East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 04, 1903, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight and Friday
warmer Krlilny.
it a
L Situation is Relieved,
t Great Distress is in the
lake of the Waters.
Louis is alarmed
Entire Families in Iowa Were
krti by Their Homes Collaps-
I After They Were Cooped Up
i djs Gigantic Task of Clean-
ti! Slime-Smeared Cities Will
i Begin.
Lais. June 4 -The Mississippi
I runtimes to rise a singe or
C being shown at 7 a. m. This
ie of U fret during the past
tx It Is expected tnat 32 feet
reached some time today. In
liitime people all along the
rat, both here ana in isasi bl
cJmnM.j r, ..... - t I i 1
-uMiuiiu nuswiio usnered into the
Academy With Great Enthusiasm.
r., 1 J . 1--Tl10 reception of
Edmond Rostand at the Academy to
day was a Parisian event of the first
uiuui. According to what academi
cians say, for many years past or
not sinco the reception of 1'aul Hour
get, there has not been such a crush
or such a demand for tickets, it was
before a party of well dressed ladies
and literary celebrities that M Ros
tand made his entry between his iv,t.
of sponsors.
At the president's desk worn ciiof.
ed the Vlcomto Mclchoir do Vogue
M. Gaston Boissier, the secretary'
and the other officers of the acade
my. There was nultc n full
ment of members of the institute
The other four sections, which, with'
the academy proper, constitute the
uisuimu oi rTance, were nlso well
M. Itostand began to read his ad
dress In strong, well-pitched tones
and his remarks were frequently in
terrupted by applause. He touched
upon literary matters in general and
after a superb enloglum of literarv
probity ho took his seat amid a burst
oi appiause.
The sitting was brilliant for M
uusiauu, wno scored a great success, i
Five Firms Are Put Out of Business by a Conflagration in
Wooden Row,
Fire Starts In the New Steam Laundry, and There Is Nothing to Indicate
Its Origin Sample Rooms of the Hotel St. George Are Destroyed
Considerable Loss to Danncr, the Photographer.
The demon of fire swooped down
upon sleeping Pendleton last night,
and this morning has left behind as
memento of his visit, a half block of
j smouldering ruins, representing a loss
or property or from $3,000 to $7,000.
,...H 1. 1 1- 1 1 ..1 . . . 1. ,
He succeeded in mak nc: nil timt im'f '., ..........
firinn , ,mV 0 out J ,hc llterar' ' nsumod bv the flames with the en-
n f .hls "ro,,ecesst"-. M. tire contents of the business houses
Honrj tie Hornier, nml created a su-1 located there
perl) piece of oratorical literature
Fire Started In Laundry.
KENTUCKY VENDETTA. At 10:15 last evening a passerby
Ik preparinc for the big flood, i Another Shc-oting Narrowly Averted
her men and government omc-
diet that the water will be
tie letee railroad tracks by
Ijiay and officials of the differ-
affeeted are placing
Dins stock where it will be
I father Observer Bowlo says
I elation-
wer at Kansas City is re-
I H miles wide. Whatever the
lof the delay of the arrival of
liters from the flood stage, the
t tere becomes more encourag-
rte Mississippi below is com-
lelj low, which means that the
J present In the St Louis dls-
I move out rapidly, thereby
I; permitting the Kansas City
r. me nrer to reach here Fri
Eatnrday at a time when most
tood from the Des Moines
W upper Mississippi will have
. northern end of St. Louis
tie residents are moving their
wss the bluffs and are pre
to follow it with their house-
pure ir the river continues
f large lakes liaro imnn rrm
fclwr section. North of St.
Eads bridge the water
i encnoin? bark over the
filetween that nlar-e nml
I Cut and formlnc a -n.-itni.in
pe same condition prevails
Mnlire Families DrawnH
Ei J.e 5'000 destitute flood
k. ullaost. but the
" 'as afflrmoH ti,of t f-
J distance. Ten
by the Militia.
