The Shield Belfast Linen . . . Underwear Unexcelled for Durability Appearance Fit and Finish Baerft Daley GENERAL NEWS. Fifty more mllltlamon with a Hotchkiss gun and full uaulpnient. have been milled to the force of state troops nlready at Jackson, Ky. Bombardment of the skies by can non is to be used near Ottawa. On tario, to Induce rain. The situation is very alarming on account of forest fires and drouth. Representative l'ayne. ot New Turk, chairman of the house commit tee on ways and menus, declares that the next session ot congress will not touch either the tariff or trust ques tions. lntelv retired anil wealthy, cut his throat with a pen knife and died. He had worked so hard to accumulate his fortune that his mind had given way. Dynamite and cotton and waste soaked with oil. have been found In the basement of the Advontist sani tarium at Battle Creek, Mich., con tinuing rumors that nn attempt would he made to destroy the Institution. The row in the Philippines over the friars has resolved Itself Into a ques tion of supplanting the Spanisn priesthood with clergymen from America. The pope favors the change, but the Spanish Influence is tremendous anil hard to loosen. The floods now devastating East ern and Central Kansas are the great est calamity that has over befallen the state. No flood the state has ever before experienced has come within 15 feet of reaching the level the waters have already reached. llussia stands firm in her Mnn churian policy; so much so. that It is believed in some circles that she will not tolerate the all-round open com mercial door. There are Indications that Great Britain and Japan will combine to break tho commercial .blockade. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. PnnYinn voted S1G.OO0 bonds for sowers. Saturday. Robert E. Saltmarsh, an Oregon pioneer, died at The Dalles Sunday, A new oil burnor steamer is now beine built at the Hoqunim. Wash ship yards. Over 30 tons of mn.l for Dawson Is now lying stored In the postofllce nt Vancouver, B. C. Raymond Tnrnbrldge. aged 10. of Ashland, died Sunuay ot lockjaw, caused by u shot from a toy pistol. t-.i a n..r w1u killed Ella Mtiudt in Spokane, last January, has been found guilty or murder in uie degree. Mrs. T. (1. Tolle. a patient In the, Insane asylum, from Marlon county. , committed suicide Saturday by set-, ting flro to her clothing. Tim i tn nice department la Inves-! tlgntlng the mysterious disappear ance of two registered packages from flio linker City postofllce. The timber commissioner ot Wash-' Ington has appointed 20 special dep uties to patrol the forests during the dry season, to prevent fires. I The decomposed body ot Zaccarrl Rossi, a Swiss tliubernian, who per-1 Ished In the forest flro last Septum-, her. was found near Hoaqilim, Sun day. I The Cypress liwn cemetery ot San Francisco. Is being boycottod by the Federal I.abor Council, because of the dlschargo ot members ot tho Cemetery Workers' Union. John R. Kissinger, of Elma, Wash.. v.-ho enlisted in the lG7th Indiana volunteers at tho beginning of -tho Spanish-American war, was tho first iimn to submit to the yellow fever in-1 ocillatlon from a mosquito, in the ex pertinents made during tho war. to Health flbeeb ' t J ' ! ' I t I t HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. C. H. Boggs, Portland. Edward B. Starling. Portland. Soth Cntlln, Portland. Cl. S. Yoimgman. Portland. E. B. Canon, Portland. James Wing. Boston. H. Houssmnn, San Francisco. A. McMillan. Everett. J. B Crosfleld. San Francisco. E. II. Clarke, Pendleton. D. Sliultz. Spokane. J MM-fwkner. Snokano. Jim Elder. San Frnncisco. A. S. Heathfleld, Spokane. M. Ogdon. Portland. B. Johnson. Portland. H. T. W. W. H. Mcintosh. Portland. J. Meadows, Portland. J. Vanderllne. Kansas City. F. Walter B. Day. Chicago. F. E. Greene. San Francisco. A. W. Glander. Portland. E. W. Brighton. Portland . J. T. Lnmblrth. Portland. I? ii TiniY Portland. W. L, Hasbrouck, Kansas Ulty. Abbott, city. H. Caston, Spokane. Muelhnupt. Portland. 