t, I DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1903. t 1 KcQXQ) . . . ,l-.tr fnrnishines at nricnc ciricUyur 1 , that will not initate your pocket book nc .ill buy nice light weight balbriggan 25Ccndc:wcar,aadup to 5o. ' that to $5. 25c neckwear is one of our specialties and some up to ?i-50. 50c for golt and negligee shirts, correct style, others up to f 2.50. $9 buys the man's best suit that was ever put before you. Sells everywhere at ?ta 50 ilexander Dept. Store 1 .TiiTnli.nt 1 J.,, A iT AJ.A COOL and SHADY Facts to hang a hammock these hot days is a most fc!i;htful anticipation. Every, lawn has a shady p!ice and at the prices we are o,ffering our new stock , 0! hammocks you can't afford to be without one. We've got all kinds from $1.50 up. hompson Hardware Co. , 62 Mata St. ! Headquarters for Fishing bupphes. milium i mm mt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i niniiii.iimi Its Merit Has the large demand for Byers' Best Flour ibciltup. Only the ciioicest wheat that crows enters in- ncu dcm nour. 11 s periecnon in nour. niaac oy me ENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. ypwnters for Everybody, $35, $50 and $95 J Visible Typewriter is and the racket. Cannot M linemen t. Impossible r type. Writing in be speediest mr-m wae and see our testi- Oliver mw PL... ii r 1 rrwuve nfiTg. 0f the UiM7lT,rrriir u kinds f fv- ,.... I nu ?&pecialtv i uregon The Chicago Typewriter received the Gold Medal at the Paris Ex position over all others. Will do the work of any machine NEWS OF MILTON Typewriter Supplies and Rubbej Stamp goods. MAPLE BROS, Ageats Electrical Supply House 217 Court St. RETURNED FROM WHITMAN COLLEGE FOR VISIT HOME. Marriage of Miss Ethel Taylor With L. B. Banks Successful Operation for the Hemoval of a Cancer Death of Mrs. J. b. Whlteman. Milton. Ore., Juno 3. Mrs. V .S. Mayberry left yesterdnx nttornoon for Moro, Ore., to visit her sister, Mr. G. N. Bolton. She will also ko to Lebanon to visit her mother, Mrs. J. K, Smith, and will probably bo gone three months. Miss l.Ma Nell has resumed her work at the central telephone otrtce after a few days of Illness, Mrs. John S. Kees, accompanied by her little son, Thomm. Is In town the guest of Miss Jennie Dykes J. D. Campbell and B." V, Hall came down from Council. Wash., Sat urday, where they have n large tract of wheat land, Dallas Garred, who is attending Whitman College, spent Saturday anil Sunday with his parents. Mr, and Mrs. C. J. Moss. Mrs. J. B. Whlteman died Satur day at her home In Freewater, and was burled Saturday in tho Ford cemetery. Funeral' serlvces were conducted by Elder R. U Cartwrlght. Misses Olive and Hazel Jennings were hero Sunday from their home at Walla Walla visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. William Nichols left today for Union to visit their son, G. A. Nichols. J, R. Short, of Klllbrldge. Ore.. Is here on a brief visit. Mrs. William Forsytho is expected home this evening from Walla Walla, where she went two weeks ago to have a cancer removed. The opera tion was very successful and she. Im proved rapidly. Visitors From Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stokes, of Plev na, Mo., were Tn town over Sunday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Mayberry. Representatives to State Lodges. Jacob Clems returned Sunday from Albany, Ore., where he had been attending a meeting of the state grange. Mr. and Mrs, H. L. Fraiier and Mrs. C. E. Berry have gone to Walla Walla to attend the Grand Lodge of the I. O. O. F. and Hebekah's. Funeral of Gordon McLean. Funeral services of Gordon Mc Lean, who died in Spokane from tho effects ,of an operation, were held at tho residence of William Anderson Sunday morning. Rev. G. H. Glbbs and Elder R. L. Cartwright conducted the services. The remains were taken to Weston and interred. .'A Very Pretty Wedding. X very pretty home wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor, last Sunday, May 31, when their daughter, Miss Ethel, was united In marriage to Mr. L. B. Banks, tho Rev. A. J. Adams of the Presby terian church officiating. The bride, accompanied by her tether, was very becomingly attired in a gown of pure wliito and carried a bouquet of white toscs, the gift of Miss Nora Laws. G. A. Cowl acted an best man and Miss Emma McMlnn was bridesmaid. Tbey left Sunday afternoon, midst a shower of rice and old shoes, for Heppner, where Mr. Banks has a posi tion with Minor & Company. HELIX HAPPENINGS PUBLIC