York, June 5. Forest fires aro
creating havoc on I-ong Island. The
woods on the south side, between
Amityville and Eastport, and In tho
vicinity of Central, Isllp and Brent
wood, to thc extent of several thous
and acres, have been destroyed.
Dense Smoke Around New York.
New York, June 5. The fog-like
haze caused by tho smoke from the
forest fires continues so denso that
navigation is difficult in the vicinity
of the city.
Favored by the "Winds.
Glen Falls, N. Y., Juno 5. Forest
fire conditions hero are slightly im
proved owing to the favorable direc
tion of the wind, assisting the firo
fighters. Several surrounding towns,
however, are still in imimnent danger.
Canadian Forest Fires.
Montreal, June 5. Reports from
various parts of the province state
that fires are still raging in almost
every direction where the country Is
wooded. The villages of Astor and
Forestdale have been completely
wiped out. Scores ot towns and vil
lages are in constant danger of de
struction. Only Rain Can Save Forests.
Burlington, Vt., June 5. At least
1000 men are lighting forests fires in
Vermont, yet thousands of acres of
valuable timber land havo been burn
ed over, and there Is little prospect
that tho fires can be checked until
rain shall lau. too most serious sit
uation Is on Worcester mountain,
near tho towns of Worcester and El
more. The fire there has burned over
Vinn nnpnc rtf hnnw Mmhpr lnnil.
valued at foO an acre, and is rapidly
spreading. The smoke in that locali
ty is so dense objects a block away
can not be seen.
Great Drouth In New England.
Boston, June 5, It is 47 days since
lain in any appreciable amount has
fallen. In this section, and during that
time tho losses from forest fires in
New England havo aggregated at least
Forest Fires In New Jersey.
Mount Holly, N. J., June C. Forest
fires aro burning along the Rldgeway
hranch of the Central Railroad of
New Jersey, between Lakohurst and
I.akewood. Tho flames are making
lapld progress, all attempts to ex
tinguish them having proved futile.
Fires Increasing In Maine.
Houltou. Me., June 5. The forest
fires in Aristook -county have destroy
ed 14 miles of tho Bangor & Aristook
railroad, and reports from various
sections indicate that two small set
tlements have heen destroyed, at
least 24 sets of farm buildings have
been burned, and tho fires, which had
almost abated last night, were In
creasing today before a brisk wind.
Desperate Situation In Maine.
Bangor, Me., June 5. The situation
in Northeastern Maine is terrible.
Hundreds of homes, thousands of
acres of timber, mills and factories
..a rri, in will reach
a million dollars. Bragville, a town
of 50 houses with an us biuicb,
wiped out. . . .
The residents of Shirley are sur
rounded and fighting for their lives.
r, .t. i in ihn nnmn situation.
UMoWUI IU in i" "v -
Thirty fine residences at Mapleton,
have burned ana uie rmiututo j-
HOIl III IWllwiui 7,7 1
Tho Inhabitants are fighting to save
the business section. i i
Cutter is doomed.
Vast Fires In Vermont,
c. Aii,a,, vt. Juno 5. The Essex
county forests are ablaze and hund
jeds are fighting fire between Barton
and Burke. The damage Is enormous.
Both Extremities of Uncle
Sam's Domains Are Subject
to Awful Storms.
Fifteen Hundred People Are Depend
ent Upon Charity as a Result of the
Gainesville Tornado Government
Is Issuing Rations and Medical Sup
plies The Philippines Are Swept
by the Atmospheric Convulsion.
Washington, Juno 6. General Chaf
fee, commanding tho department of
the east, thi3 morning forwarded to
the war department tho following
from Gainesville, Ga., sent by Lieu
tenant Kearn, ot the Sixteenth In
fantry: "Fifteen hundred peoplo hero nro
dependent on chnrlty. Two thousand
people were seriously injured by tho
cyclone, Havo requested 4,000 rn
tions and medical supplies from Fort
McPherson. No further relief will
be necessary.
Storm Swept Philippines.
London, j'uno r. Uoyd's Manila
correspondent wires that a terrific
hurrlcano has swept over tho Philip
pines, doing great damngo to ship
ping. The American steamship Porla do
Visayas was lost oft Camotos Par
tlelsaved. Tho Amorlcan steamer
San Rafael and tno schooner Mny
flower wcro sunk oft Ormoc. All hands
were saved.
The correspondent adds that a
United States transport was nmong
tho vessels reported wrecked. This,
however, cannot be confirmed.
Cremation of Dead Animals Is In Pro
gress. Topeka, Juno 5. Three more
bodies were found today. Dead ani
mals aro being burned In huge grates
made of railway iron. The river is
falling an Inch an hour.