Jackson, Ky., June 4. An open
clash between Jlarcum, brother of
the murdered lawyer, and ex-Senator
; n .w.WTI;!? .uP y UV" .m.!!a" fl,p "le eIltlr" lnterlor of the building
was a roaring mass of flames. Wltn
noticed tiny flames licking the shclV'
Ing in the middle of the Pendleton
Steam Laundry's sorting and ironing
room. He raised tho cry of fire, but
before tho citizens on the corner of
Main and Webb streets could make
the half block to tho scene of tho
men this morning, who separated tho
men as Hargls made a motion to
1 reach for his gun. Marcum, unex
I cited, looked deadly. Haruls has an
nounced he would spend his last dol
lar to free White and Jett, whose trial
repair. Mr. Danncr estimates
loss at from $250 to J300.
Darveau's Sample Rooms.
Next in Hue was the Darveau sum
plo rooms, and they are almost totally
destroyed. Ulackencd walls and sag
ging beams mark tho foundation ot
the new structure, only painted last
week. The addition to his building
recently constructed, cost $700, and
ine oiii building was worth as much. I convention
i ne uaseuient of this building was
filled with property belonging to .Mr.
Darveau. stored from his hotel, and
he estimates his loss at $2,500 with
$1,000 Insurance. The rooms wero
filled with drummers' goods, which
were mostly saved by the united ef
forts of the drummers nml tho citizens.
Must Serve Thirteen Years for
der of Ella Mundt.
Spokane, Juno -4. Kil Spencer was
this morning sentenced to servo 13
years In tho state penitentiary, for
tho murder of Kiln Mundt, In this city
last January.
Tho caso was stubbornly fought,
and oven Spenror was surprised at
tho mild verdict ot manslaughter re
turned against him last Saturday.
It was pun-oil beyond a doubt that
Spencer wns crniy by drinking ab
sinthe, when ho committed the crime,
and to that fact Is probably due his
escape, from tho gallows.
Under orillunry circumstances the
murder wns unprovoked ami Inexcus
able, as he deliberately loaded n pis
tol nml went to where tho unsuspect
ing girl wns working as n domestic
and Instantly killed her, afterward
making a half-hearted attempt at
suicide. Kxpurts wore called to tes
tify to tho awful effect of absinthe
on tho human system and mind, and
on the strength ot this evidence the
crime was fixed as manslaughter.
Greatest Territory Now Being
Flame Swept in the History
of that Region,
Canal Treaty Will Be Ratified.
Washington. Juno i. Scnor Her
man, of the Colombia legation, today
received word that peace Is fully re
established in that country. The ca
nal treaty can now be ratified by the
Colombian congress.
i In five minutes from that time the
I entire building wns afire, sending long
tongues of solid fire high Into the
air, and quicker than it can lie writ
ten, the surrounding buildings were
burning fiercely.
I Proaress of the Fire. room was heated by a largo stovo
i From the laundry the flames spread ! "? nlso for heating Irons used at
to the cigar factory of A. Kobde and I 1110 ironing tables. The proprietors
the office of the Dally Guide, and the
bakery of Otto Hobach. On the other
Loss to Stevens & Jordan.
Tho next building and tho place
where the fire originated, was the
rendleton Steam 1-aundry. recently
opened by Stevens & Jordan. Hero
the fire wbr first seen, and tho sup
position Is that tho flames had tholr
beginning in the drying room. This
Cincinnati the Scene of a Great Gath
ering of Transportation Agents.
Cincinnati, Juno I. Nearly every
railroad of prominence In the coun
try Is represented among the 3uo del
egates who are hero for the annual
of the National Associa
tion of Traveling Freight Agents.
Tho convention, so far as the nttend
ice Is concerned, Is the most no(n-1 tK -Jt : oj oil. Ashlnnil Is threate
o over held by the association. j , 'u'' '"''''J l"st "Wit 1
A brief Dialling session was held '''l!"',1" ",0 c,)r1'
Is morning, following which an ml- ' n!, I'r,,s;rvi:s, ';
Loaded Excursion Train Goes Into a
Washout Conductor Also Killed
and Many Were Injured.
Charleston, S. C June I. An ex
cursion train on the Atlantic Coast
line was wrecked near Sumter this
morning, tho engines, baggage cars
hand it was swiftly eating its way
against a slight breeze into the new
sample rooms or tho Hotel St. George
and the Danner photograph studio.
