V ' ' v v,,';v , iwi',-.. ' f t ' v i - " Vi'-)ff Tf 3'i'.'" -i DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. MONDAY, JUNE 1, 103. FIERCE BASE BALL Mill ! WtM I MMMHtMHMHI MMMMMIIIMHIII t ;hirt Waists Free IT PAYS TO TRADE AT The PEOPLES WAREHOUSE All This Week -' . y I . . 1. i 1 1 ..... , i I,. !1 QftlurdaV nigu wu give awuy ausoiUlfilV PD fhirt waist with each Dress or Street Skirt Sold !S$5 Note the following: u-ih every ts skirt we give you a 5c waist, in h every 6 to (7 skirt we give you a $1 waist. h every JS to 58-5 skirt we give a $1.25 to $1.50 waist, ! h every $10 to U 1 skirt we give a $1.75 to $2 waist, i pvorv $12 to $17 skirt we give a $2.25 to 2.5o waist. -IT Il ' We also have a very large stock of under skirts in ail 1I1 mntftrials at very low prices. Would be, (rlidtoshow them. S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE Pendleton's Busy Store PENDLETON WON SATURDAY. SUNDAY WAS DAYTON'S DAY. First Day's Score Eleven to Four Second Event Six to. Four Very Interesting Games Were Played Both Days The Public Got Its Money's Worth. YESTERDAY S GAMES. Dayton 6 rendition 4 Walla Walla S CotUx" STANDING OF CLUBS. ITyii Won Lol P. C. Pendleton 20 12 8 600 Walla W alia SO 11 S S.10 Dayton so 9 n ro Colfax 'JO S 12 400 Qtty Brevities ICttle't for fresh fish. Sharp for paper hanging. ITij The Delta's iced drinks. m thoe work at Teutsch's. I Delicious ice cream, The Delta. Uttf halt soles 40c. Teutsch. Ger rour spring suits at Joerger'a. Bite your shoes repaired at Wsch'i. Is furnished rooms to rent at 1 Court street. fill kinds of imported and domestic betes at Gratz's. IB' cigar store, headquarters for ;ckj' supplies. Jut received a new line of Jap mi hats, at Campbell's. I Fnrtr different styles of extension Ib'e: from So to $30. Ilader's. I -n SHtlo ." the best clear made, at . ; . . Mi' cigar store, uouri street. Tcrk always In sight on the Under mod typewriter. J. S. Kees, agent Wiated Woman to do general w4ork. Inquire at this office. I Good business for sale, Main street, mam Alia ana uouri. see is. x. File. I tinted Two or three furnished nj ior nouseKeeping. Inquire at t office. .u tnw tale ui HlllUi Seep home. Apply Mrs. Baker, 1208 i euD street. !UT GLASS ALWAYS PLEASES I' new line 0f Cut Glass will tnA.- i new ana , 0!rg.ns m!nv an beautiful -. wm surprise you. EWELRY REPAIRING ru.ess-we.do a lot of it, HUNZIKER JEWELER and OPTICIAN Choice meats at Houser's. Everything in season at Tefft's. Smokers' supplies at Neuman's. See Sharp's artistic wall paper. Dining tables $5 and up. Rader's. Fresh strawberries. Oliver & Co. Dest meals In the city at Tefft's, 25c. Fresh strawberries dally. Hawley Bros. Gedney's Queen olives. Hawley Bros. Delicious strawberries. Hawley Bros. Seeds, package and bulk. Hawley Bros. Sunday dinners a specialty at Tefft's. Store for rent, inquire of Chris Hanley. Try a meal at Tefft's, formerly the Royal restaurant. Open day and night; meals at all hours, 2Cc, at Tefft's. Hammocks, new stationery, souve nir postal cards. Nolf's. Try the Palm, 221 Court street, for nuts, candles and fruits. Bird manna, sticky and poison fly paper, celluloid soap boxes. Nolf's. Camas Prairie stock ranches, 100 to 1,000 acres. Prices right. E. T. Wade. Hanlon's cigar store, headquarters for smokers' supplies, Association block. Blacksmith shop In Pendleton for sale. See Earnhart, Association block. Wanted Job by young man, any kind of work, city or country; best of references. Tel. Red 14. One hundred and sixty acres. Half rich bottom land. Good Improve ments. $1600. E. T. Wade. For Sale The Delta candy store. Doing a fine business. Owner in poor health. E. T. Wade. Houser always furnishes good meat Send In your order. Market Alta street, opposite Savings Bank. For Rent Suite of rooms, nicely furnished, one block and a half west of Main street Inquire 208 Alta. Attention Knights. Damon Lodge No. 4 will work In the third rank this evening. All members request ed to be present. Mrs. Marston's music class will give a recital at the Christian church Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. An admission of 25c will be charged to defray expenses, tickets being on sale at Frazler's book store. Boiler for Sale. Twenty horse-power flue tubular, In good condition; Inquire at the Do mestic Laundry. President Harper, of Chicago Unl' verslty, Is vigorously opposed to stit' dents working for the railroad com' panics as "strike breakers." i v-irowder " package win bulk K -Chloride of Uine ip J5C cans fkkction M free "v odor but - '""tog. Castile Soap ioc cake, 3 cks. 25c pure im ported kind Household Ammonia 15c Bottle Unfortunate Hie cleanest and moat careful house wives are often ffllcted with the LrubJf and discomfort of bed buns, me thing to do when they are dis covered Is not to waste a minute but proiure a good reliable hug destroyer and go at them at once. uSSS1'1!.'8 mdBOO DK3TROYKR la a erlii? 