East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 03, 1903, Image 4

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rutilLbcd every afternoon (except Suudar)
at Pendleton, Oregon, bj the
"Tlion. Main 11
iMllr, one jear by mall f.'.nn
Daily, six months br mall -.30
Dallr. three mouths br mall i.-j
Dally. ine month by mall r.O
Dally, pr month by carrier C3
Weekly, one year by mall 1.50
Semi-Weekly, one year by mall . 2.00
The East Oregonlan ! on sale at It. D.
itlch'B News Stand at Hotel Portland and
Hotel 1'erkln, Portland, Oregon.
Member Scripns Mcliae
News Assoc I a
Pan Francisco Ilurean, 40$ Fourth .St.
Chicago Ilureaii, !nmi Security Uulldlnc.
Wasblnctun. I. C Itureau, 501 14th St..
N. W.
Entered at Pendleton lMHtoffice as seccond'
clam matter-
As we progress we ought to
make our surroundings, satisfac
tory to the senses. And you here
who live out in the great plains
and in sight ot the mountains
and of the rapid rivers, around
whom nature is so beautiful, it
behooves you especially to see
that the handiwork of man adds
to and does not mar the work ot
nature. I congratulate you up
on this tree-bonered city of
yours and upon the pleasure
nnd, therefore, the good that
must come with pleasure, given
to all who come within your lim
its and pee It. President Roos
evelt at Roise City.
The East Oregonlan has refrained
from agitating the local labor trouble
for the reason that the matter, at
first, was insignificant, and promised
to be speedily adjusted.
To advertise that Pendleton is in
the midst of a labor disturbance is
to turn capital, business, homeseek
ers, enterprise and needy working
men away from the city, and to check
nil Improvements in progress.
Already the Purl Bowman building, j
that would have ment an expenditure i
of 35,000 among Pendleton enter
prises. Pendleton workinginen and
Pendleton contractors, is indefinitely
postponed, and this action on Mr.
Bowman's part will deter others who;
weri intending tn lutlltl And vchv I . .
. , , I ward final success
must the city suffer the loss of this '
enterprise and the workingmen suf-
fer this threatened scarcity of work?
Since the matter has been brought
before the council aud made part of
the proceedings of that body, a brief
review of the situation seems in
On Thursday, May 21, the union
carpenters, working on the Fergu-son-Maloney
building, refused to han
dle the structural iron furnished by
the Rigby-Clove foundry of this city
and work on the building was stop
jx?d. The reason of the carienters' refu
sal to handle the iron was that the
employes at the foundry were not
members of a union, at the same time
every man in the foundry, with two
exceptions, possibly, was heartily in
-favor of unions and union lalor, and
"would have joined uion proper solic
itation, free from coercion.
The reason the had not joined
was due to a lack of discussion of
the subject, rather than anything
A committee from the Carpenters'
Union waited upon Messrs. Rigby
and Clove immediately, and informed
them that the iron would not be used
until all the men in the foundry
were either unionized or discharged.
The Rigby-Clove people laid the mat
ter before their employes and frank
ly informed them of the situation,
and told them to join the unions if
they wished the choice was left en
tirely to the employes. At the same
time the committee from the Carpen
ters' Union was informed that the
foundry employes would not be co
erced into joining the union against
their will.
In the conferences that were held
during the strike, the committee from
the Carpenters 'Union informed Mr.
Rlgby that the employes of the foun
dry could become members of the
firm by buying stock in the concern,
and that this action would at once
be equal to unionizing, the boycott
would be withdrawn and the matter
would be finally settled, but that
either this action or unionizing would
be necessary to a settlement.
The Rigby-Clove employes were at
once given the choice of joining the
union or buying a small amount of
ntock and becoming members of the
firm. All parties connected with the
.affair were anxious for a settlement, home votes
The carpenters were Idle when they
could have been working every hoar.
The employees ot the foundry were
anxious to see it settled, as they
were being made the storm center,
and this oifer from the Carpenters
Union was gladly accepted as a so
lution of the problem.
When a vote at the foundry was
taken, it was found that the employes
had almost unanimously elected to
become members of the roncern by
buying stock, and acting upon the in
formation of the carpenters' commit
tee, stock was sold to them and the
boycott was supposed to have been
at an end.
Upon being informed of the action
I of the foundry employes, what did
the Carpenters' Union do?
It's wish had been complied with
by the Rlgby-CIove iwople. Its rem
cdy for the trouble had been accept'
ed. In all fairness, let It be said the
' lKjycott should have been declared
' But Instead of declaring the bo-
cott off, the Rigby-Clove people were
publicly declared unfair, an arrange
ment was made whereby the foundry
took back the iron it has cast as an
accommodation for the contractors,
in order that the carpenters might
return to work, and the tide of lm-
piovement roll on.