By this time the department wns
on the scene and water from five
lines of hose was "being played upon
the ilames, but with little effect. The
buildings were old wooden structures
and as dry as the continual heat of
the laundry and the machinery with
in, and the summer sun without could
make them, and they burned like pow
der in a pan. All tho fire boys could
arc at a loss as to how tho Mro
started, as they were certain every
thing was safe when they locked up
late In the evening. It is not known
whether the Are originated from a
defective Hue, or from lire falling
from tho stove, and It perhaps never
will be known, for the building Is
nothing but n pile of nshes. Tho
damage to the laundry Is estimated
at from $2,500 to $3,000 with $1,200
Cigar Factory Destroyed.
The cigar factory of A. Hohdo was
a total loss, with Its large stock of
i igars ami raw tobacco. The pronrl-
the insur-
Intn .w wntti.. r,,.i..ntnr ! wcre soon hot to tho hand, and only
do was to keep tho fire within bounds , etor estimates his loss at from $1,000
anu 10 nroieci me surrounding ouiki
Narrow Escape for Other Buildings.
The brick walls of the big Kast
Clements and four negro passengers
were killed. Thirty-three were hurt,
eight seriously. The engineer and
flnrnirm urn nmrtnc tlti, (nlttrml HPhn
j.,, - ""muw. i en " .w.ft, 4..j.... .
Si s been suuscribed ' excllrsIin was returning from Nicho
las to uoiumbia,
Fatalities Will Reach Thirty.
Augusta. Ga.. June 4. The Atlantic
Coast officials announce this morning
that they had received a message
saying that seven bodies had been
taken from tho wreck near Sumter,
and it Is believed the fatalities will
reach 30. Tho Injured are being taken
to Sumter
WUllOn to a lanrn ,,.....
IIuU!k. K "'snanabotna
t night. fOOIied nr. In
. -' noon. For five
n tith 7..:rr ire,,cu i sit
totii...T,..v?' ",e river
j. -h'u., ueiween hero
r Fallinn at ir
rTntcr Is
11 Km..?. u"""reu ana
Itornin. " wero sworn
: ek. - an real
"VB varrio mi
k at .li .V 1 ""asanas
kn. 8 the avallal.lA
r cleaning. n wl .
-"v u ft- . --ww
a ir, .1, Permitted to
a W the flnrwln.l .it..", .
ft;.;- cu ulBinci.
. ?! f Louis.
1 tt iotZlr rlver rose
'Borrin.' Reding 10
r 4r,erj hundred
l 0th'F mes
lrwT: ."undreds
I Broke m.T: . 8 106 leves-
.W. j "'w, III.
'rioii XT1 flood sit-
Km i" .lue levees smith
IS HunrtCrUlilDe 0!t thi
I?!--eded8 f acres
rt mil-The river
B-rM .Llth09raphers
Thfi Xft art J
uburnMN."ua 10 ad.
tu $l.!sWi ovrr and above
iu.ee of $1,200.
Office of the Dally Guide Gone.
The Guide ollico was destroyed with
ii-, presses and large hupply of typo.
The editor, Mr. Dnubar, was on the
-M' oi enlarging his plant, and had
a iirlnter contracted for to como nml
helii him. Ho was also about to In
stall a motor to furnish the power to
run his press. Ills loss Is estimateo
wns morning, louowing
jouriuneiit until tomorrow was taken
to enable tho visitors to enjoy sumo
of the entertainment features arrang
ed by their Cincinnati brethren. Tho
convention will close tomorrow with
tho annual election of officers. George
V. llenus of the Queen & Crescent,
and W. I. Ijilrd, of tho Chicago jfe
Great Western nro prominently men
tioned for tho presidency In succes
sion to T. F. Sweet, of the IIIIuoIh
Lyncher Sent to the Penitentiary.
Carthage, .Mo., Juno t. Samuel
.Mitchell, who recently led the mob
that lynched a negro In Joplln, was
today sentenced to 10 years in tho
Sunday Baseball Unlawful,
Lincoln, Neb., Juno i. Tho Ne
braska supreme court today decldeu
that Sunday baseball Is unlawful.
1 ay. Loss,
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis
sion Company R. L. Boulter, Local
Manager, 120 Court Street.
Minneapolis. Juno 4. Wheat Ca
bles came fulrly strong this morning
In view of our rather dull market
yesterday, showing an advance of U.
