East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 01, 1903, Image 6

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    DAILY EAST 0R'N003U0 'NOianQNBd 'NVIN0D3 MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1903.
Is Not a SKin Disease.
Most people hare nn idea that rheumatism is contracted like a cold, that the
damp, chilly air penetrates the muscles and joints and causes the terrible aches
and pains, or that it is something like a skin diwase to he rubbed away with lini
ment or drawn out with plasters; but Rhueinatism originates in the blood and is
caused by Urea, or Uric Acid, an irritating, corroding poison that settles in mus
cles, joints and nerves, producing inflammation and soreness and the sharp, cutting
painspcculiar to this distressing disease. ,,.
Exposure to bad weather or sudden .u T wlff?ThJ'.
. t,j ;n ,-r,- About a year bro I was attacked braaute
chilling of the body will hasten an at- rumatim In my shoulders, arms and
tack of Rheumatism after the blood and leers below the knee. I could not ralsa my
system arc in the right condition for it arm to comb my hair. Doctors presoribed
to develop, but have nothing to do with SS.fri2S?5. sfSKEtSS
the real true causes of Rheumatism, and decided totry it. Immodlatoly Icom
wbich are internal and not external. menced Its use 1 felt hotter, and remarked
Ttnimxtite nloeti.re mnA mkW. to mother that I was (tladl iiadat last found
Liniments, plasters antt rubbing ,ome relief. I continued Its use and am
will Eomotlmci reduce the inflamma- entirely well. I will always feel deeply
.73 V W. Wi DlltVC
the trouble.
S. S. S. cures Rheumatism because it nttacks it in the blood, and
the Uric Acid poison is neutralized, the sluggish cir
culation stimulated and quickened, and soon the sys
tem is purified and cleansed, the nchitiE muscles and
I joints are relieved of all irritating matter and a lasting
cure of this most palnlul dljeasoeiiecieu.
S. S. S. is a harmless vegetable remedy, unequalled
as a blood purifier and an invigorating, pleasant tonic. Book on Rheumatism will
be mailed free. TH SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., A TLANTA, GAm
, . .. ..J. , .. ... ,, ,, ! -I'
Send Your
Subscription Honey
J 03 Third Street
Portland, Ore.
Agent for
f All Publications
To test this "ad"
I will give a
Ten Per Cent Reduc
tion on all
Subscription sent me
during the month of
1" j
; i
Dinner Twonty-flvo Cents
From 11.30 n. 111, to 7 p. in.
Short orders a speciality
Quick, Courteous Service
Open all Day and Night
T. A. Oldfather, Prop.
The Columbia
Lodging House
M!' ,XMI
Five Porcelain Tubs i
Fully Equiooed for Hloher Education
Practical Educators in Charge
New Buildings and Laboratories.
Comparatively few persons,- even
within Us own legitimate field, real
ize tho unusual opportunities offered ,iays nt least before it can be in run
to students nt the Eastern Oregon
Electric Light Plant Entirely Destroy
ed by Fire Saturday Evening.
Tim linker City electric light plant
was entirely destroyed by fire Satur
day evening about 5 o'clock.
Fire was first found under the en- (
glne room floor and before the de
partment arrived the entire building
was a mass of flames. J
The loss Is $25,000, with $10,000 In
surance On Friday a policy of $2,500 1
was cancelled, owing to the fact that
two men were constantly on watch at
the propertv. The plant will be re-
built Immediately, but it will be 'JO
Newly Furnished.
Bar in connection.
Alta & Webb Sts.
In Center of Block.
F. X. Schempp
Pr o pri e t o r
Conrad Platzoeder $
All kinds of Fresh
Meats always on
hand. Fine Bacon,
Hams and Sausage.
Prices as low as the lowest
Are now to be found at
Privett's Barber Shop and
fBath Rooms. We also have t
five hydraulic chairs. Every-
IS thing is neat and clean. We
'X employ none but fust-class j
fi workmen. Our equipment is
not excelled in Eastern Ore. I
I Privett's Barber Shop t
I J TX Main Btreet J
! Lee's Lice Killer
Insect powder and Poultry
Supplies, also Hay, Grain
and Feed.