5d ,CBe he PU out of every 51!j.pU?? wbere ,br cn hide and Vi",?"1, tolas'" but death to all vermin. -J lor a large bottle with sprinkler top reidy to ute Koeppem Drug Store on will Berer know what pure Ice cream IB linil vmi tsv mi ra ! - - - j. Jj j.. J..J..4..4.1 jfoiisn, 25c bottle the best 1 you ever had j Pinenut cream f for the com- plexion 25c Sponges all sizes Pure cream tartar 15c pkg. Ice Crean Nugget ioc t a dellcloui dtfli of Ice crfani and nut dreuiUK O Pendleton Is no hog, neither are her ball players selfish and avaric ious. They may win, but they do It in such a nice manner; and they sometimes lose, but then they do it gracefully, and In a way that delight oth the hearts of the fans. Saturday afternoon the game was as fierce as the heat for a while. So was the umpire, and so was the crowd. Of all the illustrations of urn plrial rattledness, Ripley ts surely Exhibit A. He Is a peach and a rosy unique dream, a parti-colored land scape in old gold and crimson, with a gilt frame and a red plush mat. But that doesn't make any difference; It was the game that counted, and It counted clear across the score board. In the first Inning the genial and oien handed umpire presented Day ton with a bouquet of three runs, but that effort exhausted his generosity and he went out of the Santa Glaus business, perhaps because It was too hot to keep up the pace. It took Pendleton three times to cross the plate, but at the last of the third Inning they sent one man across the plate for a starter, and at the end of the Inning tne score stood 4 to 1 In favor of Dayton. Then the game commenced to slip and slide around. The Dayton boys were tired and It was too hot to go around the ring, so they allowed Pendleton to do it for them, and they did. In the fifth Inning they made two trips, In the sixth two more, and in the seventh they scored six times and Brockhoff made a home run. After that they rested and the game closed with a score of 11 to 4 In favor of Pendleton. Brockhoff's home run was the play of the season. He swung the ball over the fence back of left field, and trotted around the path as confident ly as a colt behind a buggy. The effort netted him about $15, the en thusiastic bench crowds grinding out that amount In a Panama hat. Sunday's Game. Sunday's game, though, was the game, and it took 11 chapters to tell the story, and had It not been for a slight mistake by tne tragedian on Pendleton's stort stop station, It might have been a serial story wltn the old familiar "to be continued" bracketed under the summary. The game oiened with a gloomy outlook for the Indians. Dayton took the willow and Kid Williams hit to first and stole second. Iugheeo did the Identical, and then Ski Wil llamB came to bat. He made a long hit that scored the top column men and a moment later scored on Spic dell's error. Donovan walked to first, and then three men went out In one, two three order. Pendleton nearly evened things when the local boys took a chance at the path between the sacks. Steven son walked Neagle. he was sent to second on Gass' hit to first, stole third and scored on Brown's hit. Gass stole second after his hit to first and scored on a passed ball. Brockhoff had gone out to right field and Sple dell and Hartman both ml at Stev enson's benders and sought the bench. , , L Dayton went out In three straight attempts in the first of the second, and Pendleton took a couple more of credit marks to the field with them when they went out In the last half. Danforth walked, but went out at second. Collier went to first on fielder's ciiolce, but went out at home. Neagle and Brockhoff both hit to first and Gass did the same thing, filling the bases. Dunn came to tho 1. a. -,! mit rn nut over tne second baseman's head that scored Neagle and Brockhoff. Brown struck out, leaving the score 4 to 3 in Pendleton's favor. And tnere the balance sway ed until