Km Sirictly up-to-date furnishings at prices that will no' initate your pocket book Mr will buy nice light weight balbriggan underwear, and up to 52.50. ti 50 for a good straw hat, Panamas run from that to 5- 25c neckwear is one of our specialties and some up to 51.50: 50c for golt and negligee shirts, correct style, others up to $2.50. $9 buys the man's best suit that was ever put before you. Sells everywhere at S12 50 lexander Dept. Store ah SOCIETY ACADEMY GRADUATES HOLD ENJOYABLE SESSION. Banquet at the Golden Rule Toasts Happily Responded to Pleasant and Interesting Close of Profitable School Year inn unless it stands for something. The name "White" .L ..tnlhnun r hiii'ncc nH tin 1 1 ovor cfinl m.t li (V Willi IlllCUim-ilfc uvis uiiu oiauu mill liiC j'u ww - - n a " w .1.11 . 1 nit. 1111.. l 11 111 l . iiLri 1 1 111, 111 111 vi 4 4 4 4 Its Merit Has the large demand for Byers' Best Flour built up. Only the choicest wheat that grows enters in- Prt H... L'l.... 1. . I . ? Tl . f 1 .1. . 11 r?TTT "T W1TTT T W. S. Byers, Proprietor. Oliver .w j WfVlIltl 1S Itlnrl Iko ...1... - ...1. ICH.RUI. cannot Hi i: Ininossible Writing in The Snpprline. ... L- - -r-"""i iiuioauie on wme and see our testi. At S:30 Saturday evcnlnc. the ninmnl, a number of the former teachers, and the present faculty, as sembled In the parlors of the Golden Rule hotel to form an alumni asso ciation. The constitution mi ni,i n.i adopted and offlcers were elected. ai a.ju tno Ruests repaired to the dining room, where an elegant sup per was served in courses. Toasts were rpsnnn.ii .,, i. lows: Mrs, John Vert "Pnmllninn 1,1. emy In its Infancy." Cecil Wade, class of -y9, Coeducation." Miss Koesch. class of '111 'fnoilff . cation." Miss Whlltemoro Ma KB nf Ylf .'Tt Nauuhty Twoes." Miss McDIll. class nf 'na "Tim 1 nt. est ThliiK Out." Mrs. Henn, class of 'OS, "First trims. Mr. Wilson, "Our KctlrinR l'resi ! dent." Colonel E. 11. Boyd, "Prospects." I Dr. Forbes, in a few words, thank ed those present for their kindly wishes and In a verv touching man vtr referred to the loyalty of the stu dents and the citizens of Pendleton, towards the Institution which ho has so lorn; represented. At 12:30 the guests adjourned after bidding farewell to the faculty, who are all to leave soon for distant places. Those who attended were as fol lows: air. Vert, Mrs. Jessie L Vert, Professor r. U Forbes, v S. A. Wil son. Colonel K. D. Tloyd. Miss Ida Boyd. Grace Beagle, kiilo A. Patter son, Miriam Strong. Carl O. KIoop fer. Mrs. Kloepfer. Rev. n. ,T. Diven. Mrs. Diven, Maud Crawford, CIcll Wade, Mr. Henn, Mrs. Renn, J. A. Kennedy. Frieda Roesch Eva Belts, Mable McDIll, Flora Walker, Myrtle Hawks, Ruby Whlttemore, Delia Beagle, Thressa i-orter, Grayce Crockett, Nell Whlttemore. Senators to Visit Alaska. Indianapolis, Ind., June 1. Senator Unverldpn qr.nrmnr.ifc thm llw. tunm. bers of the niicotnmlttQ? of tho sun-. ate on terrltorlea app'dnted to In-' vestlcato and renort mi lh liest meili. od of electing a delegate to congress from Alaska will start t hid week on . their trin fn thf fnr TinrtIivvf:I.rn nr. rltory. The members of the commit-, ice who win mane uie trip are sena tors Patterson, nf Colorado- XVlsnn i of Minnesota; Burnham, of New Hampshire, and Dillingham, of Vermont. 'What Is the difference," said the Information editor, "between a dis satisfied third baseman and" "And the owner ot a collection of curios," broke In the exchange editor. "One plays for his discharge and the other charges for his display. That's easy. What Is the difference between the captain ot & leaky ship " "And a lawyer cross-examining a witness? Shucks! That's like falling oft n log. One mans the pumps and the other pumps the man. Whv Is an Impecunious actor " "Boneless ham. Why Is " Chicago Tribune. Wlggs What's the matter with Kraft these days? He's positively stupid. Waggs Xot at all. He's merely pretending to be stupid. Wlggs Pretending? What's tno Idea In that? Waggs For some reason or other he's trying to get Into society. Phila delphia Ledger. Mistress Did you tell those ladles nt the door that I was out. as I told you? New Servant Yls. mum. Mis tress Did they seem disappointed? Now Servant Yls, mum. Wan av thlm sed: "How forchunlt!" Chica go Dally News. .TnnOS 1 lnvnetA.1 In n nnrimt I lwt other day. Drown So! 1 thought you disliked to hear any 6110 play that In strument. Jones So 1 do. 1 bought mine of the man who lives next door ic me. i nicago Dally News. i . . . . .. iwsi ipaning ort nis guesis) .Mr, .iiuMiiuraiits. you win please iai;o Miss Guinwell out to dinner. Mr. Makinbrakes Certainly. But, great Scott! where? Don't you have dinner linra t., tlt I.n..n9 nl,lo.... ...... liw Pfltphor Tlinrn. peculiar about thia mask. It rhipIIm ni;e nair. Pitcher Yes, sir: we have been us Inir It .IS n il.lir niliflln Hlticn 1nt Hon son. Chicago News. Congressional Contest in Oregon. Salem, Or., June 1. Politicians are awaiting with considerable Interest tho result of the special election in the first district today to fill the va cancy In congress