C F. Colesworthy
127 129 East Alta St.
H"H"H"Mi M I I I l .l.J.
With every piece
Spotless, White,
Washed, Nicely Starch
ed, Neatly Ironed, noth
ing Torn and Nothing
Stretched you are well
That's just the kind of
work the Domestic
Laundry turns out every
Can't we call for your
Bundle and Deliver it
Is the cause of more discomfort thau
uny other ailment. If you eat the
things that you want and that are
good for you, you are distressed. Ack
er's Dyspepsia Tablets will make
your digestion perfect nnd prevent
Dyspepsia and Its attendant disagree
able symptoms. You can safely cat
anything, at any time, If you take one
of theso tablets afterward. Sold by
all druggists under a positive guar
antee 25 cts. Money refunded If
you arc not satisfied. Send to us for
a frpo sample. W. II. Hooker & Co..
Iluffalo. N. Y.
This is Pendleton Testimony and Will
Stand Investigation.
If you should doubt tho following
and wish to Investigate, you haven't
to go to some other state In tho union
to prove It. It's not a long story pub
lished In Pendleton newspapers about
it rusiiiuni in rvniamazoo, .Mich., or
Tampa. Fla. It's about a resident of
remuoton and given In his own words.
No stronger proof can bo had.
H. A. Thompson, retired, who lives
on Stonewall Jackson street, says:
"My kidneys troubled mo by spells
for in years .and at such times with
a stendy dull aching across my back.
I used largo quantities of various
kinds of medicines said to be good
for It. but they never benefited mo
enough so that I could notice It. Fi
I nally I got a box of Doan's Kidney
j Pills at tho Ilrock & McComas Co.
drug store and I found them to bo
Just what I needed. They went right
I to the spot and not only relieved my
1 backache, hut cured It pormanontly.
I will be only too pleased to tell
I others about tho merits of this reme-
I For salo liv nil donlnra iri,. rn
'VfcAVVVSNWVVV Fostei-Mllburn Co..
t .Buffalo, K Y.. solo acenta for thn
Mimce, irjjo minutes 01 newspapers, con- Rememlipr thn , nn a xt.c
iUlfllnB oyer 100 ble uonera can be ob 1 "n,.emUer ..lno name DOAN'S
Itatnett rorSS ewts a bundle. I onu laue no other.
'Court and Thompson Streets.
state Normal school, located at Wes
ton, In Umatilla county, Oregon,
says the Weston Leader. This school
Is now under new and ofBclent man
agement, and lias tho most complete
equipment of any of tho stato normal
schools In Oregon. It Is situated in
a section of country which, for fertil
ity of soil, beauty of surroundings,
and honlthfulnesB of climate, Is un
surpassed In the Northwest.
This is n normal school; It Is n
state normal school; and It is nn
Eastern Oregon state normal school;
It is hore for the benefit of every sec
tion of Eastern Oregon, and the state
lies vested Its sole educational In
terest for Eastern Oregon In this Institution.
Higher Education at Home.
While Western Oregon has Its state
normal schools, its state agricultural
college, and Its state university, It
Is left for the Eastern Oregon state
normal school to furnish tho higher
educational advantages offered by
tho state Institutions for the tntellec-.
tunl and social development of t..is
part of the commonwealth "Where
Holls the Oregon." The teachers
and prospective teachers of this sec
tion are not availing themselves of
tho opportunltties here offered to the
extent to which they are entitled and
to the extent to which they vould
nvail themselves If Its advantages ns
a seat of education were better known.
Institution Complete.