Our market opened practically un
changed from yesterday's close, but
on the Issue of tho Missouri state
crop report, which was of a bullish
character and on predictions of fur
ther rains in tho Southwest, the mar
ket took on a very strong tone. Cash
demand continues good. Wo see noth
ing to sell wheat on as yet. and be
lieve It should be bought on all slight
Chicago, Juno 4.
.... 74
.... 72i
the Iron shutters and tho thickness
of the walls saved tho structure from
damage. Had the Danner photograph
gallery caught, the building would at
least have been scorched or warned
by the heat, oven If the Intorloi had i t 1.M)0 with $300 InBUrnnce.
not caught fire, it was a late hour , Hobach Bakery Destroyed,
this morning before the fire was en- The nakory of Otto Hobach was
tlrely conquered, anil the weary fire- ( destroyed completely, together with
men could seek their beds. The de-, the stock of llcnr and bread be had
partment bovs made heroic efforts to
save the buildings, but It waB not
possible with the appaiatus at hand.
Extent of Losses.
Commencing at the west side of the
fire the losses run from the nihil-1
mum to tho maximum. ,
Banner's Loss Not by Fire.
The Danner Studio was not damag-1
ed so much by fire as It was by the
on hand. Illn loss Is estimated at
The biilliilngs occupied by tho bak
ery, til-; cigar factory, tho Ouldo of
fice and tho laundry wero owned by
II. Martin ,of this city, and weio
worth $1,200. with $700 Insurance.
The sawpl'i rooms wero .he property
cf George Darveau and wero worth
about $1,200.
The lire was blown long distances
Postponement of the Consistory, at
Which Two American Cardinals
Were to Have Been Appointed.
Home, June 4. The pope today
surfers with n severe nltnck of diar
rhoea, which Is causing anxiety. Ills
physicians sny they have no fear of
complications, but his ndvanced age
ami weak condition million I ho attack
It Is believed the consistory, which
has already been postponed several
ilnys on account of tho pontiff's con
dition, cannot bo held for seviiial days
yet. Tho appointment of caidluals,
of whom two nro oxiKscled to m
Americans Is one of the liiiniii timt nf-
lairs to be looked after at thu com
lug consistory.
water and the efforts of tho rescuers . and roofs as far as three blocks away
to save tho stock. Tho furnishings caught from tho cinders and flying
aro a total wreck, and tho accumula- sparks, whllo the dwellings wero
tlon of valuable nogntlves aro crack- only saved by the prompt action of
ed and scattered and broken beyond the owucrij.
July .......
Minneapolis, June 4.
July 77V8
Sept 71
Columbus, O., June 4. Chairman
Hanna called tho nominating session
of tho state republican convention to
order at 10:30 this morning. Koraker
was named as permanent chairman.
The harmony airangoinent made last
night, proved to bo effective.
Hanna and Foraker appeared side
by side on the platform and were
wildly applauded. Foralr, In his
speech, complimented Hanna and
predicted his re-election to tho sen
ate. Then followed a long tribute
to Hoosevelt.
Resolutions Indorse Roosevelt.
supirort of the party for Hanna (o re
election to tho souate.
Tho platform concluded by saying
mat monopolies aro directly amena
ble to penalties provided by republi
can legislation, and their vigorous on
forcement In tho courts. No worthy
Interest is Imperilled, but whatever
will work public harm Is restrained,
and that too without recourse to tho
democratic plan of destroying all
American Industries through tariff
if vision or otherwise.
ir further legislation Is necessary,
tho republican party can be dopended
upon to enact and enforce with equal-
) uy and safety
Mr. Dick presented the rejiort from nonet Nominated.
tho committee on resolu .ons, uurjual- Myrou Jferrlek was nominated for
Ifiedlv Indorsing hoosevelt for the 1 governor, and Warren Harding for
presidency in 1U01, and promising the lleutcnant-govemor, by acclamation,
Seven Men Killed In a Fight In Kan
St. Francis. Kan.. Juno 4. In
battle yesterday near here, between
Farmer Hurry and his four hoiih on
ono side, nml 20 cowboys on tho other
all the llerrys and two cowhoyn wero
Tho llerrys were returning from a
visit to a neighbor, and In order to
make a short cut, pulled down n wire
fence on the Dowar cattle ranch. Tho
cowboys charged and a fiiHllndo com
meiiceil ami continued until tint Dor
rys barrncaded themselves In n cabin.
