East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 02, 1903, Image 5

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TUESDAY, JUNE 2. 1903.
Shirt Waists Free
t il l rim rmi nix ttninmniiMiK
run rflin LAnlDll
AH This Week
.. . J,. .irrllt Will fllVft fllrtuj nl..i.l.
a shirt waist with each Dress or Street Skirt Sold
over $5- rsote lu 1UIIU" 1U&-
With every 5 skirt w.e. B've -vo.u a '
u-iih every $6 'o S7 skirt we give yc
5 waist.
f ou a $ 1 waist.
wv st) 10 '-.su smh c o ji..so waist.
With every S10 to $n skirt we give a Si. 75 to $2 waist.
With every $12 to 7 skirt we Eivea 2-5 to $2.50 waist.
ffe also have a very large stock of under skirts in all-
the latest materials at very low prices. would be
c'adtoshow ttiem.
Pendleton's Busy Store
nim-L . ....
01 tne Exhibit Will Be After
ward Sent to St. Louis County
Courts Making Appropriations in
Aid of County Displays Hoped
uvery section of State Will Be
City Brevities
rink's lor fresh fish.
Sharp for paper hanging.
trr The Delta's Iced drinks. t
1 .tin ork at Teutsch's.
jtas Ice cream. The Delta.
Li!!' half soles 40c. Teutsch.
E. four spring suits at Joerger's.
your shoes repaired at
famished rooms to rent at
Cow street
Ibnds of imported and domestic
s at Graft's.
cigar store, headquarters for
liin' supplies.
rewired a new line of Jap
r hits, at Campbell's.
different styles of extension
s torn 5 to $30. Rader's
Choice meats at Houscr's.
Everything in season at Tefft's.
Smokers' supplies at Neuman's.
See Sharp's artistic wall paper.
Dining tables $5 and up. Rader's.
Fresh strawberries. Oliver & Co.
Best meals in the city at Tefft's,
Fresh strawberries
Gedney's Queen olives.
Delicious strawberries.
Seeds, package and bulk,
Sunday dinners a specialty
l ent r.
Store for rent, inquire of Chris
TrV Q ItlPIll nf Tnfft!: fnrmnrli. im
Royal restaurant.
. i
issnelo, the best cigar made, at) open day and night; meals at all
1 cigar store, uourt street. , hours, 25c, at Tefft's.
fet always In sight on the Under- t,v tho Palm. 221 Court strppt
k4 rpewriter. J. S. Kees, agent. for nuts, candles and fruits.
FcM Woman to do general ' r-amns Pmlrio Efni.- ir.n r
lirort inquire at this office. ! 1 onn
1 business for sale. Main street. I Wade.
hwt Alta and Court. See E. T. I Haulon's clirar Ktnrp. hparfniinrtprs
: for smokers' supplies. Association
Blacksmith shoo In Pendleton for
I sale. See Earnhart, Association
Toy broom, harmonicas, fine toilet
soaps, rubber bands, flags and fire
works. Nolf's.
Wanted .Men to handle good pay-1 vert,slnB-
li:&-Two or three furnished
tor housekeeping. Inquire at
1 Rent Suite of rooms, nlcelv
tied, one block and a half west '
1 street Inquire 208 Alta.
President W. H. Wehnmg, of Hills
ooro, and Secretary M. D. Wisdom,
of Portland, members of tne board of
iuuiihelts ior tne Oregon State Fair,
are In the city today, having come
down from a Grand nis morning.
Tne gentlemen are traveling through
Oregon In the Interest of the Oregon
fair for this fall, and are confident of
ming uie best exhibit ever placed
In the entry books.
Mr. Wisdom outlined the ollcy of
im: uuuru ana tow of the efforts it
was making in the direction of a good
The two gentlemen have lust re
turned from a trip to Union, whero
they placed the county work in the
hands of a committee composed of
Messrs. Brown. Miller ami Olenburg,
who will secure a collection of the
county's products for the pavilion.
Liberal System of Prizes.
The counties will be each asked to
give exhibits, and as an Inducement,
prizes will be offered for the eight
best exhibits. The first prize will bo
$300; the second, $250; the third.
$200; the fourth, $150; the fifth, $100;
and the sixth, seventh and eightn
will be $100 each.
Complete County Exhibits Wanted.
It Is the wish of tho board to se
cure county exhibits, eacn to be as
complete a representation as possi
ble of the grasses, grains and fruits
grown in that county. The board
would like to have taken to the fair
at Salem the best of everything
grown In each county, the things that
grow under the ground and those
that grow above. They want them
canned, pressed and dried and fresh
from the rivers, trees and ground. In
fact, they want to give to the peopic
visiting me lair rrom the East, an
easily accessible glimpse of the pro
ducts of Oregon, from one boundary
to the other.