0. Brown. Baker City. R. Glendenning. Portland. H. Hess, Denver. D. Butcher. Denver. Golden Rule Hotel. .1 Knllv. Portlnnd. G. R. T. E. W. H. A. W. Mlso M Kollv. Portland. Mls3 O. Kotley. Portland. J. A. Best. Weston. Mrs. J. A. Heat. Weaton. J. Rlzen. Weston. Charles Taylor. Farmlngton. M. D. Showalter. Farmlngton. M. H. Torpey. Farmlngton. C. N. I.iirkam. Farm'ngton. M. Jones, city. E. M. Cameron. Walla Walla. E. Payent, Walla Walla. O. E. King. I.ostlne. C. I.. Stlckney. Similiter. Mm V n.irrett. J. C. Orasnionk, New York. J. w. DInekliumo and wife Ridge- Tllle. SI. Stewart, CIdgufleld. F. J. Gardner, Portland. S. A. Frans. Spokane. R. I.. Stownrt, Portland. H. P. Rolf, Wulla Wnlla. J. Lournln, Boise. Cliff. Bellinger. Salem. John Under, North Yuklnin. w E. Goudell. city. f I George Iloclierdam. city. C. Stover city. Charles Johnson, city. J. D. Spokane. i R. McClalie, Walla wniia. Mrs. O. A. Rose. Boise. ' James Pierce. Portland. F N. Churchill. Spokane. Georgo M. Froome. city. A. E. Shlck. Athena. J. W. Perrlngue. Adams. T. J. Kirk, Athena. William Wllcc. Tapper. R Morrlton, Adams. William Johnson, Freownter, D. J. Kirk, Milton. William Clarke, Freownter. Hunh Mcintosh. Milton C. Mcllngue, Portland. a. Joyce, Portland. f M C L. Downer. Spokane. G. D. Galley, Portland. J. W. Scott, Walla Walla. A. J. Hall, Spokane, W. I). .Marks, Spokane. f P. J. Laurence, Boise. J. B. Frnzlor, Milton. J. H. Taylor. Karmlngton, J. McKay, city. A. G. Newton. Paris. J. E. Davis. Canon. J. H. Hall and wife. Milton. B E, Mnrtln. Jonesboro. J. A. Reld. Portland, Miss v. Norboe, Portland. Adnm Appoll. Portland. W. 11. O'Hatr, Stockton. W. L. Davis, Portland. Biggest celebration In tho history of Pendleton next Fourth ot July. EGONIAN, pILETON. OREGON- MONDAY, JUNE 1, DAILY EAST OR NOTES FROM ECHO VERY SUCCESSFUL YEAR FOR THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Believed That an Increase In the Teaching Force Will Be Necessary Next Year The Money Is In Sight for the Canning Plant. Echo. May SO. The closing exer cises of the Echo schools at tho -E church Inst night was a matter of absorbing Interest. Tho church was packed to overflowing and many could not gel insuio at mi. ic grnm consisted ot songs, recitations, drills, dialogues and readings, in which the children acquitted them- selves very creditably, Successful School Year at Echo. The school year which has just closed here. Iuib. under the direction of Miss Francella Duncan, been a very ...... Tiw mini renlstra- HUCCU1III unv. , .i.. io in with nn nvernee attend ance of ! Each and all the grndes j are doing good work. Miss Duncan has lieen In the schools here for three years and the place has been tendered her for next yenr, hut she has not yet nccepted It. a .. .,tiai.,,i for Rpvnn months ' Dim lioaiaiv.1 - of the past year by Miss Moorhouse, 'and It Is thought inree ' will he required for the next term. , Yesterday and today wore very warm days and garden truck and nl- ' !., ,.wvlnir vnrv ranldly. A few more days of such weather will start the haying In earnest. D C. Brownell took yesterday evening's train for Pendleton. He says there will be nn Immense liny harvest on Butter creek, and that there Is great demand for hay. borne 300 tons have already been sold. The j price offered Is ?s. Mnntv in Slnht for Canning Plant. H. C. Willis and wife returned imm tiiolr Portland trln yesterday. .Mr. Willis says that his cannery Is nn assured success, with nlready enough capital In sight to construct mo plant. , , , , C S. Murfge has returned from his vacation and assumed his duties at the old stand with tne O. R. & N. Startling Evidence. Fresh