I This boycott is still on. The men
in the Rigby-Clove foundry would
j not now join a union under any cir
cumstances, owing to the attempted
ccercion of them by members of the
unions and the council Is now asked
I to refuse to buy Pendleton Iron with
, which to improve Pendleton,
j The East Oregonian has refused
1 to publish at least a half dozen letters
from men who claimed to be niem-
Lers of the canienters' union, deplor
ing in the most emphatic terms the
action of the union. The tenor of
these communications were that th?
p.atter was too hastily disposed of.
Hiat the action was a direct Injury
i to the carpenters as well as the city
and that tt would finally result iu
the failure of the unions to secure
any recognition in the city.
The unions and the Rigby-Clove
lieople are both Pendleton institu
tions. They are both supiorted by
the business transacted in the city
and the enterprise of the prosperous
county. Neither should suffer a check
In their well-deserved progress to-
A Good Beginning
I bad a horrible
attack of boils,
that broke out all
OTer my body said
from which X
conld get no post
sible relief until
I Icon taking
your medicine,
and from my ex
perience I can
safely ay S. B.B.
is the beat blood
purifier in the world.
While livinr in (Sherman, Tex., I be- ,
came a Tictlm of Impure, waterr .
blood. X ran down in appetite ana 1
enerry; was scarcely able to set
about and had to atop off and rest
occasionally. Z took 8. S. 8. end. be
tan to ImproTe at onoe, and after a
thorough course became strong? and
I think 8. 8. 8. the best medicine X
ever used as an appetiser and gen
eral tonic. J. O. BOOTT,
811 Railroad street, Borne, Oa.
Mill VI
Last year eight democratic mem
bers of "the Ohio legislature violated
tC-UnTforwnatrknn, the blood is in Coo0 I condition at JlSShuS:
as the "curative act.' designed to ' on are prepared to resist disease and axe not apt to be Uoublrt wUfa boils
conBrm a corrupt grant of franchises, f;mpies, blackheads and blotches, or the itching and burning skin eruptions,
to the Cincinnati Traction Company. lat ake one's life a veritable torment and misery.
Mayor Johnson at the time told these ( Kow, :s tj,e tfmt, to beKia the work of cleansing and building up the,
eignt oiacK sneep mat u an ""blood and strengthening the weaK
them ever came up Tor office he would . ,.rronitirution Durintrthe
e,a,,,lnCe,mdlStr,CtS ! St?SSw
defeat tnem. ' t0 lire indoors and breathe the impure
Last week Johnson spent three days air of badly ventilated rooms and of
catupaigulng in h.s red automobile Sees. We over-work and over-cat, aud
In Richland county, where one of the get too little out-door exercise, and our
black sheep named Earhart, support- systems become clogged with iuipun
ed by the local bosses, was seeking a the blood a hot-bed of germs
renomlnatlon at the party primary. , humors of every kind, and warm
In his speech at Shelby, Mr. John- rather is sure to bring a reaction,
son said: . Md the p0;S030us matter in the blood
"The democratic party will remain , , ..,,' mi t,t- nt ; iil nnd
permitted to parcel out second terms oUsfigunng bumps and p.inples , Make
to such men as Earhart. , a good beginning ;tlus season by taking
The difficulty with the democratic a course ot i. t. s. in time; it win nut
party in Richland county is that it only purify your blood and destroy the
is rotten at the ton. The foundation permsandpoisons.butriromotebcalthy
seems to be all right, but the head action of the Liver and Kidneys and
ought to be cut off, then the party jve ,.ou a g.00d appetite at a time
will get back to the good old majority wnea you need it most,
of from 1200 to 1500." c o c imnroves the dicestion and
The result of the primary on Satur- . .,
Mia Cfrae-Mtir.il i rr? x'nu nrr tint
,1ar;raj,yhn?oamm0ent:.n continually Wed 'by the fear of
on the result Johnson said: ""'tS'0 77 J ,7cc
"The oefeat of Earhart means the troubled tntli dizziness, nervousness
1LK..1 . r . . . i . t -1 - cl.n1(-c-i.cc ThPTp is mo reason
uuer aniiiuiiaiiou oi iuc cigin uiuv:tv .
sheep.' Gear is absolutely out of the to dread the coming oi warm tve.-uuer u you nave jour i "'"w
running in Wyandot county, and tnei and the blood in a normal, iieaimy condition, iiismc pimmcu, Diuzgio ,
other six have not dared to show . blood that invites disease germs, microbes and poisons of every kina ana
their faces. The result will t hi-ino- on a loni train of srjrinr and summer ailments, break down the con-
have a most salutary effect over the , stitution. and produce weakness, lassitude, and other debilitating disorders. Pendleton 11 rooms ill
entire state. It will give the demo-, tmn xvttlm:li PnUnn n.it-nnd Ivv. nnd otherirritatmirskut provements: nrettr lawn-
cratic party a cnance now on 10 mc e trebles are snrc to make their appearance unless the humors and poison ofou. down, tahmct
fnrwnn! nnd arcomnlish results. i . i. : j t.i 1 Another rpfiMnnra 7 .