They want to place side by side in
the big pavilion at Salem a picture of
each county as far as may be arrang
ed, so that the people can see In Im
agination the fields of grain and the
different articles grown, and can
judge by what they see of the cli
matic conditions, the soil and the re
sources of each part of the state.
With such an exhibit, one complete
In every detail, one showing the
whole of Oregon's productiveness and
what each section of the state can
do the visiting people of the East
here In search or homes, could Judge
the state and pick the locality In
which they wish to settle far more
easily and readily than by any
amount of scattered and abortive ad-
We have all the new novelties in the new
weaves and color combinations as well as
staple and reliable kind of summer dress
materials a large stock too large in
fact-and so we are making prices that
will certainly tempt you to have them
sent home.
x Colored Lawns
In small cots and dress patterns at
one-half price.
75c goods 38c 65c goods 33c
50c goods 25c
I Embroiderid Swiss
35c goods (8c 25c goods (3c
20c goods (Oc
Marsailes and Dimities
White lace striped
35c goods 20c 25c goods (5c
20c goods (2Jc (5c goods 9c
(Oc goods 7c
We offer
No newer lines shown in the
cities than we are showing in
Osiris Novelties
Mercerised Oxfords
Afton Dimities
Osiris Cloth, nile green and j
blue, only 23c ;
Fancy Oxfords, in pink, ::
blue and green, worth : :
50c, - only 39c :;
Afton Dimities, large varie- ::
ty of colorings, styles all ::
new, worth 20c, only 1 5c':':
Ways pleases
line nf r... -t--
.,, . . ,Ja5S Will
ly Pickine" fnr
'he stock is new and
ns manv or. I ?r..i
"Pew will surorise ,,
Iffln. .
p-we do a lot of it.
Ing line. Exclusive territory. Brown
Bros, Co.. Rochester. N. Y.
One hundred and sixty acres. Half
rich bottom land. Good improve
ments. J1C00. E. T. Wade.
Summer i
Appropriations by County Courts. j-, ,, , ! I 1 I I I HW
The eomiMJtltlon Is made com net I-1
live in order to arouse added Interest '
among the farmers and producers I section
over the state. County pride will help
i'i In township 3 north of
lange 33 east, containing 103 acres.
For Sale The Delta candy store. ! to stimulate private Interest, and a Ernest Eggertli and wile nave som
Dnlri!? n flnp lnioinoBc rw-nnr In i grand exhibit will result. Alreadv the tn James M. Slack for IJ,&(W. lots l.
i.nn.- i.palHi i.- t vAa i western oart nf th stain nnil iih far I 2. 3 4. 5. 14. 10 and IB. ill block 2 of
Houser always furnishes good ! hout' " ?ck"m, cu,' ve awak
meat. Send In vnnr nrdpr. Marl.pt ' elK'tt ,0 desirability of a good
Alta street, opposite Savings Bank.
shop on Main street to his son.
Rose, who will conduct the place in i
tne future
-astiIe Soap
i;e. 3 cks
25c pure im
Ported kind
I.. "Re
55c cansi lining. i
I ;.V.?.,-,enet and most careful liouse-
piesentatlon of their resources, and
tri, nminli' rnni.ra tin.'.. ittari
Billy Rose has sold Ills barber 200 . J300 as a nrivate nremlnm to
n"y I the ih'OdIp for tho best exhibits The
! western part of the state Is cogniz
ant of the advantages to be derived
Five dollars reward and no ques-,fiom the fair, and are working hard
tlons asked to the ierson who will for it, but the board does not want It
return bird taken from .V. P. car Mon- te be a one-sided show, and aie after
day. L. J. McAtee. j the stock, agricultural and hortletil-
I tural' exhibits of the eastern country
I The matter will be placed lu the
Electric Storm at Freewater. , hands of a progressive and energetic
I. S. Bunker. In the city from Free-. man from each county and the board
water yesterday, ieorted the most j exacts great results 10 spring from
violent electric storm there Sunday , their efforts,
evening that has ever visited that 1 . . . ,
section. The rain soaked the ground 1 Wl" Send the Best t0 St' Loui8'
well and was or great benefit to the ' Auother reason why the slate
crops. Walla Walla Union 1 should have the best exhibit that
I ever was gathered for the coming
fair, is that the best of the whole, the
cream of the Oregon exhibit, will be
shipped f St. Louis for the World's
Fair of 1904.
From the exhibit at the state fair
It Is hoped to get the bulk of Oregon's
general exhibit, and each article
taken will bo credited to the county
from which it Is sent. For this rea
son It is desirable that the people of
uie enure aiam uuciitbi uwriuocuca
. ... 1 - im.i
tin me coming iair .hvbsib. jeuum
and Wehrung will endeavor to place
tiie matter of the Umatilla exhibit In
the hands of a Pendleton man who
will see that Umatilla has full and
fair representation not only at Sa
lens in the fall, but at St. Ixjuis in
I Edgewood addition o Pendleton.