testimony in great quantity is constantly coming in, declnrlng Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Coughs and Colds, to be unequnled. A recent expression from T. J., llentorvllle, Va.. serves as example. He writes: "I had bronchitis for three years and doc tored all the time without being benefited. Then 1 began taking Dr. King's New Discovery, and a lew not ties wholly cuml me." Equally ef fective In curing nil lung and throat troubles. consumption, pneumonia and grip. Guaranteed ny 'iniiman a Co.. druggists. Trial bottles free, regular size, 50c and $1. MONEY NOTES AND ACCOUNTS. Heavy Taxpayers Give in Large Amounts of Cash and Notes. The following list ot taxpayers have given m the amounts of money, notes ami accounts sc opposlc their rame.3. : mtt H. S'orgls. i. Pen dleton. Is the largest individual tax payer now on the- assessment rolls ot Hii nltv Money. Notes. l'orry Whltlock t VU- Echo Land and Lumber Co. ? 75 315 ,V. V. Whltworth 1000 II. G. Hurlbert 300 A. J. Davis "311 C. C. Kimball 200 rmgeno Ulppoy 2(Mi C. A. Despnln G. V. Snnpp 12(10 James V. Ferry 30(1 Henry Mnssle I H Deannln 1000 Charles Vinson 1000 11. T. Council ; E. B. Gumhee inn V. G. McBroom 1511 I Ilnnua Belike 1. B. Reeder .- Linn U. Sturgls 2100 Una 11. Sturgfs 50,830 hamuol George BOil G. A. Hnrtnian 1098 1800 Driven to Desperation. T Ivlnp- nr nn nut nf the U'flv Illnce. romoto from civilization, a family Is often driven to desperation In case of accident, resulting In hums, cuts, wnnnilK ulcers etc. Lav in a suiiulv of Bueklen's Arnica Salve. It's best on earth. 23c. at Tnlltnun & 13S 225 ! . 3(10 ' the i Co.. ill UK mini. For Sale. Throe-quartor sections of good wheat land, of which one-halt Is In grain, and all lies five miles north east of the city. A dwelling, two barns nnd other outbuildings, and a good water system. Call at Oliver & Co.'s grorory, or at the home of W. Rigby, 704 Thompson street. Sick Headache absolutely and per manently cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures Consti pation and Indigestion, makes, you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfac tion guaranteed or money back. 25 cts and 50 cts. Write to W. II. Hook er & Co., Buffalo, N. V., for a tree sample, P. W. Schmidt & Co., drug gists. A moment's anger may result In years of sorrow. PROGRAMATAGENGY SCHOLARS OF INDIAN SCHOOL WILL GIVE ENTERTAINMENT. Umatilla Agency School Best Reser vation School in United Statcs Mlss M. V. Galtner, Asslatcnt Su perintendent for 10 Years. The Umatilla Indian school will gj an Entertainment at the ; nRoney next Thursday evening to which the public is cordially Invltctl. The entertainment Is given on mh occasion of the close of the sol; ol year at the agency and the following program will be rendered: Opening cnorus, "Mag m n dom." school. Flag drill, small hoys. "My Bonnie Bird." song. Lu ton Maud Joe and Vera Spokane. ' Mother Goose. 1(1 primary children. Shepherd's chorus, hoys and Mris. "Wild Flowers," song, four gins. "Three Kittens." Louise Irlsbols, Emma Johnson. Anna Iliac U " . "Whistle and Hoe," eight small hoys. , , -Turkee Turks," six kMs. "Sunflower Chorus," ton little sun flowers, boys and girls. Lilly drill, small gins. .Manual of arms, large hoys. "Good Night." song, four small gfThe Umatilla Indian school has grown to be the very nesi r " school in the Indian service, under the able and efficient management ot Miss M V. Galther. who has occu pied the position ot assistant super intendent for the past 10 years. The great progress made by the pu pils In the Umatilla school Is one of the most remarkanie object lessons In the education of the sav age that .as ever been presented to the people of Eastern Oregon. The prlncfiml teacher at the school Is Miss Hattle M. McDowell, who has been connected with the institution for the past