Six Inches of Slime In Union Depot.
Kansas City, Mo., Juno 5. Tho
iTnf.m ilminf tu nnur frnn from writer.
hut has six inches of sllmo on tho
floors. Tho water works havo re
sumed their normal pumping capac
ity, but tne water is useless mr Buy
Ming but fire purposes.
St. Louis in Great Danger.
St. I.ouls, June 6. Tho water waB
four feet abovo tho danger mark at
noon. Ono foot more will compel the
abandonment of 25 railways nnd
cuuso great suffering In tho path,
where thousands reside.
Abandoning East St. Louis.
East St, Iuis, Juno 5, Tho city
Is being gradually abandoned. At
rticstrt.lnlnt tlin nttnnHnn In wnrsn. A
Burlington switch engine toppled over
Into the Iiooil mis morning, torryniK
five with it, but all escaped tho
engineer dovo up through the cab
Youngs and Carrlg.
Bradford, Pa., Juno 5. Considera
ble Interest is manifested in sporting
circles in tho meeting hero tonight
between Joo Youngs, tho Buffalo wel
terweight, and Jack Carrlg. of Bob
tun. Tho fiuht is scheduled for 10
rounds nt catch weights. Both men
havo been training raitmuiiy aim ap
pear to be In shape to put up a lively
Kansas Educator Dead.
Topeka, Kan., Juno 5. Dr. Peter
McVicor, founder and for 28 yearB
tho president of Washburn College,
died today, aged 70.
German Agriculturalists.
A special train, consisting of a bag
gage car, chair car and two Pullmans
hearing tho party of Gorman scion
tists, left at 7:20 this morning for
Walla Walla. Tho party arrived on
No, C at 6 o'clock and took, break
fast in tho city.
Trout Fishing Good,
Trout fishing on Meacham crock at
North Fork and Huron is now very
good. Railroad men report largo
crowds enjoying tho sport at many
places on the creek.
la Believed to Have Perpetrated Mur
der In California.
Seattle, Juno 5. Walker, colored,
ti-hn unn ni-watnil hpri! iV(l llnVR ncO
wli I In vlnlontlv Innnno Is hcltoveil to
be the negro who murdered Elizabeth
Lcroy at Oakland and burled her body
in tho back yard. Walker Is confined
in n straight Jacket in tho county
Inll nwaltlnir identification by tho
San Francisco police.
England's Premier Afflicted With a
Sudden Indisposition.
Ixnulon, Juno 5. Lord Salisbury
was seized with a sudden Illness Inst
night. An official bulletin from his
residence says ho has chills, but
shows signs ot improvement. Tho
Central News bureau Bays his condi
tion is so serious that his family hns
been telegraphed for.
Austrian Aeronaut Ascends Over
Four Miles.
Vienna, Juno 5. Dr, Vnllntln mado
a new world's record for high bal
loon ascension yesterday, reaching an
altitude of 22,000 feet In tho balloon
Unfortunate Ending of Life of a Ger.
man Prince.
Berlin, Juno C. Prince Mnximll
linn, head of tho German house of
lscmborg, was burned t death In his
cnHtlo at Wnchterbach today.
Very Hot in San Francisco.
San Francisco, Juno 5. Tho ther
mometer registered 92 degrees nt 1
o'clock with prospects of being hot
ter tomorrow.
His Prosecution Is the Inauguration
of the Long Sought Investigation
Into Alleged Postal Frauds.
Washington, Juno 5. Tho federal
grand Jury, after being in session 10
minutes this morning, concluded its
consideration of tho Machcn enso and
ngrecd to report findings In tho crimi
nal court nt 2 this afternoon. No
witnesses were examined this morn
ing. Tho government officials aro confi
dent an Indictment will bo returned,
and if so tho trial will bo next fall.
M adieu's defonso will bo that ho re
ceived no money from tho Groff broth
ers, but from another sourco hnvlng
no connection witli thnt firm.
Tho amounts In question are allog
ed to havo been paid out by ono of
ills associates In mining enterprises
in tho far West. Tho Investigations
of tho postofllco department aro now
turned In tho direction of rural free
delivery routes,
Jury Returned Indictment,
Washington, June 6. At 3 this
afternoon tho grand Jury returned nn
Indictment against Alachnu on tho
charge of brlbory, Machen appeared
in court at i, accompanied by his
lawyers and bondsmon, and was
plainly perturbed as ho waited tho
Jury a report. Ho protested Ills In
nocence to tho reporters present.
Indictments contain uluo counts,
each ot which specifies tho particular
amount of money und tho tlnio Mu
chen is alleged to havo received
bribes from Groff Bros, Tho total
amount is nearly J 19,000 received
under a collusive undorBtnndlng,
American Squadron at Kiel.