We have thn
in neai Estate, yt
some nice homes
be sold. Choir
lote. Alfalfa Land fn
acre to 160. Whett
iracis trom 160
Q Shorn 9. Co....
Room ,o over Tayltf,
"iuarc atore.
m . mm m a
forward and accomplish
San Francisco Star.
are antidoted and the thin, acid bloo4 . r residence-; roo,
made rich and strong uelore tne commf; , - r"""f "".ujeupn
of warm weather. 1 . La,w:
juotu Biicti, eiuu.
A course of S. S. S. now would bft
st . , . .
wuih iiuuses ana jau iron
And these succeeded? Who shall .Wl w J I L 11 a sale precaution ana a gooa Deginninjr J2.5O0.
say. indeed. I L7"L and enable you to pas 6 in comfort Nice residence lots uto i
ji some, iiiey lau; n uiiiera, iiifj - turougu iuc jjui, uilij iuuuuu au DUU.
succeed? j escape the diseases common to spring and summer. S. S. S. is guaranteed
Perhaps their aim was loftier than pureiv vegetable and is recognized as the best blood purifier and the most ia4 Mtlrh ntt,.r -
those ! -.nHnWurtol nil tnnic Writ-tnr mirlot on ' Thp Hlood flnal C" ' 0V"" Pnf"t'
batue close. '
Failure, indeed, is God's mark of the
Truth !
His honors are for those who take
in youth
i lie cruss ui some ucbpihin wurK, uuu j
Pierced with our arrows, to His end-;
less Love.
oime Milwaukee Society Woman.
How shall we judge him he who
nobly fails
At task lefore which weaker spirit
Fights and succumbs for Truth's
sake wno shall guess
The splendid measure of his III suc
cess? Joseph Dana Miller.
Is It possible that one-third of the
citizens of the First congressional
district of Oregon have so far lost
interest In citizenship, that they no
longer vote?
Has it come to a time at which the
voter who bears the burdens of gov
ernment takes no interest in its wel
fare? Not only was this striking example
of inactive citizenship shown in the
congressional election last Monday,
but the same spirit prevails all over
the stale. At the sewer bond election
in Pendleton last winter and at the
school bond election this spring, only
.a fraction of those Interested went
to the polls.
At Lewiston, Idaho, last week.
votes were cast In a school bond elec
tion, where 400 were expected. Re
ports from every section of the West
show the same ajMithy.
This stay-at-home citizenship will
ruin the conntry. It will allow the
reins of government to slip from the
handB of the people Into the hands
of wily iKiIiticians who are on the
nlert for such opiortunitieK.
It Is better to vote wrong through
mistaken judgment, than not to vote
at all.
It Is better to go to the polls and
waste your vote by supporting a los
ing cause than to stay at home and
swell the tide of sluthtulncss. Citi
zenship Is the emblem of individual
activity. It If the distinguishing
mark of the free man and if nut ex
ercised, and used to the glory of the
government and the stute, it might as
well be removed.
The vote Iu the First congressional
district last Monday did not repre
sent two-thirds of the voting strength
of the district. True, there was but
one office to All aud no strictly local
Usues to lend ginger to the cam
paign, yet it was an election iu which
a representative of the state in the
national councils was to be chosen,
and that Is sufficient to invite every
citizen to exercise the franchise.
Drifting la the curse of the times.
Too many iieoplc drift. They follow
the tide out or In, up or down, no mat
ter which way it goes. Tho self-pro-lelllng,
self-anim'atlng force of citi
zenship is losing Us capacity just In
projiortlon to the number of stay-at-
The president of the Western Fed
eration of Miners, In his auuress be
fore the convention of mat organiza
tion, held at Denver this week, de
nounced John Mitchell for his notion
in consenting to submit to arbitration
the differences between the anthra
cite coal workers and the operators.
What else could ..Ir. M'tchell. sensi
bly and justly, have done?
Should he have bull-heudedly pro
longed a strike lie knew was causing
hardship and suffering to the men
he represented, as well as to the gen
eral public, or, !y aimtniliuu tlio
weaon of civilization endeavor to
end the strife? Mitchell did 'he right
thing the only thing in fact, he could
have done, without disrupting his or
ganization. Public sympathy was
with him, is with him now. and will
continue to be with him while he pur
sues the same level-headed course he
has In the past. San Francisco Star.
When is a cough more
than a cough ?
When it's a settled cold.
When it hangs on in spite of
all you can do. Cough mix
tures won't cure it because
they are merely for a cough,
and this is something more
Scott's Emulsion cures the
cough because it cures the
something more. It heals
and repairs the inflamed
tissues where the cold has
taken root and prevents its
coming back.