SCHOOLS CLOSE. NICE PROGRAM RENDERED. Inland Telephone System Consider, bly Damaged by Electrical Storm Helix Lady Has Returned From an Extended Tour of the Northwest Fishing Season Well Under Way. Helix, june 2. The thunder storm that passed over Helix Sunday even ing did nultc a llttlo damage to the Inland telephone. The fuses were burned out and also blew the plugs from the swlthboard. The Helix school closed last Fri day with n picnic, and nlso splendid program was rendered which was pronounced elegant. Clint Kern, who has been absent from Helix a few weeks, returned Sat urday night. Mr. John A. Gross, of Walla Wnlln. was In Helix last week looking after his farming Interests. Dr. Mann and wlfo of Pendleton, spent Sunday with Mrs. Mann's brother, John Scott, of this place. O. M. Richardson nnd daughters, Gladys and Blnnlre. returned to their home In Weston Moudny morning. Mrs. Richmond remained with her sister. Mrs. Haslfe. Mrs. 0. W. Knight is expected homo from an extended trip In parts of Washington and Idaho, with rela tives and friends. John Scott went to Athena yester day to join a hunting party. .The families of Ben Stanton. Ed Brotherton and Henry Peterson, went on a fishing excursion near Bing ham Springs. Was a Delegate to State I. O. O. F. Taruor Barger returned last Sat urday evening from Portland, where he went as nn I. O. O. F, :'.elegato to the grand lodge, which convened In Portland. A Pleasant Dance. A social dance given at tho homo of Mr and Mrs. Vllllnm Shannon Saturday evening was well attended. Excellent music wns furnished. A good time In general. LUTHERANS IN SESSION. MISSOURI BLACKSMITH ON THE BOOM . Buggy and Hack Wheels at Cost. See us for Wheat racks before ordering elsewhere WANTED-First-class Horseshcer $3.00 per day steady. Missouri Blacksmith ShOp. West Webb St. General Synod in Session at Balti more, Maryland. Baltimore, Md., June J. About 15H mlnlfcters and an equal number of lay delegates were present today In rlrsi church at the opening- of the meeting of the General Synod of the Evangel' leal Lutheran church, jtev. Dr. Wil liam S. Freas. of Baltimore, president o' the conference, presided. Tho other ollloer present Included tho secre tory. Rev. William 1C. Fisher, of Snamokln. Pa., and the treasurer, Louis Manss, of Clnclnnutl. Tbe sessions of tho conference will continue 30 .days. Two fusions daily will be devoted to tho routine busi ness of tbe synod, which is the law making body of the church, and the evening will be given over to mo an niversaries of the sever! cnurcn boards. Today's woceedlnga were of a pre liminary character, including meet ings of committees to prepare their final reports for submission to me conference. Tbe formal opening ser vice will b? held tonight, when tho Ilev. A. J. Turkle, of Allegheny, Pa., will make the jwn'ng address. Acker's Blood Effxlr positively cures chronic Blood Poisoning and all Scrof ulus affections, At all times a match less system tonic and purifier. Money lefunded If you are dlssatlBfied. Fif ty cents and L00. V. W. Schmidt & Co., druggists. Stock Cattle for Sale. ' Have for sole 60 head of cows. 25 calves by side; 10 2-year-old heifers, and ID yearllrif heifers. KLMEIt SPIKE. Echo, Ore. If any merchant really believes that "nobody reads the advertise mnuM ho nn excellent tlm for him to Insert a small notice . , .. L ..! r. , in Dftll (pa Itv the pound at carload prices. Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. H used to be considered that only urinary anil bladder troubles vere to be iraceu to tne Kiuncys, but uow modern science proves that nearly nil diseases have their leKimiiH! in the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filter ami purify the blood that is their work. Therefore, when your kidneysare weak or out of order, you can understand how n;-L-lt- i-niir pntire lxxlv is nflectcd and how every oriran neems to fail to Jo Us If you ore sick or " feci badly," ln-giu taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, liecause as soon ' as your kidneys are well they will help j all Ibe other organs to hcnlth. A trial ' will convince anyone. I If yon are Mck yon can make no mis take by first loctorinR your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of I Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great 1 . : 1 . . .. , . . i . L . U 1, 1 , I1 1 t 7 I'll It stands tbe highest foritb wonderful cures , of Hie most diktressiug cases, and is sold oa its merits liy all 1nii'i'islin