eight years mid Is one of the most efficient teachers in the Indian school service in tne uuueu States. To Miss McDowell and Miss uertrude M. Golden, primary teach er Is due much or the credit of the preparation for this entertainment. They have been drilling tnoir little "sunflowers" constantly for weeks, nmi tim nrnnrnm nromlses to be In teresting, instructive and unique. I. 11. IJnmber. industrial teacher and drill master, has had charge of the mllitarv drills that will he presented. Stock Farm for Sale. The Ogle stock farm, consisting of 3(Mn ncres, about 250 head of cattle. plenty ot water, grass uuu Range has never been sheeped off. All under fence. Will grow all liny re quired. Call on or write to Bentley & Hnrtnian. Pendleton. Oregon. Stock Cattle for Sale. Have for sale 50 head of cows. 25 calves by side; 10,2-year-old heifers, and 15 yearling heifers. ELMER Sl'lKB. Echo. Ore. TRANSFER TRUCKING STORAGE CROWNER BROS bargains tti 3IHI I Telupliniin Mnlu 4 I I Real Estate! T havo a larger nnd liot.'ev list of Farms, Stock Ranches and City Property to than ever before. Also a lot ot land in the coming wheat section of Eastern Washington. N. Berkeley 1903 - - I I 1 Usually a 5 cent Cigar is Commonplace, but the Parrot Cigar Assumes the Individuality of a Poetic Thought in Tobacco. "Just Try a ' Parrot Qgar' ' 5 cents Aslr Your Dealer BELL & CO. Sole distributors Portland, Or. COMING OUR WAY Hood ork tell. We re kept busy the" iron Mint ud riiliU-nU uo them, liien. oo ire prompt in executing repair orderi. e hve tours We have the celebrated K, ,Voi w Hi teel Ud l.iibs and uuter- (lasolme tuine.. Irriidttng riimpi Him i.e l.nerejnerl and Engine.. Call and e-xainlue our ttuck. NEAGLE BROS. HLargc Rooms Coutviilly I.oeiiti'd KlecantlTturuUhedwItU inoileni appliances nnunr UKIU aa 1 ruuniUK wniermi-in i I Kooms bT the ilav week urmnntli. Heit i, ' 60,7;c. It, F Ri:KX. Prop. 7;i. Colionwooil St. Out Prescription Department. Is an especial feature of our store. We realize our re sponsibility and are very particular in every detail, using only the best and purest drugs. It matters not what physician writes your prescriptions they will be compounded by a com petent, reliable pharmacist when presented here and at sull prices that are always reas big onable. F. W. Schmidt's The Reliable Druggist l'oitofficc Mock. I'liane Main 8J1 n ji . renaetnw C4nnH I . S m m m m Wo have iust nn...j . IV equipped mm,!... .... ... sl 0, ,)le p conian Buildine. v. pared to IV. fit tin, promptly ""SUlt our ii give us a make special rates tc ua mm we Hi rill I. iu v-iunese wash honwet less wear at our laundrt none but white heln Stenhpnc x. 1 j fllllllH 11KIII I fill D.ll 4&1IUIP i oor,r i i nt... MET PROMPTLY By the Fire Insurance panies we represent. cnmnanipt. ctnn c... r - "m HIM woria. nanioro fire insurance IWn Ainauce Assurance to. . 9 Lionaou it iiaucasblre Fin lUSUIdllUC Vlf ... .... North British & Mercintii to l ttoyal lusurance Uo.. 11 ii mil AGENT JUST lfl THAI UEL C nniiii nn hi iii mi )M h UL J (HTML' Tl I T 1 I LM 1 JITW.VPn Country Butter Creamery Butter TILLAMOOK and CALIF, ' :ifiiiMii .i nrw urine . i j i 1U Ulll LUUllMm-lM (tuu ub.i to all parts of the city will the moment promised. D. KEMLER The Big Store in a Kooin. A 14. fJiiAnt llnnncira 9T1I LET US FI YOUR BI DOD T TTm Building Material ol descriptions ana w you money nriATl C? . W M U 1 IU1" b V'r" cement. oritN -- vvnn euiici anil awetuiiBs . . . - .n.ri Oregon Lumber Alta St., Opp. Court Lfinu flflMM KS I JVJJ uuwu"'" IncorpouKs- MiniK-apolr i hiuso Uiaiu an" - Ml . . . . 1 Wl I I 1111 ;,nntlt liiimro'u' .....r-i-r rnnN 4ND YVntAl VjUImi 1 mlt n w. eh.rce uo l" ttucki. . . .r,TTo. in Bnsnei $ a ana'0 .lnll 87 lending ln' 'merce ! olllcei, n - . rfflN II . . n iirriv 1 11 i on ' '" , ,20 ce'' raniici i-rea w lwy oo In""-