We'll send you a uxnpk free upo rtquut.
bCOTT & l!OWKE,4oo !ail Sutxt. New YoiU
l'f I. Irnti l.'.mf
Th- woman who has suf-
enil from female wtaknes
!nmU do anything within
rea-uu to secure health.
Vv uie of Cardui is the uiedi
r Jie that appeals to nsisona
lle women- wuiueu who
huld oieratiou9 ami cutting
in horror wvmeuwhuknow
that Nature i the- best pliy
- it i an Wine uf Cardui
imvlh women Irate tueir
health br irivinc Mature a
f iZS thousand curel
I I wonvn have written
I to tell linw Wine el
Caniui IxMfiws tin
blcsjinc of lioal'h on cverv
woman wlu taku r. rich
and poor alike Mr,
Helena Illau. No. lil Sev
enth Street. Milwaukee.
Wis., i one of the yunnir
women witoni Wine of Car
dui has rciiel from a life
of sufferiiur. She write:
.1 . . r..:l.l 1 .1-
"Wincof Oram a camnly wwn I , tL!lr, riulef Cardui regulates
out' womec's best friend'and I am pleasid Kjy, menstrual flow anil Nature, when i
to give my experience, with U. A lev relieved of the drains or of the poisons
months ago I caught a.severe. cali, hav-i m. the system, niakes the functional
ing been o in inclement weather, which i lml Ku. .
, , . , - . ., Anv wenian who is silently suffering
settled all over me, jarticuUrfy in the puilw beca j.l,e ; t sensitive
aboomen. I was in almost constant pais.' Uy undergo a physician examination
I consultei a physician and. took hit ' and treatment ean. find rxxuse for
medicine for a month and. without any:11'? 'ijrwBreurf when Wme of Cur-t-j
i , .. , i ... i um is oaereil to twi. I here is no pub-
rehef. I then decided I woulitry your. ,dr ,,,, her Shv.tan take Wine
medicine and it was a lucky day forme f farifcii in Ui- priva-r of her home,
-when I diiso. I noticed a change is a vv i m much assurance ofru final cure
few days-cnifelt encouraged to continue ?" '-"tgli a dozen doctors reco-imeude.
c f. j . . j it Many physicians do recommend
U-j tr-H.., , c. Wme ot Curdui ta tutrir patieuts.
was rewaided4or in two wteio ray pauu ihf not B-t a i IM bottle o Wine
had left iw and Uelt like a new woman. f.f . inldi from yiur druegbt today?
A uiilliou suffering women
have found relief in
Wine of Cardui.
Easy Terms, Where Desired.
i L. U. BUYU. Ill Court
Going to
a j - - - i
ot tmsiness dv Having inrm
ed or papered.
to 0S
ctftri t u'tii tianpr an do
E. J. Mflfpiy,
111 Court Street.
i ka vkaran.
Hams Faint.
Gray's Harbor
Banish 111 Health.
When spots will
rise before your eyes
'tis time to take
, . Sold Every here. In boxes 10c and 3Ec
Commercial Co.
We Don't Keep Everything
But we uo letrp n good big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Celling, Rustic and Finish,
in all grades. Also all kinds
of Dimension Lumber, in
cluding Lath and Bblngle.
Our stock of Doors, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper aud Apple
' Boxes li complete, and any
one In need of Lumber will
loot be wrong In placing
their order with the : : :
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Op. W: & C. R. Deswt
Water tankS
We make a Specialty of Building Round
or Square
We make thern riht and tbej
always give satisfaction Our
work is never slighted or botched.
The genuine, the bicycle
which is the undisputed
leader, is handled in Pen
dleton only by us. borne
in and see the Racyple.
Witb.ee, 3'L"'
Pendleton Planing Mill
and Lumber Yard.
RouEkT FokSTEK, Prop.
mmiii tuo
I Five Porcelain Tubs I
; ; Are now to be found at '
i.. Privett's Barber Shop and
Bath Rooms. We also have
';; five hydraulic chairs. Every- ;;
, thine is neat and clean We
I employ none but first-class X
T workmen. Our equipment is T
Z not excelled in Eastern Ore. Z
? Privett's Barber Shop
n n n.
COr W. a "
I Vpff. formerly olthe I
. . . .' i .i.-niii
rlta, lias Ctiaigc"' ,
Henry Feed Yard, ana
pleased to care lor
Dtnur i cmllc laree corf
loose horses and cattle. W
erain for sale. Chop mill
.lutatc received
19 tti"i; t
place your order with us.
Fir. Tamarack
,... L.... nnnr coal6
- th best lot tw
t.u 51.1
I aoT7 HI
Cmm OrcQonUHi
and tha Mpl f9mT--
i 73 Main street ' I " X "r ''.iTi a
&j ;?