Cftv-ceut and one-dollar M7eK15&!!H bottles. Yon may -J lm-e a samnle bottle nomnorawusfrlloot. by mail free, b1m a pamphlet Idling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writingtn Dr. Kilmer & Co., lling hamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Sam-Rxit, ami the ud ilrcss, Ilioj;liauJlon, N. Y. , on every lxittle. ONE WAY OUT. A Resident of Pendleton Shows the Way. Only ono way to euro u bad back. Liniments and plasters may relievo It. They won't euro It. Backache means sick kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills euro nil kidney Ills. Pendleton peoplo piovo this. Read a case of It: Mrs, J, Ilrynk, who lives on Star street, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills are a grand medicine, as I know from ex perience, and I have no hesitation In saying that any sufferer from back ache or .other kidney troubles who will give them a fair trial, will be more than well satisfied with tho results. I suffered from thrco or four years with sharp pains In my hack which became acute when I attempted to bend over, or to lift anything. Be sides, I had rheumatism or lumbago in my left arm so had that I could not raise It above my shoulder without assistance from my left hand, I saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised nnd got a box at the Brock & McCotnas Co, drug store. When I bad used thrco boxes the backache had van ished and with it the rheumatic pains through my arms." For salo by all dealers. Prlco BO cents per box, Foster-MIIburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y,, solo agents for tho United States. Jlemcmbcr tho name DOAN'S and take no other. Hot Weather Specials Tins hot weather make? all feel that we need tho very lightest clothing we cm get, and we arc going to make this a week of Special Bargains in Hot Weather Goods Ladies gauze vests, sleeve'ess, ys each. Misses gauze vest-, slteveteis, 3c each. Ladies knee length knit gauze drivwets, 69c, 50c 30c nd 33c Ladies lace hose, all sizes, several styles, 25c pr. Ladies lace hose, silk finish, worth 40c, special 30c pr. Ladies sunbdnnets, good assortment, 25c, special 30c each, Japanese silk, all colors, 25c yd. Crystal cord wash silk in waist patterns, 4 yds, $1.75 pattern Lailics tailor made suits, special reduction of 20 per cent on all nrade. Ladies wnlking skirts and dress skirts, all grades 20 per cent reduction. The above prices arc good for a week, and all who desire to save money will find this the place to buy, and now the tunc THE FAIR Agents for McCal 's Patterns HOUSEWIVES HALT! And Gel tfco Passive id. It Is CRESCENT Whenever you see it, rest assured that the goods are abso utcly pure, wholesome and satisfactory. We manufacture Baking Powder Coffee Extracts Spices REMEMBER With cery atticlc of Crescent Goods a coupon is enclosed with a premium list entitling you to many useful and handsome presents. Always look for them. Watch this tjincc nntl ill it'll oti nil about these goods sepcratrly, and tend an A. II. C. Hook for the children pn ic ceipt of i cent stamp. Address Department O, Crescent Manufacturing Co , Seittle, Washington. What Others Say About the Underwood Vlhi Walla, Wash , April 1(1, lliOU. J. ii Keen, Pendleton, OrcKOU. Dear Hir He' lying to your eniilry, I Im-k to nay that I purchutnil nil Underwood typewrlu-r In IK1MI, and It hat Imvii In continuous hard use ever since. , I have not Heen any of the now model, hut this h h Hpeulmou of tho work lone by my machine after nearly coven yearn usage, I would not rx chnngo it for any other make The only repaint l have hud to tile machine U to have tho platen renewed twice during thu time I hav had It. This ws rendered neccxsHry by the large amount of tabulating work, mid the hard linage It was mihlectcd to In maul nidlng. Signed -Yourx Truly, H. It. UALDKItHKAD. THE ABOVE IB A COPY OP A LETTER RECEIVED DY J. S. KEES, Agent for UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS STOCK FARM FOR SALE 1 am sole agent 'or the Lie farm ol 1000 acres, six miles fioni I'cndlelon, on Kirch creek, Good Water, Buildings, fine Orchard, Alfalfa Bottom. Terms, half cash. Will sell with or without stock. N. T. CONKLIN. DRY WOOD You should know that tbe very best, (DRY WOOD of all kinds is to bo found at P. P. Collier & Co.'s Yard Also Q00D COAL. Call at Office 038 Main St. Phone Main 1121 ..4.4..4.4..4..4t''''---'4''f LEGAL BLANKS gonian for a free cat alogtre of them. A full supply always kept in stock.