the first half or tne ninui, when Stevenson scored on nonovan a 1,11 an,i th ImrH of Justice swung even with four nuggets in each pan. By this time a tnunaer storm nau nmo 1111 mid the wind and dust ob scured the field at times, but the 10th Inning was siariea wjui a grim determination on both sides. The lOtn inning was jeaiureiesa mummnieir Dire mm We have all the new novelties in the new weaves and color combinations as well as staple and reliable kind of summer dress materials a large stock too large in fact and so we are making prices that will certainly tempt you to have them sent home. We offer x Colored Lawns In small cots and dress patterns at one-half price. 75c goods 35c 65c goods 33c 50c goods 25c I Embr oiderid Swiss 35c goods) fie 25c goods (3c 20c goods (Oc Marsailes and Dimities White lace striped 35c goods 20c 25c goods J 5c 20c goods J 2 ic 1 5c goods 9c tOc goods 7c No newer lines shown In' I theblg cities than we are showtngfin Osiris Novelties Mercerised Oxfords Afton Dimities Osiris Cloth, nile green and blue. only 23c Fancy Oxfords, in pink, blue and green, worth 50c, only 39c Afton Dimities, large varie ty of colorings, styles all new. worth 20c, only i 5c Fancy Ribbons Embroidered Hosiery . Summer Gloves The FeipDe Wareliroiins I 1 1 1 M l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 HHf I M and without result, but tho 11th told the tale. Kid Williams hit to first and went to third on Hartman'a er ror. Lougheed hit to first and stole second. Ski Williams sent a hot one to Spiedell, who scored Kid Williams and Lougheed on a wild throw to first Ski WjlllaiuB went out on an attempted to steal to second, Donovan went out to Neaglo In the left gar den, and Wells went out to Gass. In thi second half Danfmirth start ed the iHjglnnlng of tho cud by flying out to Louguoeil; Collier hit to first and Neagle stopped tho agony by going out on a fly to second, which was doubled 'o first for the benefit of Collier. Collier was to tho bad yesterday and walked four men and struck out three. Stevenson walked four men and struck out 10. Summary. Pendleton All It II Sll PO A 15 Neagle, If 6 2 2 0 2 Brockhoff. 2b Gass, tf 5 1 ' ii l ii Dunn. 31) 3 Brown, c 6 0 0 0 Sp'ldel, ss 5 0 0 0 110 3 5 1 5 4 0 1 4 0 0 0 i 0 0 2 3 2 Hartman, Hi ,...G o 0 0 11 0 1 Danforth, rf ....4 0 0 0 2 0 1 Collier, p 5 0 1 0 4 0 Totals 43 4 5 0 33 15 5 Dayton All H II SH PO A K Williams. Kid ((5 2 1 0 0 0 0 Lougheed, Hi ...5 2 3 1 11 0 0 Williams, Ski, If C 1 4 0 10 0 Donovan, ss ....4 0.1 0 2 4 2 Kane, 3b 3 0 0 o 2 2 J Wells, 2b 5 0 1 1 4 4 0 Veley, c 5 0 0 0 12 0 2 Carter, rf 5 0 0 0 1 0 u Stevenson, j 4 1 2 0 0 2 0 Totals, 42 12. 2 33 12 C Score by Innings. 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 Pendl'u.. 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 Dayton.. 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 26 Earned rims Pendleton 2; Daylon 3. Left on bases Pendleton 8; Day ton 12. Base on errors Pendleton 3; Day ton 2. Two base hits Stevenson. Stolen bases Brockhoff 2; Dunn, Kid Williams, Donovan, Ixugheed 3. Double plays Brockhoff to Hart man; Collier to Spldel to Hartman; Wells to Ixmghocd. liases on balls Collier, tf; Sloven son, 4. Hit by pitcher Kane. Struck out By Collier. 4; by Stev enson, 11. Passed balls Brown, Veley. Wild pitch Stevenson, Time of guinc 2:10, I'mplle Itlpley, Dayton Team to Walla Walla. Manager Iiughheed unci his Day ton bull players, left this morning for Walla Walla, when) they will play the colored nine from tho fort to morrow. Thursday they will play Walla Walla at Dayton for the four scheduled games. The Nolf Store Paper Bound Books 1450 copies, hundreds of leading authors, 5c to 50c. The most complete line ever shown here. Toilet Soap About 10 gross fine Toilet Soaps from 2'jc to 24c a bar. Most completete line at lowest prices Cook Books Another large shipment of these useful books, The "White House," "Home Queen" and "Every Day" Cook Hooks, from 38c to Ii 24. The Nolf Stove Wank kooks and office supplies Correctly Booted The walk, the ride, the hunt, or a spin on yonr wheel are not to be enjoyed unless you are correct ly booted. Our Shoes Show the Correct and Latest Styles in Business ' Wear or Occasions of Pleasure : : : You can't go wrong iu then BUY AND BE PLEASED AT Boston Store SHOES $2.50 to $4.00 MADE TO FIT They wear well too A. EKLUND Jndd Blook Court & Main Sts. R . m - - "