Berlin, Juno 5. It Is officially an
nounced Hint tho Amorlcan squudron
has arrived at Kiel. Tho kaiser starts
Wednesday for a six weeks' tour of
Will Be Sentenced Later Other
Court Matters.
Judge Ellis declared n recess in the
BlUlngs of tho court this morning,
after tho Jury in tho Weston caso had
reported and discharged tho term
Thero are no mora Important cases
on tho docket demanding a Jury trial,
and tho court Is in recess,
The Jury in tho Weston caso ro
IKirtcd this morning tho conviction of
tho defendant, and ho will bo sentenc
ed In a fow days, Tho caso was stub
bornly fought und tho result was
vt-ry uncertain, many predicting a
hung Jury; but tho ovldenco was plain
to tho eyes of tho Jurors and they
brought in a verdict as stated.
Tho other cases on tho docket re
quiring Jury trials aro Insignificant,
and ran bo continued without detri
ment. The court will hold sittings in
recess for tho settlement of civil
suits from tlmo to time.
Unexpected and Peculiar Com
plications Havo Broken Out
at Spokane.
In Chicago Guests Two Stylish Hos
tclrles Are Cooking Their Own
Meals Sympathetic Strikes
Threaten to Greatly Complicate an
Already Uncomfortable State of
Affairs . i
Chicago, Juno 6, Fourteen of tho
Inmost down town rostnurnnts aro
closed, with prospects of ulna moro
being tied up by tho waiters strlko
this afternoon.
Tho unions havo shut off tho ico
and mill; supplies nt places wlioro the
strike In In roico. They say unless
the guests leave they will rotuso to
supply coal nnd will cut oft gas anil
water. Two hundrud guests ot tho
Grand Pacific and 400 ot tho Chicago
Beach, two leading hotels, either
served their own breakfast after pro
paring them, or went elsewhere,
Tho hotel keepers und union com
mittee will confor nt 2 this afternoon.
Spokane Trouble Still Unsettled.
Spokono. Juno 5. Kvldonco brought
to light today roveals that tho Spo
kane Chamber of Commorce has been
assisting mill owners to proenro la
bor to tnko tho place of strikers by
advet Using In tho East for mon and
writing letters signed by tho secre
tary. The mill workers today decided to
call out all building trndes. Tho
unions will completely tlo up opera
tions unless tho mill owners come to
terms by Monday,
Graduating Exercises at State Nor
mal School at Weston.
Tho following Is tho general pro
gram for tho graduating exorclsos at
tho EaBtein Oregon Normal School at
Juno 7, 11 n, in. Baccalaureate ad
droHH, Rev. J, It. N. Bell.
Juno 8, 8 p. m. Musical recital.
Senior class oxorcUcs. Address, Rov.
M, H. Marvin.
Juno 10, S p. m. Exorcises Alumni
association. Annual address, "Tho
I'oriplo vs. tho Peoplo," ox-Prosldunt
M. (1. Royal.
To theso exercises tho Kdicrnl pub
lie Is cordially invited,
End of tho Sixteenth School Year of
This Estimable Institution.
The 10th annual closing exorclson
or St. Joseph's Academy will bo hold
at Kroner's opera house noxt Tuos
day night, Juno 0, beginning at 7:30.
The school year has been eminent'
ly successful and the Sisters of St.
Francis feel Justly proud of tho rec
ord modo. Tho attendance during tho
past year has boon satisfactory In
overy way, and tho progress mado by
tho scholars Is a matter of prldo to
parents and teachers.
Funeral at Meacham This Afternoon,
Conducted by Rev. Johnson.
Mrs. Mnrtha Edgorton died ut tho
family homo near Meacham yestorday
afternoon from a complication of dis
cuses, Mrs. Edgcrton was 32 years
old, and leaves behind her six small
Tho funeral was held this nfternooa
from tho rcsldonco, Ruv. I.ovi John
son, of tho Prosuytcrlnn mission, of.
Special Agent Here,
Nowton Ford, tho special agent of
tho Equltahlo Havings & Ian Asso
ciation of Portland, went to Wall
walla this mnrnlnic nftor a visit In
Pendleton, His company is ono or-
ganlzod by Porlianu captini ana m
rnnldlv rlslnir to nromlncneo amonff
Investment concerns.
To Chicago Tomorrow.
Miuu Tnaaln Hlimilienl fnr tho mat
vnnp nanlfltflnt nrlnrlnfll fit ttlO hiets
school, will leavo in tho morning for
her old homo in Chicago, wnero nun
will visit her parents and friends for
the summer.