Tho cowboys riiHln-d and the llerrys
killed two. Tho cowboys then fired
the cabin, and when tho llerrys
emerged all were shot down.
Topeka Man's Mind Becomes Unbal
anced From Excitement.
I.os Angeles, Juno 4. George Mad
den, of Topeka, it passenger on n
Hanta Fo train, became a ravlnir ma
niac at Dnrstow yesterday after read
ing Hood news from lOinsau. Ho at
tacked passengers and wan locked In
u car. Ho was taken from the train
at Needlos,
Children Played With Matches,
Union, Or.. Juno 4, Flro dostroved
tho barn of I'M Turner, causing a loss
of about $C00. The flro was caused
by ono of Turner's children PlnyliiK
wiiu maicncH,
Fires Have Also Broken Out Anew In
the Adlrondacks The Worst Fires
Ever Known Are Raging In New
Brunswick Bath, Maine, Is Sur
rounded by Fire One Town Entire,
ly Destroyed.
Nasua, N. II.. Juno I. Tho wires
state that all New Hampshire Is nuw
darkeued by tho suioko of Immense
finest fires. Grovetou people aro
lleelng to Uorlln, which Is entirely
Mirrouiidcd by Ilames. All the farm,
houses In the vicinity ot Meredith nro
able doer. 1,000 elk. 150 buffalo aud
countless wild boars.
In the Adlrondacks.
dictum Falls, N. Y., Juno I. Adl.
roiiiliicli II io conditions am ngnln
moril .leiiiius. The Cednr river soc
tlon Is ablaze with a big tiro sweep
ing near Catllu lake. 1-ong lake and
Catamount range, nenr Ijiko Gcoi-ko,
are also llnino swept.
Pall of Smoke Over New York.
New York, Juno I. Tho city Is
covered with u pall of smoko from
tho terrific forest HreH sweeping
throughout the New Kugland forests
and northeastern portion of tills
Smoke All Over Massachusetts.
Springfield, Mass., Juno I. Ashes
nro falling hole front the finest Urea
In ICnstern Massachusetts, nml tho
sun is completely obscured by the
dense smoke.
But One House Left.
St. Johns, N. II., Juno I. Tho town
of llriggs Corner was destroyed by
lire yesterdny, only ono house being
left. New llriinswlck Is suffering
from tho worst forest fires ever
known. Ilouu river Is reported burn
ed. St. Georgo Is In constant peril.
Nothing but a change of wind tan
save tho town of Stanley.
Vast Forests Burning.
Mllllnocket, Mo Juno I. - ThoiiJ.
amis of ncres of heuvy spruce be
tween hero mid Meknhdln nro swept
nine, ii is reported nero mat Hlier
man Is destroyed. All communication
Is cut off over entire sections, Tho
following towns are said to Iibto
been wiped out of existence: Crlstal,
Grindstone, Stacyvllle. Confirmation
Is unobtainable, but if true, there U
probably considerable loss ot life
City of Bath Surrounded,
Hath, .Mo., June 4. Tho city is al
most completely surrounded by tre.
meniloiis fires. The Hro dopnrtmtt.
Is constantly busy.
Endlnu of a Fatal Quarrel Near Boise
Surrender of the 8urvlvor,
Ilolse, Idaho, Juno 4. Junius Km
mens, a wealthy stockman of Ijtrod,
was shot and Instantly killed yentrr
day by u man named Ilalrd. Tho
llolso county sheriff left thin moil
ing to get tho prisoner, who has glve
Attempt to Enforce Prohibition In a
Texas Town.
Houston, Texas. Juno 4. -Fifty
masked men rode Into IlrooklluM
early this morning nml dovtroya-i
inreo saloons. A thousand uliou
wero fired mid nil the fixtures wero
riddled, but none was hurt. The
loons continue to operate, despite tho
proiiinuion law,
Man Seated to Death, Robbed and
Put on Railroad Track,
Seattle, June I, James Montgom
ery, aged 25. was beaten with a slim
shot anil killed, tho purpose bolac
robbery, near Auburn last night. Thr
body was placoil on tho Iiitomrban
track, where It was Btruck bv n train
and slightly mangled. Tho authori
ties are Invsutlgatlmr. but have no
I cluo,