caused by the death of Congressman Thomas H. Tongue. Republicans express confi dence In the election of their candi date, Blnger Hermann, who resigned as public land commissioner last No vember. The democratic candidate Is A. E. Reems, of Jacksonville. Pa, what Is a bigot?" "A bigot, my son Is a person who doesn't think as I do, and sticks to It." Harper's Bazar. THE PERPETUAL WAR There is always a fight going on in every human body between health and dis ease. On one side are poor food, bad air, over-work, worry, colds, accidents. On the other are sunshine, rest, cheerfulness and nourish ment. The reason Scott's Emul sion fights 50 powerfully for health is because it gives so much more nourishment than you can get in any other way. Get in the sunlight and try Scott's Emulsion. Wt'U ftend you umple free upon request. SCOTT & IIOWNK, 409 Pearl ilreet, New York. Suffered Eight Months I can heartily recommend Acker's Tablets for dyspepsia and stomach troubles. I have been suffering for eight months anil tried many reme dies without relief, until I got Acker's Dyspepsia Tablet,:, which I used only a short time and am now perfectly well. Thanking you for tho speedy recovery, I am gratefully yours, Fran cis I. Gannor. Vnncouver, Wash. Send to W. II. Hookci & Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for a free trial package. (Nothing like them.) F. V. Schmidt & Co.. druggists. The Chicago Typewriter received the Gold Medal at the Paris Ex position over all others. Will do the work of any machine. Typewriter Supplies and Rub'bej Stamp goods. MAPLE BROS, Agents Electrical Supply House 257 Court St. !' and Machinery 0I SVEJURVESTER RV Street. f He,s Old Stand. MISSOURI BLACKSMITH ON THE J - BOOM Buggy and Hack Wheels at Cost. See us for Wheat racks before ordering elsewhere WANTED- First-class Horseshoer $3.00 per day steady. Missouri Blacksmith Shop. West Webb St. Hot Weather Specials This hot weather makci all feel that wo need the very lightest clothing we c n get, anil wc are going to make this a week of Special Bargains in Hot Wealher Goods Ladies gauze vests, slcevc'css, 3c each. Misses gauze vest , sleeveless, jc each. Ladies knee length knit gauze drawers, 69c, 50c 30c and 35c Ladies lace hose, all sizes, several styles, 25c pr.v Ladies lace liose, silk finish, worth 40c, special 30c pr. Ladies sunbonncts, good assortment, 25c, special 30c each, Japanese silk, all colors, 23c yd. Crystal cord wash silk in waist patterns, 4 yds, $1.75 pattern Ladies tailor made suits, special reduction of 10 per cent on all grade-:. Ladies walking skirts and dress skirts, all grades ao per cent reduction. The above ptices arc good for a week, and all who desire to save money Will find this the place to buy, and now the time THE FAIR Agents (or McCall's Patterns t SEASONABLE' SATISFACTION There is a lot of satisfaction in having a refrigerator these hot days, keeps everything so cool and fresh. Our stock is exceptionally complete - all sizes and prices SCREEN DOORS And Adjustable Window Screens are not only a con venience but a necessity anil we have anticipated your wants by putting in a stock of all sizes -give 11s your order early. BAKER & FOLSOM, Next Door to Postofflce GOING CAMPING?? YOU WILL probably need sonic camp supplies anil wc have anticipated your wants by laying in a big stock of Camp Stoves Fold Chairs Cots Tables Tents Wagon Covers Dutch Ovens Tin Rellectors for baking bread in fact everything you might need in camp nt JOS. BASLER, 106-412 AM IN ST. Local agent for the North German Lloyd Steamship Company. Tickets sod to all parts of the world. t Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once Delay will lead to serious breaks. First-cjass work guaranteed by BECK, the Reliable Plumber. Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel A HOT ONE. MIm Antlque-Don't you know, that when I rcfuned him be sot drunk a4 ",nyMli.dcTutrqu"-ItaBrai-t6 me that he carried the celebration to a 7 weal extreme. STOCK FARM FOR SALE 1 am sole acnt for the Lee farm of 1000 acres, six miles from Pendleton, on Birch creek. Good Water, Buildings, fine Orchard, Alfalfa Bottom. Terms, half cash. Will sell with or without stock. N. T. CONKLIN. A J J J .-. t - 1 .1. t .....-! -1. .J. A A M J J -M. M. J. J A VI f T I I ( I i I T T T I I n C Www V I I V I I I I I f I f I V 1 I WWW V V T T I 1 Would a Cream Separator Pay You IT WOULD EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE BUT ONE COW I A De Laval Cream Separator Will positively save 10 per cent to 50 percent in skim ming, save time and labor, insure purity of product, remove tuberculosis and disease germs, saves woman and housework, saves ice and water, saves $10 per cow every year. The De Laval is the only separator that absolutely took all the butter fat out cf the milk in the govern ment lest. I Thompson Hardware Co., 62 f Main St. r Headquarters for Fishing Supplies. . . . . M ,t J, A I lull ill Jllfl fill ill Jl ll llji .1111 ......... TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTT r . TTTTTTTTTf