Commercial Association Meeting.
'The Commercial Association will
hold Its regular monthly meeting in
the rooms of the association this
evening, at the regular time.
"ive.1 are often
allllcted with the
c Th ,1 1 and. d'aafort of bed bum.
t!t ft I coverJ'i18 t0 1,0 wLen they are IU-
i "e Sot, 18 .to wate a mfnute but
Urn..,.. luiuuie uui
aK ??d reliol)le 1,u destroyer
tnV ;oatt,,e'tonee.
iJr i i.1"" .b."t de"th to'l vermin
K ' large Dottlo wltn apriakler top
redjr to use
KoeppensDrug Store
w" .' know what pare ice cream
Pnlisli. nr.
- -j- ju
bottle the best T
you ever had J
Plnpnnf rrMm
for the com-
plexion 25c
all sizes 4,
Receiota Show Gradual Increase
Homeatead Entries.
Following is a 1 sport of the United
States land office at l.a Grande, for
tho month of May:
23 commutation of home
stead entries 4.3GO.OO
98 timber and stone proofs,
15,232 acres 38,082.00
3 sales Isolated tracts, NiU
2 mineral entries, 4U acres
1 original desert entry, Id)
acres ,
Fees 011 8 coal locations..
2 mlnoral applications ....
Applications to record U8
timber locations
130 homestead entries
Commission on 130 II. K.
GO Umatilla Indian land
sales. 388C acres
19C timber and stone loca
tions filed
Total f.O,132.31
Pure cream i
tartar 15c pkR.
Ice Crean
NiiKEct 10c
a dellcloui dltti cf
Ice cream iDii
Real Estate Transfers.
Jose)h Hoch and wife have sold to
Smith A. Alloway. lots 1. 2. 3, 4, 5,
10. 11. 12. 13 and 14. all In block 54
1 nthe reservation addition to J'endle-
ton. The consideration was f&.DOO.
Anna Beagle and Mansll Beagle
her husband, have bold to ijiura B.
Perriu for $2,000. the south half of
tho southwest quarter of section 20
In township 2 north of range 34,
Nancy E. Ehrhaid today transfer
rpd tn Thomas O, Halley for J7.000,
lots 1 2, 3 and 4, and the southeast
quarter of the southwest quarter of
Entertained at Adams.
Tomorrow morning tho ladles of
the Presbyterian Mlsslonury Society
will leave on the train for Adams,
where they will upend tho day with
Mrs. Balstoli. of that place. The
whole day will lie spent enjoying the
hospitality so kindly accorded them,
the party returning on the evening
Returns to Pennsylvania.
Professor W. 8. Wilson, for the
past year assistant principal at the
Academy, left last evening with his
family for Pittsburg, Pa., his old
homo, where he will reside In tho fu
ture. Professor Wilson will be miss
ed by patrons and students at the
Academy, where his work was of the
best and his efforts were earnest and
sincere In tho upbuilding of the
Free delivery of mall began In Al
bany on June 1,
First Oysters In Pendleton.
N. C. Kofoed, of llwaco, has I lie
distinction of being the first man to
Introduce fresh oysters In Eastern
Oregon He was running a restaur
ant In Tho Dalles In the '80s, burned
out, everytlUng was destroyed and
Mr. Kofoed was left with only a few
dollnrs. He then went to Pendleton
nud opened an oyster house. Never
before bail the residents of Hint little
hamlet for II wus a small place nl
that time been able to get fresh oyn
ters. They went wild over tho Intro
duction of them and mr Kofoed
says It was Impossible for him to
keep demands supplied. He remain
ed there In the oyster business until
lus wife's health gave way and he was
forced to leave Then he came to
llwaco nnd went Into the saloon IiiihI
ness where he has been ever since
llwaco Journal
The walk, the ride, the hunt,
or a spin on yonr wheel are not to
be enjoyed unless you are correct
ly booted.
The Nolf Store
Paper Bound Books
1450 copies, hundreds of leading!
authors, 5c to 50c. The mosti
complete line ever shown here. !
Our Shoes Show
the Correct and
Latest Styles in
Business Wear
or Occasions of
Pleasure : : :
You can't go wrong In them
Toilet Soap
Abou. 10 gross fine Toilet
from 2'jC to. 2c a bar.
completete line at lowest
Boston Store
Cook Books
Another large shipment of these,
useful hooks, The "White.
Mouse," "Home Queen" and I
'Every Day" Cook Books, from,
38c to 1 1 i.y
The Nolf Stove
Blank kooks and office supplies
$2.50 to $4.00
They wear well too
Jndd Block. Court & Main Sta.