The educational "plant" Is most
complete. Less than two years ago
vas finished a three-story and base
ment brick building, equipped
throughout with steam heat and mod
ern conveniences. The now building
contains a large assembly hall, or
chaiKil, fro society halls, 12 session
rooms, physical and chemical labora
tories, museum, women's gymnasium,
kindergarten room, reception room,
and president's office: besides cloak
rooms, halls, etc. It Is beautifully
finished throughout in natural wood;
the laboratories and lavatories have
cement floors and city water connec
tions; nnd the building has a sichtlv
situation on the brow of tho hill, east
of town, overlooking the country for
miles around.
Young Ladies' Hall.
The young ladles' hall is a substan
tial wooden structure one block Im
mediately adjoining the normal
grounds. It contains parlors, dining
room, kitchen, bath room, store
rooms, matron's room and dormitory
rooms ample for a large number of
students. The young men also take
iceir meals here. In the sn.mlniiR ,
nlng order, as the machinery Is nil
ruined nnd most of It will have to
be shipped from the east.
Carnival at Lewiston.
The first annual carnival given
under the auspices of the Redmen
and Lewiston Concert Hand, opened
this morning to Inst during the week.
The queen of the carnival is Miss
Agnes Mounce, a member of the Ar
tisans, and today has been designat
ed as ' Artisans Day."
Mrs. Lorraine J. Pitkin, vice-president
of the auxiliary board of lady
managers of the World s Fair Fra
ternal Build. ng Association, has been j
elected department commander of ,
the Woman's Relief Corps of the Illi
nois division of the G. A. R- Mrs. Pit- j
kin has been identified with fraternal ,
movements for the last 23 years. I
New commissioner. .
I They Smoke LilH
I in Cig'arland MM
I The Largest Selling ySgm
Smoker's Protection CE7
1 1 JZS.
i i 111 T .w .j I m
Thousands Havs Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect it.
How To Find Out.
Fill a Imttle or common glass with your
water and let it stand twenty-four hours ;
tlingindicatesnn unhealthy con
dition of the kid-
if it stnms
linen it is
ulence of kid-
ll ney trouuie ; 100
yyX frequent desire
i&r to pass it or pain
in the hack is
also convincing proof that the kidneys
and bladder are out of order.
What To Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge so 1
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, 4
minus everv wish in curing niaiuiaioui,
pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder
and every part of the urinary passage.
It corrects inability to hold water
and scalding pain in passing it, or bad
effects following use of liquor, wine or
beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne
cessity of being compelled to go often
during the dav, and to get up many
times during; tfie night. The mild and
the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root
is soon realized. It stands the highest
for its wonderful cures of the most dis
tressing cases. If you need a medicine
you should have the best. Sold by drug
gists in fiftv-cent and one-dollar sues.
You may have a sample bottle and a , 4
book that tells all
nbout it. bothsent free drtOSr
by mail. Address Dr. fSSnCrHS
Kilmer & Co., Iling-
hamtoti, N. Y. 'When nomeot Bamp-Root.
Is a good thing bat when the warm 'weather
turns yonr thoughts to things such as : : :
1M USJJ (DllWJJli ;
You will find a Complete line of the very latest
sanitory ideas in Relrigerator manufacture at
our store. The prices are right too from
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man
ileal aw )'
writing mention this paper and don't
parlors are held, during the vear ' ,,lal:e a"' mistake, hut remember the
many pleasant social functions where ! "m,le: ,1Jr- ihl,m?r s wamp-Koot, ana
faculty, students, and town people address, Hinghaiutoti, N. .
commingle for nmusement, entertain- "
ment and social eheor. B-mESfs Effeffl
Tho building formerly occupied by a fi p M M
the normal school, a two-story brick.' JWIssiW? B B 5Di
Willi wooden 1 oil. is to bo well utilized. FaffkCCSiPB
The tipper floor will be divided Into &g H C fcfli LB V 'J
dormitory rooms for young men; the! DO WW EaLu 3
tower noor ot tho moin building Is 1 it i,r,TM't rcs.nir. ii,ithy ,o,ra?nt or tb 1
u uv cuuvorieu into n young men's ff" :VnV.-.iW
b-mnnsium, and tho first floor of i.ie ntpinwurwiii -
011 into sloyd workshops nnd rooms
for the teaching of domestic science.
This building has a separate steam
heating plant.
Tho normal grounds are ample for
football and baseball fields, circular
track, tennis courts, nnd basket-ball
grounds, etc.
Full Laboratories.
The physlcnl and chemical labora
tories are well supplied with appara
tus and materials for doing a,l the
work Included In a normal school
course. The library contains several
hundred well selected books of lef
oronco and general literature and the
tables of tho reading room 'are sup
plied with many of the leading maga
zines nnd periodicals.
me scnoo lias nn nttnnrlnnno .
public school pupils sufficient to fur- I
nlsh nn olllcient tralnlnc ilenn rimoni X
or practice school. President French' ' t
Is also principal of this department '
and exercises personal supervision 1
over the work of tho student teachers. T
., a yenr wns 8ient oy him In
visiting nnd studying tho school sys-'
ems 0f ,h0 lending European conn-1
tries, and his n i ,.i..i T
which has been so largely Instrumen
tal In making teaching a profession
n tho public schools of this state Is
... i'.uuuu 01 an cxienued expen
onco ns teacher In the common
schools, superintendent of schools,
teacher In normal afliio .i
logo. President French has made tho
i.u,n,us or moinocis employed In
tho public schools his life worn, and
no pains will he spared to give the
students of tho normal school the
professional training which will bo
directly appllcahlo In tho public
schools of tho stnte.
"Yes, I explained tho whole theory
of the now discovery to my wife"
"And what did she say?" "She sail)
George, can you remember who the
Souorfleld girl married? I've been try
ing to think all day of bis name.' "
Clovoland Plain Dealer.
til III , .. I.. k' n vn.,1
lor'- ti Ihe Blm)euf tio !
11 .liL'i -a Tliu tiuooth ,
r y ul kt'ii'lnc llie buvuu 1
neuant 1'alntaMi l -n-n' t- x! poOood .
Siitr Siclin Weaken i.rli 1 anil Ut cenu !
lr box Wrlta fur f'ra lamiilf au4 li'ioulet nz ' 4
liealth AUiils o ' 4
aituusu iixncnv ionri.tr, umjui., nn 1011a. I 4
. 4
i"H'H"i"H"H"H4--m"m"i-i"H-' 2
Fresh ilH
- - & SON . .
The Grand Trunk Gold Mine
Sumpter, Oregon, Gold jMining District.
Is located upon the GREAT MOTHER
LODE system of veins and has for neigh
bors on that vein such well known
mines as the NORTH POLE valued at
$10,000,000. 1 he COLUMBIA valued at
$0,000,000. GOLCONDA valued at $3,
000,000. THE MONMOTHG. M. CO'S
BELLE BAKER mine valued at $5oo,
000. THE BALD MOUNTAIN valued at
$5oo,ooo. THE IBEX valued at $400."
000, and many others.
The Grand Trunk Gold Mining and
Owns Its Property Cons'stlnt of 160 Acres of Rich dold Bearing tto
It lias no indebtedness of any character.
It has a conservative mining and business management
It is offering 50,000 shares of stock at 15c per share
It will become a dividend payer in a short tune
It will pay you to write us for full particulars and to ma
careful investigation of its merits. ,
It has the indorsement of mining men, business men ana
bankers of Eastern Oregon.
Write us today and let us post you.
,H. S. McCailam & Company,
Miners, Brokersancl Flnanoial Agents.
Of R. S. BRYS0N, Local Agent, Pendleton, Oregon.
Our Weekly Mining Letters on Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mima.
District iree on Application.
Wo aro headquarters for J
berries and fruits of all kinds I
Yon should know that the very best, DRY WOOD of
all kinds is to be found at
P. P. Collier & Co.'s Yard
Also GOOD COAL. Call at Office j.
638 Main St. Phone Main 1121
V. V